#include "mwindowgui.h"
#include "plugindialog.h"
#include "resizetrackthread.h"
-#include "theme.h"
#include "track.h"
#include "tracks.h"
#include "trackcanvas.h"
add_item(new EditPopupMutePack(mwindow, this));
add_item(new EditPopupPaste(mwindow, this));
add_item(new EditPopupOverwrite(mwindow, this));
- add_item(new EditPopupFindAsset(mwindow, this));
- add_item(new EditPopupShow(mwindow, this));
- add_item(new EditPopupUserTitle(mwindow, this));
- add_item(new EditPopupTitleColor(mwindow, this));
+ add_item(new EditPopupOverwritePlugins(mwindow, this));
int EditPopup::activate_menu(Track *track, Edit *edit,
return 1;
-EditPopupFindAsset::EditPopupFindAsset(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup)
- : BC_MenuItem(_("Find in Resources"))
+EditPopupOverwritePlugins::EditPopupOverwritePlugins(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup)
+ : BC_MenuItem(_("Overwrite Plugins"),_("Ctrl-Shift-P"),'P')
this->mwindow = mwindow;
this->popup = popup;
+ set_ctrl(1);
+ set_shift(1);
-int EditPopupFindAsset::handle_event()
- Edit *edit = popup->edit;
- if( edit ) {
- Indexable *idxbl = (Indexable *)edit->asset;
- if( !idxbl ) idxbl = (Indexable *)edit->nested_edl;
- if( idxbl ) {
- AWindowGUI *agui = mwindow->awindow->gui;
- agui->lock_window("EditPopupFindAsset::handle_event");
- AssetPicon *picon = 0;
- for( int i=0, n=agui->assets.size(); i<n; ++i ) {
- AssetPicon *ap = (AssetPicon *)agui->assets[i];
- int found = ap->indexable && ( idxbl == ap->indexable ||
- !strcmp(idxbl->path, ap->indexable->path) );
- if( found && !picon ) picon = ap;
- ap->set_selected(found);
- }
- if( picon ) {
- int selected_folder = picon->indexable->folder_no;
- mwindow->edl->session->awindow_folder = selected_folder;
- for( int i=0,n=agui->folders.size(); i<n; ++i ) {
- AssetPicon *folder_item = (AssetPicon *)agui->folders[i];
- int selected = folder_item->foldernum == selected_folder ? 1 : 0;
- folder_item->set_selected(selected);
- }
- }
- agui->unlock_window();
- agui->async_update_assets();
- }
- }
- return 1;
-EditPopupUserTitle::EditPopupUserTitle(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup)
- : BC_MenuItem(_("User title..."))
- this->mwindow = mwindow;
- this->popup = popup;
- dialog_thread = new EditUserTitleDialogThread(this);
- delete dialog_thread;
-int EditPopupUserTitle::handle_event()
- if( popup->edit ) {
- dialog_thread->close_window();
- int wx = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_x(0) - 400 / 2;
- int wy = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_y(0) - 500 / 2;
- dialog_thread->start(wx, wy);
- }
- return 1;
-void EditUserTitleDialogThread::start(int wx, int wy)
- this->wx = wx; this->wy = wy;
- BC_DialogThread::start();
-EditUserTitleDialogThread::EditUserTitleDialogThread(EditPopupUserTitle *edit_title)
- this->edit_title = edit_title;
- window = 0;
- close_window();
-BC_Window* EditUserTitleDialogThread::new_gui()
- MWindow *mwindow = edit_title->mwindow;
- EditPopup *popup = edit_title->popup;
- window = new EditPopupUserTitleWindow(mwindow, popup, wx, wy);
- window->create_objects();
- return window;
-void EditUserTitleDialogThread::handle_close_event(int result)
- window = 0;
-void EditUserTitleDialogThread::handle_done_event(int result)
- if( result ) return;
- MWindow *mwindow = edit_title->mwindow;
- EditPopup *popup = edit_title->popup;
- EDL *edl = mwindow->edl;
- const char *text = window->title_text->get_text();
- int count = 0;
- for( Track *track=edl->tracks->first; track; track=track->next ) {
- if( !track->record ) continue;
- for( Edit *edit=track->edits->first; edit; edit=edit->next ) {
- if( !edit->is_selected ) continue;
- strcpy(edit->user_title, text);
- ++count;
- }
- }
- if( count )
- edl->tracks->clear_selected_edits();
- else if( popup->edit ) {
- strcpy(popup->edit->user_title, text);
- }
- mwindow->gui->lock_window("EditUserTitleDialogThread::handle_done_event");
- mwindow->gui->draw_canvas(1, 0);
- mwindow->gui->flash_canvas(1);
- mwindow->gui->unlock_window();
-EditPopupUserTitleWindow::EditPopupUserTitleWindow(MWindow *mwindow,
- EditPopup *popup, int wx, int wy)
- : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Set edit title"), wx, wy,
- 300, 130, 300, 130, 0, 0, 1)
- this->mwindow = mwindow;
- this->popup = popup;
- strcpy(new_text, !popup->edit ? "" : popup->edit->user_title);
-void EditPopupUserTitleWindow::create_objects()
- lock_window("EditPopupUserTitleWindow::create_objects");
- int x = 10, y = 10, x1;
- BC_Title *title = new BC_Title(x1=x, y, _("User title:"));
- add_subwindow(title); x1 += title->get_w() + 10;
- title_text = new EditPopupUserTitleText(this, mwindow, x1, y, new_text);
- add_subwindow(title_text);
- add_tool(new BC_OKButton(this));
- add_tool(new BC_CancelButton(this));
- show_window();
- flush();
- unlock_window();
-EditPopupUserTitleText::EditPopupUserTitleText(EditPopupUserTitleWindow *window,
- MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y, const char *text)
- : BC_TextBox(x, y, window->get_w()-x-15, 1, text)
- this->window = window;
- this->mwindow = mwindow;
-int EditPopupUserTitleText::handle_event()
- if( get_keypress() == RETURN )
- window->set_done(0);
- return 1;
-EditPopupTitleColor::EditPopupTitleColor(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup)
- : BC_MenuItem(_("Bar Color..."))
- this->mwindow = mwindow;
- this->popup = popup;
- color_picker = 0;
- delete color_picker;
-int EditPopupTitleColor::handle_event()
- if( popup->edit ) {
- int color = popup->mwindow->get_title_color(popup->edit);
- if( !color ) color = popup->mwindow->theme->get_color_title_bg();
- delete color_picker;
- color_picker = new EditTitleColorPicker(popup, color);
- int alpha = (~color>>24) & 0xff;
- color_picker->start_window(color & 0xffffff, alpha, 1);
- }
- return 1;
- EditTitleColorPicker *color_picker, int x, int y)
- : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("default"))
- this->color_picker = color_picker;
-int EditTitleColorDefault::handle_event()
- const unsigned color = 0, alpha = 0xff;
- color_picker->color = color | (~alpha << 24);
- color_picker->update_gui(color, alpha);
- return 1;
-EditTitleColorPicker::EditTitleColorPicker(EditPopup *popup, int color)
- : ColorPicker(1, _("Bar Color"))
- this->popup = popup;
- this->color = color;
-void EditTitleColorPicker::create_objects(ColorWindow *gui)
- int y = gui->get_h() - BC_CancelButton::calculate_h() + 10;
- int x = gui->get_w() - BC_CancelButton::calculate_w() - 10;
- x -= BC_GenericButton::calculate_w(gui, _("default")) + 15;
- gui->add_subwindow(new EditTitleColorDefault(this, x, y));
-int EditTitleColorPicker::handle_new_color(int color, int alpha)
- this->color = color | (~alpha << 24);
- return 1;
-void EditTitleColorPicker::handle_done_event(int result)
- if( !result ) {
- EDL *edl = popup->mwindow->edl;
- int count = 0;
- for( Track *track=edl->tracks->first; track; track=track->next ) {
- if( !track->record ) continue;
- for( Edit *edit=track->edits->first; edit; edit=edit->next ) {
- if( !edit->is_selected ) continue;
- edit->color = color;
- ++count;
- }
- }
- if( count )
- edl->tracks->clear_selected_edits();
- else
- popup->edit->color = color;
- }
- MWindowGUI *mwindow_gui = popup->mwindow->gui;
- mwindow_gui->lock_window("GWindowColorUpdate::run");
- mwindow_gui->draw_trackmovement();
- mwindow_gui->unlock_window();
-EditPopupShow::EditPopupShow(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup)
- : BC_MenuItem(_("Show edit"))
- this->mwindow = mwindow;
- this->popup = popup;
- dialog_thread = new EditShowDialogThread(this);
- delete dialog_thread;
-int EditPopupShow::handle_event()
+int EditPopupOverwritePlugins::handle_event()
- if( popup->edit ) {
- dialog_thread->close_window();
- int wx = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_x(0) - 400 / 2;
- int wy = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_y(0) - 500 / 2;
- dialog_thread->start(wx, wy);
+ mwindow->paste_clipboard(popup->track, popup->position, 1, 0,
+ mwindow->edl->session->labels_follow_edits,
+ mwindow->edl->session->autos_follow_edits,
+ mwindow->edl->session->plugins_follow_edits);
+ mwindow->edl->tracks->clear_selected_edits();
+ if( mwindow->session->current_operation == DROP_TARGETING ) {
+ mwindow->session->current_operation = NO_OPERATION;
+ popup->gui->update_cursor();
return 1;
-void EditShowDialogThread::start(int wx, int wy)
- this->wx = wx; this->wy = wy;
- BC_DialogThread::start();
-EditShowDialogThread::EditShowDialogThread(EditPopupShow *edit_show)
- this->edit_show = edit_show;
- window = 0;
- close_window();
-BC_Window* EditShowDialogThread::new_gui()
- MWindow *mwindow = edit_show->mwindow;
- EditPopup *popup = edit_show->popup;
- window = new EditPopupShowWindow(mwindow, popup, wx, wy);
- window->create_objects();
- return window;
-void EditShowDialogThread::handle_close_event(int result)
- window = 0;
-EditPopupShowWindow::EditPopupShowWindow(MWindow *mwindow,
- EditPopup *popup, int wx, int wy)
- : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Show edit"), wx, wy,
- 300, 220, 300, 220, 0, 0, 1)
- this->mwindow = mwindow;
- this->popup = popup;
-void EditPopupShowWindow::create_objects()
- lock_window("EditPopupShowWindow::create_objects");
- int x = 10, y = 10;
- BC_Title *title;
- char text[BCTEXTLEN];
- Edit *edit = popup->edit;
- Track *track = edit->track;
- sprintf(text, _("Track %d:"), mwindow->edl->tracks->number_of(track)+1);
- add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, text));
- int x1 = x + title->get_w() + 10;
- int tw = get_w() - x1 - 20;
- truncate_text(text, track->title, tw);
- add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, text));
- y += title->get_h() + 5;
- sprintf(text, _("Edit %d:"), track->edits->number_of(edit)+1);
- add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, text));
- char edit_title[BCTEXTLEN];
- edit->get_title(edit_title);
- truncate_text(text, edit_title, tw);
- add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, text));
- y += title->get_h() + 5;
- EDLSession *session = mwindow->edl->session;
- int time_format = session->time_format;
- int sample_rate = session->sample_rate;
- double frame_rate = session->frame_rate;
- double frames_per_foot = session->frames_per_foot;
- double startsource = track->from_units(edit->startsource);
- double startproject = track->from_units(edit->startproject);
- double length = track->from_units(edit->length);
- char text_startsource[BCSTRLEN];
- char text_startproject[BCSTRLEN];
- char text_length[BCSTRLEN];
- sprintf(text, _("StartSource: %s\nStartProject: %s\nLength: %s\n"),
- Units::totext(text_startsource, startsource,
- time_format, sample_rate, frame_rate, frames_per_foot),
- Units::totext(text_startproject, startproject,
- time_format, sample_rate, frame_rate, frames_per_foot),
- Units::totext(text_length, length,
- time_format, sample_rate, frame_rate, frames_per_foot));
- show_text = new EditPopupShowText(this, mwindow, x+15, y+10, text);
- add_subwindow(show_text);
- add_tool(new BC_OKButton(this));
- show_window();
- flush();
- unlock_window();
-EditPopupShowText::EditPopupShowText(EditPopupShowWindow *window,
- MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y, const char *text)
- : BC_TextBox(x, y, 250, 4, text)
- this->window = window;
- this->mwindow = mwindow;
#include "guicast.h"
#include "edit.inc"
-#include "colorpicker.h"
#include "editpopup.inc"
#include "mwindow.inc"
#include "mwindowgui.inc"
EditPopup *popup;
-class EditPopupFindAsset : public BC_MenuItem
+class EditPopupOverwritePlugins : public BC_MenuItem
- EditPopupFindAsset(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup);
+ EditPopupOverwritePlugins(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup);
int handle_event();
- MWindow *mwindow;
- EditPopup *popup;
-class EditPopupUserTitle : public BC_MenuItem
- EditPopupUserTitle(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup);
- ~EditPopupUserTitle();
- int handle_event();
- MWindow *mwindow;
- EditPopup *popup;
- EditUserTitleDialogThread *dialog_thread;
-class EditPopupUserTitleText : public BC_TextBox
- EditPopupUserTitleText(EditPopupUserTitleWindow *window,
- MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y, const char *text);
- ~EditPopupUserTitleText();
- int handle_event();
- MWindow *mwindow;
- EditPopupUserTitleWindow *window;
-class EditPopupUserTitleWindow : public BC_Window
- EditPopupUserTitleWindow(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup, int wx, int wy);
- ~EditPopupUserTitleWindow();
- void create_objects();
- void handle_close_event(int result);
- EditPopupUserTitleText *title_text;
- MWindow *mwindow;
- EditPopup *popup;
- char new_text[BCTEXTLEN];
-class EditUserTitleDialogThread : public BC_DialogThread
- EditUserTitleDialogThread(EditPopupUserTitle *edit_title);
- ~EditUserTitleDialogThread();
- void handle_close_event(int result);
- void handle_done_event(int result);
- BC_Window* new_gui();
- void start(int wx, int wy);
- int wx, wy;
- EditPopupUserTitle *edit_title;
- EditPopupUserTitleWindow *window;
-class EditPopupTitleColor : public BC_MenuItem
- EditPopupTitleColor(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup);
- ~EditPopupTitleColor();
- int handle_event();
- MWindow *mwindow;
- EditPopup *popup;
- EditTitleColorPicker *color_picker;
-class EditTitleColorDefault : public BC_GenericButton
- EditTitleColorDefault(EditTitleColorPicker *color_picker, int x, int y);
- int handle_event();
- EditTitleColorPicker *color_picker;
-class EditTitleColorPicker : public ColorPicker
- EditTitleColorPicker(EditPopup *popup, int color);
- ~EditTitleColorPicker();
- void create_objects(ColorWindow *gui);
- int handle_new_color(int color, int alpha);
- void handle_done_event(int result);
- EditPopup *popup;
- int color;
-class EditPopupShow : public BC_MenuItem
- EditPopupShow(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup);
- ~EditPopupShow();
- int handle_event();
- MWindow *mwindow;
- EditPopup *popup;
- EditShowDialogThread *dialog_thread;
-class EditShowDialogThread : public BC_DialogThread
- EditShowDialogThread(EditPopupShow *edit_show);
- ~EditShowDialogThread();
- BC_Window* new_gui();
- void start(int wx, int wy);
- void handle_close_event(int result);
- int wx, wy;
- EditPopupShow *edit_show;
- EditPopupShowWindow *window;
-class EditPopupShowText : public BC_TextBox
- EditPopupShowText(EditPopupShowWindow *window,
- MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y, const char *text);
- ~EditPopupShowText();
- EditPopupShowWindow *window;
- MWindow *mwindow;
-class EditPopupShowWindow : public BC_Window
- EditPopupShowWindow(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup, int wx, int wy);
- ~EditPopupShowWindow();
- void create_objects();
- EditPopupShowText *show_text;
MWindow *mwindow;
EditPopup *popup;
class EditPopupMutePack;
class EditPopupPaste;
class EditPopupOverwrite;
-class EditPopupFindAsset;
-class EditPopupUserTitle;
-class EditPopupUserTitleText;
-class EditPopupUserTitleWindow;
-class EditUserTitleDialogThread;
-class EditPopupTitleColor;
-class EditTitleColorPicker;
-class EditPopupShow;
-class EditShowDialogThread;
-class EditPopupShowText;
-class EditPopupShowWindow;
+class EditPopupOverwritePlugins;
return 0;
-class Zone { public: Track *track; int64_t start, end; };
+static int dead_edit_cmp(Edit**ap, Edit**bp)
+ Edit *a = *ap, *b = *bp;
+ if( a->track != b->track ) return 0;
+ return a->startproject > b->startproject ? -1 : 1;
void EDL::delete_edits(ArrayList<Edit*> *edits, int collapse)
+ edits->sort(dead_edit_cmp);
if( session->labels_follow_edits )
delete_edit_labels(edits, collapse);
- ArrayList<Zone> zones;
for( int i=0; i<edits->size(); ++i ) {
Edit *edit = edits->get(i);
Track *track = edit->track;
int64_t start = edit->startproject;
- int64_t end = start + edit->length;
- Zone &zone = zones.append();
- zone.track = track; zone.start = start; zone.end = end;
+ int64_t length = edit->length;
+ int64_t end = start + length;
if( session->autos_follow_edits ) {
track->automation->clear(start, end, 0, collapse);
plugin_set->paste_silence(start, end);
- track->optimize();
- }
- for( int i=0; i<zones.size(); ++i ) {
- Zone &zone = zones[i];
- Track *track = zone.track;
- int64_t start = zone.start, end = zone.end;
- track->edits->clear(start, end);
- if( !collapse )
- track->edits->paste_silence(start, end);
+ Edit *dead_edit = edit;
+ if( collapse ) {
+ while( (edit=edit->next) )
+ edit->startproject -= length;
+ }
+ delete dead_edit;
void move_edits(ArrayList<Edit*> *edits, Track *track, double position,
// 0 - old style (cut and insert elswhere), 1- new style - (clear and overwrite elsewere)
int behaviour);
+ void paste_edits(EDL *clip, Track *first_track, double position, int overwrite,
+ int edit_edits, int edit_labels, int edit_autos, int edit_plugins);
+ void paste_clipboard(Track *first_track, double position, int overwrite,
+ int edit_edits, int edit_labels, int edit_autos, int edit_plugins);
void move_group(EDL *group, Track *first_track, double position);
// Move effect to position
void move_effect(Plugin *plugin, Track *track, int64_t position);
if( !new_track )
new_track = new_edl->add_new_track(track->data_type);
int64_t edit_pos = edit_start_pos - start_pos;
- if( !packed ) {
- if( edit_pos > startproject ) {
- Edit *silence = new Edit(new_edl, new_track);
- silence->startproject = startproject;
- silence->length = edit_pos - startproject;
- new_track->edits->append(silence);
- startproject = edit_pos;
- }
+ if( !packed && edit_pos > startproject ) {
+ Edit *silence = new Edit(new_edl, new_track);
+ silence->startproject = startproject;
+ silence->length = edit_pos - startproject;
+ new_track->edits->append(silence);
+ startproject = edit_pos;
int64_t clip_start_pos = startproject;
Edit *clip_edit = new Edit(new_edl, new_track);
plugin_end_pos = edit_end_pos;
if( plugin_start_pos >= plugin_end_pos ) continue;
int64_t plugin_pos = plugin_start_pos - start_pos;
- if( plugin_pos > startplugin ) {
+ if( !packed && plugin_pos > startplugin ) {
Plugin *silence = new Plugin(new_edl, new_track, "");
silence->startproject = startplugin;
silence->length = plugin_pos - startplugin;
KeyFrames *keyframes = plugin->keyframes;
KeyFrames *new_keyframes = new_plugin->keyframes;
- new_keyframes->default_auto->position = startplugin;
+ new_keyframes->default_auto->position = new_plugin->startproject;
KeyFrame *keyframe = (KeyFrame*)keyframes->first;
for( ; keyframe; keyframe=(KeyFrame*)keyframe->next ) {
if( keyframe->position < edit_start_pos ) continue;
if( keyframe->position >= edit_end_pos ) break;
KeyFrame *clip_keyframe = new KeyFrame(new_edl, new_keyframes);
- int64_t clip_position = keyframe->position - start_pos;
- clip_keyframe->position = clip_position;
+ int64_t key_position = keyframe->position - start_pos;
+ if( packed )
+ key_position += new_plugin->startproject - plugin_pos;
+ clip_keyframe->position = key_position;
gui->update(1, NORMAL_DRAW, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-void MWindow::move_group(EDL *group, Track *first_track, double position)
- undo->update_undo_before();
- ArrayList<Edit *>edits;
- edl->tracks->get_selected_edits(&edits);
- edl->delete_edits(&edits, 0);
- Track *src = group->tracks->first;
+void MWindow::paste_edits(EDL *clip, Track *first_track, double position, int overwrite,
+ int edit_edits, int edit_labels, int edit_autos, int edit_plugins)
+ if( edit_labels ) {
+ Label *edl_label = edl->labels->first;
+ for( Label *label=clip->labels->first; label; label=label->next ) {
+ double label_pos = position + label->position;
+ int exists = 0;
+ while( edl_label &&
+ !(exists=edl->equivalent(edl_label->position, label_pos)) &&
+ edl_label->position < position ) edl_label = edl_label->next;
+ if( exists ) continue;
+ edl->labels->insert_before(edl_label,
+ new Label(edl, edl->labels, label_pos, label->textstr));
+ }
+ }
+ if( !first_track )
+ first_track = edl->tracks->first;
+ Track *src = clip->tracks->first;
for( Track *track=first_track; track && src; track=track->next ) {
if( !track->record ) continue;
int64_t pos = track->to_units(position, 0);
- for( Edit *edit=src->edits->first; edit; edit=edit->next ) {
- if( edit->silence() ) continue;
- int64_t start = pos + edit->startproject;
- int64_t end = start + edit->length;
- track->edits->clear(start, end);
- Edit *dst = track->edits->insert_new_edit(start);
- dst->copy_from(edit);
- dst->startproject = start;
- dst->is_selected = 1;
- while( (dst=dst->next) != 0 )
- dst->startproject += edit->length;
+ if( edit_edits ) {
+ for( Edit *edit=src->edits->first; edit; edit=edit->next ) {
+ if( edit->silence() ) continue;
+ int64_t start = pos + edit->startproject;
+ int64_t end = start + edit->length;
+ if( overwrite )
+ track->edits->clear(start, end);
+ Edit *dst = track->edits->insert_new_edit(start);
+ dst->copy_from(edit);
+ dst->startproject = start;
+ dst->is_selected = 1;
+ while( (dst=dst->next) != 0 )
+ dst->startproject += edit->length;
+ }
- if( edl->session->autos_follow_edits ) {
+ if( edit_autos ) {
for( int i=0; i<AUTOMATION_TOTAL; ++i ) {
Autos *src_autos = src->automation->autos[i];
if( !src_autos ) continue;
Autos *autos = track->automation->autos[i];
for( Auto *aut0=src_autos->first; aut0; aut0=aut0->next ) {
- int64_t position = pos + aut0->position;
- autos->insert_auto(position, aut0);
+ int64_t auto_pos = pos + aut0->position;
+ autos->insert_auto(auto_pos, aut0);
- if( edl->session->plugins_follow_edits ) {
+ if( edit_plugins ) {
for( int i=0; i<src->plugin_set.size(); ++i ) {
PluginSet *plugin_set = src->plugin_set[i];
if( !plugin_set ) continue;
for( ; plugin; plugin=(Plugin *)plugin->next ) {
int64_t start = pos + plugin->startproject;
int64_t end = start + plugin->length;
- dst_plugin_set->clear(start, end, 1);
+ if( overwrite )
+ dst_plugin_set->clear(start, end, 1);
Plugin *dst = dst_plugin_set->insert_plugin(
plugin->title, start, end-start,
plugin->plugin_type, &plugin->shared_location,
(KeyFrame*)plugin->keyframes->default_auto, 0);
KeyFrame *keyframe = (KeyFrame*)plugin->keyframes->first;
for( ; keyframe; keyframe=(KeyFrame*)keyframe->next ) {
- int64_t position = pos + keyframe->position;
- dst->keyframes->insert_auto(position, keyframe);
+ int64_t keyframe_pos = pos + keyframe->position;
+ dst->keyframes->insert_auto(keyframe_pos, keyframe);
src = src->next;
+void MWindow::paste_clipboard(Track *first_track, double position, int overwrite,
+ int edit_edits, int edit_labels, int edit_autos, int edit_plugins)
+ int64_t len = gui->clipboard_len(BC_PRIMARY_SELECTION);
+ if( !len ) return;
+ char *string = new char[len];
+ gui->from_clipboard(string, len, BC_PRIMARY_SELECTION);
+ FileXML file;
+ file.read_from_string(string);
+ delete [] string;
+ EDL *clip = new EDL();
+ clip->create_objects();
+ if( !clip->load_xml(&file, LOAD_ALL) ) {
+ undo->update_undo_before();
+ paste_edits(clip, first_track, position, overwrite,
+ edit_edits, edit_labels, edit_autos, edit_plugins);
+ save_backup();
+ undo->update_undo_after(_("paste clip"), LOAD_ALL);
+ restart_brender();
+ cwindow->refresh_frame(CHANGE_EDL);
+ update_plugin_guis();
+ gui->update(1, NORMAL_DRAW, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ clip->remove_user();
+void MWindow::move_group(EDL *group, Track *first_track, double position)
+ undo->update_undo_before();
+ ArrayList<Edit *>edits;
+ edl->tracks->get_selected_edits(&edits);
+ edl->delete_edits(&edits, 0);
+ paste_edits(group, first_track, position, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
// big debate over whether to do this, must either clear selected, or no tweaking
// edl->tracks->clear_selected_edits();
#include "edl.h"
#include "edlsession.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
+#include "filexml.h"
#include "keyframepopup.h"
#include "keys.h"
#include "language.h"
if( result ) return result;
Track *this_track = 0, *first_track = 0;
- int collapse = 0, packed = 0, overwrite = 0;
+ int collapse = 0, packed = 0, overwrite = 0, plugins = 0;
double position = 0;
switch( get_keypress() ) {
result = 1;
+ case 'P':
+ plugins = 1;
case 'b':
overwrite = -1; // fall thru
case 'v':
position = mwindow->edl->local_session->get_selectionstart();
- mwindow->paste(position, first_track, 0, overwrite);
+ if( !plugins )
+ mwindow->paste(position, first_track, 0, overwrite);
+ else
+ mwindow->paste_clipboard(first_track, position, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1);
result = 1;
result = 1;
- case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
- case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8':
+ case '1' ... '8':
if( !alt_down() || shift_down() ) break;
if( !mwindow->select_asset(get_keypress()-'1',1) )
result = 1;
if(cursor_x >= edit_x && cursor_x < edit_x + edit_w &&
cursor_y >= edit_y && cursor_y < edit_y + edit_h) {
if( button_press && get_buttonpress() == LEFT_BUTTON ) {
- if( get_double_click() ) {
- mwindow->edl->tracks->clear_selected_edits();
+ if( get_double_click() && (ctrl_down() ||
+ mwindow->edl->session->editing_mode == EDITING_IBEAM) ) {
+// Select duration of edit
double start = edit->track->from_units(edit->startproject);
start = mwindow->edl->align_to_frame(start, 0);
- if( ctrl_down() ) {
-// Select duration of edit
- double end = edit->track->from_units(edit->startproject+edit->length);
- end = mwindow->edl->align_to_frame(end, 0);
- mwindow->edl->local_session->set_selectionend(end);
- mwindow->edl->tracks->select_affected_edits(
- edit->track->from_units(edit->startproject),
- edit->track, 1);
- }
- else {
- mwindow->edl->local_session->set_selectionend(start);
- edit->set_selected(1);
- }
+ double end = edit->track->from_units(edit->startproject+edit->length);
+ end = mwindow->edl->align_to_frame(end, 0);
+ mwindow->edl->local_session->set_selectionend(end);
+ mwindow->edl->tracks->clear_selected_edits();
+ mwindow->edl->tracks->select_affected_edits(
+ edit->track->from_units(edit->startproject),
+ edit->track, 1);
result = 1;
- else if( mwindow->edl->session->editing_mode == EDITING_ARROW ) {
+ else if( mwindow->edl->session->editing_mode == EDITING_ARROW ||
+ ctrl_down() ) {
mwindow->session->drag_edit = edit;
mwindow->session->current_operation = GROUP_TOGGLE;
result = 1;
mwindow->session->drag_position =
mwindow->edl->get_cursor_position(cursor_x, pane->number);
drag_start = 0; // if unselected "fast" drag
- if( !ctrl_down() && !edit->silence() && !edit->is_selected ) {
+ if( !edit->silence() && !edit->is_selected ) {
- mwindow->edl->tracks->select_affected_edits(
- edit->track->from_units(edit->startproject),
- edit->track, 1);
+ if( ctrl_down() ) {
+ double start = edit->track->from_units(edit->startproject);
+ mwindow->edl->local_session->set_selectionend(start);
+ edit->set_selected(1);
+ }
+ else
+ mwindow->edl->tracks->select_affected_edits(
+ edit->track->from_units(edit->startproject),
+ edit->track, 1);
drag_start = 1;
// Construct list of all affected edits
#include "assets.h"
#include "awindow.h"
#include "awindowgui.h"
+#include "edit.h"
+#include "edits.h"
#include "edl.h"
#include "edlsession.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "mwindowgui.h"
#include "plugindialog.h"
#include "resizetrackthread.h"
+#include "theme.h"
#include "track.h"
#include "tracks.h"
#include "trackpopup.h"
add_item(new TrackMoveDown(mwindow, this));
add_item(new TrackPopupDeleteTrack(mwindow, this));
add_item(new TrackPopupAddTrack(mwindow, this));
+ add_item(new TrackPopupFindAsset(mwindow, this));
+ add_item(new TrackPopupShow(mwindow, this));
+ add_item(new TrackPopupUserTitle(mwindow, this));
+ add_item(new TrackPopupTitleColor(mwindow, this));
resize_option = 0;
matchsize_option = 0;
return 1;
+TrackPopupFindAsset::TrackPopupFindAsset(MWindow *mwindow, TrackPopup *popup)
+ : BC_MenuItem(_("Find in Resources"))
+ this->mwindow = mwindow;
+ this->popup = popup;
+int TrackPopupFindAsset::handle_event()
+ Edit *edit = popup->edit;
+ if( edit ) {
+ Indexable *idxbl = (Indexable *)edit->asset;
+ if( !idxbl ) idxbl = (Indexable *)edit->nested_edl;
+ if( idxbl ) {
+ AWindowGUI *agui = mwindow->awindow->gui;
+ agui->lock_window("TrackPopupFindAsset::handle_event");
+ AssetPicon *picon = 0;
+ for( int i=0, n=agui->assets.size(); i<n; ++i ) {
+ AssetPicon *ap = (AssetPicon *)agui->assets[i];
+ int found = ap->indexable && ( idxbl == ap->indexable ||
+ !strcmp(idxbl->path, ap->indexable->path) );
+ if( found && !picon ) picon = ap;
+ ap->set_selected(found);
+ }
+ if( picon ) {
+ int selected_folder = picon->indexable->folder_no;
+ mwindow->edl->session->awindow_folder = selected_folder;
+ for( int i=0,n=agui->folders.size(); i<n; ++i ) {
+ AssetPicon *folder_item = (AssetPicon *)agui->folders[i];
+ int selected = folder_item->foldernum == selected_folder ? 1 : 0;
+ folder_item->set_selected(selected);
+ }
+ }
+ agui->unlock_window();
+ agui->async_update_assets();
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+TrackPopupUserTitle::TrackPopupUserTitle(MWindow *mwindow, TrackPopup *popup)
+ : BC_MenuItem(_("User title..."))
+ this->mwindow = mwindow;
+ this->popup = popup;
+ dialog_thread = new TrackUserTitleDialogThread(this);
+ delete dialog_thread;
+int TrackPopupUserTitle::handle_event()
+ if( popup->edit ) {
+ dialog_thread->close_window();
+ int wx = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_x(0) - 400 / 2;
+ int wy = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_y(0) - 500 / 2;
+ dialog_thread->start(wx, wy);
+ }
+ return 1;
+void TrackUserTitleDialogThread::start(int wx, int wy)
+ this->wx = wx; this->wy = wy;
+ BC_DialogThread::start();
+TrackUserTitleDialogThread::TrackUserTitleDialogThread(TrackPopupUserTitle *edit_title)
+ this->edit_title = edit_title;
+ window = 0;
+ close_window();
+BC_Window* TrackUserTitleDialogThread::new_gui()
+ MWindow *mwindow = edit_title->mwindow;
+ TrackPopup *popup = edit_title->popup;
+ window = new TrackPopupUserTitleWindow(mwindow, popup, wx, wy);
+ window->create_objects();
+ return window;
+void TrackUserTitleDialogThread::handle_close_event(int result)
+ window = 0;
+void TrackUserTitleDialogThread::handle_done_event(int result)
+ if( result ) return;
+ MWindow *mwindow = edit_title->mwindow;
+ TrackPopup *popup = edit_title->popup;
+ EDL *edl = mwindow->edl;
+ const char *text = window->title_text->get_text();
+ int count = 0;
+ for( Track *track=edl->tracks->first; track; track=track->next ) {
+ if( !track->record ) continue;
+ for( Edit *edit=track->edits->first; edit; edit=edit->next ) {
+ if( !edit->is_selected ) continue;
+ strcpy(edit->user_title, text);
+ ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ if( count )
+ edl->tracks->clear_selected_edits();
+ else if( popup->edit ) {
+ strcpy(popup->edit->user_title, text);
+ }
+ mwindow->gui->lock_window("TrackUserTitleDialogThread::handle_done_event");
+ mwindow->gui->draw_canvas(1, 0);
+ mwindow->gui->flash_canvas(1);
+ mwindow->gui->unlock_window();
+TrackPopupUserTitleWindow::TrackPopupUserTitleWindow(MWindow *mwindow,
+ TrackPopup *popup, int wx, int wy)
+ : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Set edit title"), wx, wy,
+ 300, 130, 300, 130, 0, 0, 1)
+ this->mwindow = mwindow;
+ this->popup = popup;
+ strcpy(new_text, !popup->edit ? "" : popup->edit->user_title);
+void TrackPopupUserTitleWindow::create_objects()
+ lock_window("TrackPopupUserTitleWindow::create_objects");
+ int x = 10, y = 10, x1;
+ BC_Title *title = new BC_Title(x1=x, y, _("User title:"));
+ add_subwindow(title); x1 += title->get_w() + 10;
+ title_text = new TrackPopupUserTitleText(this, mwindow, x1, y, new_text);
+ add_subwindow(title_text);
+ add_tool(new BC_OKButton(this));
+ add_tool(new BC_CancelButton(this));
+ show_window();
+ flush();
+ unlock_window();
+TrackPopupUserTitleText::TrackPopupUserTitleText(TrackPopupUserTitleWindow *window,
+ MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y, const char *text)
+ : BC_TextBox(x, y, window->get_w()-x-15, 1, text)
+ this->window = window;
+ this->mwindow = mwindow;
+int TrackPopupUserTitleText::handle_event()
+ if( get_keypress() == RETURN )
+ window->set_done(0);
+ return 1;
+TrackPopupTitleColor::TrackPopupTitleColor(MWindow *mwindow, TrackPopup *popup)
+ : BC_MenuItem(_("Bar Color..."))
+ this->mwindow = mwindow;
+ this->popup = popup;
+ color_picker = 0;
+ delete color_picker;
+int TrackPopupTitleColor::handle_event()
+ if( popup->edit ) {
+ int color = popup->mwindow->get_title_color(popup->edit);
+ if( !color ) color = popup->mwindow->theme->get_color_title_bg();
+ delete color_picker;
+ color_picker = new TrackTitleColorPicker(popup, color);
+ int alpha = (~color>>24) & 0xff;
+ color_picker->start_window(color & 0xffffff, alpha, 1);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ TrackTitleColorPicker *color_picker, int x, int y)
+ : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("default"))
+ this->color_picker = color_picker;
+int TrackTitleColorDefault::handle_event()
+ const unsigned color = 0, alpha = 0xff;
+ color_picker->color = color | (~alpha << 24);
+ color_picker->update_gui(color, alpha);
+ return 1;
+TrackTitleColorPicker::TrackTitleColorPicker(TrackPopup *popup, int color)
+ : ColorPicker(1, _("Bar Color"))
+ this->popup = popup;
+ this->color = color;
+void TrackTitleColorPicker::create_objects(ColorWindow *gui)
+ int y = gui->get_h() - BC_CancelButton::calculate_h() + 10;
+ int x = gui->get_w() - BC_CancelButton::calculate_w() - 10;
+ x -= BC_GenericButton::calculate_w(gui, _("default")) + 15;
+ gui->add_subwindow(new TrackTitleColorDefault(this, x, y));
+int TrackTitleColorPicker::handle_new_color(int color, int alpha)
+ this->color = color | (~alpha << 24);
+ return 1;
+void TrackTitleColorPicker::handle_done_event(int result)
+ if( !result ) {
+ EDL *edl = popup->mwindow->edl;
+ int count = 0;
+ for( Track *track=edl->tracks->first; track; track=track->next ) {
+ if( !track->record ) continue;
+ for( Edit *edit=track->edits->first; edit; edit=edit->next ) {
+ if( !edit->is_selected ) continue;
+ edit->color = color;
+ ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ if( count )
+ edl->tracks->clear_selected_edits();
+ else
+ popup->edit->color = color;
+ }
+ MWindowGUI *mwindow_gui = popup->mwindow->gui;
+ mwindow_gui->lock_window("GWindowColorUpdate::run");
+ mwindow_gui->draw_trackmovement();
+ mwindow_gui->unlock_window();
+TrackPopupShow::TrackPopupShow(MWindow *mwindow, TrackPopup *popup)
+ : BC_MenuItem(_("Show edit"))
+ this->mwindow = mwindow;
+ this->popup = popup;
+ dialog_thread = new TrackShowDialogThread(this);
+ delete dialog_thread;
+int TrackPopupShow::handle_event()
+ if( popup->edit ) {
+ dialog_thread->close_window();
+ int wx = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_x(0) - 400 / 2;
+ int wy = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_y(0) - 500 / 2;
+ dialog_thread->start(wx, wy);
+ }
+ return 1;
+void TrackShowDialogThread::start(int wx, int wy)
+ this->wx = wx; this->wy = wy;
+ BC_DialogThread::start();
+TrackShowDialogThread::TrackShowDialogThread(TrackPopupShow *edit_show)
+ this->edit_show = edit_show;
+ window = 0;
+ close_window();
+BC_Window* TrackShowDialogThread::new_gui()
+ MWindow *mwindow = edit_show->mwindow;
+ TrackPopup *popup = edit_show->popup;
+ window = new TrackPopupShowWindow(mwindow, popup, wx, wy);
+ window->create_objects();
+ return window;
+void TrackShowDialogThread::handle_close_event(int result)
+ window = 0;
+TrackPopupShowWindow::TrackPopupShowWindow(MWindow *mwindow,
+ TrackPopup *popup, int wx, int wy)
+ : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Show edit"), wx, wy,
+ 300, 220, 300, 220, 0, 0, 1)
+ this->mwindow = mwindow;
+ this->popup = popup;
+void TrackPopupShowWindow::create_objects()
+ lock_window("TrackPopupShowWindow::create_objects");
+ int x = 10, y = 10;
+ BC_Title *title;
+ char text[BCTEXTLEN];
+ Edit *edit = popup->edit;
+ Track *track = edit->track;
+ sprintf(text, _("Track %d:"), mwindow->edl->tracks->number_of(track)+1);
+ add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, text));
+ int x1 = x + title->get_w() + 10;
+ int tw = get_w() - x1 - 20;
+ truncate_text(text, track->title, tw);
+ add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, text));
+ y += title->get_h() + 5;
+ sprintf(text, _("Edit %d:"), track->edits->number_of(edit)+1);
+ add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, text));
+ char edit_title[BCTEXTLEN];
+ edit->get_title(edit_title);
+ truncate_text(text, edit_title, tw);
+ add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, text));
+ y += title->get_h() + 5;
+ EDLSession *session = mwindow->edl->session;
+ int time_format = session->time_format;
+ int sample_rate = session->sample_rate;
+ double frame_rate = session->frame_rate;
+ double frames_per_foot = session->frames_per_foot;
+ double startsource = track->from_units(edit->startsource);
+ double startproject = track->from_units(edit->startproject);
+ double length = track->from_units(edit->length);
+ char text_startsource[BCSTRLEN];
+ char text_startproject[BCSTRLEN];
+ char text_length[BCSTRLEN];
+ sprintf(text, _("StartSource: %s\nStartProject: %s\nLength: %s\n"),
+ Units::totext(text_startsource, startsource,
+ time_format, sample_rate, frame_rate, frames_per_foot),
+ Units::totext(text_startproject, startproject,
+ time_format, sample_rate, frame_rate, frames_per_foot),
+ Units::totext(text_length, length,
+ time_format, sample_rate, frame_rate, frames_per_foot));
+ show_text = new TrackPopupShowText(this, mwindow, x+15, y+10, text);
+ add_subwindow(show_text);
+ add_tool(new BC_OKButton(this));
+ show_window();
+ flush();
+ unlock_window();
+TrackPopupShowText::TrackPopupShowText(TrackPopupShowWindow *window,
+ MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y, const char *text)
+ : BC_TextBox(x, y, 250, 4, text)
+ this->window = window;
+ this->mwindow = mwindow;
#define __TRACKPOPUP_H__
#include "guicast.h"
+#include "colorpicker.h"
#include "mwindow.inc"
#include "mwindowgui.inc"
#include "plugindialog.inc"
TrackPopup *popup;
-class TrackPopupFindAsset : public BC_MenuItem
- TrackPopupFindAsset(MWindow *mwindow, TrackPopup *popup);
- int handle_event();
- MWindow *mwindow;
- TrackPopup *popup;
class TrackAttachEffect : public BC_MenuItem
TrackPopup *popup;
+class TrackPopupFindAsset : public BC_MenuItem
+ TrackPopupFindAsset(MWindow *mwindow, TrackPopup *popup);
+ int handle_event();
+ MWindow *mwindow;
+ TrackPopup *popup;
+class TrackPopupUserTitle : public BC_MenuItem
+ TrackPopupUserTitle(MWindow *mwindow, TrackPopup *popup);
+ ~TrackPopupUserTitle();
+ int handle_event();
+ MWindow *mwindow;
+ TrackPopup *popup;
+ TrackUserTitleDialogThread *dialog_thread;
+class TrackPopupUserTitleText : public BC_TextBox
+ TrackPopupUserTitleText(TrackPopupUserTitleWindow *window,
+ MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y, const char *text);
+ ~TrackPopupUserTitleText();
+ int handle_event();
+ MWindow *mwindow;
+ TrackPopupUserTitleWindow *window;
+class TrackPopupUserTitleWindow : public BC_Window
+ TrackPopupUserTitleWindow(MWindow *mwindow, TrackPopup *popup, int wx, int wy);
+ ~TrackPopupUserTitleWindow();
+ void create_objects();
+ void handle_close_event(int result);
+ TrackPopupUserTitleText *title_text;
+ MWindow *mwindow;
+ TrackPopup *popup;
+ char new_text[BCTEXTLEN];
+class TrackUserTitleDialogThread : public BC_DialogThread
+ TrackUserTitleDialogThread(TrackPopupUserTitle *edit_title);
+ ~TrackUserTitleDialogThread();
+ void handle_close_event(int result);
+ void handle_done_event(int result);
+ BC_Window* new_gui();
+ void start(int wx, int wy);
+ int wx, wy;
+ TrackPopupUserTitle *edit_title;
+ TrackPopupUserTitleWindow *window;
+class TrackPopupTitleColor : public BC_MenuItem
+ TrackPopupTitleColor(MWindow *mwindow, TrackPopup *popup);
+ ~TrackPopupTitleColor();
+ int handle_event();
+ MWindow *mwindow;
+ TrackPopup *popup;
+ TrackTitleColorPicker *color_picker;
+class TrackTitleColorDefault : public BC_GenericButton
+ TrackTitleColorDefault(TrackTitleColorPicker *color_picker, int x, int y);
+ int handle_event();
+ TrackTitleColorPicker *color_picker;
+class TrackTitleColorPicker : public ColorPicker
+ TrackTitleColorPicker(TrackPopup *popup, int color);
+ ~TrackTitleColorPicker();
+ void create_objects(ColorWindow *gui);
+ int handle_new_color(int color, int alpha);
+ void handle_done_event(int result);
+ TrackPopup *popup;
+ int color;
+class TrackPopupShow : public BC_MenuItem
+ TrackPopupShow(MWindow *mwindow, TrackPopup *popup);
+ ~TrackPopupShow();
+ int handle_event();
+ MWindow *mwindow;
+ TrackPopup *popup;
+ TrackShowDialogThread *dialog_thread;
+class TrackShowDialogThread : public BC_DialogThread
+ TrackShowDialogThread(TrackPopupShow *edit_show);
+ ~TrackShowDialogThread();
+ BC_Window* new_gui();
+ void start(int wx, int wy);
+ void handle_close_event(int result);
+ int wx, wy;
+ TrackPopupShow *edit_show;
+ TrackPopupShowWindow *window;
+class TrackPopupShowText : public BC_TextBox
+ TrackPopupShowText(TrackPopupShowWindow *window,
+ MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y, const char *text);
+ ~TrackPopupShowText();
+ TrackPopupShowWindow *window;
+ MWindow *mwindow;
+class TrackPopupShowWindow : public BC_Window
+ TrackPopupShowWindow(MWindow *mwindow, TrackPopup *popup, int wx, int wy);
+ ~TrackPopupShowWindow();
+ void create_objects();
+ TrackPopupShowText *show_text;
+ MWindow *mwindow;
+ TrackPopup *popup;
class TrackPopupAddTrack;
class TrackPopupFindAsset;
class TrackAttachEffect;
-class TrackMoveTrackUp;
-class TrackMoveTrackDown;
+class TrackMoveUp;
+class TrackMoveDown;
+class TrackPopupFindAsset;
+class TrackPopupUserTitle;
+class TrackPopupUserTitleText;
+class TrackPopupUserTitleWindow;
+class TrackUserTitleDialogThread;
+class TrackPopupTitleColor;
+class TrackTitleColorDefault;
+class TrackTitleColorPicker;
+class TrackPopupShow;
+class TrackShowDialogThread;
+class TrackPopupShowText;
+class TrackPopupShowWindow;