strcpy(clip_notes, _("Hello world"));
strcpy(clip_icon, "");
clipboard_length = 0;
+ asset2edl = 0;
loop_playback = 0;
loop_start = loop_end = 0;
playback_start = -1;
// Number of samples if pasted from a clipboard.
// If 0 use longest track
double clipboard_length;
+// edl created by asset_to_edl
+ int asset2edl;
// Title if clip
char clip_title[BCTEXTLEN];
char clip_notes[BCTEXTLEN];
//printf("MWindow::asset_to_edl 4 %s\n", string);
if(debug) printf("MWindow::asset_to_edl %d\n", __LINE__);
+ new_edl->local_session->asset2edl = 1;
return 0;
+// re-label only if not already labeled
+ if( new_edl->local_session->asset2edl )
+ strcpy(current->title, edl->tracks->last->title);
-int Track::copy_settings(Track *track, int do_title)
+int Track::copy_settings(Track *track)
- if( do_title )
- strcpy(this->title, track->title);
this->expand_view = track->expand_view;
this->draw = track->draw;
this->gang = track->gang;
this->play = track->play;
this->track_w = track->track_w;
this->track_h = track->track_h;
+ strcpy(this->title, track->title);
return 0;
//printf("Track::insert_track %d %s %jd\n", __LINE__, title, min_length);
// Decide whether to copy settings based on load_mode
- if( replace_default )
- copy_settings(track, 0);
+ if(replace_default) copy_settings(track);
to_units(position, 0),
// align to frame boundary
int64_t frame_align(int64_t position, int round);
- virtual int copy_settings(Track *track, int do_title=1);
+ virtual int copy_settings(Track *track);
void shift_keyframes(int64_t position, int64_t length);
void shift_effects(int64_t position, int64_t length, int edit_autos, Edits *trim_edits);
void change_plugins(SharedLocation &old_location, SharedLocation &new_location, int do_swap);
CHECK_WITH([shuttle],[shuttle device],[SHUTTLE],[yes])
CHECK_WITH([vaapi],[video acceleration api],[VAAPI],[yes])
CHECK_WITH([vdpau],[video decode+presentation api for unix],[VDPAU],[yes])
-CHECK_WITH([nv],[video acceleration api],[NV],[yes])
-CHECK_WITH([cuda],[video decode+presentation api for unix],[CUDA],[auto])
+CHECK_WITH([nv],[nvenc/nvdec ffnvcodec api],[NV],[yes])
+CHECK_WITH([cuda],[nv cuda plugins],[CUDA],[auto])
if test "x$WANT_LV2" != "xno"; then
GTK2_LIBS=`pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0`
exec >& /tmp/render_mux.log
-echo == $0 $@
+echo == $0 cin_render="$CIN_RENDER"
+test -z "$CIN_RENDER" && exit 1
# Render output mux-ed into a single file
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i <(for f in "$CIN_RENDER"0*; do echo "file '$f'"; done) -c copy -y $CIN_RENDER