--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Adam Williams <broadcast at earthling dot net>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ */
+ * 2020. Derivative by ReframeRT plugin for a more easy use.
+ * It uses percentage value of the speed referred to originl speed (=100%).
+ * Some old ReframeRT parameters (Stretch and denom) have not been deleted,
+ * for future development, if any.
+ * Stretch and denom variables are set to a constant value:
+ * Stretch= 1; denom= 100.00.
+ * Speed_MIN= 1.00%; Speed_MAX= 1000.00%
+ */
+#include "bcdisplayinfo.h"
+#include "clip.h"
+#include "bchash.h"
+#include "filexml.h"
+#include "speed_pc.h"
+#include "guicast.h"
+#include "language.h"
+#include "pluginvclient.h"
+#include "theme.h"
+#include "transportque.h"
+#include <string.h>
+void SpeedPcConfig::reset(int clear)
+ switch(clear) {
+ case RESET_SPEED :
+ num = 100.00;
+ denom = 100.0;
+ stretch = 1;
+ break;
+ case RESET_ALL :
+ default:
+ num = 100.00;
+ denom = 100.0;
+ stretch = 1;
+ interp = 0;
+ optic_flow = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+int SpeedPcConfig::equivalent(SpeedPcConfig &src)
+ return fabs(num - src.num) < 0.0001 &&
+ fabs(denom - src.denom) < 0.0001 &&
+ stretch == src.stretch &&
+ interp == src.interp;
+void SpeedPcConfig::copy_from(SpeedPcConfig &src)
+ this->num = src.num;
+ this->denom = src.denom;
+ this->stretch = src.stretch;
+ this->interp = src.interp;
+void SpeedPcConfig::interpolate(SpeedPcConfig &prev,
+ SpeedPcConfig &next,
+ int64_t prev_frame,
+ int64_t next_frame,
+ int64_t current_frame)
+ this->interp = prev.interp;
+ this->stretch = prev.stretch;
+ this->denom = prev.denom;
+ if (this->interp && prev_frame != next_frame)
+ {
+ double next_weight = (double)(current_frame - prev_frame) / (next_frame - prev_frame);
+ double prev_weight = (double)(next_frame - current_frame) / (next_frame - prev_frame);
+ double prev_slope = prev.num / prev.denom, next_slope = next.num / next.denom;
+ // for interpolation, this is (for now) a simple linear slope to the next keyframe.
+ double scale = prev_slope * prev_weight + next_slope * next_weight;
+ this->num = this->denom * scale;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this->num = prev.num;
+ }
+void SpeedPcConfig::boundaries()
+ if(num < 0.0001) num = 0.0001;
+ if(denom < 0.0001) denom = 0.0001;
+SpeedPcWindow::SpeedPcWindow(SpeedPc *plugin)
+ : PluginClientWindow(plugin, xS(420), yS(150), xS(420), yS(150), 0) // Note: with "Stretch" and "Downsample" gui yS was yS(210)
+ this->plugin = plugin;
+void SpeedPcWindow::create_objects()
+ int xs10 = xS(10), xs64 = xS(64), xs200 = xS(200);
+ int ys10 = yS(10), ys30 = yS(30), ys40 = yS(40);
+ int x2 = xS(80), x3 = xS(180);
+ int x = xs10, y = ys10;
+ int clr_x = get_w()-x - xS(22); // note: clrBtn_w = 22
+ BC_Bar *bar;
+ add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Preset:")));
+ x = x + x2;
+ add_subwindow(toggle25pc = new SpeedPcToggle(plugin, this,
+ plugin->config.num == 25, x, y, 25, "25%"));
+ x += xs64;
+ add_subwindow(toggle50pc = new SpeedPcToggle(plugin, this,
+ plugin->config.num == 50, x, y, 50, "50%"));
+ x += xs64;
+ add_subwindow(toggle100pc = new SpeedPcToggle(plugin, this,
+ plugin->config.num == 100, x, y, 100, "100%"));
+ x += xs64;
+ add_subwindow(toggle200pc = new SpeedPcToggle(plugin, this,
+ plugin->config.num == 200, x, y, 200, "200%"));
+ x += xs64;
+ add_subwindow(toggle400pc = new SpeedPcToggle(plugin, this,
+ plugin->config.num == 400, x, y, 400, "400%"));
+ x = xs10; y += ys30;
+ add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Speed:")));
+ add_tool(new BC_Title((x2-x), y, _("%")));
+ speed_pc_text = new SpeedPcText(plugin, this, (x + x2), y);
+ speed_pc_text->create_objects();
+ speed_pc_slider = new SpeedPcSlider(plugin, this, x3, y, xs200);
+ add_subwindow(speed_pc_slider);
+ clr_x = x3 + speed_pc_slider->get_w() + x;
+ add_subwindow(speed_pc_clr = new SpeedPcClr(plugin, this,
+ clr_x, y, RESET_SPEED));
+ y += ys30;
+// REM 2020-06-23
+ add_subwindow(stretch = new SpeedPcStretch(plugin, this, x, y));
+ y += yS(30);
+ add_subwindow(downsample = new SpeedPcDownsample(plugin, this, x, y));
+ y += yS(30);
+ add_subwindow(interpolate = new SpeedPcInterpolate(plugin, this, x, y));
+ y += ys40;
+// Reset section
+ add_subwindow(bar = new BC_Bar(x, y, get_w()-2*x));
+ y += ys10;
+ add_subwindow(reset = new SpeedPcReset(plugin, this, x, y));
+ update(RESET_ALL);
+ show_window();
+void SpeedPcWindow::update(int clear)
+ switch(clear) {
+ case RESET_SPEED :
+ speed_pc_text->update((float)plugin->config.num);
+ speed_pc_slider->update((float)plugin->config.num);
+ update_toggles();
+ break;
+ case RESET_ALL :
+ default:
+ speed_pc_text->update((float)plugin->config.num);
+ speed_pc_slider->update((float)plugin->config.num);
+ update_toggles();
+// OLD ReframeRT code
+ stretch->update(plugin->config.stretch);
+ downsample->update(!plugin->config.stretch);
+ interpolate->update(plugin->config.interp);
+ break;
+ }
+int SpeedPcWindow::update_toggles()
+ toggle25pc->update(EQUIV(plugin->config.num, 25));
+ toggle50pc->update(EQUIV(plugin->config.num, 50));
+ toggle100pc->update(EQUIV(plugin->config.num, 100));
+ toggle200pc->update(EQUIV(plugin->config.num, 200));
+ toggle400pc->update(EQUIV(plugin->config.num, 400));
+ return 0;
+SpeedPcToggle::SpeedPcToggle(SpeedPc *plugin, SpeedPcWindow *gui,
+ int init_value,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int value,
+ const char *string)
+ : BC_Radial(x, y, init_value, string)
+ this->value = value;
+ this->plugin = plugin;
+ this->gui = gui;
+int SpeedPcToggle::handle_event()
+ plugin->config.num = (float)value;
+ gui->update(RESET_SPEED);
+ plugin->send_configure_change();
+ return 1;
+/* *********************************** */
+/* **** SPEED ******************** */
+SpeedPcText::SpeedPcText(SpeedPc *plugin, SpeedPcWindow *gui,
+ int x,
+ int y)
+ : BC_TumbleTextBox(gui, (float)plugin->config.num,
+ (float)1.00, (float)1000.00, x, y, xS(60), 2)
+ this->plugin = plugin;
+ this->gui = gui;
+int SpeedPcText::handle_event()
+ plugin->config.num = atof(get_text());
+ plugin->config.denom = 100.00;
+ plugin->config.stretch = 1;
+ plugin->config.boundaries();
+ gui->update(RESET_SPEED);
+ plugin->send_configure_change();
+ return 1;
+SpeedPcSlider::SpeedPcSlider(SpeedPc *plugin, SpeedPcWindow *gui,
+ int x, int y, int w)
+ : BC_FSlider(x, y, 0, w, w, 1.00, 1000.00, plugin->config.num)
+ this->plugin = plugin;
+ this->gui = gui;
+ enable_show_value(0); // Hide caption
+ set_precision(1.00);
+int SpeedPcSlider::handle_event()
+ plugin->config.num = get_value();
+ plugin->config.denom = 100.00;
+ plugin->config.stretch = 1;
+ gui->update(RESET_SPEED);
+ plugin->send_configure_change();
+ return 1;
+/* *********************************** */
+SpeedPcStretch::SpeedPcStretch(SpeedPc *plugin,
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui,
+ int x,
+ int y)
+ : BC_Radial(x, y, plugin->config.stretch, _("Stretch"))
+ this->plugin = plugin;
+ this->gui = gui;
+int SpeedPcStretch::handle_event()
+ plugin->config.stretch = get_value();
+ gui->downsample->update(!get_value());
+ plugin->send_configure_change();
+ return 1;
+SpeedPcDownsample::SpeedPcDownsample(SpeedPc *plugin, SpeedPcWindow *gui,
+ int x,
+ int y)
+ : BC_Radial(x, y, !plugin->config.stretch, _("Downsample"))
+ this->plugin = plugin;
+ this->gui = gui;
+int SpeedPcDownsample::handle_event()
+ plugin->config.stretch = !get_value();
+ gui->stretch->update(!get_value());
+ plugin->send_configure_change();
+ return 1;
+SpeedPcInterpolate::SpeedPcInterpolate(SpeedPc *plugin, SpeedPcWindow *gui,
+ int x,
+ int y)
+ : BC_CheckBox(x, y, 0, _("Interpolate"))
+ this->plugin = plugin;
+ this->gui = gui;
+ set_tooltip(_("Interpolate between keyframes"));
+int SpeedPcInterpolate::handle_event()
+ plugin->config.interp = get_value();
+ gui->interpolate->update(get_value());
+ plugin->send_configure_change();
+ return 1;
+SpeedPcClr::SpeedPcClr(SpeedPc *plugin, SpeedPcWindow *gui, int x, int y, int clear)
+ : BC_Button(x, y, plugin->get_theme()->get_image_set("reset_button"))
+ this->plugin = plugin;
+ this->gui = gui;
+ this->clear = clear;
+int SpeedPcClr::handle_event()
+ plugin->config.reset(clear);
+ gui->update(clear);
+ plugin->send_configure_change();
+ return 1;
+SpeedPcReset::SpeedPcReset(SpeedPc *plugin, SpeedPcWindow *gui, int x, int y)
+ : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Reset"))
+ this->plugin = plugin;
+ this->gui = gui;
+int SpeedPcReset::handle_event()
+ plugin->config.reset(RESET_ALL);
+ gui->update(RESET_ALL);
+ plugin->send_configure_change();
+ return 1;
+SpeedPc::SpeedPc(PluginServer *server)
+ : PluginVClient(server)
+const char* SpeedPc::plugin_title() { return N_("Speed PerCent"); }
+int SpeedPc::is_realtime() { return 1; }
+int SpeedPc::is_synthesis() { return 1; }
+NEW_WINDOW_MACRO(SpeedPc, SpeedPcWindow)
+int SpeedPc::process_buffer(VFrame *frame,
+ int64_t start_position,
+ double frame_rate)
+ int64_t input_frame = get_source_start();
+ SpeedPcConfig prev_config, next_config;
+ KeyFrame *tmp_keyframe, *next_keyframe = get_prev_keyframe(get_source_start());
+ int64_t tmp_position, next_position;
+ int64_t segment_len;
+ double input_rate = frame_rate;
+ int is_current_keyframe;
+// if there are no keyframes, the default keyframe is used, and its position is always 0;
+// if there are keyframes, the first keyframe can be after the effect start (and it controls settings before it)
+// so let's calculate using a fake keyframe with the same settings but position == effect start
+ KeyFrame *fake_keyframe = new KeyFrame();
+ fake_keyframe->copy_from(next_keyframe);
+ fake_keyframe->position = local_to_edl(get_source_start());
+ next_keyframe = fake_keyframe;
+ // calculate input_frame accounting for all previous keyframes
+ do
+ {
+ tmp_keyframe = next_keyframe;
+ next_keyframe = get_next_keyframe(tmp_keyframe->position+1, 0);
+ tmp_position = edl_to_local(tmp_keyframe->position);
+ next_position = edl_to_local(next_keyframe->position);
+ is_current_keyframe =
+ next_position > start_position // the next keyframe is after the current position
+ || next_keyframe->position == tmp_keyframe->position // there are no more keyframes
+ || !next_keyframe->position; // there are no keyframes at all
+ if (is_current_keyframe)
+ segment_len = start_position - tmp_position;
+ else
+ segment_len = next_position - tmp_position;
+ read_data(next_keyframe);
+ next_config.copy_from(config);
+ read_data(tmp_keyframe);
+ prev_config.copy_from(config);
+ config.interpolate(prev_config, next_config, tmp_position, next_position, tmp_position + segment_len);
+ // the area under the curve is the number of frames to advance
+ // as long as interpolate() uses a linear slope we can use geometry to determine this
+ // if interpolate() changes to use a curve then this needs use (possibly) the definite integral
+ double prev_scale = prev_config.num / 100.00;
+ double config_scale = config.num / 100.00;
+ input_frame += (int64_t)(segment_len * ((prev_scale + config_scale) / 2));
+ } while (!is_current_keyframe);
+// Change rate
+ if (!config.stretch)
+ {
+ input_rate *= config.num / 100.00;
+ }
+// printf("SpeedPc::process_buffer %d %lld %f %lld %f\n",
+// __LINE__,
+// start_position,
+// frame_rate,
+// input_frame,
+// input_rate);
+ read_frame(frame,
+ 0,
+ input_frame,
+ input_rate,
+ 0);
+ delete fake_keyframe;
+ return 0;
+void SpeedPc::save_data(KeyFrame *keyframe)
+ FileXML output;
+// cause data to be stored directly in text
+ output.set_shared_output(keyframe->xbuf);
+ output.tag.set_title("SPEED_PC");
+ output.tag.set_property("SPEED", config.num);
+ output.tag.set_property("DENOM", config.denom);
+ output.tag.set_property("STRETCH", config.stretch);
+ output.tag.set_property("INTERPOLATE", config.interp);
+ output.append_tag();
+ output.tag.set_title("/SPEED_PC");
+ output.append_tag();
+ output.append_newline();
+ output.terminate_string();
+void SpeedPc::read_data(KeyFrame *keyframe)
+ FileXML input;
+ input.set_shared_input(keyframe->xbuf);
+ while(!input.read_tag())
+ {
+ if(input.tag.title_is("SPEED_PC"))
+ {
+ config.num = input.tag.get_property("SPEED", config.num);
+ config.denom = input.tag.get_property("DENOM", config.denom);
+ config.stretch = input.tag.get_property("STRETCH", config.stretch);
+ config.interp = input.tag.get_property("INTERPOLATE", config.interp);
+ }
+ }
+void SpeedPc::update_gui()
+ if(thread)
+ {
+ int changed = load_configuration();
+ if(changed)
+ {
+ SpeedPcWindow* window = (SpeedPcWindow*)thread->window;
+ window->lock_window("SpeedPc::update_gui");
+ window->update(RESET_ALL);
+// OLD ReframeRT code
+ window->stretch->update(config.stretch);
+ window->downsample->update(!config.stretch);
+ window->unlock_window();
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Adam Williams <broadcast at earthling dot net>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ */
+ * 2020. Derivative by ReframeRT plugin for a more easy use.
+ * It uses percentage value of the speed referred to originl speed (=100%).
+ * Some old ReframeRT parameters (Stretch and denom) have not been deleted,
+ * for future development, if any.
+ * Stretch and denom variables are set to a constant value:
+ * Stretch= 1; denom= 100.00.
+ * Speed_MIN= 1.00%; Speed_MAX= 1000.00%
+ */
+#ifndef SPEED_PC_H
+#define SPEED_PC_H
+#include "bcdisplayinfo.h"
+#include "clip.h"
+#include "bchash.h"
+#include "filexml.h"
+#include "guicast.h"
+#include "language.h"
+#include "pluginvclient.h"
+#include "theme.h"
+#include "transportque.h"
+#define RESET_ALL 0
+#define RESET_SPEED 1
+class SpeedPcConfig;
+class SpeedPcText;
+class SpeedPcSlider;
+class SpeedPcStretch;
+class SpeedPcDownsample;
+class SpeedPcInterpolate;
+class SpeedPcClr;
+class SpeedPc;
+class SpeedPcWindow;
+class SpeedPcReset;
+class SpeedPcConfig
+ SpeedPcConfig();
+ void boundaries();
+ int equivalent(SpeedPcConfig &src);
+ void reset(int clear);
+ void copy_from(SpeedPcConfig &src);
+ void interpolate(SpeedPcConfig &prev,
+ SpeedPcConfig &next,
+ int64_t prev_frame,
+ int64_t next_frame,
+ int64_t current_frame);
+ double num;
+ double denom;
+ int stretch;
+ int interp;
+ int optic_flow;
+class SpeedPcToggle : public BC_Radial
+ SpeedPcToggle(SpeedPc *plugin,
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui,
+ int init_value,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ int value,
+ const char *string);
+ int handle_event();
+ SpeedPc *plugin;
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui;
+ int value;
+class SpeedPcText : public BC_TumbleTextBox
+ SpeedPcText(SpeedPc *plugin,
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui,
+ int x,
+ int y);
+ ~SpeedPcText();
+ int handle_event();
+ SpeedPc *plugin;
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui;
+class SpeedPcSlider : public BC_FSlider
+ SpeedPcSlider(SpeedPc *plugin,
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui,
+ int x, int y, int w);
+ ~SpeedPcSlider();
+ int handle_event();
+ SpeedPc *plugin;
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui;
+class SpeedPcClr : public BC_Button
+ SpeedPcClr(SpeedPc *plugin, SpeedPcWindow *gui,
+ int x, int y, int clear);
+ ~SpeedPcClr();
+ int handle_event();
+ SpeedPc *plugin;
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui;
+ int clear;
+class SpeedPcStretch : public BC_Radial
+ SpeedPcStretch(SpeedPc *plugin,
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui,
+ int x,
+ int y);
+ int handle_event();
+ SpeedPc *plugin;
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui;
+class SpeedPcDownsample : public BC_Radial
+ SpeedPcDownsample(SpeedPc *plugin,
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui,
+ int x,
+ int y);
+ int handle_event();
+ SpeedPc *plugin;
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui;
+class SpeedPcInterpolate : public BC_CheckBox
+ SpeedPcInterpolate(SpeedPc *plugin,
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui,
+ int x,
+ int y);
+ int handle_event();
+ SpeedPc *plugin;
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui;
+class SpeedPcReset : public BC_GenericButton
+ SpeedPcReset(SpeedPc *plugin, SpeedPcWindow *gui, int x, int y);
+ ~SpeedPcReset();
+ int handle_event();
+ SpeedPc *plugin;
+ SpeedPcWindow *gui;
+class SpeedPcWindow : public PluginClientWindow
+ SpeedPcWindow(SpeedPc *plugin);
+ ~SpeedPcWindow();
+ void create_objects();
+ void update(int clear);
+ int update_toggles();
+ SpeedPc *plugin;
+ SpeedPcToggle *toggle25pc;
+ SpeedPcToggle *toggle50pc;
+ SpeedPcToggle *toggle100pc;
+ SpeedPcToggle *toggle200pc;
+ SpeedPcToggle *toggle400pc;
+ SpeedPcText *speed_pc_text;
+ SpeedPcSlider *speed_pc_slider;
+ SpeedPcClr *speed_pc_clr;
+ SpeedPcStretch *stretch;
+ SpeedPcDownsample *downsample;
+ SpeedPcInterpolate *interpolate;
+ SpeedPcReset *reset;
+class SpeedPc : public PluginVClient
+ SpeedPc(PluginServer *server);
+ ~SpeedPc();
+ void save_data(KeyFrame *keyframe);
+ void read_data(KeyFrame *keyframe);
+ void update_gui();
+ int is_realtime();
+ int is_synthesis();
+ int process_buffer(VFrame *frame,
+ int64_t start_position,
+ double frame_rate);
\ No newline at end of file