\chapter{Shortcuts}% \label{cha:shortcuts} Almost every Cinellerra GG Infinity command has its own keyboard and mouse shortcuts. Here they are listed organized by window and type. If a desktop window manager and operating system is already using a specific key for its own purpose then that key will not be available for use as a shortcut in Cinelerra. An example might be the Alt key. Some specific alternatives are listed in \ref{ssub:key_alternatives} in the "Key Alternatives" paragraph. \section{Main window }% \label{sec:main_window} The Main window (also called the program window) consists of pulldown menus, buttons and keys. \subsection{Main menu pulldowns}% \label{sub:main_menu_pulldowns} \begin{center} \small \begin{longtable}{>{\bfseries}c l c p{6cm}} \toprule \multirow{2}*{\textcolor{red}{MAIN}} & 01/19/2019 & update & \\ %\noalign{\smallskip} \cline{2-4} \noalign{\smallskip} (Pulldowns) & ITEMS & SHORTCUTS & DESCRIPTION\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{blue}{File} & New & n & Create new project \\ & Load files\dots & o & Load file(s)\\ & -- load tool & Ctrl-a & Selects all files \\ & -- load tool & Ctrl-z & Deselects any highlighted files \\ & Save & s & Save project \\ & Save As\dots & Shift-S & Save a project for easy moving \\ & Export Project & Alt-s & Save a project for easy moving \\ & Record\dots & r & Open record window \\ & Scan\dots & Ctrl-Alt-s & Open dvb scan window \\ & SubTitle\dots & Alt-y & Open subtitle script window \\ & Render\dots & Shift-R & Open render window \\ & Export EDL\dots & Shift-E & Open export EDL window \\ & Batch Render\dots & Shift-B & Open batch render window \\ & BD Render\dots & Ctrl-Shift-D & Open create bluray disk window \\ & DVD Render\dots & Alt-D & Open create dvd disk window \\ & Quit & q & Quit the program \\ & Dump EDL & & Write current EDL to stdout \\ & Dump Plugins & & Write defined Plugins to stdout \\ & Load Backup & & Load auto-backup file “backup.xml" \\ & Save Backup & b & Save auto-backup file “backup.xml" \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Edit} & Undo clear & z & Undo from history previous operation \\ & Redo & Shift-Z & Redo from history next opration \\ & Cut & x & Copy selection to cut buffer and delete \\ & Split & x & Split edit into 2 sections at hairline cursor \\ & Paste & v & Insert selection from cut buffer \\ & Clear & Del & Delete selection \\ & Paste Silence & Shift-Space & Paste empty edit at selection or frame if none \\ & Mute Selection & m & Replace selection with empty edit \\ & Trim Selection & & Replace track with selection \\ & Select All & a & Toggle select all/none \\ & Shuffle Edits & & Randomly reorder track edits \\ & Reverse Edits & & Reverse track edits \\ & Edit Length\dots & & Change selected track given duration \\ & Align Edits & & Change selected corresp. track edits to start/end same \\ & Trans. Length\dots & & Change selected track transitions to given duration \\ & Detach trans. & & Remove selected track transitions \\ & Clear labels & & Delete selected timeline label markers \\ & Cut ads & & Remove selected region, add to commercial trking db \\ & paste subttl & y & Replace selected subtitle edit text w/ subtitle script text \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Keyframes} & Cut Keyframes & Shift-X & Copy selected keyframes to cut buffer and delete \\ & Copy Keyframes & Shift-C & Copy selected keyframes to cut buffer \\ & Paste Keyframes & Shift-V & Paste keyframes in cut buffer \\ & Clear Keyframes & Shift-Del & Delete selected keyframes \\ & Change to linear & & Change keyframe auto curves to piecewise linear \\ & Change to smooth & & Change selected keyframes auto curves to bezier \\ & Create curve type & & Set new keyframe type: smooth,linear,tangent,disjoint \\ & Copy default key & Alt-c & Copy default keyframe to clipboard \\ & Paste default key & Alt-v & Paste clipboard keyframe into default keyframe \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Audio} & Add track & t & Append new empty audio track \\ & Default Trans. & u & Insert default audio transition at selected edit boundary \\ & Map $1:1$ & & Setup audio mixing output = input \\ & Map $5.1:2$ & & Setup audio mixing stereo = $5.1$ \\ & Attach Trans. & & Open audio transition select for insert at edit boundary \\ & Attach Effect\dots & & Open audio selection menu for insert at edit boundary \\ & Render Effect\dots & & Open audio render select to render from select as pcm \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Video} & Add track & Shift-T & Append new empty video track \\ & Default Trans. & Shift-U & Insert default video transition at selected edit boundary \\ & Attach Trans. & & Open video transition select for insert at edit boundary \\ & Attach Effect\dots & & Open video effect selection for insert at edit boundary \\ & Render Effect\dots & & Open video render select to render from select as pcm \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Tracks} & Move tracks up & Shift-Up & Circulate tracks up \\ & Move trks down & Shift-Down & Circulate tracks down \\ & Delete tracks & & Delete all tracks \\ & Delete last track & Ctrl-d & Delete last track \\ & Delete first track & Shift-D & Delete first track \\ & Concatenate trks & & Concatenate tracks together \\ & Append to Proj. & Shift-N & Add set of tracks \\ & add Subttl & Shift-Y & Add subtitle track \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Settings} & Format\dots & Shift-F & Open render format setup menu \\ & Preferences\dots & Shift-P & Open preferences setup menu \\ & Proxy Settings & Alt-r & Bring up Proxy settings window \\ & Transcode & Alt-e & Bring up the Transcode menu \\ & Align cursor\dots & Ctrl-a & Align cursor on frames \\ & -- Edit labels & & Toggle labels follow edits \\ & -- Edit effects & & Toggle plugins follow edits \\ & -- Keyfrs fol. edits & & Toggle keyframes follow edits \\ & -- Typeless keyfrs & & Toggle typeless keyframes mode \\ & Save settings & Ctrl-s & Save Cinelerra\_rc \\ & Loop Playback & Shift-L & Set loop playback region to selection/all \\ & Set bkg render & Shift-G & Toggle background rendering \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{View} & -- Show assets & 0 & Toggle show asset data \\ & -- Show titles & 1 & Toggle show asset title \\ & -- Show trans. & 2 & Toggle show transition effects \\ & -- Fade & 3 & Toggle show fade auto curves \\ & -- Mute & 4 & Toggle show mute auto curves \\ & -- Overlay Mode & 5 & Toggle show mode auto curves \\ & -- Pan & 6 & Toggle show pan auto curves \\ & -- Plugin Autos & 7 & Toggle show plugin keyframes \\ & -- Mask & 8 & Toggle show mask auto keyframes \\ & -- Speed & 9 & Toggle show speed auto curves \\ & -- Camera X & Ctrl-Shift-X & Toggle show camera X auto curves \\ & -- Camera Y & Ctrl-Shift-Y & Toggle show camera Y auto curves \\ & -- Camera Z & Ctrl-Shift-Z & Toggle show camera Z auto curves \\ & -- Projector X & Alt-Shift-X & Toggle show projector X auto curves \\ & -- Projector Y & Alt-Shift-Y & Toggle show projector Y auto curves \\ & -- Projector Z & Alt-Shift-Z & Toggle show projector Z auto curves \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Window} & -- Show Viewer & & Toggle show view window \\ & -- Show Resrs. & & Toggle show resources window \\ & -- Show Compos. & & Toggle show compositor window \\ & -- Show Overlays & & Toggle show auto overlay window \\ & -- Show Levels & & Toggle show audio levels window \\ & -- Split X pane & Ctrl-1 & Toggle $\frac{1}{2}$ horiz track timeline window panes \\ & -- Split Y pane & Ctrl-2 & Toggle $\frac{1}{2}$ vert track timeline window panes \\ & Mixer Viewer & Shift-M & Bring up a Mixer Viewer window \\ & Tile mixers & Alt-t & Tile mixer windows to original position/size \\ & Default Positions & Ctrl-p & Reset window positions/size to defaults \\ & Tile Left & & Set window positions/sizes to tile left screen \\ & Tile Right & & Set window positions/size to tile right screen \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{\_.\_} & shell cmds & Top rt. Corner & Run scripts (setup in interface preferences) \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \end{center} \newpage \subsection{Main menu buttons}% \label{sub:main_menu_buttons} \begin{center} \small \begin{longtable}{ >{\bfseries}p{2cm} l c p{6cm}} \toprule \multirow{2}*{\textcolor{red}{MAIN}} & 01/19/2019 & update & \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \cline{2-4} \noalign{\smallskip} (Buttons) & ITEMS & SHORTCUTS & DESCRIPTION\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{blue}{Transport} & Rewind & home & Jump to beginning \\ & Fast reverse & KP + / Alt-p & Double speed reverse play \\ & Normal reverse & KP 6 / Alt-o & Normal speed reverse play \\ & Frame reverse & KP 4 / Alt-u & Render previous frame \\ & Stop & KP 0 / Alt-m & Stop playback \\ & Frame forward & KP 1 / Alt-j & Render next frame \\ & Normal forward & KP 3 / Alt-l & Normal speed forward play \\ & Fast forward & KP Enter/A-; & Double speed forward play \\ & Jump to end & end & Jump to end \\ & (No button) & KP 5 / Alt-i & Slow speed reverse play \\ & (No button) & KP 2 / Alt-k & Slow speed forward play \\ & (No button) & Shift-KP 1 & Render next frame and audio \\ & (No button) & Shift-KP 2 & Slow speed forward play without audio \\ & (No button) & Shift-KP 3 & Normal speed forward play without audio \\ & (No button) & Shift-KP 4 & Render previous frame and audio \\ & (No button) & Shift-KP 5 & Slow speed reverse play without audio \\ & (No button) & Shift-KP 6 & Normal speed reverse play without audio \\ & & Ctrl-KP\# & If [ ] set, “KP 2,3,5,6,+,enter” between in/out \\ & & +Shift w/Alt & Shift with Alt+x above, adds/removes audio \\ & & +Shift w/Ctrl & Loops play, all or between In/Out \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Edit Modes} & Auto Gen. Keys & j & Generate keyframes while tweeking \\ & Lock Labels & & Lock labels from moving \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Edit Operations} & In point & '[' or ‘<’ & Toggle In point timeline marker \\ & Out point & ']' or ‘>’ & Toggle Out point timeline marker \\ & & Ctrl-t & Clear both In and Out pointers \\ & To clip & i & Copy selection and create clip \\ & Split & x & Split edit into 2 sections at hairline cursor \\ & Cut & x & Copy selection to cut buffer and delete \\ & Copy & c & Copy selection to cut buffer \\ & Paste & v & Insert selection from cut buffer \\ & Toggle label & l & Toggle label at current position \\ & Previous label & Ctrl $\leftarrow$ & Move to label before cursor \\ & Next label & Ctrl $\rightarrow$ & Move to label after cursor \\ & Next label select & Ctrl-Shift $\rightarrow$ & Select from cursor to next label \\ & Prev label select & Ctrl-Shift $\leftarrow$ & Select from cursor to previous label \\ & Next keyframe & k & Move to next keyframe \\ & Previous keyframe & Ctrl-k & Move to previous keyframe \\ & Next keyframe select & Shift-K & Select from cursor to next keyframe \\ & Previous keyfr select & Ctrl-Shift-K & Select from cursor to previous keyframe \\ & Next auto& Alt-a & Move to next auto \\ & Previous auto & Ctrl-Alt-a & Move to previous auto\\ & Next auto select & Alt-Shift-A & Select from cursor to next auto \\ & Previous auto select & Ctrl-Alt-Shift-A & Select from cursor to previous auto \\ & Previous edit & Alt $\leftarrow$ & Move to previous edit \\ & Next edit & Alt $\rightarrow$ & Move to next edit \\ & Cut left label & Ctl-alt-shift-'<' & Cut from insert pointer to previous label \\ & Cut right label & Ctl-alt-shift -'>' & Cut from insert pointer to next label \\ & Cut previous edit & Ctrl-alt- ',' & Cut from insert pointer to previous edit \\ & Cut next edit & Ctrl-alt- '.' & Cut from insert pointer to next edit \\ & Fit & f & Fit time displayed to selection \\ & Auto Fit & Alt-f & Fit the max/min range of all automation types \\ & Auto Fit & Ctrl-alt-f & Fit the max/min range of current automation types \\ & Undo & z & Undo from history previous operation \\ & Redo & Shift-Z & Redo from history next operation \\ & Manual Goto & g & Jump to time selected by popup \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Drag/Drop Edits} & Clear Selec & Ctrl-Shift-A & Delselect all selected edits \\ & Copy & Ctrl-c & Copy selected edits into copy buffer \\ & Cut & Ctrl-x & Delete selected edits/put in buffer/collapse \\ & Mute & Ctrl-m & Delete selected edits/put in buffer/insert space \\ & Mute & Backspace & Delete selected edits/put in buffer/insert space \\ & Copy Pack & Ctrl-Shift-C & Copy selected edits and pack together \\ & Cut Pack & Ctrl-z & Delete selected edits/put in buffer/collapse \\ & Mute Pack & Ctrl-Shift-M & Delete selected edits/put in buffer/insert space \\ & Paste & Ctrl-v & Paste (splice) buffer at insertion point or reticle \\ & Overwrite & Ctrl-b & Paste (overwrite) buffer at insertion pt/reticle \\ & & Ctrl / LMB & Toggles selected of group/edit \\ & & LMB & If “Clear before toggle”, only select this edit/group \\ & & LMB & If not “Clear before toggle”, toggle edit/group \\ & & Double click & Only select this edit/group \\ & & Double click-Ctrl & Selects column and highlights \\ & LMB & Shift & Group/ungroup selected edits/group \\ & LMB & Ctrl + Drag & Column drag \\ & LMB & Drag & Clip drag \\ & LMB & Drag & Drag unselected edit under cursor \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{FFMpeg probes early/late} & FFMPEG early & Top rt. Corner & Run ffmpeg open probes first / last \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \end{center} \subsection{Main menu Keys}% \label{sub:main_menu_keys} \begin{center} \small \begin{longtable}{ >{\bfseries}c l c p{6cm}} \toprule \multirow{2}*{\textcolor{red}{MAIN}} & 01/19/2019 & update & \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \cline{2-4} \noalign{\smallskip} (Key) & KEY & QUALIFIER & DESCRIPTION\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{blue}{Key} & e & & Toggle editing mode: from cut\&paste or drag\&drop \\ & 1 through 9 & & Toggle auto mode settings as in main menu shortcuts \\ & 1 through 8 & Alt & Select asset pgm $1-8$; reset format (remove other trks) \\ & $\leftarrow$ (left arrow) & & Scroll window timeline display left (not insertion pt) \\ & $\leftarrow$ (left arrow) & Ctrl & Move cursor to label left of cursor (main shortcuts) \\ & $\leftarrow$ (left arrow) & Alt & Move cursor to edit boundary left of cursor position \\ & $\leftarrow$ (left arrow) & Shift-ctrl & Move cursor to label left of cursor, expand selection \\ & $\leftarrow$ (left arrow) & Shift-alt & Move cursor to edit boundary left of cursor\&expand \\ & $\rightarrow$ (right arrow) & & Scroll window timeline display right (not insertion pt) \\ & $\rightarrow$ (right arrow) & Ctrl & Move cursor to label right of cursor (main shortcuts) \\ & $\rightarrow$ (right arrow) & Alt & Move cursor to edit boundary right of cursor position \\ & $\rightarrow$ (right arrow) & Shift-ctrl & Move cursor to label right of cursor, expand selection \\ & $\rightarrow$ (right arrow) & Shift-alt & Move cursor to edit boundary right of cursor\&expand \\ & , (comma) & & Scroll window timeline display left (not insertion pt) \\ & , (comma) & Ctrl & Move cursor to label left of cursor (main shortcuts) \\ & , (comma) & Alt & Decrease auto curve limits (zoombar selected curve) \\ & . (period) & & Scroll window timeline display right (not insertion pt) \\ & . (period) & Ctrl & Move cursor to label right of cursor (main shortcuts) \\ & . (period) & Alt & Move cursor to edit boundary right of cursor position \\ & $\uparrow$ (up arrow) & & Increase timeline duration (zoom out timeline) \\ & $\uparrow$ (up arrow) & Ctrl & Increase audio sample waveform scale \\ & $\uparrow$ (up arrow) & Alt & Increase auto curve limits (zoombar selected curve) \\ & $\uparrow$ (up arrow) & Ctrl-alt & Increase all auto curve limits \\ & $\downarrow$ (down arrow) & & Decrease timeline duration (zoom in timeline) \\ & $\downarrow$ (down arrow) & Ctrl & Decrease audio sample waveform scale \\ & $\downarrow$ (down arrow) & Alt & Decrease auto curve limits (zoombar selected curve) \\ & $\downarrow$ (down arrow) & Ctrl-alt & Decrease all auto curve limits \\ & PGUP (page up) & & Scroll current track vertical window pane up \\ & Mouse wheel & UP & Scroll current track vertical window pane up \\ & PGUP (page up) & Ctrl & Increase track scale geometry (zoom in track data) \\ & PGDN (page down) & & Scroll current track vertical window pane down \\ & Mouse wheel & Down & Scroll current track vertical window pane down \\ & PGDN (page down) & Ctrl & Decrease track scale geometry (zoom out track data) \\ & Home & & Move insertion point to beginning of timeline \\ & End & & Move insertion point to end of timeline \\ & Mouse wheel & Shift + up & Zoom out view without resizing the window \\ & Mouse wheel & Shift + down & Zoom in view without resizing the window \\ & Mouse wheel & Ctrl + up & Move left on the timeline without resize \\ & Mouse wheel & Ctrl + down & Move right on the timeline without resize \\ & & Ctrl + down & Move right on the timeline without resize \\ & & Shift+click & Over edit causes highlight section to extend to cursor \\ & & Shift+click & Over boundary of effect, trims only that effect \\ & & Shift+click & Over Hard Edge of Blade Cut, toggles marker \\ & Toggle single trk & Tab & Toggle single track arming status \\ & Toggle other trks & Shift-tab & Toggle all of the other tracks arming status \\ & & Double click & On plugin title bar, selects that area \\ & & Double click & On an edit, selects that area \\ & & Double click & On subtitle track, displays text in Line text \\ & & Double click & On fade/speed, synch video/audio ganged \\ & & Shift & While dragging auto, turns of gang \\ & & Double MMB & On auto or keyframe, select that position \\ & U & & Paste the last Video transition \\ & u & & Paste the last Audio transition \\ & r & Ctrl & Proxy quick switch \\ & F1 & Shift & Toggle on/off all XYZ of camera \\ & F2 & Shift & Toggle on/off all XYZ of projector \\ & F1 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#1 \\ & F2 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#2 \\ & F3 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#3 \\ & F4 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#4 \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Timebar} & LMB & Ctrl & Changes to the next time format \\ & MMB & Ctrl & Change to the previous time format \\ & LMB & & Moves cursor position on the timeline \\ & Click label & Hold LMB & Drag label to elsewhere \\ & Click In/Out & Hold LMB & Drag In/Out pointer elsewhere \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Patchbay} & Shift/Move & Hold LMB & On Fade slider bar, sets gain to $100\%$ or $0db$ \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \end{center} \section{Compositor window }% \label{sec:compositor_window_shortcuts} \subsection{Compositor buttons }% \label{ssec:compositor_buttons} \begin{center} \small \begin{longtable}{ >{\bfseries}c l c p{6cm}} \toprule \multirow{2}*{\textcolor{red}{COMPOSITOR}} & 01/19/2019 & update & \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \cline{2-4} \noalign{\smallskip} (Buttons) & ITEMS & SHORTCUTS & DESCRIPTION\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{blue}{Tools} & Protect video & F1 & Disable changes to the compositor output \\ & Zoom view & F2 & Zoom in view without resizing the window \\ & Edit mask & F3 & Brings up the mask editing tool \\ & + Edit mask & Shift-drag pt. & Hold down shift+left mouse to drag a point \\ & + Edit mask & Ctrl-drag pt. & Hold down Ctrl+left mouse to move control pointers \\ & + Edit mask & Alt-drag mask & Hold down Alt+left mouse to translate mask \\ & + Edit point & Shift-set pivot & Hold down Shift+middle mouse to set Pivot point \\ & + Rotate mask & Wheel-rotate & Wheel middle mouse to rotate around Pivot \\ & + Scale mask & Shift+Wheel & Hold down Shift+Wheel mouse to scale around pivot \\ & + Rotate/Scale & Ctrl+Wheel & Hold down Ctrl+Wheel to rotate/scale around pointer\\ & + Delete mask & Shift + Del & Hold down Shift + click Delete button to delete mask \\ & Ruler & F4 & Brings up the ruler for usage \\ & + ruler hotkey & Ctrl & Lock ruler to nearest 45 degree angle \\ & + ruler hotkey & Alt & Translate the ruler \\ & Adjust camera & F5 & Brings up the camera editing tool \\ & Adjust projector & F6 & Brings up the projector editing tool \\ & Crop layer/outpt & F7 & Crop a layer or output \\ & + crop tool & Click-drag & In video, starts a new rectangle \\ & + crop tool & Click-drag & Over rectangle to reposition \\ & + crop tool & Alt-click & In cropping rectangle to translate \\ & Get color & F8 & Detects color at current spot \& stores temporary \\ & Show tool info & F9 & Works with editing/cropping buttons \\ & Show safe regs. & F10 & Draws safe regions in the video output \\ & & p & Turn on/off Click to Play \\ & & Shift+w/Ctrl & With transport btn. loops play; all or with [] \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Transport} & (plus 3 below) & & Same as in Main window \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Edit} & (plus 3 below) & & Same as in Main window \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \end{center} \subsection{Compositor keys }% \label{ssec:compositor_keys} \begin{center} \small \begin{longtable}{ >{\bfseries}c l c p{6cm}} \toprule \multirow{2}*{\textcolor{red}{COMPOSITOR}} & 01/19/2019 & update & \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \cline{2-4} \noalign{\smallskip} (keys) & KEY & QUALIFIER & DESCRIPTION\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{blue}{Keypresses} & Mid. click+drag & & Pans the view/moves the image \\ & Middle mouse & Shift & Returns to Auto zoom \\ & RMB & & Brings up zoom\%/auto;reset cam/proj;hide ctrls \\ & LMB Zoom & & Zooms in \\ & Mouse wheel up & & Zooms in \\ & LMB Zoom & Ctrl & Zooms out \\ & Mouse wheel dn & & Zooms out \\ & LMB Zoom & Shift-alt & Zooms out \\ & '+' or ‘=’ & & Zooms in video output \\ & '-' & & Zooms out video output \\ & f & & Toggle on/off fullscreen \\ & F11 & & Reset camera \\ & F12 & & Reset projector \\ & LMB & Shift & Camera enabled - vertical motion zooms in/out\\ & LMB & Shift & Projector enabled - vertical motion zooms in/out\\ & F1 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#1 \\ & F2 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#2 \\ & F3 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#3 \\ & F4 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#4 \\ & Click label & Hold LMB & Drag label to elsewhere \\ & Click In/Out & Hold LMB & Drag In/Out elsewhere \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Timebar} & LMB & Ctrl & Changes to the next time format \\ & MMB & Ctrl & Change to the previous time format \\ & LMB & & Moves cursor position on the timeline \\ & Click label & Hold LMB & Drag label to elsewhere \\ & & Hold LMB & Drag In/Out pointer elsewhere \\ & & Hold LMB & Preview region drag on blue-colored bar \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Transport} & & LMB & Only Protect enabled, start/stop forward play \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Edit} & & MMB & Only Protect enabled, start/stop play reverse \\ & & Middlewheel & Only Protect enabled, plays forw/rev 1 frame \\ & & p & Turns on/off Click to Play button \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \end{center} \section{Viewer window }% \label{sec:viewer_window_shortcuts} \subsection{Viewer buttons }% \label{ssec:viewer_buttons} \begin{center} \small \begin{longtable}{ >{\bfseries}c l c p{6cm}} \toprule \multirow{2}*{\textcolor{red}{VIEWER}} & 01/19/2019 & update & \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \cline{2-4} \noalign{\smallskip} (Buttons) & ITEMS & SHORTCUTS & DESCRIPTION\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{blue}{Transport} & Rewind & home & Jump to beginning \\ & Fast reverse & 'KP +' /Alt-p & Toggle double speed reverse play \\ & Normal reverse & 'KP 6' / Alt-o & Toggle normal speed reverse play \\ & Frame reverse & 'KP 4' / Alt-u & Render previous frame \\ & Stop & 'KP 0' / Alt-m & Stop playback \\ & Frame forward & 'KP 1' / Alt-j & Render next frame \\ & Normal forward & 'KP 3' / Alt-l & Toggle normal speed forward play \\ & Fast forward & 'KP Enter'/A-; & Toggle double speed forward play \\ & Jump to end & end & Jump to end \\ & (No button) & 'KP 5' / Alt-i & Toggle slow speed reverse play \\ & (No button) & 'KP 2' / Alt-k & Toggle slow speed forward play \\ & & 'KP\#-Shift’ & Shift added to KP \#, adds or subtracts audio \\ & & 'Ctrl-KP\#’ & If [ ] set, “KP2,3,5,6,+,enter” play between ptrs. \\ & & + Shift w/Alt & Shift with Alt+x above, adds/remove audio \\ & & + Shift w/Ctrl & Loops play; all or between In/Out \\ & & Left click & Start or stop play forward \\ & & Middle click & Start or stop play reverse \\ & & Middle wheel & Play forward or reverse 1 frame \\ & & p & Turns on/off Click to Play button \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Edit} & In point & '[' or ‘<’ & Toggle In point timeline marker\\ & Out point & ']' or ‘>’ & Toggle Out point timeline marker \\ & & Ctrl-t & Clear both In and Out pointers \\ & Splice & v & Create splice \\ & Overwrite & b & Overwrite \\ & To clip & i & Copy selection and create clip \\ & Copy & c & Copy selection to cut buffer \\ & Splice & 'v' + Shift & Create splice of the entire clip \\ & Overwrite & 'b' + Shift & Overwrite using the entire clip \\ & To clip & 'i' + Shift & Copy all and create clip \\ & Copy & 'c' + Shift & Copy entire clip to cut buffer \\ & Show meters & & Toggle show meters \\ & Toggle label & l & Toggle label at current position \\ & Previous label & 'Ctrl $\leftarrow$' & Move to label before cursor \\ & Next label & 'Ctrl $\rightarrow$' & Move to label after cursor \\ & Manual Goto & g & Jump to time selected by popup \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Mixer} & & Double click & On mixer window, pastes into timeline\\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \end{center} \subsection{Viewer Keys }% \label{ssec:viewer_keys} \begin{center} \small \begin{longtable}{ >{\bfseries}c l c p{6cm}} \toprule \multirow{2}*{\textcolor{red}{VIEWER}} & 01/19/2019 & update & \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \cline{2-4} \noalign{\smallskip} (Key) & KEY & QUALIFIER & DESCRIPTION\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{blue}{Keypresses} & Right click & & Brings up fullscreen/zoom/close menu \\ & F1 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#1 \\ & F2 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#2 \\ & F3 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#3 \\ & F4 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#4 \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Timebar} & LMB & & Moves cursor position on the timeline \\ & Double click & & If between labels, selects that section \\ & Click label & Hold LMB & Drag label to elsewhere \\ & Click In/Out & Hold LMB & Drag In/Out pointer elsewhere \\ & Fat arrow end & Hold LMB & Preview region drag on blue-colored bar \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \end{center} \section{Resources window Keys }% \label{sec:resources_window_keys} \begin{center} \small \begin{longtable}{ >{\bfseries}c l c p{6cm}} \toprule \multirow{2}*{\textcolor{red}{RESOURCES}} & 01/19/2019 & update & \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \cline{2-4} \noalign{\smallskip} (Key) & KEY & QUALIFIER & DESCRIPTION\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{blue}{Keypresses} & Drag Mouse & Shift & Hold down Shift and drag to move text icon \\ & & Double click & Draw vicons off- loads media in Viewer \\ & & Single click & Draw vicons on- bigger thumbnail plays or stops \\ & & Middle click & Draw on -- brings up Inter-View modeling \\ & & Wheel move & Draw on – increase/decrease preview size \\ & & Mouse over & Draw on – instantly brings up thumbnail \\ & v & & Switch to next Display option \\ & i & & Switch on/off info for effects \\ & o & & Opens Load files\dots menu \\ & - load tool & Ctrl-a & Selects all files \\ & - load tool & Ctrl-z & Deselects any highlighted files \\ & DEL key & & Resources/Media, deletes highlighted from project \\ & DEL key & Shift & Resources/Media, deletes highlighted from disk + OK \\ & DEL key & Ctrl+Shift & Resources/plugin, deletes highlighted from disk + OK \\ & F1 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#1 \\ & F2 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#2 \\ & F3 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#3 \\ & F4 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#4 \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \end{center} \section{Other windows }% \label{sec:other_windows} \subsection{Other Buttons }% \label{ssec:other_buttons} \begin{center} \small \begin{longtable}{ >{\bfseries}c l c p{6cm}} \toprule \multirow{2}*{\textcolor{red}{OTHER}} & 01/19/2019 & update & \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \cline{2-4} \noalign{\smallskip} (Buttons) & ITEMS & SHORTCUTS & DESCRIPTION\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{blue}{An Event} & & Double click & On mixer window, pastes into timeline \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Record} & Start/pause & space bar & Start and pause recording of current batch \\ & Label & l & Toggle label at current position \\ & & Double click & On channel in window, pops edit ch window \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Channels} & Select & & Select a channel \\ & Add\dots & & Add another channel \\ & Edit\dots & & Edit the wording associated with the channel \\ & Move up & & Move the channel up in the selection \\ & Move down & & Move the channel down in the selection \\ & Sort & & Sort all of the channels numerically \\ & Scan & & Scan the available channels \\ & Delete & & Delete the selected channel \\ & Picture\dots & & Select the device picture \\ & & Double click & In Find window, cursor moves to hilite program \\ & & Double click & On batchbay line, selects and loads ch info \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Remote} & MENU & & Toggle remote control state (grabs/ungrabs keys) \\ & KPTV & & Open or close the record window \\ & KPBOOK & & Start/stop dvb channel scan \\ & KPHAND & & Quit Cinelerra program \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Commercial} & & Shift-A & Edit commercial\\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \end{center} \subsection{Other Keys }% \label{ssec:other_keys} \begin{center} \small \begin{longtable}{ >{\bfseries}c l c p{6cm}} \toprule \multirow{2}*{\textcolor{red}{OTHER}} & 01/19/2019 & update & \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \cline{2-4} \noalign{\smallskip} (Key) & KEY & QUALIFIER & DESCRIPTION\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{blue}{Most windows} & ESC & & Cancels operation if no one grabs first \\ & ENTER & & Cancels operation if no one grabs first \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Overlays} & LMB & Shift & Turns off all else, or reverts to previous state \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Textboxes} & Tab & & Move cursor to the next textbox \\ & Tab & Shift & Move cursor to the previous textbox \\ & Esc & & Cancels any active suggestions \\ & Left arrow & with ibeam & Backs up 1 character \\ & Left arrow & Ctrl & Backs up to beginning of word/next word \\ & Left arrow & Shift & Selects/Deselects previous character highlight \\ & Left arrow & Ctrl-Shift & Selects/Deselects previous word highlight \\ & Right arrow & with ibeam & Moves forward 1 character \\ & Right arrow & Ctrl & Moves to beginning of next word \\ & Right arrow & Shift & Adds selection highlight to the next character \\ & Right arrow & Ctrl-Shift & Expands highlight to the next word \\ & Up arrow & & Move up to next line, same position \\ & Down arrow & & Move down to next line, same position \\ & Up arrow & Shift & Selects/Deselects up to the previous line X-coord \\ & Down arrow & Shift & Select/Deselect down 1 line from the X-coord \\ & PGUP (page up) & & Goes to the beginning of the page \\ & Pgdn (page down) & & Goes to the end of the page \\ & PGUP (page up) & Shift & Highlights selection above Ibeam to page start \\ & Pgdn (page down) & Shift & Highlights selection below Ibeam to page end \\ & End & & Cancels selection and goes to end of line \\ & End & Shift & Selects to end of line \\ & Home & & Goes to the beginning of the line \\ & Home & Shift & Highlights from ibeam to beginning of line \\ & Backspace & & Deletes the character in back of the ibeam \\ & Delete & & Deletes the next character \\ & Ctrl-c & (also+’Shift’) & Copies selection to the 2nd cut buffer \\ & Ctrl-v & (also+’Shift’) & Pastes selection from the 2nd cut buffer \\ & Ctrl-x & (also+’Shift’) & Copies selection to 2nd cut buffer and delete \\ & & Double click & On word in textbox, highlites that word \\ & & Double click & On highlighted Probe order, enables/disables \\ & & Triple click & In subtitle script text, loads line into line text \\ \midrule \textcolor{blue}{Unicode} & Ctrl-U & Shift & Go into Unicode enter mode \\ & Enter & & Fires the Unicode \\ & Esc & & Cancels Unicode state \\ & Backspace & & Deletes previous character \\ & A-F, 0-9 & & Enters the hex code \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \end{center}