/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 William Morrow * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ #ifndef CHANNELINFO_H #define CHANNELINFO_H #ifdef HAVE_DVB #include "channel.inc" #include "channeldb.h" #include "channelinfo.inc" #include "devicedvbinput.h" #include "guicast.h" #include "mwindow.inc" #include "record.inc" #include "recordbatches.h" #include "signalstatus.h" #include "videodevice.inc" #include "vdevicempeg.inc" #define LTBLACK 0x001c1c1c class ChanSearch : public Thread { public: ChannelInfo *iwindow; ChanSearchGUI *gui; Mutex *window_lock; void start(); void stop(); void run(); ChanSearch(ChannelInfo *iwindow); ~ChanSearch(); }; class ChanSearchGUI : public BC_Window { public: ChanSearch *cswindow; ChannelInfo *iwindow; ChannelPanel *panel; ChanSearchText *search_text; ChanSearchTitleText *title_text; ChanSearchInfoText *info_text; ChanSearchMatchCase *match_case; ChanSearchStart *search_start; ChanSearchCancel *cancel; ChanSearchList *search_list; BC_Title *click_tip; BC_Title *results; int title_text_enable; int info_text_enable; int match_case_enable; ChannelEvent *highlighted_event; int search_x, search_y, text_x, text_y; int cancel_x, cancel_y, cancel_w, cancel_h; int list_x, list_y, list_w, list_h; int results_x, results_y; int sort_column, sort_order; const char *search_column_titles[3]; int search_column_widths[3]; int search_columns[3]; ArrayList search_items[3]; ArrayList search_results; void create_objects(); int close_event(); int resize_event(int x, int y); void update(); int search(const char *); void search(); static int cmpr_text_dn(const void *a, const void *b); static int cmpr_Text_dn(const void *a, const void *b); static int cmpr_text_up(const void *a, const void *b); static int cmpr_Text_up(const void *a, const void *b); static int cmpr_time_dn(const void *a, const void *b); static int cmpr_time_up(const void *a, const void *b); static int cmpr_title_dn(const void *a, const void *b); static int cmpr_Title_dn(const void *a, const void *b); static int cmpr_title_up(const void *a, const void *b); static int cmpr_Title_up(const void *a, const void *b); void sort_events(int column, int order); void move_column(int src, int dst); ChanSearchGUI(ChanSearch *cswindow); ~ChanSearchGUI(); }; class ChanSearchTitleText : public BC_CheckBox { public: ChanSearchGUI *gui; int handle_event(); void update(int v) { set_value(gui->title_text_enable = v); } ChanSearchTitleText(ChanSearchGUI *gui, int x, int y); ~ChanSearchTitleText(); }; class ChanSearchInfoText : public BC_CheckBox { public: ChanSearchGUI *gui; int handle_event(); void update(int v) { set_value(gui->info_text_enable = v); } ChanSearchInfoText(ChanSearchGUI *gui, int x, int y); ~ChanSearchInfoText(); }; class ChanSearchMatchCase : public BC_CheckBox { public: ChanSearchGUI *gui; int handle_event(); ChanSearchMatchCase(ChanSearchGUI *gui, int x, int y); ~ChanSearchMatchCase(); }; class ChanSearchText : public BC_TextBox { public: ChanSearchGUI *gui; int handle_event(); int keypress_event(); ChanSearchText(ChanSearchGUI *gui, int x, int y, int w); ~ChanSearchText(); }; class ChanSearchStart : public BC_GenericButton { public: ChanSearchGUI *gui; int handle_event(); ChanSearchStart(ChanSearchGUI *gui, int x, int y); ~ChanSearchStart(); }; class ChanSearchCancel : public BC_CancelButton { public: ChanSearchGUI *gui; int handle_event(); ChanSearchCancel(ChanSearchGUI *gui, int x, int y); ~ChanSearchCancel(); }; class ChanSearchList : public BC_ListBox { public: ChanSearchGUI *gui; int handle_event(); int sort_order_event(); int move_column_event(); ChanSearchList(ChanSearchGUI *gui, int x, int y, int w, int h); ~ChanSearchList(); }; class ChannelProgress : public Thread, public BC_SubWindow { ChannelInfoGUI *gui; BC_Title *eta; BC_ProgressBar *bar; Timer *eta_timer; double length, value; int done; public: void create_objects(); void run(); void start(); void stop(); int update(); void set_value(int v) { value = v; } ChannelProgress(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y, int w, int h, int len); ~ChannelProgress(); }; class ChannelPanel : public BC_SubWindow { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; TimeLine *time_line; ChannelData *channel_data; ChannelFrame *channel_frame; ChannelScroll *channel_scroll; TimeLineScroll *time_line_scroll; ArrayList time_line_items; ArrayList channel_data_items; ArrayList channel_line_items; ArrayList channel_event_items; int x0, y0, x1, y1, t0, t1; int iwd, iht; int x_moved, y_moved; int iwindow_w, iwindow_h; int path_w, path_h, hhr_w, x_now; int frame_x, frame_y; int frame_w, frame_h; int x_scroll, y_scroll; struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; time_t st_org; void create_objects(); ChannelEventLine *NewChannelLine(int y, int h, int color); ChannelEventLine *NewChannelLine(int y) { return NewChannelLine(y, path_h, LTBLACK); } int separator(int y) { NewChannelLine(y+path_h/8, path_h/4, BLACK); return path_h/2; } void resize(int w, int h); void bounding_box(int ix0, int iy0, int ix1, int iy1); void set_x_scroll(int v); void set_y_scroll(int v); void reposition(); void get_xtime(int x, char *text); void time_line_update(int ix0, int ix1); int button_press_event(); ChannelPanel(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y, int w, int h); ~ChannelPanel(); }; class TimeLineItem : public BC_Title { public: ChannelPanel *panel; int x0, y0; TimeLineItem(ChannelPanel *panel, int x, int y, char *text); ~TimeLineItem(); }; class TimeLine : public BC_SubWindow { public: ChannelPanel *panel; int resize_event(int w, int h); TimeLine(ChannelPanel *panel); ~TimeLine(); }; class ChannelDataItem : public BC_Title { public: ChannelPanel *panel; int x0, y0; const char *tip_info; int repeat_event(int64_t duration); void set_tooltip(const char *tip); ChannelDataItem(ChannelPanel *panel, int x, int y, int w, int color, const char *text); ~ChannelDataItem(); }; class ChannelData : public BC_SubWindow { public: ChannelPanel *panel; int resize_event(int w, int h); ChannelData(ChannelPanel *panel, int x, int y, int w, int h); ~ChannelData(); }; class ChannelScroll : public BC_ScrollBar { public: ChannelPanel *panel; int handle_event(); ChannelScroll(ChannelPanel *panel, int x, int y, int h); ~ChannelScroll(); }; class TimeLineScroll : public BC_ScrollBar { public: ChannelPanel *panel; int handle_event(); TimeLineScroll(ChannelPanel *panel, int x, int y, int w); ~TimeLineScroll(); }; class ChannelEvent : public BC_GenericButton { public: ChannelEventLine *channel_line; time_t start_time, end_time; Channel *channel; int x0, y0, no; const char *tip_info; int handle_event(); void set_tooltip(const char *tip); ChannelEvent(ChannelEventLine *channel_line, Channel *channel, time_t start_time, time_t end_time, int x, int y, int w, const char *text); ~ChannelEvent(); }; class ChannelEventLine : public BC_SubWindow { public: ChannelPanel *panel; int x0, y0; void resize(int w, int h); ChannelEventLine(ChannelPanel *panel, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color); ~ChannelEventLine(); }; class ChannelFrame : public BC_SubWindow { public: ChannelPanel *panel; void resize(int w, int h); ChannelFrame(ChannelPanel *panel); ~ChannelFrame(); }; class ChannelInfoGUI : public BC_Window { public: ChannelInfo *iwindow; ChanSearch *channel_search; ChannelPanel *panel; ChannelProgress *progress; ChannelStatus *channel_status; ChannelInfoGUIBatches *batch_bay; ChannelDir *channel_dir; ChannelPath *channel_path; ChannelStart *channel_start; ChannelDuration *channel_duration; ChannelSource *channel_source; ChannelClearBatch *channel_clear_batch; ChannelNewBatch *channel_new_batch; ChannelDeleteBatch *channel_delete_batch; TimeEntryTumbler *early_time, *late_time; BC_Title *directory_title; BC_Title *path_title; BC_Title *start_title; BC_Title *duration_title; BC_Title *source_title; BC_OKButton *ok; BC_CancelButton *cancel; ChannelInfoCron *channel_cron; ChannelInfoPowerOff *channel_poweroff; ChannelInfoFind *channel_find; int x0, y0, title_w, data_w, pad; int path_w, path_h, status_w; int panel_w, panel_h, max_bay_w; int bay_x, bay_y, bay_w, bay_h; const char *cron_caption, *power_caption; int cron_x, cron_y, cron_w, cron_h; int power_x, power_y, power_w, power_h; int find_x, find_y, find_h; int ok_x, ok_y, ok_w, ok_h; int cancel_x, cancel_y, cancel_w, cancel_h; void create_objects(); void stop(int v); int translation_event(); int resize_event(int w, int h); int close_event(); void update_channel_tools(); void incr_event(int start_time_incr, int duration_incr); void update_progress(int n) { progress->set_value(n); } ChannelInfoGUI(ChannelInfo *iwindow, int x, int y, int w, int h); ~ChannelInfoGUI(); }; class ChannelInfoOK : public BC_OKButton { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; int button_press_event(); int keypress_event(); ChannelInfoOK(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y); ~ChannelInfoOK(); }; class ChannelInfoCancel : public BC_CancelButton { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; int button_press_event(); ChannelInfoCancel(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y); ~ChannelInfoCancel(); }; class ChannelInfoCron : public BC_CheckBox { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; int handle_event(); ChannelInfoCron(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y, int *value); ~ChannelInfoCron(); }; class ChannelInfoPowerOff : public BC_CheckBox { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; int handle_event(); ChannelInfoPowerOff(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y, int *value); ~ChannelInfoPowerOff(); }; class ChannelInfoFind : public BC_GenericButton { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; int handle_event(); ChannelInfoFind(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y); ~ChannelInfoFind(); }; class ChannelInfoGUIBatches : public RecordBatchesGUI { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; int handle_event(); int selection_changed(); ChannelInfoGUIBatches(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y, int w, int h); ~ChannelInfoGUIBatches(); }; class ChannelDir : public RecordBatchesGUI::Dir { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; ChannelDir(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, const char *dir, int x, int y); }; class ChannelPath : public RecordBatchesGUI::Path { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; ChannelPath(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y); }; class ChannelStart : public RecordBatchesGUI::StartTime { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; ChannelStart(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y); }; class ChannelDuration : public RecordBatchesGUI::Duration { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; ChannelDuration(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y, int w); }; class ChannelEarlyTime : public TimeEntryTumbler { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; int handle_up_event(); int handle_down_event(); ChannelEarlyTime(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y, double *output_time); }; class ChannelLateTime : public TimeEntryTumbler { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; int handle_up_event(); int handle_down_event(); ChannelLateTime(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y, double *output_time); }; class ChannelSource : public RecordBatchesGUI::Source { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; void create_objects(); int handle_event(); ChannelSource(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y); }; class ChannelNewBatch : public RecordBatchesGUI::NewBatch { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; int handle_event(); ChannelNewBatch(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y); }; class ChannelDeleteBatch : public RecordBatchesGUI::DeleteBatch { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; int handle_event(); ChannelDeleteBatch(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y); }; class ChannelClearBatch : public RecordBatchesGUI::ClearBatch { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; int handle_event(); ChannelClearBatch(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y); }; class ChannelInfo : public Thread { public: MWindow *mwindow; Record *record; VideoDevice *vdevice; Mutex *window_lock; Mutex *vdevice_lock; Mutex *progress_lock; DeviceDVBInput *dvb_input; RecordBatches record_batches; ChannelInfoGUI *gui; ChannelThread *thread; ChannelDB *channeldb; Condition *scan_lock; int cron_enable, poweroff_enable; int item; int done, gui_done; void run_scan(); void toggle_scan(); void start(); void stop(); void run(); void close_vdevice(); Batch *new_batch(); void delete_batch(); int current_batch() { return gui->batch_bay->current_batch(); } int editing_batch() { return gui->batch_bay->editing_batch(); } bool is_active() { return gui != 0; } ChannelInfo(MWindow *mwindow); ~ChannelInfo(); }; class ChannelThread : public Thread { public: ChannelInfo *iwindow; ChannelInfoGUI *gui; ChannelPanel *panel; zmpeg3_t *fd; int done; int load_ident(int n, int y, char *ident); int load_info(Channel *channel, ChannelEventLine *channel_line); void start(); void stop(); void run(); int total_channels() { return iwindow->channeldb->size(); } Channel *get_channel(int ch) { return iwindow->channeldb->get(ch); } int set_channel(Channel *chan); ChannelThread(ChannelInfoGUI *gui); ~ChannelThread(); }; class ChannelScan : public BC_MenuItem { public: MWindow *mwindow; int handle_event(); ChannelScan(MWindow *mwindow); ~ChannelScan(); }; class ChannelStatus : public SignalStatus { public: ChannelInfoGUI *gui; ChannelStatus(ChannelInfoGUI *gui, int x, int y) : SignalStatus(gui, x, y) { this->gui = gui; } ~ChannelStatus() {} }; #endif #endif