/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 1997-2011 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcbutton.h" #include "bccapture.h" #include "bccolors.h" #include "bcdisplayinfo.h" #include "cstrdup.h" #include "colorpicker.h" #include "condition.h" #include "keys.h" #include "language.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "bccolors.h" #include "vframe.h" #include #include #define PALETTE_DATA "palette.dat" ColorPicker::ColorPicker(int do_alpha, const char *title) : BC_DialogThread() { this->do_alpha = do_alpha; this->title = cstrdup(title); } ColorPicker::~ColorPicker() { close_window(); delete [] title; } void ColorPicker::start_window(int color, int alpha, int ok_cancel) { if( running() ) { ColorWindow *window = (ColorWindow *)get_gui(); if( window ) { window->lock_window("ColorPicker::start_window"); window->raise_window(1); window->unlock_window(); } return; } this->color = color; this->alpha = alpha; this->ok_cancel = ok_cancel; start(); } BC_Window* ColorPicker::new_gui() { char window_title[BCTEXTLEN]; strcpy(window_title, _(PROGRAM_NAME ": ")); strcat(window_title, title ? title : _("Color Picker")); BC_DisplayInfo display_info; int x = display_info.get_abs_cursor_x() + xS(25); int y = display_info.get_abs_cursor_y() - yS(100); int w = ColorWindow::calculate_w(); int h = ColorWindow::calculate_h(); if( ok_cancel ) h += bmax(ColorOK::calculate_h(),ColorCancel::calculate_h()); int root_w = display_info.get_root_w(), root_h = display_info.get_root_h(); if( x+w > root_w ) x = root_w - w; if( y+h > root_h ) y = root_h - h; if( x < 0 ) x = 0; if( y < 0 ) y = 0; ColorWindow *window = new ColorWindow(this, x, y, w, h, window_title); window->create_objects(); window->start_selection(color, !do_alpha ? -1 : alpha, ok_cancel); return window; } void ColorPicker::update_gui(int color, int alpha) { ColorWindow *window = (ColorWindow *)get_gui(); if( !window ) return; window->update_gui(color, alpha); } int ColorPicker::handle_new_color(int color, int alpha) { printf("ColorPicker::handle_new_color undefined.\n"); return 1; } ColorWindow::ColorWindow(ColorPicker *thread, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *title) : BC_Window(title, x, y, w, h, w, h, 0, 0, 1), ColorGUI(this) { this->thread = thread; } ColorWindow::~ColorWindow() { } void ColorWindow::create_objects() { BC_WindowBase::create_objects(); ColorGUI::create_objects(); thread->create_objects(this); } void ColorWindow::update_gui(int color, int alpha) { lock_window("ColorWindow::update_gui"); this->color = color; this->alpha = alpha; change_values(); update_display(); unlock_window(); } int ColorWindow::handle_new_color(int color, int alpha) { lock_window("ColorWindow::handle_new_color"); thread->handle_new_color(color, alpha); unlock_window(); return 1; } ColorGUI::ColorGUI(BC_WindowBase *window) { this->window = window; this->title = 0; this->do_alpha = 0; this->ok_cancel = 0; this->color = this->orig_color = BLACK; this->alpha = this->orig_alpha = 255; wheel = 0; wheel_value = 0; color = 0; hue = 0; sat = 0; val = 0; red = 0; grn = 0; blu = 0; lum = 0; c_r = 0; c_b = 0; alpha = 0; hsv_h = 0; hsv_s = 0; hsv_v = 0; rgb_r = 0; rgb_g = 0; rgb_b = 0; yuv_y = 0; yuv_u = 0; yuv_v = 0; aph_a = 0; button_grabbed = 0; } ColorGUI::~ColorGUI() { delete hsv_h; delete hsv_s; delete hsv_v; delete rgb_r; delete rgb_g; delete rgb_b; delete yuv_y; delete yuv_u; delete yuv_v; delete aph_a; if( button_grabbed ) { window->ungrab_buttons(); window->ungrab_cursor(); } update_history(rgb888()); save_history(); } void ColorGUI::add_tool(BC_WindowBase *sub_wdw) { window->add_tool(sub_wdw); } void ColorGUI::start_selection(int color, int alpha, int ok_cancel) { this->orig_color = color; this->orig_alpha = alpha; this->color = color; this->alpha = alpha; this->do_alpha = alpha < 0 ? 0 : 1; this->ok_cancel = ok_cancel; create_objects(); } void ColorGUI::create_objects() { int xs5 = xS(5), xs10 = xS(10), xs15 = xS(15); int ys10 = yS(10), ys15 = yS(15), ys25 = yS(25), ys40 = yS(40); int x0 = xs10, y0 = ys10; window->lock_window("ColorGUI::create_objects"); change_values(); int x = x0, y = y0; add_tool(wheel = new PaletteWheel(this, x, y)); wheel->create_objects(); x += xS(180); add_tool(wheel_value = new PaletteWheelValue(this, x, y)); wheel_value->create_objects(); x = x0; y += yS(180); add_tool(poutput = new PaletteOutput(this, x, y)); poutput->create_objects(); y += poutput->get_h() + yS(20); load_history(); int x1 = x; add_tool(hex_btn = new PaletteHexButton(this, x1, y)); char hex[BCSTRLEN]; sprintf(hex,"%06x",color); x1 += hex_btn->get_w() + xs5; add_tool(hex_box = new PaletteHex(this, x1, y, hex)); x1 += hex_box->get_w() + xs15; add_tool(grab_btn = new PaletteGrabButton(this, x1, y)); y += hex_box->get_h() + ys15; add_tool(history = new PaletteHistory(this, xs10, y)); x += xS(240); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y =y0, C_("H:"), SMALLFONT)); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y+=ys25, C_("S:"), SMALLFONT)); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y+=ys25, D_("colorpicker_value#V:"), SMALLFONT)); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y+=ys40, C_("R:"), SMALLFONT)); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y+=ys25, C_("G:"), SMALLFONT)); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y+=ys25, C_("B:"), SMALLFONT)); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y+=ys40, C_("Y:"), SMALLFONT)); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y+=ys25, C_("U:"), SMALLFONT)); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y+=ys25, D_("colorpicker_Cr#V:"), SMALLFONT)); if( do_alpha ) add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y+=ys40, C_("A:"), SMALLFONT)); x += xS(24); add_tool(hue = new PaletteHue(this, x, y= y0)); add_tool(sat = new PaletteSat(this, x, y+=ys25)); add_tool(val = new PaletteVal(this, x, y+=ys25)); add_tool(red = new PaletteRed(this, x, y+=ys40)); add_tool(grn = new PaletteGrn(this, x, y+=ys25)); add_tool(blu = new PaletteBlu(this, x, y+=ys25)); add_tool(lum = new PaletteLum(this, x, y+=ys40)); add_tool(c_r = new PaletteCr (this, x, y+=ys25)); add_tool(c_b = new PaletteCb (this, x, y+=ys25)); if( do_alpha ) add_tool(palpha = new PaletteAlpha(this, x, y+=ys40)); x += hue->get_w() + xs10; hsv_h = new PaletteHSV(this, x,y= y0, hsv.h, 0, 360); hsv_h->set_increment(1); hsv_h->set_precision(1); hsv_h->create_objects(); hsv_h->set_tooltip(_("Hue")); hsv_s = new PaletteHSV(this, x,y+=ys25, hsv.s, 0, 1); hsv_s->create_objects(); hsv_s->set_tooltip(_("Saturation")); hsv_v = new PaletteHSV(this, x,y+=ys25, hsv.v, 0, 1); hsv_v->create_objects(); hsv_v->set_tooltip(_("Value")); rgb_r = new PaletteRGB(this, x,y+=ys40, rgb.r, 0, 1); rgb_r->create_objects(); rgb_r->set_tooltip(_("Red")); rgb_g = new PaletteRGB(this, x,y+=ys25, rgb.g, 0, 1); rgb_g->create_objects(); rgb_g->set_tooltip(_("Green")); rgb_b = new PaletteRGB(this, x,y+=ys25, rgb.b, 0, 1); rgb_b->create_objects(); rgb_b->set_tooltip(_("Blue")); yuv_y = new PaletteYUV(this, x,y+=ys40, yuv.y, 0, 1); yuv_y->create_objects(); yuv_y->set_tooltip(_("Luminance")); yuv_u = new PaletteYUV(this, x,y+=ys25, yuv.u, 0, 1); yuv_u->create_objects(); yuv_u->set_tooltip(_("Blue Luminance Difference")); yuv_v = new PaletteYUV(this, x,y+=ys25, yuv.v, 0, 1); yuv_v->create_objects(); yuv_v->set_tooltip(_("Red Luminance Difference")); if( do_alpha ) { aph_a = new PaletteAPH(this, x,y+=ys40, aph, 0, 1); aph_a->create_objects(); aph_a->set_tooltip(_("Alpha")); } if( ok_cancel ) { add_tool(new ColorOK(this, window)); add_tool(new ColorCancel(this, window)); } create_objects(this); update_display(); update_history(); window->show_window(1); window->unlock_window(); } void ColorGUI::change_values() { float r = ((color>>16) & 0xff) / 255.; float g = ((color>>8) & 0xff) / 255.; float b = ((color>>0) & 0xff) / 255.; rgb.r = r; rgb.g = g; rgb.b = b; aph = (float)alpha / 255; update_rgb(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b); } ColorOK::ColorOK(ColorGUI *gui, BC_WindowBase *window) : BC_OKButton(window) { this->gui = gui; this->window = window; } int ColorOK::handle_event() { gui->ok_cancel = 0; gui->close_gui(); window->sync_display(); return 1; } ColorCancel::ColorCancel(ColorGUI *gui, BC_WindowBase *window) : BC_CancelButton(window) { this->gui = gui; this->window = window; } int ColorCancel::handle_event() { gui->ok_cancel = 1; gui->close_gui(); window->sync_display(); return 1; } int ColorGUI::close_gui() { if( button_grabbed ) { button_grabbed = 0; window->ungrab_buttons(); window->ungrab_cursor(); } window->set_done(ok_cancel ? 1 : 0); return 1; } void ColorGUI::update_rgb() { update_rgb(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b); update_display(); } void ColorGUI::update_hsv() { update_hsv(hsv.h, hsv.s, hsv.v); update_display(); } void ColorGUI::update_yuv() { update_yuv(yuv.y, yuv.u, yuv.v); update_display(); } void ColorGUI::update_display() { wheel->draw(wheel->oldhue, wheel->oldsaturation); wheel->oldhue = hsv.h; wheel->oldsaturation = hsv.s; wheel->draw(hsv.h, hsv.s); wheel->flash(); wheel_value->draw(hsv.h, hsv.s, hsv.v); wheel_value->flash(); poutput->draw(); poutput->flash(); hue->update((int)hsv.h); sat->update(hsv.s); val->update(hsv.v); red->update(rgb.r); grn->update(rgb.g); blu->update(rgb.b); lum->update(yuv.y); c_r->update(yuv.u); c_b->update(yuv.v); hsv_h->update(hsv.h); hsv_s->update(hsv.s); hsv_v->update(hsv.v); rgb_r->update(rgb.r); rgb_g->update(rgb.g); rgb_b->update(rgb.b); yuv_y->update(yuv.y); yuv_u->update(yuv.u); yuv_v->update(yuv.v); hex_box->update(); if( do_alpha ) { palpha->update(aph); aph_a->update(aph); } } int ColorGUI::handle_gui() { window->unlock_window(); handle_new_color(rgb888(), alpha8()); window->lock_window("ColorGUI::handle_event"); return 1; } void ColorGUI::get_screen_sample() { int cx, cy; window->get_abs_cursor(cx, cy); BC_Capture capture_bitmap(1, 1, 0); VFrame vframe(1,1,BC_RGB888); capture_bitmap.capture_frame(&vframe, cx,cy); unsigned char *data = vframe.get_data(); rgb.r = data[0]/255.; rgb.g = data[1]/255.; rgb.b = data[2]/255.; update_rgb(); } int ColorGUI::cursor_motion_gui() { if( button_grabbed && window->get_button_down() ) { get_screen_sample(); return 1; } return 0; } int ColorGUI::button_press_gui() { if( button_grabbed ) { get_screen_sample(); return 1; } return 0; } int ColorGUI::button_release_gui() { if( button_grabbed ) { window->ungrab_buttons(); window->ungrab_cursor(); grab_btn->enable(); button_grabbed = 0; update_history(); return handle_gui(); } return 1; } void ColorGUI::update_rgb_hex(const char *hex) { unsigned color; if( sscanf(hex,"%x",&color) == 1 ) { if( do_alpha ) { aph = ((color>>24) & 0xff) / 255.; aph_a->update(aph); } float r = ((color>>16) & 0xff) / 255.; float g = ((color>>8) & 0xff) / 255.; float b = ((color>>0) & 0xff) / 255.; rgb.r = r; rgb.g = g; rgb.b = b; update_rgb(); update_history(); handle_gui(); } } void ColorGUI::update_gui(int color, int alpha) { printf("ColorGUI::update_gui undefined.\n"); } int ColorGUI::handle_new_color(int color, int alpha) { printf("ColorGUI::handle_new_color undefined.\n"); return 1; } PaletteWheel::PaletteWheel(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_SubWindow(x, y, xS(170), yS(170)) { this->gui = gui; oldhue = 0; oldsaturation = 0; button_down = 0; } PaletteWheel::~PaletteWheel() { } int PaletteWheel::button_press_event() { if( get_cursor_x() >= 0 && get_cursor_x() < get_w() && get_cursor_y() >= 0 && get_cursor_y() < get_h() && is_event_win() ) { button_down = 1; cursor_motion_event(); return 1; } return 0; } int PaletteWheel::cursor_motion_event() { int x1, y1, distance; if( button_down && is_event_win() ) { float h = get_angle(get_w()/2, get_h()/2, get_cursor_x(), get_cursor_y()); bclamp(h, 0, 359.999); gui->hsv.h = h; x1 = get_w() / 2 - get_cursor_x(); y1 = get_h() / 2 - get_cursor_y(); distance = (int)sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1); float s = (float)distance / (get_w() / 2); bclamp(s, 0, 1); gui->hsv.s = s; gui->hsv.v = 1; gui->update_hsv(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } return 0; } int PaletteWheel::button_release_event() { if( button_down ) { button_down = 0; return 1; } return 0; } void PaletteWheel::create_objects() { // Upper right //printf("PaletteWheel::create_objects 1\n"); float h, s, v = 1; float r, g, b; float x1, y1, x2, y2; float distance; int default_r, default_g, default_b; VFrame frame(0, -1, get_w(), get_h(), BC_RGBA8888, -1); x1 = get_w() / 2; y1 = get_h() / 2; default_r = (get_resources()->get_bg_color() & 0xff0000) >> 16; default_g = (get_resources()->get_bg_color() & 0xff00) >> 8; default_b = (get_resources()->get_bg_color() & 0xff); //printf("PaletteWheel::create_objects 1\n"); int highlight_r = (get_resources()->button_light & 0xff0000) >> 16; int highlight_g = (get_resources()->button_light & 0xff00) >> 8; int highlight_b = (get_resources()->button_light & 0xff); for( y2 = 0; y2 < get_h(); y2++ ) { unsigned char *row = (unsigned char*)frame.get_rows()[(int)y2]; for( x2 = 0; x2 < get_w(); x2++ ) { distance = sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); if( distance > x1 ) { row[(int)x2 * 4] = default_r; row[(int)x2 * 4 + 1] = default_g; row[(int)x2 * 4 + 2] = default_b; row[(int)x2 * 4 + 3] = 0; } else if( distance > x1 - 1 ) { int r_i, g_i, b_i; if( get_h() - y2 < x2 ) { r_i = highlight_r; g_i = highlight_g; b_i = highlight_b; } else { r_i = 0; g_i = 0; b_i = 0; } row[(int)x2 * 4] = r_i; row[(int)x2 * 4 + 1] = g_i; row[(int)x2 * 4 + 2] = b_i; row[(int)x2 * 4 + 3] = 255; } else { h = get_angle(x1, y1, x2, y2); s = distance / x1; HSV::hsv_to_rgb(r, g, b, h, s, v); row[(int)x2 * 4] = (int)(r * 255); row[(int)x2 * 4 + 1] = (int)(g * 255); row[(int)x2 * 4 + 2] = (int)(b * 255); row[(int)x2 * 4 + 3] = 255; } } } draw_vframe(&frame, 0, 0, get_w(), get_h(), 0, 0, get_w(), get_h(), 0); oldhue = gui->hsv.h; oldsaturation = gui->hsv.s; draw(oldhue, oldsaturation); flash(); } float PaletteWheel::torads(float angle) { return (float)angle / 360 * 2 * M_PI; } int PaletteWheel::draw(float hue, float saturation) { int x, y, w, h; x = w = get_w() / 2; y = h = get_h() / 2; if( hue > 0 && hue < 90 ) { x = (int)(w - w * cos(torads(90 - hue)) * saturation); y = (int)(h - h * sin(torads(90 - hue)) * saturation); } else if( hue > 90 && hue < 180 ) { x = (int)(w - w * cos(torads(hue - 90)) * saturation); y = (int)(h + h * sin(torads(hue - 90)) * saturation); } else if( hue > 180 && hue < 270 ) { x = (int)(w + w * cos(torads(270 - hue)) * saturation); y = (int)(h + h * sin(torads(270 - hue)) * saturation); } else if( hue > 270 && hue < 360 ) { x = (int)(w + w * cos(torads(hue - 270)) * saturation); y = (int)(h - w * sin(torads(hue - 270)) * saturation); } else if( hue == 0 ) { x = w; y = (int)(h - h * saturation); } else if( hue == 90 ) { x = (int)(w - w * saturation); y = h; } else if( hue == 180 ) { x = w; y = (int)(h + h * saturation); } else if( hue == 270 ) { x = (int)(w + w * saturation); y = h; } set_inverse(); set_color(WHITE); draw_circle(x - xS(5), y - yS(5), xS(10), yS(10)); set_opaque(); return 0; } int PaletteWheel::get_angle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { float result = -atan2(x2 - x1, y1 - y2) * (360 / M_PI / 2); if( result < 0 ) result += 360; return (int)result; } PaletteWheelValue::PaletteWheelValue(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_SubWindow(x, y, xS(40), yS(170), BLACK) { this->gui = gui; button_down = 0; } PaletteWheelValue::~PaletteWheelValue() { delete frame; } void PaletteWheelValue::create_objects() { frame = new VFrame(get_w(), get_h(), BC_RGB888); draw(gui->hsv.h, gui->hsv.s, gui->hsv.v); flash(); } int PaletteWheelValue::button_press_event() { //printf("PaletteWheelValue::button_press 1 %d\n", is_event_win()); if( get_cursor_x() >= 0 && get_cursor_x() < get_w() && get_cursor_y() >= 0 && get_cursor_y() < get_h() && is_event_win() ) { //printf("PaletteWheelValue::button_press 2\n"); button_down = 1; cursor_motion_event(); return 1; } return 0; } int PaletteWheelValue::cursor_motion_event() { if( button_down && is_event_win() ) { //printf("PaletteWheelValue::cursor_motion 1\n"); float v = 1.0 - (float)(get_cursor_y() - 2) / (get_h() - 4); bclamp(v, 0, 1); gui->hsv.v = v; gui->update_hsv(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } return 0; } int PaletteWheelValue::button_release_event() { if( button_down ) { //printf("PaletteWheelValue::button_release 1\n"); button_down = 0; return 1; } return 0; } int PaletteWheelValue::draw(float hue, float saturation, float value) { float r_f, g_f, b_f; int i, j, r, g, b; for( i = get_h() - 3; i >= 2; i-- ) { unsigned char *row = (unsigned char*)frame->get_rows()[i]; HSV::hsv_to_rgb(r_f, g_f, b_f, hue, saturation, 1.0 - (float)(i - 2) / (get_h() - 4)); r = (int)(r_f * 255); g = (int)(g_f * 255); b = (int)(b_f * 255); for( j = 0; j < get_w(); j++ ) { row[j * 3] = r; row[j * 3 + 1] = g; row[j * 3 + 2] = b; } } draw_3d_border(0, 0, get_w(), get_h(), 1); draw_vframe(frame, 2, 2, get_w() - 4, get_h() - 4, 2, 2, get_w() - 4, get_h() - 4, 0); set_color(BLACK); draw_line(2, get_h() - 3 - (int)(value * (get_h() - 5)), get_w() - 3, get_h() - 3 - (int)(value * (get_h() - 5))); //printf("PaletteWheelValue::draw %d %f\n", __LINE__, value); return 0; } PaletteOutput::PaletteOutput(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_SubWindow(x, y, xS(180), yS(30), BLACK) { this->gui = gui; } PaletteOutput::~PaletteOutput() { } void PaletteOutput::create_objects() { draw(); flash(); } int PaletteOutput::handle_event() { return 1; } int PaletteOutput::draw() { set_color(gui->rgb888()); draw_box(2, 2, get_w() - 4, get_h() - 4); draw_3d_border(0, 0, get_w(), get_h(), 1); return 0; } PaletteHue::PaletteHue(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_ISlider(x, y, 0, xS(150), xS(200), 0, 359, (int)(gui->hsv.h), 0) { this->gui = gui; } PaletteHue::~PaletteHue() { } int PaletteHue::handle_event() { gui->hsv.h = get_value(); gui->update_hsv(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } PaletteSat::PaletteSat(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_FSlider(x, y, 0, xS(150), xS(200), 0, 1.0, gui->hsv.s, 0) { this->gui = gui; set_precision(0.01); } PaletteSat::~PaletteSat() { } int PaletteSat::handle_event() { gui->hsv.s = get_value(); gui->update_hsv(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } PaletteVal::PaletteVal(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_FSlider(x, y, 0, xS(150), xS(200), 0, 1.0, gui->hsv.v, 0) { this->gui = gui; set_precision(0.01); } PaletteVal::~PaletteVal() { } int PaletteVal::handle_event() { gui->hsv.v = get_value(); gui->update_hsv(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } PaletteRed::PaletteRed(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_FSlider(x, y, 0, xS(150), xS(200), 0, 1, gui->rgb.r, 0) { this->gui = gui; set_precision(0.01); } PaletteRed::~PaletteRed() { } int PaletteRed::handle_event() { gui->rgb.r = get_value(); gui->update_rgb(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } PaletteGrn::PaletteGrn(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_FSlider(x, y, 0, xS(150), xS(200), 0, 1, gui->rgb.g, 0) { this->gui = gui; set_precision(0.01); } PaletteGrn::~PaletteGrn() { } int PaletteGrn::handle_event() { gui->rgb.g = get_value(); gui->update_rgb(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } PaletteBlu::PaletteBlu(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_FSlider(x, y, 0, xS(150), xS(200), 0, 1, gui->rgb.b, 0) { this->gui = gui; set_precision(0.01); } PaletteBlu::~PaletteBlu() { } int PaletteBlu::handle_event() { gui->rgb.b = get_value(); gui->update_rgb(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } PaletteAlpha::PaletteAlpha(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_FSlider(x, y, 0, xS(150), xS(200), 0, 1, gui->aph, 0) { this->gui = gui; set_precision(0.01); } PaletteAlpha::~PaletteAlpha() { } int PaletteAlpha::handle_event() { gui->aph = get_value(); gui->aph_a->update(gui->aph); gui->hex_box->update(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } PaletteLum::PaletteLum(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_FSlider(x, y, 0, xS(150), xS(200), 0, 1, gui->yuv.y, 0) { this->gui = gui; set_precision(0.01); } PaletteLum::~PaletteLum() { } int PaletteLum::handle_event() { gui->yuv.y = get_value(); gui->update_yuv(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } PaletteCr::PaletteCr(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_FSlider(x, y, 0, xS(150), xS(200), 0, 1, gui->yuv.u, 0) { this->gui = gui; set_precision(0.01); } PaletteCr::~PaletteCr() { } int PaletteCr::handle_event() { gui->yuv.u = get_value(); gui->update_yuv(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } PaletteCb::PaletteCb(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_FSlider(x, y, 0, xS(150), xS(200), 0, 1, gui->yuv.v, 0) { this->gui = gui; set_precision(0.01); } PaletteCb::~PaletteCb() { } int PaletteCb::handle_event() { gui->yuv.v = get_value(); gui->update_yuv(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } void ColorGUI::update_rgb(float r, float g, float b) { { float y, u, v; YUV::yuv.rgb_to_yuv_f(r, g, b, y, u, v); u += 0.5; v += 0.5; bclamp(y, 0, 1); yuv.y = y; bclamp(u, 0, 1); yuv.u = u; bclamp(v, 0, 1); yuv.v = v; } { float h, s, v; HSV::rgb_to_hsv(r,g,b, h,s,v); bclamp(h, 0, 360); hsv.h = h; bclamp(s, 0, 1); hsv.s = s; bclamp(v, 0, 1); hsv.v = v; } } void ColorGUI::update_yuv(float y, float u, float v) { u -= 0.5; v -= 0.5; { float r, g, b; YUV::yuv.yuv_to_rgb_f(r, g, b, y, u, v); bclamp(r, 0, 1); rgb.r = r; bclamp(g, 0, 1); rgb.g = g; bclamp(b, 0, 1); rgb.b = b; float h, s, v; HSV::rgb_to_hsv(r,g,b, h, s, v); bclamp(h, 0, 360); hsv.h = h; bclamp(s, 0, 1); hsv.s = s; bclamp(v, 0, 1); hsv.v = v; } } void ColorGUI::update_hsv(float h, float s, float v) { { float r, g, b; HSV::hsv_to_rgb(r,g,b, h,s,v); bclamp(r, 0, 1); rgb.r = r; bclamp(g, 0, 1); rgb.g = g; bclamp(b, 0, 1); rgb.b = b; float y, u, v; YUV::yuv.rgb_to_yuv_f(r, g, b, y, u, v); u += 0.5; v += 0.5; bclamp(y, 0, 1); yuv.y = y; bclamp(u, 0, 1); yuv.u = u; bclamp(v, 0, 1); yuv.v = v; } } void ColorGUI::load_history() { char history_path[BCTEXTLEN]; MWindow::create_defaults_path(history_path,PALETTE_DATA); FILE *fp = fopen(history_path,"r"); int i=0; if( fp ) { while( i < PALLETTE_HISTORY_SIZE ) { char line[BCSTRLEN]; if( !fgets(line,sizeof(line)-1,fp) ) break; line[sizeof(line)-1] = 0; if( sscanf(line, "%x",&palette_history[i]) != 1 ) break; ++i; } fclose(fp); } int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; float v0 = 0, v1 = 1; while( i < PALLETTE_HISTORY_SIZE ) { int grey_code = i ^ (i>>1); r = 255 * ((grey_code&4) ? v0 : v1); g = 255 * ((grey_code&2) ? v0 : v1); b = 255 * ((grey_code&1) ? v0 : v1); int color = (r<<16) | (g<<8) | (b<<0); palette_history[i++] = color; if( i & 7 ) continue; v0 = 0.5f * (v0+.5f); v1 = 0.5f * (v1+.5f); } } void ColorGUI::save_history() { char history_path[BCTEXTLEN]; MWindow::create_defaults_path(history_path,PALETTE_DATA); FILE *fp = fopen(history_path,"w"); if( fp ) { for( int i=0; iupdate(0); } int ColorGUI::rgb888() { int r = 255*rgb.r + 0.5, g = 255*rgb.g + 0.5, b = 255*rgb.b + 0.5; bclamp(r, 0, 255); bclamp(g, 0, 255); bclamp(b, 0, 255); return (r<<16) | (g<<8) | (b<<0); } int ColorGUI::alpha8() { int a = 255*aph + 0.5; bclamp(a, 0, 255); return a; } PaletteNum::PaletteNum(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y, float &output, float min, float max) : BC_TumbleTextBox(gui->window, output, min, max, x, y, xS(64)) { this->gui = gui; this->output = &output; set_increment(0.01); set_precision(2); } PaletteNum::~PaletteNum() { } int PaletteHSV::handle_event() { update_output(); gui->update_hsv(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } int PaletteRGB::handle_event() { update_output(); gui->update_rgb(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } int PaletteYUV::handle_event() { update_output(); gui->update_yuv(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } int PaletteAPH::handle_event() { update_output(); gui->update_display(); gui->handle_gui(); return 1; } PaletteHexButton::PaletteHexButton(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, xS(50), "#") { this->gui = gui; set_tooltip(_("hex rgb color")); } PaletteHexButton::~PaletteHexButton() { } int PaletteHexButton::handle_event() { const char *hex = gui->hex_box->get_text(); gui->update_rgb_hex(hex); return 1; } PaletteHex::PaletteHex(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y, const char *hex) : BC_TextBox(x, y, xS(100), 1, hex) { this->gui = gui; } PaletteHex::~PaletteHex() { } void PaletteHex::update() { char hex[BCSTRLEN], *cp = hex; if( gui->do_alpha ) cp += sprintf(cp,"%02x", gui->alpha8()); sprintf(cp,"%06x",gui->rgb888()); BC_TextBox::update(hex); } int PaletteHex::keypress_event() { if( get_keypress() != RETURN ) return BC_TextBox::keypress_event(); gui->update_rgb_hex(get_text()); return 1; } #include "grabpick_up_png.h" #include "grabpick_hi_png.h" #include "grabpick_dn_png.h" PaletteGrabButton::PaletteGrabButton(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_Button(x, y, vframes) { this->gui = gui; vframes[0] = new VFramePng(grabpick_up_png); vframes[1] = new VFramePng(grabpick_hi_png); vframes[2] = new VFramePng(grabpick_dn_png); set_tooltip(_("grab from anywhere picker")); } PaletteGrabButton::~PaletteGrabButton() { for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) delete vframes[i]; } int PaletteGrabButton::handle_event() { if( gui->window->grab_buttons() ) { gui->window->grab_cursor(); gui->button_grabbed = 1; return BC_Button::button_press_event(); // redraw face HI } return 1; } PaletteHistory::PaletteHistory(ColorGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_SubWindow(x,y, xS(200), yS(24)) { this->gui = gui; button_down = 0; set_tooltip(_("color history")); } PaletteHistory::~PaletteHistory() { } void PaletteHistory::update(int flush) { int x1 = 0, x2 = 0; for( int i=0; ipalette_history[i]; x2 = (++i * get_w())/PALLETTE_HISTORY_SIZE; draw_3d_box(x1,0,x2-x1,get_h(),WHITE,BLACK,rgb,LTBLUE,DKBLUE); } flash(flush); } int PaletteHistory::button_press_event() { if( button_down || !is_event_win() ) return 0; button_down = 1; cursor_motion_event(); return 1; } int PaletteHistory::button_release_event() { if( !button_down || !is_event_win() ) return 0; cursor_motion_event(); if( button_down > 0 ) { gui->handle_gui(); gui->update_display(); gui->update_history(); } button_down = 0; return 1; } int PaletteHistory::cursor_motion_event() { if( !button_down || !is_event_win() ) return 0; hide_tooltip(); int pick = (PALLETTE_HISTORY_SIZE * get_cursor_x()) / get_w(); bclamp(pick, 0, PALLETTE_HISTORY_SIZE-1); int color = gui->palette_history[pick]; float r = ((color>>16) & 0xff) / 255.; float g = ((color>>8) & 0xff) / 255.; float b = ((color>>0) & 0xff) / 255.; if( gui->rgb.r != r || gui->rgb.g != g || gui->rgb.b != b ) { gui->rgb.r = r; gui->rgb.g = g; gui->rgb.b = b; gui->update_rgb(); } return 1; } int PaletteHistory::cursor_leave_event() { hide_tooltip(); return 0; } int PaletteHistory::repeat_event(int64_t duration) { int result = 0; if( duration == get_resources()->tooltip_delay && get_tooltip() && *get_tooltip() && cursor_above() ) { show_tooltip(); result = 1; } return result; } ColorButton::ColorButton(const char *title, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color, int alpha, int ok_cancel) : BC_Button(x, y, w, vframes) { this->title = title; this->color = this->orig_color = color; this->alpha = this->orig_alpha = alpha; this->ok_cancel = ok_cancel; for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { vframes[i] = new VFrame(w, h, BC_RGBA8888); vframes[i]->clear_frame(); } color_picker = 0; color_thread = 0; } ColorButton::~ColorButton() { delete color_thread; delete color_picker; for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) delete vframes[i]; } void ColorButton::set_color(int color) { printf("ColorButton::set_color %06x\n", color); } void ColorButton::handle_done_event(int result) { color_thread->stop(); } int ColorButton::handle_new_color(int color, int alpha) { printf("ColorButton::handle_new_color %02x%06x\n", alpha, color); return 1; } int ColorButton::handle_event() { unlock_window(); delete color_picker; color_picker = new ColorButtonPicker(this); orig_color = color; orig_alpha = alpha; color_picker->start_window(color, alpha, ok_cancel); if( !color_thread ) color_thread = new ColorButtonThread(this); color_thread->start(); lock_window("ColorButtonButton::start_color_thread"); return 1; } void ColorButton::close_picker() { if( color_thread ) color_thread->stop(); delete color_thread; color_thread = 0; delete color_picker; color_picker = 0; } void ColorButton::update_gui(int color, int alpha) { if( color_picker ) color_picker->update_gui(color, alpha); update_gui(color | (~alpha<<24)); } void ColorButton::update_gui(int color) { set_color(color); draw_face(); } ColorButtonPicker::ColorButtonPicker(ColorButton *color_button) : ColorPicker(color_button->alpha >= 0 ? 1 : 0, color_button->title) { this->color_button = color_button; } ColorButtonPicker::~ColorButtonPicker() { } void ColorButtonPicker::handle_done_event(int result) { color_button->color_thread->stop(); color_button->handle_done_event(result); } void ColorButtonPicker::update(int color, int alpha) { color_button->color = color; color_button->alpha = alpha; color_button->color_thread->update_lock->unlock(); } int ColorButtonPicker::handle_new_color(int color, int alpha) { color_button->lock_window("ColorButtonPicker::handle_new_color"); color_button->update_gui(color, alpha); color_button->unlock_window(); return color_button->handle_new_color(color, alpha); } void ColorButtonPicker::update_gui() { color_button->lock_window("ColorButtonPicker::update_gui"); color_button->update_gui(color_button->color, color_button->alpha); color_button->unlock_window(); } void ColorButtonPicker::update_gui(int color, int alpha) { ColorPicker::update_gui(color, alpha); color_button->handle_new_color(color, alpha); } ColorButtonThread::ColorButtonThread(ColorButton *color_button) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->color_button = color_button; this->update_lock = new Condition(0,"ColorButtonThread::update_lock"); done = 1; } ColorButtonThread::~ColorButtonThread() { stop(); delete update_lock; } void ColorButtonThread::start() { if( done ) { done = 0; Thread::start(); } } void ColorButtonThread::stop() { if( !done ) { done = 1; update_lock->unlock(); join(); } } void ColorButtonThread::run() { ColorButtonPicker *color_picker = color_button->color_picker; color_picker->update_gui(); while( !done ) { update_lock->lock("ColorButtonThread::run"); if( done ) break; color_picker->update_gui(); } } ColorBoxButton::ColorBoxButton(const char *title, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color, int alpha, int ok_cancel) : ColorButton(title, x, y, w, h, color, alpha, ok_cancel) { } ColorBoxButton::~ColorBoxButton() { } int ColorBoxButton::handle_new_color(int color, int alpha) { return ColorButton::handle_new_color(color, alpha); } void ColorBoxButton::handle_done_event(int result) { ColorButton::handle_done_event(result); } void ColorBoxButton::create_objects() { update_gui(color, alpha); } void ColorBoxButton::set_color(int color) { this->color = (color & 0xffffff); this->alpha = (~color>>24) & 0xff; int r = (color>>16) & 0xff; int g = (color>> 8) & 0xff; int b = (color>> 0) & 0xff; int color_model = vframes[0]->get_color_model(); int bpp = BC_CModels::calculate_pixelsize(color_model); for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { VFrame *vframe = vframes[i]; int ww = vframe->get_w(), hh = vframe->get_h(); uint8_t **rows = vframe->get_rows(); int rr = r, gg = g, bb = b; switch( i ) { case BUTTON_UP: break; case BUTTON_UPHI: if( (rr+=48) > 0xff ) rr = 0xff; if( (gg+=48) > 0xff ) gg = 0xff; if( (bb+=48) > 0xff ) bb = 0xff; break; case BUTTON_DOWNHI: if( (rr-=48) < 0x00 ) rr = 0x00; if( (gg-=48) < 0x00 ) gg = 0x00; if( (bb-=48) < 0x00 ) bb = 0x00; break; } for( int y=0; y 3 ) rp[3] = 0xff; rp += bpp; } } } set_images(vframes); } ColorCircleButton::ColorCircleButton(const char *title, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color, int alpha, int ok_cancel) : ColorButton(title, x, y, w, h, color, alpha, ok_cancel) { } ColorCircleButton::~ColorCircleButton() { } int ColorCircleButton::handle_new_color(int color, int alpha) { return ColorButton::handle_new_color(color, alpha); } void ColorCircleButton::handle_done_event(int result) { ColorButton::handle_done_event(result); } void ColorCircleButton::create_objects() { update_gui(color, alpha); } void ColorCircleButton::set_color(int color) { this->color = (color & 0xffffff); this->alpha = (~color>>24) & 0xff; int r = (color>>16) & 0xff; int g = (color>>8) & 0xff; int b = (color>>0) & 0xff; for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { VFrame *vframe = vframes[i]; int ww = vframe->get_w(), hh = vframe->get_h(); int cx = (ww+1)/2, cy = hh/2; double cc = (cx*cx + cy*cy) / 4.; uint8_t *bp = vframe->get_data(), *dp = bp; uint8_t *ep = dp + vframe->get_data_size(); int rr = r, gg = g, bb = b; int bpl = vframe->get_bytes_per_line(); switch( i ) { case BUTTON_UP: break; case BUTTON_UPHI: if( (rr+=48) > 0xff ) rr = 0xff; if( (gg+=48) > 0xff ) gg = 0xff; if( (bb+=48) > 0xff ) bb = 0xff; break; case BUTTON_DOWNHI: if( (rr-=48) < 0x00 ) rr = 0x00; if( (gg-=48) < 0x00 ) gg = 0x00; if( (bb-=48) < 0x00 ) bb = 0x00; break; } while( dp < ep ) { int yy = (dp-bp) / bpl, xx = ((dp-bp) % bpl) >> 2; int dy = cy - yy, dx = cx - xx; double s = dx*dx + dy*dy - cc; double ss = s < 0 ? 1 : s >= cc ? 0 : 1 - s/cc; int aa = ss * 0xff; *dp++ = rr; *dp++ = gg; *dp++ = bb; *dp++ = aa; } } set_images(vframes); }