/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 William Morrow * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) #if defined (__linux__) #ifndef _COMMERCIALS_H_ #define _COMMERCIALS_H_ #include "arraylist.h" #include "asset.inc" #include "bcprogress.h" #include "bcwindow.h" #include "commercials.inc" #include "condition.inc" #include "edit.inc" #include "edits.inc" #include "file.inc" #include "garbage.h" #include "linklist.h" #include "mediadb.h" #include "mwindow.inc" #include "thread.h" #include "track.inc" #include "vframe.inc" #include "filexml.inc" class Commercials : public Garbage { MediaDb *mdb; int armed; int clip_id; double *clip_weights; int64_t frame_start, frame_total; double frame_period; ArrayList weights; ArrayList offsets; ArrayList tracks; File *scan_file; ScanStatus *scan_status; int update_cut_info(int trk, double position); int update_caption(int trk, int edt, const char *path); int update_status(int clip, double start, double end); int new_clip(const char *title, int frames, double framerate); Clips *find_clips(int pid); int put_weight(VFrame *frame, int no); int put_frame(VFrame *frame, int no, int group, double offset); int skim_weights(int track, double position, double iframerate, int iframes); double abs_err(Snip *snip, double *ap, int j, int len, double iframerate); double abs_err(double *ap, int len, double iframerate); int skim_weight(int track); static int skim_weight(void *vp, int track); public: MWindow *mwindow; int cancelled, muted; int newDb(); void closeDb(); int openDb(); int resetDb(); void commitDb(); void undoDb(); int transaction() { return mdb->transaction(); } int attachDb(int rw=0); int detachDb(); int put_clip(File *file, int track, double position, double length); int get_frame(File *file, int pid, double position, uint8_t *tp, int mw, int mh, int ww, int hh); static double frame_weight(uint8_t *tdat, int rowsz, int width, int height); int skim_frame(Snips *snips, uint8_t *dat, double position); int verify_snip(Snip *snip, double weight, double position); int mute_audio(Clip *clip); int unmute_audio(); int test_clip(int clip_id, int track, double position, double &pos); int verify_clip(int clip_id, int track, double position, double &pos); int write_ads(const char *filename); int read_ads(const char *filename); void dump_ads(); int verify_edit(Track *track, Edit *edit, double start, double end); Edit * cut_edit(Track *track, Edit *edit, int64_t clip_start, int64_t clip_end); int scan_audio(int vstream, double start, double end); int scan_media(); int scan_video(); int scan_asset(Asset *asset, Track *vtrack, Edit *edit); int scan_clips(Track *vtrack, Edit *edit); int get_image(int id, uint8_t *dat, int &w, int &h); int get_clip_seq_no(int clip_id, int &seq_no, double &offset, int &frame_id); MediaDb *media_db() { return mdb; } Commercials(MWindow *mwindow); ~Commercials(); }; class ScanStatusBar : public BC_ProgressBar { int tick, limit; public: int update(int64_t position) { if( --tick >= 0 ) return 0; tick = limit; return BC_ProgressBar::update(position); } int update_length(int64_t length) { tick = limit = length / 100; return BC_ProgressBar::update_length(length); } ScanStatusBar(int x, int y, int w, int64_t length, int do_text = 1) : BC_ProgressBar(x, y, w, length, do_text) { tick = limit = length / 100; } ~ScanStatusBar() {} }; class ScanStatusGUI : public BC_Window { ScanStatus *sswindow; int nbars, nlines; BC_Title **texts; ScanStatusBar **bars; friend class ScanStatus; public: ScanStatusGUI(ScanStatus *sswindow, int x, int y, int nlines, int nbars); ~ScanStatusGUI(); void create_objects(const char *text); }; class ScanStatus : public Thread { int &status; void stop(); void run(); public: Commercials *commercials; ScanStatusGUI *gui; ScanStatus(Commercials *commercials, int x, int y, int nlines, int nbars, int &status, const char *text); ~ScanStatus(); int update_length(int i, int64_t length); int update_position(int i, int64_t position); int update_text(int i, const char *text); }; class SdbPacket : public ListItem { public: enum sdb_packet_type { sdb_none, sdb_skim_frame, } type; SkimDbThread *thread; void start(); virtual void run() = 0; SdbPacket(sdb_packet_type ty, SkimDbThread *tp) : type(ty), thread(tp) {} ~SdbPacket() {} }; class SdbPacketQueue : public List, public Mutex { public: SdbPacket *get_packet(); void put_packet(SdbPacket *p); }; class SdbSkimFrame : public SdbPacket { public: int pid; int64_t framenum; double framerate; uint8_t dat[SFRM_SZ]; void load(int pid,int64_t framenum,double framerate, uint8_t *idata,int mw,int mh,int iw,int ih); void run(); SdbSkimFrame(SkimDbThread *t) : SdbPacket(sdb_skim_frame, t) {} ~SdbSkimFrame() {} }; class SkimDbThread : public Thread { SdbPacketQueue active_packets; Condition *input_lock; friend class SdbSkimFrame; public: int done; SdbPacketQueue skim_frames; Commercials *commercials; Snips *snips; void start(Commercials *commercials); void stop(); void run(); void put_packet(SdbPacket *p); int skim(int pid,int64_t framenum,double framerate, uint8_t *idata,int mw,int mh,int iw,int ih); SkimDbThread(); ~SkimDbThread(); }; #endif #endif // linux #endif /* x86 */