/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ // Objects for compressors #include "clip.h" #include "compressortools.h" #include "cursors.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "language.h" #include "pluginclient.h" #include "samples.h" #include "theme.h" #include BandConfig::BandConfig() { freq = 0; solo = 0; bypass = 0; // readahead_len = 1.0; attack_len = 1.0; release_len = 1.0; } BandConfig::~BandConfig() { } void BandConfig::save_data(FileXML *xml, int number, int do_multiband) { xml->tag.set_title("COMPRESSORBAND"); if( do_multiband ) { xml->tag.set_property("NUMBER", number); xml->tag.set_property("FREQ", freq); xml->tag.set_property("BYPASS", bypass); xml->tag.set_property("SOLO", solo); xml->tag.set_property("ATTACK_LEN", attack_len); xml->tag.set_property("RELEASE_LEN", release_len); } xml->append_tag(); xml->append_newline(); for( int i = 0; i < levels.total; i++ ) { xml->tag.set_title("LEVEL"); xml->tag.set_property("X", levels.values[i].x); xml->tag.set_property("Y", levels.values[i].y); xml->append_tag(); xml->append_newline(); } xml->tag.set_title("/COMPRESSORBAND"); xml->append_tag(); xml->append_newline(); } void BandConfig::read_data(FileXML *xml, int do_multiband) { if( do_multiband ) { freq = xml->tag.get_property("FREQ", freq); bypass = xml->tag.get_property("BYPASS", bypass); solo = xml->tag.get_property("SOLO", solo); attack_len = xml->tag.get_property("ATTACK_LEN", attack_len); release_len = xml->tag.get_property("RELEASE_LEN", release_len); } levels.remove_all(); int result = 0; while( !result ) { result = xml->read_tag(); if( !result ) { if( xml->tag.title_is("LEVEL") ) { double x = xml->tag.get_property("X", (double)0); double y = xml->tag.get_property("Y", (double)0); compressor_point_t point = { x, y }; levels.append(point); } else if( xml->tag.title_is("/COMPRESSORBAND") ) { break; } } } } void BandConfig::copy_from(BandConfig *src) { levels.remove_all(); for( int i = 0; i < src->levels.total; i++ ) { levels.append(src->levels.values[i]); } // readahead_len = src->readahead_len; attack_len = src->attack_len; release_len = src->release_len; freq = src->freq; solo = src->solo; bypass = src->bypass; } int BandConfig::equiv(BandConfig *src) { if( levels.total != src->levels.total || solo != src->solo || bypass != src->bypass || freq != src->freq || // !EQUIV(readahead_len, src->readahead_len) || !EQUIV(attack_len, src->attack_len) || !EQUIV(release_len, src->release_len) ) { return 0; } for( int i = 0; i < levels.total && i < src->levels.total; i++ ) { compressor_point_t *this_level = &levels.values[i]; compressor_point_t *that_level = &src->levels.values[i]; if( !EQUIV(this_level->x, that_level->x) || !EQUIV(this_level->y, that_level->y) ) { return 0; } } return 1; } void BandConfig::boundaries(CompressorConfigBase *base) { for( int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++ ) { compressor_point_t *level = &levels.values[i]; if( level->x < base->min_db ) level->x = base->min_db; if( level->y < base->min_db ) level->y = base->min_db; if( level->x > base->max_db ) level->x = base->max_db; if( level->y > base->max_db ) level->y = base->max_db; } } CompressorConfigBase::CompressorConfigBase(int total_bands) { this->total_bands = total_bands; bands = new BandConfig[total_bands]; min_db = -78.0; max_db = 6.0; min_value = DB::fromdb(min_db) + 0.001; // min_x = min_db; max_x = 0; // min_y = min_db; max_y = 0; smoothing_only = 0; trigger = 0; input = CompressorConfigBase::TRIGGER; for( int i=0; icopy_from(src); } } int CompressorConfigBase::equivalent(CompressorConfigBase &that) { for( int i=0; i &levels = bands[band].levels; int sz = levels.size(); if( !sz ) return 1.; if( i >= sz ) i = sz-1; return levels.values[i].y; } double CompressorConfigBase::get_x(int band, int i) { ArrayList &levels = bands[band].levels; int sz = levels.size(); if( !sz ) return 0.; if( i >= sz ) i = sz-1; return levels.values[i].x; } double CompressorConfigBase::calculate_db(int band, double x) { ArrayList &levels = bands[band].levels; int sz = levels.size(); if( !sz ) return x; compressor_point_t &point0 = levels[0]; double px0 = point0.x, py0 = point0.y, dx0 = x - px0; // the only point. Use slope from min_db if( sz == 1 ) return py0 + dx0 * (py0 - min_db) / (px0 - min_db); // before 1st point, use 1:1 gain double ret = py0 + dx0; // find point <= x int k = sz; while( --k >= 0 && levels[k].x > x ); if( k >= 0 ) { compressor_point_t &curr = levels[k]; double cx = curr.x, cy = curr.y, dx = x - cx; // between 2 points. Use slope between 2 points // the last point. Use slope of last 2 points if( k >= sz-1 ) --k; compressor_point_t &prev = levels[k+0]; compressor_point_t &next = levels[k+1]; double px = prev.x, py = prev.y; double nx = next.x, ny = next.y; ret = cy + dx * (ny - py) / (nx - px); } return ret; } int CompressorConfigBase::set_point(int band, double x, double y) { ArrayList &levels = bands[band].levels; int k = levels.size(), ret = k; while( --k >= 0 && levels[k].x >= x ) ret = k; compressor_point_t new_point = { x, y }; levels.insert(new_point, ret); return ret; } void CompressorConfigBase::remove_point(int band, int i) { ArrayList &levels = bands[band].levels; levels.remove_number(i); } double CompressorConfigBase::calculate_output(int band, double x) { double x_db = DB::todb(x); return DB::fromdb(calculate_db(band, x_db)); } double CompressorConfigBase::calculate_gain(int band, double input_linear) { double output_linear = calculate_output(band, input_linear); // output is below minimum. Mute it return output_linear < min_value ? 0. : // input is below minimum. Don't change it. fabs(input_linear - 0.0) < min_value ? 1. : // gain output_linear / input_linear; } CompressorCanvasBase::CompressorCanvasBase(CompressorConfigBase *config, PluginClient *plugin, PluginClientWindow *window, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_SubWindow(x, y, w, h, BLACK) { this->config = config; this->plugin = plugin; this->window = window; current_operation = NONE; graph_x = 0; graph_y = 0; graph_w = w - graph_x; graph_h = h - graph_y; subdivisions = 6; divisions = (int)(config->max_db - config->min_db) / subdivisions; } CompressorCanvasBase::~CompressorCanvasBase() { } void CompressorCanvasBase::create_objects() { add_subwindow(menu = new CompressorPopup(this)); menu->create_objects(); set_cursor(CROSS_CURSOR, 0, 0); draw_scales(); update(); } void CompressorCanvasBase::draw_scales() { int yfudge = yS(10); window->set_font(SMALLFONT); window->set_color(get_resources()->default_text_color); // output divisions for( int i=0; i<=divisions; ++i ) { int y = get_y() + yfudge + graph_y + graph_h * i / divisions; int x = get_x(); char string[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(string, "%.0f", config->max_db - (float)i / divisions * (config->max_db - config->min_db)); int text_w = get_text_width(SMALLFONT, string); if( i >= divisions ) y -= yfudge; window->draw_text(x-xS(10) - text_w, y, string); if( i >= divisions ) break; int y1 = get_y() + graph_y + graph_h * i / divisions; int y2 = get_y() + graph_y + graph_h * (i + 1) / divisions; int x1 = get_x() - xS(10), x2 = get_x() - xS(5); for( int j=0; jdraw_line(x, y, x1, y); } } // input divisions for( int i=0; i<=divisions; ++i ) { int y = get_y() + get_h(); int x = get_x() + graph_x + graph_w * i / divisions; int y0 = y + window->get_text_ascent(SMALLFONT); char string[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(string, "%.0f", (float)i / divisions * (config->max_db - config->min_db) + config->min_db); int text_w = get_text_width(SMALLFONT, string); window->draw_text(x - text_w, y0 + yS(10), string); if( i >= divisions ) break; int x1 = get_x() + graph_x + graph_w * i / divisions; int x2 = get_x() + graph_x + graph_w * (i + 1) / divisions; int y1 = y + yS(10), y2 = y + yS(5); for( int j=0; jdraw_line(x, y, x, y1); } } } #define POINT_W xS(10) // get Y from X int CompressorCanvasBase::x_to_y(int band, int x) { double min_db = config->min_db, max_db = config->max_db; double rng_db = max_db - min_db; double x_db = min_db + (double)x / graph_w * rng_db; double y_db = config->calculate_db(band, x_db); int y = graph_y + graph_h - (int)((y_db - min_db) * graph_h / rng_db); return y; } // get X from DB int CompressorCanvasBase::db_to_x(double db) { double min_db = config->min_db, max_db = config->max_db; double rng_db = max_db - min_db; int x = graph_x + (double)(db - min_db) * graph_w / rng_db; return x; } // get Y from DB int CompressorCanvasBase::db_to_y(double db) { double min_db = config->min_db, max_db = config->max_db; double rng_db = max_db - min_db; int y = graph_y + graph_h - (int)((db - min_db) * graph_h / rng_db); return y; } double CompressorCanvasBase::x_to_db(int x) { CLAMP(x, 0, get_w()); double min_db = config->min_db, max_db = config->max_db; double rng_db = max_db - min_db; double x_db = (double)(x - graph_x) * rng_db / graph_w + min_db; CLAMP(x_db, min_db, max_db); return x_db; } double CompressorCanvasBase::y_to_db(int y) { CLAMP(y, 0, get_h()); double min_db = config->min_db, max_db = config->max_db; double rng_db = max_db - min_db; double y_db = (double)(graph_y - y) * rng_db / graph_h + max_db; CLAMP(y_db, min_db, max_db); return y_db; } void CompressorCanvasBase::update() { // headroom boxes set_color(window->get_bg_color()); draw_box(graph_x, 0, get_w(), graph_y); draw_box(graph_w, graph_y, get_w() - graph_w, get_h() - graph_y); // const int checker_w = DP(10); // const int checker_h = DP(10); // set_color(MDGREY); // for( int i = 0; i < get_h(); i += checker_h ) // { // for( int j = (i % 2) * checker_w; j < get_w(); j += checker_w * 2 ) // { // if( !(i >= graph_y && // i + checker_h < graph_y + graph_h && // j >= graph_x && // j + checker_w < graph_x + graph_w) ) // { // draw_box(j, i, checker_w, checker_h); // } // } // } // canvas boxes set_color(plugin->get_theme()->graph_bg_color); draw_box(graph_x, graph_y, graph_w, graph_h); // graph border draw_3d_border(0, 0, get_w(), get_h(), window->get_bg_color(), plugin->get_theme()->graph_border1_color, plugin->get_theme()->graph_border2_color, window->get_bg_color()); set_line_dashes(1); set_color(plugin->get_theme()->graph_grid_color); for( int i = 1; i < divisions; i++ ) { int y = graph_y + graph_h * i / divisions; draw_line(graph_x, y, graph_x + graph_w, y); // 0db if( i == 1 ) { draw_line(graph_x, y + 1, graph_x + graph_w, y + 1); } int x = graph_x + graph_w * i / divisions; draw_line(x, graph_y, x, graph_y + graph_h); // 0db if( i == divisions - 1 ) { draw_line(x + 1, graph_y, x + 1, graph_y + graph_h); } } set_line_dashes(0); set_font(MEDIUMFONT); int border = plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; draw_text(border, get_h() / 2, _("Output")); int tx = get_w() / 2 - get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, _("Input")) / 2; int ty = get_h() - get_text_height(MEDIUMFONT, _("Input")) - border; draw_text(tx, ty, _("Input")); for( int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++ ) { for( int band = 0; band < config->total_bands; band++ ) { // draw the active band on top of the others if( band == config->current_band && pass == 0 || band != config->current_band && pass == 1 ) { continue; } if( band == config->current_band ) { set_color(plugin->get_theme()->graph_active_color); set_line_width(2); } else { set_color(plugin->get_theme()->graph_inactive_color); set_line_width(1); } // draw the line int x1 = graph_x, y1 = x_to_y(band, x1); for( int i=0; ++i <= graph_w; ) { int x2 = x1+1, y2 = x_to_y(band, x2); draw_line(x1,y1, x2,y2); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } set_line_width(1); // draw the points if( band == config->current_band ) { ArrayList &levels = config->bands[band].levels; for( int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++ ) { double x_db = config->get_x(band, i); double y_db = config->get_y(band, i); int x = db_to_x(x_db); int y = db_to_y(y_db); if( i == current_point ) { draw_box(x - POINT_W / 2, y - POINT_W / 2, POINT_W, POINT_W); } else { draw_rectangle(x - POINT_W / 2, y - POINT_W / 2, POINT_W, POINT_W); } } } } } flash(); } int CompressorCanvasBase::button_press_event() { // Check existing points if( is_event_win() && cursor_inside() ) { if( get_buttonpress() == 3 ) { menu->activate_menu(); return 1; } int band = config->current_band; ArrayList &levels = config->bands[band].levels; for( int i=0; iget_x(config->current_band, i); double y_db = config->get_y(config->current_band, i); int x = db_to_x(x_db); int y = db_to_y(y_db); if( get_cursor_x() <= x + POINT_W / 2 && get_cursor_x() >= x - POINT_W / 2 && get_cursor_y() <= y + POINT_W / 2 && get_cursor_y() >= y - POINT_W / 2 ) { current_operation = DRAG; current_point = i; return 1; } } if( get_cursor_x() >= graph_x && get_cursor_x() < graph_x + graph_w && get_cursor_y() >= graph_y && get_cursor_y() < graph_y + graph_h ) { // Create new point double x_db = x_to_db(get_cursor_x()); double y_db = y_to_db(get_cursor_y()); current_point = config->set_point(config->current_band, x_db, y_db); current_operation = DRAG; update_window(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } } return 0; } int CompressorCanvasBase::button_release_event() { int band = config->current_band; ArrayList &levels = config->bands[band].levels; if( current_operation == DRAG ) { if( current_point > 0 ) { if( levels[current_point].x < levels[current_point-1].x ) { config->remove_point(config->current_band, current_point); } } if( current_point < levels.size()-1 ) { if( levels[current_point].x >= levels[current_point + 1].x ) { config->remove_point(config->current_band, current_point); } } update_window(); plugin->send_configure_change(); current_operation = NONE; return 1; } return 0; } int CompressorCanvasBase::cursor_motion_event() { int band = config->current_band; ArrayList &levels = config->bands[band].levels; if( current_operation == DRAG ) { int x = get_cursor_x(); int y = get_cursor_y(); double x_db = x_to_db(x); double y_db = y_to_db(y); if( shift_down() ) { const int grid_precision = 6; x_db = config->max_db + (double)(grid_precision * (int)((x_db - config->max_db) / grid_precision - 0.5)); y_db = config->max_db + (double)(grid_precision * (int)((y_db - config->max_db) / grid_precision - 0.5)); } //printf("CompressorCanvasBase::cursor_motion_event %d x=%d y=%d x_db=%f y_db=%f\n", //__LINE__, x, y, x_db, y_db); levels[current_point].x = x_db; levels[current_point].y = y_db; update_window(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } else // Change cursor over points if( is_event_win() && cursor_inside() ) { int new_cursor = CROSS_CURSOR; for( int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++ ) { double x_db = config->get_x(config->current_band, i); double y_db = config->get_y(config->current_band, i); int x = db_to_x(x_db); int y = db_to_y(y_db); if( get_cursor_x() <= x + POINT_W / 2 && get_cursor_x() >= x - POINT_W / 2 && get_cursor_y() <= y + POINT_W / 2 && get_cursor_y() >= y - POINT_W / 2 ) { new_cursor = UPRIGHT_ARROW_CURSOR; break; } } // out of active area if( get_cursor_x() >= graph_x + graph_w || get_cursor_y() < graph_y ) { new_cursor = ARROW_CURSOR; } if( new_cursor != get_cursor() ) { set_cursor(new_cursor, 0, 1); } } return 0; } void CompressorCanvasBase::update_window() { printf("CompressorCanvasBase::update_window %d empty\n", __LINE__); } int CompressorCanvasBase::is_dragging() { return current_operation == DRAG; } CompressorClientFrame::CompressorClientFrame() { type = -1; band = 0; } CompressorClientFrame::~CompressorClientFrame() { } CompressorFreqFrame::CompressorFreqFrame() { type = FREQ_COMPRESSORFRAME; data = 0; data_size = 0; freq_max = 0; time_max = 0; nyquist = 0; } CompressorFreqFrame::~CompressorFreqFrame() { delete [] data; } CompressorGainFrame::CompressorGainFrame() { type = GAIN_COMPRESSORFRAME; gain = 0; level = 0; } CompressorGainFrame::~CompressorGainFrame() { } CompressorEngine::CompressorEngine(CompressorConfigBase *config, int band) { this->config = config; this->band = band; reset(); } CompressorEngine::~CompressorEngine() { } void CompressorEngine::reset() { slope_samples = 0; slope_current_sample = 0; peak_samples = 0; slope_value2 = 1.0; slope_value1 = 1.0; slope_samples = 0; slope_current_sample = 0; current_value = 1.0; gui_frame_samples = 2048; gui_max_gain = 1.0; gui_frame_counter = 0; } void CompressorEngine::calculate_ranges(int *attack_samples, int *release_samples, int *preview_samples, int sample_rate) { BandConfig *band_config = &config->bands[band]; *attack_samples = labs(Units::round(band_config->attack_len * sample_rate)); *release_samples = Units::round(band_config->release_len * sample_rate); CLAMP(*attack_samples, 1, 1000000); CLAMP(*release_samples, 1, 1000000); *preview_samples = MAX(*attack_samples, *release_samples); } void CompressorEngine::process(Samples **output_buffer, Samples **input_buffer, int size, int sample_rate, int channels, int64_t start_position) { BandConfig *band_config = &config->bands[band]; int attack_samples; int release_samples; int preview_samples; int trigger = CLIP(config->trigger, 0, channels - 1); gui_gains.remove_all(); gui_levels.remove_all(); gui_offsets.remove_all(); calculate_ranges(&attack_samples, &release_samples, &preview_samples, sample_rate); if( slope_current_sample < 0 ) slope_current_sample = slope_samples; double *trigger_buffer = input_buffer[trigger]->get_data(); for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { double current_slope = (slope_value2 - slope_value1) / slope_samples; // maximums in the 2 time ranges double attack_slope = -0x7fffffff; double attack_sample = -1; int attack_offset = -1; int have_attack_sample = 0; double release_slope = -0x7fffffff; double release_sample = -1; int release_offset = -1; int have_release_sample = 0; if( slope_current_sample >= slope_samples ) { // start new line segment for( int j = 1; j < preview_samples; j++ ) { GET_TRIGGER(input_buffer[channel]->get_data(), i + j) double new_slope = (sample - current_value) / j; if( j < attack_samples && new_slope >= attack_slope ) { attack_slope = new_slope; attack_sample = sample; attack_offset = j; have_attack_sample = 1; } if( j < release_samples && new_slope <= 0 && new_slope > release_slope ) { release_slope = new_slope; release_sample = sample; release_offset = j; have_release_sample = 1; } } slope_current_sample = 0; if( have_attack_sample && attack_slope >= 0 ) { // attack peak_samples = attack_offset; slope_samples = attack_offset; slope_value1 = current_value; slope_value2 = attack_sample; current_slope = attack_slope; //printf("CompressorEngine::process %d position=%ld slope=%f samples=%d\n", //__LINE__, start_position + i, current_slope, slope_samples); } else if( have_release_sample ) { // release slope_samples = release_offset; // slope_samples = release_samples; peak_samples = release_offset; slope_value1 = current_value; slope_value2 = release_sample; current_slope = release_slope; //printf("CompressorEngine::process %d position=%ld slope=%f\n", //__LINE__, start_position + i, current_slope); } else { static int bug = 0; if( !bug ) { printf("CompressorEngine::process %d have neither attack nor release position=%ld attack=%f release=%f current_value=%f\n", __LINE__, start_position + i, attack_slope, release_slope, current_value); bug = 1; } } } else { // check for new peak after the line segment GET_TRIGGER(input_buffer[channel]->get_data(), i + attack_samples) double new_slope = (sample - current_value) / attack_samples; if( current_slope >= 0 ) { if( new_slope > current_slope ) { peak_samples = attack_samples; slope_samples = attack_samples; slope_current_sample = 0; slope_value1 = current_value; slope_value2 = sample; current_slope = new_slope; //printf("CompressorEngine::process %d position=%ld slope=%f\n", //__LINE__, start_position + i, current_slope); } } else // this strings together multiple release periods instead of // approaching but never reaching the ending gain if( current_slope < 0 ) { if( sample > slope_value2 ) { peak_samples = attack_samples; slope_samples = release_samples; slope_current_sample = 0; slope_value1 = current_value; slope_value2 = sample; new_slope = (sample - current_value) / release_samples; current_slope = new_slope; //printf("CompressorEngine::process %d position=%ld slope=%f\n", //__LINE__, start_position + i, current_slope); } // else // { // GET_TRIGGER(input_buffer[channel]->get_data(), i + release_samples) // new_slope = (sample - current_value) / // release_samples; // if( new_slope < current_slope && // slope_current_sample >= peak_samples ) // { // peak_samples = release_samples; // slope_samples = release_samples; // slope_current_sample = 0; // slope_value1 = current_value; // slope_value2 = sample; // current_slope = new_slope; // printf("CompressorEngine::process %d position=%ld slope=%f\n", // __LINE__, start_position + i, current_slope); // } // } } } // Update current value and multiply gain slope_current_sample++; current_value = slope_value1 + (slope_value2 - slope_value1) * slope_current_sample / slope_samples; if( config->smoothing_only ) { for( int j = 0; j < channels; j++ ) { output_buffer[j]->get_data()[i] = current_value * 2 - 1; } } else { double gain = 1.0; if( band_config->bypass ) { gain = 1.0; } else { gain = config->calculate_gain(band, current_value); } // update the GUI frames if( fabs(gain - 1.0) > fabs(gui_max_gain - 1.0) ) { gui_max_gain = gain; } //if( !EQUIV(gain, 1.0) ) printf("CompressorEngine::process %d gain=%f\n", __LINE__, gain); // calculate the input level to draw. Should it be the trigger or a channel? GET_TRIGGER(input_buffer[channel]->get_data(), i); if( sample > gui_max_level ) { gui_max_level = sample; } gui_frame_counter++; if( gui_frame_counter > gui_frame_samples ) { //if( !EQUIV(gui_frame_max, 1.0) ) printf("CompressorEngine::process %d offset=%d gui_frame_max=%f\n", __LINE__, i, gui_frame_max); gui_gains.append(gui_max_gain); gui_levels.append(gui_max_level); gui_offsets.append((double)i / sample_rate); gui_max_gain = 1.0; gui_max_level = 0.0; gui_frame_counter = 0; } for( int j = 0; j < channels; j++ ) { output_buffer[j]->get_data()[i] = input_buffer[j]->get_data()[i] * gain; } } } } CompressorPopup::CompressorPopup(CompressorCanvasBase *canvas) : BC_PopupMenu(0, 0, 0, "", 0) { this->canvas = canvas; } CompressorPopup::~CompressorPopup() { } void CompressorPopup::create_objects() { add_item(new CompressorCopy(this)); add_item(new CompressorPaste(this)); add_item(new CompressorClearGraph(this)); } CompressorCopy::CompressorCopy(CompressorPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Copy graph")) { this->popup = popup; } CompressorCopy::~CompressorCopy() { } int CompressorCopy::handle_event() { FileXML output; CompressorConfigBase *config = popup->canvas->config; config->bands[config->current_band].save_data(&output, 0, 0); output.terminate_string(); char *cp = output.string(); popup->to_clipboard(cp, strlen(cp), SECONDARY_SELECTION); return 1; } CompressorPaste::CompressorPaste(CompressorPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Paste graph")) { this->popup = popup; } CompressorPaste::~CompressorPaste() { } int CompressorPaste::handle_event() { int len = popup->get_clipboard()->clipboard_len(SECONDARY_SELECTION); if( len ) { CompressorConfigBase *config = popup->canvas->config; char *string = new char[len + 1]; popup->get_clipboard()->from_clipboard(string, len, SECONDARY_SELECTION); FileXML xml; xml.read_from_string(string); delete [] string; int result = 0, got_it = 0; while( !(result = xml.read_tag()) ) { if( xml.tag.title_is("COMPRESSORBAND") ) { int band = config->current_band; BandConfig *band_config = &config->bands[band]; band_config->read_data(&xml, 0); got_it = 1; break; } } if( got_it ) { popup->canvas->update(); PluginClient *plugin = popup->canvas->plugin; plugin->send_configure_change(); } } return 1; } CompressorClearGraph::CompressorClearGraph(CompressorPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Clear graph")) { this->popup = popup; } CompressorClearGraph::~CompressorClearGraph() { } int CompressorClearGraph::handle_event() { CompressorConfigBase *config = popup->canvas->config; config->bands[config->current_band].levels.remove_all(); popup->canvas->update(); PluginClient *plugin = popup->canvas->plugin; plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; }