/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 William Morrow * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ #include "../libzmpeg3/libzmpeg3.h" #include "arraylist.h" #include "mediadb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // c++ `cat x86_64/c_flags` -c -o x86_64/cutads.o cutads.C // c++ -pthread -o x86_64/cutads x86_64/cutads.o x86_64/mediadb.o x86_64/filexml.o // ../libzmpeg3/x86_64/libzmpeg3.a ../db/x86_64/db.a -lX11 using namespace std; #define fail(s) do { printf("fail %s%s:%d\n",__func__,#s,__LINE__); return 1; } while(0) /* missing from system headers, no /usr/include * IOPRIO_WHO_PROCESS, IOPRIO_CLASS_SHIFT, IOPRIO_CLASS_IDLE */ enum { IOPRIO_CLASS_NONE, IOPRIO_CLASS_RT, IOPRIO_CLASS_BE, IOPRIO_CLASS_IDLE, }; #define IO_CLASS(n) (((int)(n)) << 13) #define IO_WHO_PROCESS 1 #include #include // commercial edge detection: // must have audio < min_audio // and within +- check_margin seconds of low audio // must have video < min_video or delta video > min_dvideo static double min_audio = 0.5e-3 * 32767; // (-63db quite quiet) static double min_video = 0.1 * 255; // (pretty dark) static double min_dvideo = 0.1 * 255; // (gittery) static double lo_video = 0.075 * 255; // (dark) static double hi_video = 0.925 * 255; // (light) static double check_margin = 1.0; // t-1.0..t+1.0 secs static double min_clip_time = 3; // ignore clips shorter than this static int video_cutoff = 15; // video outside color space MediaDb *db = 0; class Src; class Weights; class MarginFrame; class Margin; class Video; class Audio; class Scan; static int ioprio_set(int which, int who, int ioprio) { return syscall(SYS_ioprio_set, which, who, ioprio); } static inline int clip(int v, int mn, int mx) { return vmx ? mx : v; } class Src { char path[1024]; zmpeg3_t* zsrc; public: bool open() { return zsrc != 0; } operator zmpeg3_t *() { return zsrc; } zmpeg3_t *operator ->() { return zsrc; } const char *asset_path() { return path; } Src(const char *fn) { strcpy(path, fn); int ret; zsrc = new zmpeg3_t(path, ret, ZIO_UNBUFFERED+ZIO_SINGLE_ACCESS); if( ret ) { delete zsrc; zsrc = 0; } } ~Src() { delete zsrc; } }; class Weights { int cur; ArrayList positions; ArrayList values; public: int prev() { return cur > 0 ? --cur : -1; } int next() { return cur < positions.size()-1 ? ++cur : -1; } double position() { return positions.get(cur); } double value() { return values.get(cur); } double next_value() { return values.get(cur++); } int length() { return values.size() - cur; } int find(double pos); int locate(double pos); double err(double start, double len, double irate, double *iweights, int iframes); void add(double p, double v) { positions.append(p); values.append(v); } int minimum_forward(double start, double end, double &time); int minimum_backward(double start, double end, double &time); int video_forward(double start, double end, double &time); int audio_forward(double start, double end, double &time); int video_backward(double start, double end, double &time); int audio_backward(double start, double end, double &time); double get_weight(double pos); double average(double pos, int len); int save(double pos, double *wp, int len); void write(const char *fn); Weights() : cur(0) {} ~Weights() {} }; int Weights::find(double pos) { int l = -1; int r = positions.size(); while( (r - l) > 1 ) { int i = (l+r) >> 1; double v = positions.get(i); if( pos == v ) return i; if( pos > v ) l = i; else r = i; } return l; } int Weights::locate(double pos) { int ret = find(pos); if( ret < 0 ) ret = 0; return cur = ret; } double Weights:: err(double pos, double len, double irate, double *iweights, int iframes) { // trim leading / trailing dark video locate(pos); if( position() > pos ) return 256.; double end_pos = pos + len; while( position() < end_pos ) { if( value() >= min_video ) break; if( next() < 0 ) return 256.; } int l = 0, n = 0; double vv = 0, lvv = 0, dd = 0, ldd = 0, ldv = 0; while( position() < end_pos ) { int k = (position()-pos) * irate + 1./1001+0.5; if( k >= 0 ) { if( k >= iframes ) break; double v = value(), dv = v - iweights[k]; vv += fabs(dv); dd += fabs(dv - ldv); ldv = dv; if( v > min_video ) { lvv = vv; ldd = dd; l = n; } ++n; } if( next() < 0 ) break; } if( ldd < lvv && lvv < MEDIA_MEAN_ERRLMT*l ) lvv = ldd; return !l ? MEDIA_WEIGHT_ERRLMT : lvv / l; } double Weights:: get_weight(double pos) { locate(pos); return position() > pos ? -1 : value(); } double Weights:: average(double pos, int len) { locate(pos); int n = length(); if( len < n ) n = len; double v = 0; for( int i=len; --i>=0; ) v += next_value(); return n > 0 ? v / n : 256; } int Weights:: save(double pos, double *wp, int len) { locate(pos); if( position() > pos ) fail(); if( length() < len ) fail(); for( int i=len; --i>=0; ++wp ) *wp = next_value(); return 0; } void Weights:: write(const char *fn) { FILE *fp = fopen(fn,"w"); if( fp ) { locate(0); if( length() > 0 ) do { fprintf(fp,"%f %f\n",position(),value()); } while( next() >= 0 ); fclose(fp); } } class Video { zmpeg3_t *src; char *yp, *up, *vp; int trk, trks; int zpid, w, h, ww, hh, is_scaled; Weights *weights; double rate, vorigin; int64_t len, pos; uint8_t sbfr[SFRM_SZ]; char name[64]; Margin *margin; void init(); public: uint8_t *get_y() { return (uint8_t*)yp; } uint8_t *get_u() { return (uint8_t*)up; } uint8_t *get_v() { return (uint8_t*)vp; } int tracks() { return trks; } int track() { return trk; } int width() { return w; } int height() { return h; } int coded_width() { return ww; } int coded_height() { return hh; } int pid() { return zpid; } bool eof() { return src->end_of_video(trk); } double time() { return src->get_video_time(trk); } void set_title(char *cp) { strcpy(name,cp); } char *title() { return name; } double framerate() { return rate; } int64_t frame_count(double position) { return position*rate + 1./1001; } double frame_position(int64_t count) { return count / rate; } void set_origin(double t) { vorigin = t; } double origin() { return vorigin; } int64_t length() { return len; } int64_t frame_no() { return pos; } void disable_weights() { delete weights; weights = 0; } void enable_weights() { weights = new Weights(); } void write_weights(const char *fn) { weights->write(fn); } void margin_frames(Margin *mp=0) { margin = mp; } int forward(double start, double end, double &time) { return weights->video_forward(start, end, time); } int backward(double start, double end, double &time) { return weights->video_backward(start, end, time); } double err(double pos, double len, double irate, double *iweights, int iframes) { return weights->err(pos, len, irate, iweights, iframes); } double frame_weight(double pos) { return weights->get_weight(pos); } double average_weight(double pos, double len) { return weights->average(pos, len*rate); } int save_weights(double pos, double *wp, int len) { return weights->save(pos, wp, len); } void init(zmpeg3_t *zsrc, int ztrk); int load_frame(); int read_frame(); uint8_t *scaled(); double raw_weight(); double weight(uint8_t *bp); Video() { weights = 0; } ~Video() { delete weights; } } video; void Video:: init(zmpeg3_t *zsrc, int ztrk) { src = zsrc; trk = ztrk; trks = src->total_vstreams(); zpid = src->video_pid(trk); rate = src->frame_rate(trk); w = src->video_width(trk); h = src->video_height(trk); ww = src->coded_width(trk); hh = src->coded_height(trk); name[0] = 0; margin = 0; is_scaled = 0; vorigin = -1; len = src->video_frames(trk); pos = 0; } int Video::load_frame() { ++pos; is_scaled = 0; return src->read_yuvframe_ptr(&yp, &up, &vp,trk); } class MarginFrame { uint8_t sbfr[SFRM_SZ]; public: uint8_t *frame() { return sbfr; } MarginFrame(uint8_t *bp) { memcpy(sbfr,bp,sizeof(sbfr)); } }; class Margin : public ArrayList { int cur; int64_t start_frame; double start_time; public: int locate(double t); void copy(Margin *that); double position() { return start_time + video.frame_position(cur); } int check(Clips *clips, double start, double end, int group_mask); int length() { return size() - cur; } uint8_t *get_frame() { return get(cur++)->frame(); } void add(uint8_t *sbfr) { append(new MarginFrame(sbfr)); } Margin(int64_t frame, double time) : cur(0) { start_frame = frame; start_time = time; } ~Margin() { remove_all_objects(); } } *prefix = 0, *suffix = 0; int Margin:: locate(double t) { int pos = video.frame_count(t-start_time); if( pos < 0 || pos >= size() ) return -1; return cur = pos; } void Margin:: copy(Margin *that) { this->start_frame = that->start_frame + cur; this->start_time = that->position(); while( that->length() > 0 ) add(that->get_frame()); } int Margin:: check(Clips *clips, double start, double end, int group_mask) { if( locate(start) < 0 ) fail(); double pos; while( length() > 0 && (pos=position()) < end ) { uint8_t *sbfr = get_frame(); int fid; // write_pbm(sbfr,SWIDTH,SHEIGHT,"/tmp/dat/f%07.3f.pbm",pos-video.origin()); db->get_frame_key(sbfr, fid, clips, pos, group_mask); } return 0; } int Video::read_frame() { if( load_frame() ) fail(); // write_pbm(get_y(),width(),height(),"/tmp/dat/f%05ld.pbm",pos); if( margin ) margin->add(scaled()); if( weights ) weights->add(time(), weight(scaled())); return 0; } uint8_t *Video::scaled() { if( !is_scaled ) { is_scaled = 1; uint8_t *yp = get_y(); int sh = hh; // while( sh>h && *yp=0; yp+=ww ) { uint8_t *bp = yp; int n = 0; for( int x=w; --x>=0; ++bp ) n += *bp; wt += n; } return (double)wt / (w*h); } double Video::weight(uint8_t *bp) { int64_t wt = 0; for( int i=SFRM_SZ; --i>=0; ++bp ) wt += *bp; return (double)wt / SFRM_SZ; } int Weights:: minimum_forward(double start, double end, double &time) { locate(start); double t = position(); double min = value(); while( next() >= 0 && position() < end ) { if( value() > min ) continue; min = value(); t = position(); } time = t; return 0; } int Weights:: minimum_backward(double start, double end, double &time) { locate(end); double t = position(); double min = value(); while( prev() >= 0 && position() >= start ) { if( value() > min ) continue; min = value(); t = position(); } time = t; return 0; } // find trailing edge scanning backward // must have video < min_video or delta video > min_dvideo int Weights:: video_backward(double start, double end, double &time) { locate(end); double t = position(), v = value(); for(;;) { if( t < start ) return 1; double vv = v; v = value(); if( v <= min_video ) break; if( fabs(vv-v) >= min_dvideo ) break; if( prev() < 0 ) fail(); t = position(); } while( prev() >= 0 ) { if( position() < start ) break; t = position(); if( value() > min_video ) break; } time = t; return 0; } // find leading edge scanning backward // must have audio < min_audio int Weights:: audio_backward(double start, double end, double &time) { locate(end); double t = position(); for(;;) { if( t < start ) fail(); if( value() <= min_audio ) break; if( prev() < 0 ) fail(); t = position(); } time = t; return 0; } // find trailing edge scanning forward // must have video < min_video or delta video > min_dvideo int Weights:: video_forward(double start, double end, double &time) { locate(start); double t = position(), v = value(); for(;;) { if( t >= end ) return 1; double vv = v; v = value(); if( v <= min_video ) break; if( fabs(vv-v) >= min_dvideo ) break; if( next() < 0 ) fail(); t = position(); } while( next() >= 0 ) { if( position() >= end ) break; t = position(); if( value() > min_video ) break; } time = t; return 0; } // find leading edge scanning forward // must have audio < min_audio int Weights:: audio_forward(double start, double end, double &time) { locate(start); double t = position(); for(;;) { if( t >= end ) fail(); if( value() <= min_audio ) break; if( next() < 0 ) fail(); t = position(); } time = t; return 0; } class Audio { zmpeg3_t *src; int trk, trks; int chans, rate; int64_t len, pos; Weights *weights; int bfr_sz; short *bfr; public: int tracks() { return trks; } int track() { return trk; } int channels() { return chans; } int samplerate() { return rate; } int64_t length() { return len; } int64_t sample_no() { return pos; } bool eof() { return src->end_of_audio(trk); } double time() { return src->get_audio_time(trk); } void set_buffer(int n) { delete [] bfr; bfr = new short[bfr_sz = clip(n,256,32767)]; } void disable_weights() { delete weights; weights = 0; } void enable_weights() { weights = new Weights(); } void write_weights(const char *fn) { weights->write(fn); } int forward(double start, double end, double &time) { //if( !weights->audio_forward(start, end, time) ) return 0; return weights->minimum_forward(start, end, time); } int backward(double start, double end, double &time) { //if( !weights->audio_backward(start, end, time) ) return 0; return weights->minimum_backward(start, end, time); } void init(zmpeg3_t *zsrc, int ztrk); int load_samples(int ch); int read_samples(); double weight(); Audio() { weights = 0; bfr = 0; } ~Audio() { delete weights; delete [] bfr; } } audio; void Audio::init(zmpeg3_t *zsrc, int ztrk) { src = zsrc; trk = ztrk; trks = src->total_astreams(); chans = src->audio_channels(trk); rate = src->sample_rate(trk); len = src->audio_samples(trk); bfr = 0; bfr_sz = 0; pos = 0; } int Audio::load_samples(int ch) { if( ch ) return src->reread_audio(bfr, ch, bfr_sz, trk); if( src->read_audio(bfr, ch, bfr_sz, trk) ) fail(); pos += bfr_sz; return 0; } int Audio::read_samples() { if( !weights ) return load_samples(0); double wt = 0; for( int ch=0; chadd(time(), wt/chans); return 0; } double Audio::weight() { int64_t wt = 0; short *bp = bfr; int v = *bp++; for( int i=bfr_sz; --i>0; v=*bp++ ) wt += abs(v-*bp); return (double)wt / (bfr_sz-1); } class Scan { int clip_id; int64_t creation_time, system_time; int prefix_frames, suffix_frames, frames; double prefix_length, suffix_length; double reaction_time, margin; double clip_start, clip_end, *clip_weights; double start_time, end_time; const char *asset_path; static void set_priority(int pr, int io) { setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, pr); // lowest cpu priority ioprio_set(IO_WHO_PROCESS, 0, IO_CLASS(io)); } class low_priority { public: low_priority() { set_priority(19, IOPRIO_CLASS_IDLE); } ~low_priority() { set_priority(0, IOPRIO_CLASS_BE); } }; class high_priority { public: high_priority() { set_priority(-4, IOPRIO_CLASS_BE); } ~high_priority() { set_priority(0, IOPRIO_CLASS_BE); } }; int write_clip(); public: int scan(Src &src, Deletions *dels); int cut_clip(Src &src, Dele *del, Dele *next); int add_clip(); int verify_clip(double position, double length); int save_group(Margin *margin, double pos, int frame_no, int len, int group); Scan(); ~Scan(); }; Scan:: Scan() { prefix_length = suffix_length = 2; // length of prefix/suffix in seconds prefix_frames = video.frame_count(prefix_length); suffix_frames = video.frame_count(suffix_length); reaction_time = 1.0; // 1 sec reaction time for default start/end time margin = 1.0; // 1 sec search window -1.0..+1.0 search margin creation_time = system_time = 0; clip_start = clip_end = 0; clip_id = 0; clip_weights = 0; db = new MediaDb(); db->openDb(); db->detachDb(); } Scan:: ~Scan() { db->closeDb(); db = 0; } int Scan:: verify_clip(double position, double length) { Clips clips; double start = position, end = position + length; if( prefix->check(&clips, start, start+prefix_length, 1) ) fail(); if( !clips.count ) return 0; if( suffix->check(&clips, end-suffix_length, end, 2) ) fail(); double avg_wt = video.average_weight(position, length); for( Clip *clip=clips.first; clip; clip=clip->next ) { int clip_id = clip->clip_id; if( db->clip_id(clip_id) ) continue; double bias = avg_wt - db->clip_average_weight(); if( fabs(bias) > 2*MEDIA_MEAN_ERRLMT ) continue; double iframerate = db->clip_framerate(); if( iframerate <= 0. ) continue; int mframes = 2*check_margin * iframerate; int iframes = db->clip_frames(); if( iframes < mframes ) continue; double ilength = iframes / iframerate; if( fabs(ilength-length) > 2*check_margin ) continue; double *iweights = db->clip_weights(); double pos = position-check_margin; double kerr = MEDIA_WEIGHT_ERRLMT, kpos = -1; for( double dt=1/iframerate; --mframes>=0; pos+=dt ) { double err = video.err(pos, length, iframerate, iweights, iframes); //printf(" clip %d, pos %f, err %f\n",clip_id,pos,err); if( err < kerr ) { if( kpos >= 0 && err > kerr ) break; kerr = err; kpos = pos; } } //printf("vs clip %d, err %f, pos %f\n",clip_id,kerr,kpos); if( kpos >= 0 ) { printf(" dupl=%d, err=%f", clip_id, kerr); return -1; } } return 0; } int Scan:: save_group(Margin *margin, double pos, int frame_no, int len, int group) { if( margin->locate(pos) < 0 ) fail(); if( margin->length() < len ) fail(); while( --len >= 0 ) { uint8_t *sbfr = margin->get_frame(); double offset = video.frame_position(frame_no++); double wt = video.frame_weight(margin->position()); if( wt < lo_video || wt > hi_video ) continue; db->new_frame(clip_id, sbfr, frame_no, group, offset); //write_pbm(sbfr,SWIDTH,SHEIGHT,"/tmp/dat/c%03df%05d.pbm",clip_id,frame_no); } return 0; } int read_to(double time) { int ret = 0; while( !(ret=video.eof()) && video.time() < time ) video.read_frame(); while( !(ret=audio.eof()) && audio.time() < time ) audio.read_samples(); return ret; } int Scan:: scan(Src &src, Deletions *dels) { Dele *next = dels->first; if( !next || !next->next ) return 0; if( next->action != DEL_START ) fail(); next->action = DEL_MARK; if( next->next->action == DEL_OOPS ) next->next->action = DEL_SKIP; time_t ct; time(&ct); creation_time = (int64_t)ct; prefix = suffix = 0; Dele *del = 0; while( next ) { switch( next->action ) { case DEL_MARK: if( !cut_clip(src, del, next) ) add_clip(); del = next; break; case DEL_SKIP: del = 0; break; default: fail(); } do { Dele *nxt = next->next; while( nxt && nxt->next && nxt->next->action == DEL_OOPS ) { while( (nxt=nxt->next) && nxt->action == DEL_OOPS ); } next = nxt; } while( next && del && (next->time-del->time) < 3 ); delete prefix; prefix = suffix; suffix = 0; } delete prefix; prefix = 0; return 0; } int Scan:: cut_clip(Src &src, Dele *del, Dele *next) { low_priority set_lo; double next_suffix_length = !del ? 0 : suffix_length; double next_prefix_length = !next->next ? 0 : prefix_length; double suffix_start_time = next->time - prefix_length - next_suffix_length - margin; if( read_to(suffix_start_time) ) fail(); // create new suffix, copy prefix if overlap suffix = new Margin(video.frame_no(), video.time()); if( prefix && prefix->locate(suffix_start_time) >= 0 ) suffix->copy(prefix); // read_to next mark, get system time video.margin_frames(suffix); if( read_to(next->time) ) fail(); system_time = src->dvb.get_system_time(); // read_to end of next prefix double prefix_end_time = next->time + next_prefix_length + margin; if( read_to(prefix_end_time) ) fail(); video.margin_frames(); // if no previous mark, return if( !del ) return -1; asset_path = src.asset_path(); double cut_start = del->time, cut_end = next->time; if( cut_end-cut_start < min_clip_time ) return 1; // default start/end clip endpoints start_time = cut_start - reaction_time; end_time = cut_end - reaction_time; // find edges, if possible. default to reaction time audio.backward(cut_start-prefix_length, cut_start, start_time); video.forward(start_time-margin,start_time+margin, start_time); audio.forward(cut_end-suffix_length, cut_end, end_time); video.backward(end_time-margin,end_time+margin, end_time); // validate length frames = video.frame_count(end_time - start_time); if( frames < prefix_frames + suffix_frames ) fail(); // report ranges clip_start = start_time - video.origin(); clip_end = end_time - video.origin(); printf(" %f-%f (%f), %f-%f %jd-%jd", start_time, end_time, end_time-start_time, clip_start, clip_end, video.frame_count(clip_start), video.frame_count(clip_end)); return 0; } int Scan:: add_clip() { high_priority set_hi; if( !db || !db->is_open() ) { fprintf(stderr,"unable to open db: " MEDIA_DB "\n"); fail(); } db->attachDb(1); // check for duplicate if( verify_clip(start_time, end_time-start_time) ) { } else if( !write_clip() ) { printf(" new %d",clip_id); db->commitDb(); } else { printf(" failed"); db->undoDb(); } db->detachDb(); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; } int Scan:: write_clip() { if( db->new_clip_set(video.title(), asset_path, clip_start, video.framerate(), frames, prefix_frames, suffix_frames, creation_time, system_time) ) fail(); // save prefix video group int frame_no = 0; clip_id = db->clip_id(); if( save_group(prefix, start_time, frame_no, prefix_frames, 1) ) fail(); // save suffix video group double start_suffix = end_time - suffix_length; frame_no = frames - suffix_frames; if( save_group(suffix, start_suffix, frame_no, suffix_frames, 2) ) fail(); // save video weights if( video.save_weights(start_time, db->clip_weights(), frames) ) fail(); double avg_wt = video.average_weight(start_time, end_time-start_time); db->clip_average_weight(avg_wt); return 0; } void sig_segv(int n) { printf("\nsegv, pid=%d\n",getpid()); fflush(stdout); sleep(1000000); } void sig_hup(int n) { } int main(int ac, char **av) { printf("started %d\n",getpid()); signal(SIGSEGV,sig_segv); signal(SIGHUP,sig_hup); if( ac < 2 ) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s \n", av[1]); fail(); } // read in deletions Deletions *deletions = Deletions::read_dels(av[1]); if( !deletions ) { fprintf(stderr, "read_dels: %s failed\n", av[1]); fail(); } // open mpeg3 dvb media Src src(deletions->file_path()); if( !src.open() ) { fprintf(stderr, "open: %s failed\n", deletions->file_path()); fail(); } src->set_cpus(4); src->set_pts_padding(-1); // find video stream int vtrk = src->total_vstreams(); while( --vtrk >= 0 && src->video_pid(vtrk) != deletions->pid ); if( vtrk < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "pid %d failed\n", deletions->pid); fail(); } video.init(src, vtrk); if( video.framerate() <= 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "framerate %d failed\n", vtrk); fail(); } // find first audio stream associate to video stream int n, atrk = -1; int elements = src->dvb.channel_count(); for( n=0; atrk<0 && ndvb.total_vstreams(n,vtracks) ) continue; for( int i=0; atrk<0 && idvb.vstream_number(n,i,vtrk) ) continue; if( vtrk != video.track() ) continue; if( src->dvb.total_astreams(n,atracks) ) continue; if( !atracks ) continue; if( src->dvb.astream_number(n,0,atrk,0) ) continue; } } int major, minor; char title[64]; if( !src->dvb.get_channel(n, major, minor) ) { sprintf(title, "%3d.%-3d", major, minor); video.set_title(title); } if( atrk < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "audio %d failed\n", video.track()); fail(); } audio.init(src, atrk); audio.set_buffer(audio.samplerate()/video.framerate()+64); // read to the first valid frame if( read_to(0) ) fail(); double last_time = video.time(), origin = -1; while( !video.eof() ) { if( video.frame_position(video.frame_no()) >= 5 ) break; if( video.raw_weight() >= video_cutoff ) { origin = last_time; break; } last_time = video.time(); if( video.read_frame() ) break; } if( origin < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "origin %d failed\n", video.track()); fail(); } video.set_origin(origin); double audio_time = audio.time(), video_time = video.time(); double start_time = audio_time > video_time ? audio_time : video_time; if( read_to(start_time) ) fail(); audio.enable_weights(); video.enable_weights(); Scan s; s.scan(src, deletions); //audio.write_weights("/tmp/audio.wts"); //video.write_weights("/tmp/video.wts"); audio.disable_weights(); video.disable_weights(); // ::remove(deletions->path()); // ::remove(av[1]); delete deletions; printf("completed %d\n",getpid()); //sleep(1000000); return 0; }