/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "autos.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "channelinfo.h" #include "clip.h" #include "cplayback.h" #include "ctimebar.h" #include "ctracking.h" #include "cwindow.h" #include "cwindowgui.h" #include "cwindowtool.h" #include "edl.h" #include "keys.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "language.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "mainmenu.h" #include "mainsession.h" #include "mbuttons.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "playbackengine.h" #include "playtransport.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "remotecontrol.h" #include "theme.h" #include "track.h" #include "trackcanvas.h" #include "tracks.h" #include "transportque.h" #include CWindow::CWindow(MWindow *mwindow) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->playback_engine = 0; this->playback_cursor = 0; this->mask_track_id = -1; this->gui = 0; } CWindow::~CWindow() { if(gui && running()) { gui->set_done(0); } join(); delete gui; gui = 0; delete playback_engine; delete playback_cursor; } void CWindow::create_objects() { gui = new CWindowGUI(mwindow, this); gui->create_objects(); playback_engine = new CPlayback(mwindow, this, gui->canvas); // Start command loop playback_engine->create_objects(); gui->transport->set_engine(playback_engine); playback_cursor = new CTracking(mwindow, this); playback_cursor->create_objects(); } void CWindow::show_window() { gui->lock_window("CWindow::show_cwindow"); gui->show_window(); gui->raise_window(); gui->flush(); gui->unlock_window(); gui->tool_panel->show_tool(); } void CWindow::hide_window() { gui->hide_window(); gui->mwindow->session->show_cwindow = 0; // Unlock in case MWindow is waiting for it. gui->unlock_window(); gui->tool_panel->hide_tool(); mwindow->gui->lock_window("CWindowGUI::close_event"); mwindow->gui->mainmenu->show_cwindow->set_checked(0); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); mwindow->save_defaults(); gui->lock_window("CWindow::hide_window"); } Track* CWindow::calculate_affected_track() { Track *track = mwindow->edl->tracks->first; for( ; track; track=track->next ) { if( track->data_type != TRACK_VIDEO ) continue; if( track->record ) break; } return track; } Track* CWindow::calculate_mask_track() { Track *track = mwindow->edl->tracks->first; for( ; track; track=track->next ) { if( track->data_type != TRACK_VIDEO ) continue; if( track->record && track->get_id() == mask_track_id ) break; } return track; } Auto* CWindow::calculate_affected_auto(Autos *autos, int create, int *created, int redraw) { Auto* affected_auto = 0; if( created ) *created = 0; if( create ) { int total = autos->total(); affected_auto = autos->get_auto_for_editing(-1, create); // Got created if( total != autos->total() ) { if( created ) *created = 1; if( redraw ) { // May have to unlock CWindowGUI here. mwindow->gui->lock_window("CWindow::calculate_affected_auto"); mwindow->gui->draw_overlays(1); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); } } } else { affected_auto = autos->get_prev_auto(PLAY_FORWARD, affected_auto); } return affected_auto; } void CWindow::calculate_affected_autos(Track *track, FloatAuto **x_auto, FloatAuto **y_auto, FloatAuto **z_auto, int use_camera, int create_x, int create_y, int create_z, int redraw) { if( x_auto ) *x_auto = 0; if( y_auto ) *y_auto = 0; if( z_auto ) *z_auto = 0; if( !track ) return; int ix = use_camera ? AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X : AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X, x_created = 0; int iy = use_camera ? AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Y : AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Y, y_created = 0; int iz = use_camera ? AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Z : AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Z, z_created = 0; if( x_auto ) *x_auto = (FloatAuto*) calculate_affected_auto(track->automation->autos[ix], create_x, &x_created, redraw); if( y_auto ) *y_auto = (FloatAuto*) calculate_affected_auto(track->automation->autos[iy], create_y, &y_created, redraw); if( z_auto ) *z_auto = (FloatAuto*) calculate_affected_auto(track->automation->autos[iz], create_z, &z_created, redraw); } void CWindow::stop_playback(int wait) { playback_engine->stop_playback(wait); } void CWindow::run() { gui->run_window(); } void CWindow::update(int dir, int overlays, int tool_window, int operation, int timebar) { if( dir ) refresh_frame(CHANGE_NONE, dir); gui->lock_window("CWindow::update 2"); // Create tool window if( operation ) gui->set_operation(mwindow->edl->session->cwindow_operation); // Updated by video device. if( overlays && !dir ) gui->canvas->refresh(1); // Update tool parameters // Never updated by someone else if( tool_window || dir ) gui->update_tool(); if( timebar ) gui->timebar->update(1); double zoom = !mwindow->edl->session->cwindow_scrollbars ? 0 : mwindow->edl->session->cwindow_zoom; gui->zoom_panel->update(zoom); gui->canvas->update_zoom(mwindow->edl->session->cwindow_xscroll, mwindow->edl->session->cwindow_yscroll, mwindow->edl->session->cwindow_zoom); gui->canvas->update_geometry(mwindow->edl, mwindow->theme->ccanvas_x, mwindow->theme->ccanvas_y, mwindow->theme->ccanvas_w, mwindow->theme->ccanvas_h); gui->unlock_window(); } int CWindow::update_position(double position) { gui->unlock_window(); playback_engine->interrupt_playback(1); position = mwindow->edl->align_to_frame(position, 0); position = MAX(0, position); mwindow->gui->lock_window("CWindowSlider::handle_event 2"); mwindow->select_point(position); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); gui->lock_window("CWindow::update_position 1"); return 1; } void CWindow::refresh_frame(int change_type, EDL *edl, int dir) { mwindow->refresh_mixers(dir); playback_engine->refresh_frame(change_type, edl, dir); } void CWindow::refresh_frame(int change_type, int dir) { refresh_frame(change_type, mwindow->edl, dir); } CWindowRemoteHandler:: CWindowRemoteHandler(RemoteControl *remote_control) : RemoteHandler(remote_control->gui, RED) { last_key = -1; } CWindowRemoteHandler:: ~CWindowRemoteHandler() { } int CWindowRemoteHandler::remote_process_key(RemoteControl *remote_control, int key) { MWindowGUI *mwindow_gui = remote_control->mwindow_gui; EDL *edl = mwindow_gui->mwindow->edl; if( !edl ) return 0; PlayTransport *transport = mwindow_gui->mbuttons->transport; if( !transport->get_edl() ) return 0; PlaybackEngine *engine = transport->engine; double position = engine->get_tracking_position(); double length = edl->tracks->total_length(); int next_command = -1, lastkey = last_key; last_key = key; switch( key ) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': if( lastkey == 'e' ) { mwindow_gui->mwindow->select_asset(key-'1', 1); break; } // fall through case '0': case '9': position = length * (key-'0')/10.0; break; case UP: position += 60.0; break; case DOWN: position -= 60.0; break; case LEFT: position -= 10.0; break; case RIGHT: position += 10.0; break; case KPSTOP: next_command = STOP; break; case KPREV: next_command = NORMAL_REWIND; break; case KPPLAY: next_command = NORMAL_FWD; break; case KPBACK: next_command = FAST_REWIND; break; case KPFWRD: next_command = FAST_FWD; break; case KPRECD: next_command = SLOW_REWIND; break; case KPAUSE: next_command = SLOW_FWD; break; case ' ': next_command = NORMAL_FWD; break; case 'a': gui->tile_windows(0); return 1; case 'b': gui->tile_windows(1); return 1; case 'c': gui->tile_windows(2); return 1; #ifdef HAVE_DVB case 'd': mwindow_gui->channel_info->toggle_scan(); return 1; #endif case 'e': break; case 'f': { CWindowCanvas *canvas = mwindow_gui->mwindow->cwindow->gui->canvas; int on = canvas->get_fullscreen() ? 0 : 1; canvas->Canvas::set_fullscreen(on, 0); return 1; } default: return -1; } if( next_command < 0 ) { if( position < 0 ) position = 0; transport->change_position(position); } else transport->handle_transport(next_command); return 1; }