/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef CWINDOWGUI_H #define CWINDOWGUI_H #include "auto.inc" #include "canvas.h" #include "cpanel.inc" #include "ctimebar.inc" #include "cwindow.inc" #include "cwindowtool.inc" #include "editpanel.h" #include "floatauto.inc" #include "floatautos.inc" #include "guicast.h" #include "language.h" #include "mainclock.inc" #include "maskauto.inc" #include "meterpanel.h" #include "mwindow.inc" #include "playtransport.h" #include "thread.h" #include "track.inc" #include "zoompanel.h" class CWindowZoom; class CWindowSlider; class CWindowReset; class CWindowDestination; class CWindowMeters; class CWindowTransport; class CWindowCanvas; class CWindowEditing; #define AUTO_ZOOM N_("Auto") class CWindowGUI : public BC_Window { public: CWindowGUI(MWindow *mwindow, CWindow *cwindow); ~CWindowGUI(); void create_objects(); int resize_event(int w, int h); void zoom_canvas(double value, int update_menu); float get_auto_zoom(); // Events for the fullscreen canvas fall through to here. int button_press_event(); int cursor_leave_event(); int cursor_enter_event(); int button_release_event(); int cursor_motion_event(); int close_event(); int keypress_event(); int translation_event(); void set_operation(int value); void update_tool(); void drag_motion(); int drag_stop(); void draw_status(int flush); // Zero out pointers to affected auto void reset_affected(); void keyboard_zoomin(); void keyboard_zoomout(); void update_meters(); void stop_transport(const char *lock_msg); void sync_parameters(int change_type, int redraw=0, int overlay=0); MWindow *mwindow; CWindow *cwindow; const char *auto_zoom; CWindowEditing *edit_panel; // APanel *automation_panel; CPanel *composite_panel; CWindowZoom *zoom_panel; CWindowReset *reset; CWindowTransport *transport; CWindowCanvas *canvas; CTimeBar *timebar; BC_Pixmap *active; BC_Pixmap *inactive; // MainClock *clock; CWindowMeters *meters; CWindowTool *tool_panel; // Cursor motion modification being done int current_operation; // The pointers are only used for dragging. Information for tool windows // must be integers and recalculted for every keypress. // Track being modified in canvas Track *affected_track; // Transformation keyframe being modified FloatAuto *affected_x; FloatAuto *affected_y; FloatAuto *affected_z; // Pointer to mask keyframe being modified in the EDL MaskAuto *mask_keyframe; // Copy of original value of mask keyframe for keyframe spanning MaskAuto *orig_mask_keyframe; // Mask point being modified int affected_point; // Scrollbar offsets during last button press relative to output float x_offset, y_offset; // Cursor location during the last button press relative to output // and offset by scroll bars float x_origin, y_origin; // Crop handle being dragged int crop_handle; // If dragging crop translation int crop_translate; // Origin of crop handle during last button press float crop_origin_x, crop_origin_y; // Origin of all 4 crop points during last button press float crop_origin_x1, crop_origin_y1; float crop_origin_x2, crop_origin_y2; // Center of last eyedrop drawing int eyedrop_x, eyedrop_y; int eyedrop_visible; float ruler_origin_x, ruler_origin_y; int ruler_handle; int ruler_translate; // Origin for camera and projector operations during last button press float center_x, center_y, center_z; float control_in_x, control_in_y, control_out_x, control_out_y; // Must recalculate the origin when pressing shift. // Switch toggle on and off to recalculate origin. int translating_zoom; int highlighted; }; class CWindowEditing : public EditPanel { public: CWindowEditing(MWindow *mwindow, CWindow *cwindow); virtual ~CWindowEditing() {} double get_position(); void set_position(double position); void set_click_to_play(int v); void panel_stop_transport(); void panel_toggle_label(); void panel_next_label(int cut); void panel_prev_label(int cut); void panel_prev_edit(int cut); void panel_next_edit(int cut); void panel_copy_selection(); void panel_overwrite_selection(); void panel_splice_selection(); void panel_set_inpoint(); void panel_set_outpoint(); void panel_unset_inoutpoint(); void panel_to_clip(); void panel_cut(); void panel_paste(); void panel_fit_selection(); void panel_fit_autos(int all); void panel_set_editing_mode(int mode); void panel_set_auto_keyframes(int v); void panel_set_labels_follow_edits(int v); MWindow *mwindow; CWindow *cwindow; }; class CWindowMeters : public MeterPanel { public: CWindowMeters(MWindow *mwindow, CWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y, int h); virtual ~CWindowMeters(); int change_status_event(int new_status); MWindow *mwindow; CWindowGUI *gui; }; class CWindowZoom : public ZoomPanel { public: CWindowZoom(MWindow *mwindow, CWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y, int w); virtual ~CWindowZoom(); int handle_event(); void update(double value); MWindow *mwindow; CWindowGUI *gui; }; class CWindowSlider : public BC_PercentageSlider { public: CWindowSlider(MWindow *mwindow, CWindow *cwindow, int x, int y, int pixels); ~CWindowSlider(); int handle_event(); void set_position(); int increase_value(); int decrease_value(); MWindow *mwindow; CWindow *cwindow; }; class CWindowReset : public BC_Button { public: CWindowReset(MWindow *mwindow, CWindowGUI *cwindow, int x, int y); ~CWindowReset(); int handle_event(); CWindowGUI *cwindow; MWindow *mwindow; }; // class CWindowDestination : public BC_PopupTextBox // { // public: // CWindowDestination(MWindow *mwindow, CWindowGUI *cwindow, int x, int y); // ~CWindowDestination(); // int handle_event(); // CWindowGUI *cwindow; // MWindow *mwindow; // }; class CWindowTransport : public PlayTransport { public: CWindowTransport(MWindow *mwindow, CWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y); EDL* get_edl(); void goto_start(); void goto_end(); CWindowGUI *gui; }; class CWindowCanvas : public Canvas { public: CWindowCanvas(MWindow *mwindow, CWindowGUI *gui); void status_event(); void zoom_resize_window(float percentage); void update_zoom(int x, int y, float zoom); int get_xscroll(); int get_yscroll(); float get_zoom(); int do_eyedrop(int &rerender, int button_press, int draw); int do_mask(int &redraw, int &rerender, int button_press, int cursor_motion, int draw); void draw_refresh(int flash = 1); int need_overlays(); void draw_overlays(); void draw_safe_regions(); // Cursor may have to be drawn int cursor_leave_event(); int cursor_enter_event(); int cursor_motion_event(); int button_press_event(); int button_release_event(); int get_fullscreen(); void set_fullscreen(int value); int test_crop(int button_press, int &redraw); int test_bezier(int button_press, int &redraw, int &redraw_canvas, int &rerender, int do_camera); int do_ruler(int draw, int motion, int button_press, int button_release); int test_zoom(int &redraw); void create_keyframe(int do_camera); void camera_keyframe(); void projector_keyframe(); void reset_keyframe(int do_camera); void reset_camera(); void reset_projector(); void draw_crophandle(int x, int y); void zoom_auto(); // Draw the projector overlay in different colors. void draw_bezier(int do_camera); void draw_crop(); void calculate_origin(); void toggle_controls(); int get_cwindow_controls(); MWindow *mwindow; CWindowGUI *gui; }; #endif