/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 William Morrow * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ #include "bcmenuitem.h" #include "bctimer.h" #include "commercials.h" #include "dbwindow.h" #include "keys.h" #include "mediadb.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "theme.h" #include #include static inline int min(int a,int b) { return ab ? a : b; } #define MAX_SEARCH 100 DbSearchItem::DbSearchItem(const char *text, int color) : BC_ListBoxItem(text, color) { vicon = 0; } DbSearchItem::~DbSearchItem() { } DbWindow:: DbWindow(MWindow *mwindow) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->mwindow = mwindow; window_lock = new Mutex("DbWindow::window_lock"); db_lock = new Mutex("DbWindow::db_lock"); mdb = new MDb(this); gui = 0; } DbWindow::MDb::MDb(DbWindow *d) : Garbage("DbWindow::MDb"), dwin(d) { if( !d->mwindow->has_commercials() ) return; openDb(); detachDb(); } DbWindow::MDb::~MDb() { closeDb(); } DbWindow::~DbWindow() { stop(); delete gui; mdb->remove_user(); delete window_lock; delete db_lock; } void DbWindow:: start() { window_lock->lock("DbWindow::start1"); if( Thread::running() ) { gui->lock_window("DbWindow::start2"); gui->raise_window(); gui->unlock_window(); } else { delete gui; gui = new DbWindowGUI(this); Thread::start(); } window_lock->unlock(); } void DbWindow:: stop() { if( Thread::running() ) { window_lock->lock("DbWindow::stop"); if( gui ) gui->set_done(1); window_lock->unlock(); Thread::cancel(); } Thread::join(); } void DbWindow:: run() { gui->lock_window("DbWindow::run"); gui->create_objects(); gui->search(MAX_SEARCH,""); gui->start_drawing(0); gui->unlock_window(); gui->run_window(); window_lock->lock("DbWindow::stop"); delete gui; gui = 0; window_lock->unlock(); } DbWindowTitleText:: DbWindowTitleText(DbWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, &gui->title_text_enable, _("titles")) { this->gui = gui; } DbWindowTitleText::~DbWindowTitleText() { } int DbWindowTitleText:: handle_event() { gui->title_text_enable = get_value(); if( !gui->title_text_enable ) gui->info_text->update(1); return 1; } DbWindowInfoText:: DbWindowInfoText(DbWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, &gui->info_text_enable, _("info")) { this->gui = gui; } DbWindowInfoText::~DbWindowInfoText() { } int DbWindowInfoText:: handle_event() { gui->info_text_enable = get_value(); if( !gui->info_text_enable ) gui->title_text->update(1); return 1; } DbWindowMatchCase:: DbWindowMatchCase(DbWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, &gui->match_case_enable, _("match case")) { this->gui = gui; } DbWindowMatchCase::~DbWindowMatchCase() { } int DbWindowMatchCase:: handle_event() { gui->match_case_enable = get_value(); return 1; } DbWindowText:: DbWindowText(DbWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y, int w) : BC_TextBox(x, y, w, 1, "") { this->gui = gui; } DbWindowText::~DbWindowText() { } int DbWindowText:: handle_event() { return 1; } int DbWindowText:: keypress_event() { switch(get_keypress()) { case RETURN: gui->search(MAX_SEARCH, get_text()); return 1; } return BC_TextBox::keypress_event(); } DbWindowScan:: DbWindowScan(MWindow *mwindow) : BC_MenuItem(_("Media DB..."), _("Shift-M"), 'M') { set_shift(); this->mwindow = mwindow; } DbWindowScan::~DbWindowScan() { } int DbWindowScan:: handle_event() { mwindow->commit_commercial(); mwindow->gui->db_window->start(); return 1; } DbWindowStart:: DbWindowStart(DbWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Search")) { this->gui = gui; } DbWindowStart::~DbWindowStart() { } int DbWindowStart:: handle_event() { gui->search(MAX_SEARCH,""); return 1; } DbWindowDeleteItems:: DbWindowDeleteItems(DbWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Delete")) { this->gui = gui; } DbWindowDeleteItems::~DbWindowDeleteItems() { } int DbWindowDeleteItems:: handle_event() { gui->search_list->set_view_popup(0); gui->delete_items(); return 1; } DbWindowCancel:: DbWindowCancel(DbWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CancelButton(x, y) { this->gui = gui; } DbWindowCancel::~DbWindowCancel() { } int DbWindowCancel:: handle_event() { gui->set_done(1); return 1; } DbWindowList:: DbWindowList(DbWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_ListBox(x, y, w, h, LISTBOX_TEXT, (ArrayList *) &gui->search_items[0], &gui->search_column_titles[0], &gui->search_column_widths[0], sizeof_col, 0, 0, LISTBOX_MULTIPLE) { this->gui = gui; set_sort_column(gui->sort_column); set_sort_order(gui->sort_order); set_allow_drag_column(1); } DbWindowList::~DbWindowList() { } int DbWindowList:: handle_event() { return 1; } void DbWindowList:: set_view_popup(DbWindowVIcon *vicon) { gui->vicon_thread->set_view_popup(vicon); } int DbWindowList:: keypress_event() { switch(get_keypress()) { case ESC: set_view_popup(0); break; case DELETE: gui->del_items->handle_event(); break; default: return 0; } return 1; } int DbWindowList:: sort_order_event() { gui->stop_drawing(); gui->sort_events(get_sort_column(), get_sort_order()); gui->start_drawing(); return 1; } int DbWindowList:: move_column_event() { gui->stop_drawing(); gui->move_column(get_from_column(), get_to_column()); gui->start_drawing(); return 1; } DbWindowVIcon::DbWindowVIcon() : VIcon(SWIDTH, SHEIGHT, VICON_RATE) { lbox = 0; item = 0; } DbWindowVIcon::~DbWindowVIcon() { } DbWindowVIconThread:: DbWindowVIconThread(DbWindowGUI *gui) : VIconThread(gui->search_list, SWIDTH,SHEIGHT, 4*SWIDTH,4*SHEIGHT) { this->gui = gui; list_update = 0; } DbWindowVIconThread:: ~DbWindowVIconThread() { t_heap.remove_all(); vicons.remove_all_objects(); } DbWindowVIcon *DbWindowVIconThread::get_vicon(int i, DbSearchItem *item) { while( i >= vicons.size() ) { DbWindowVIcon *vicon = new DbWindowVIcon(); vicons.append(vicon); } DbWindowVIcon *vicon = vicons[i]; vicon->lbox = gui->search_list; vicon->item = item; item->vicon = vicon; return vicon; } void DbWindowVIconThread::drawing_started() { if( !list_update ) return; list_update = 0; gui->update(); gui->search_list->update_images(); reset_images(); } VFrame *DbWindowVIcon::frame() { if( seq_no >= images.size() ) load_frames(lbox->gui->dwindow->mdb); return images[seq_no]->vfrm; } int64_t DbWindowVIcon::set_seq_no(int64_t no) { if( no >= clip_size ) no = 0; return seq_no = no; } void DbWindowVIcon::load_frames(DbWindow::MDb *mdb) { if( !mdb->attach_rd() ) { read_frames(mdb); mdb->detach(); } } void DbWindowVIcon::read_frames(DbWindow::MDb *mdb) { while( seq_no >= images.size() ) { int no = images.size(); if( no >= prefix_size ) no += suffix_offset; if( mdb->get_sequences(clip_id, no) ) continue; if( mdb->timeline_sequence_no() != no ) continue; int frame_id = mdb->timeline_frame_id(); if( frame_id < 0 ) continue; int swidth = (SWIDTH+1) & ~1, sheight = (SHEIGHT+1) & ~1; VIFrame *vifrm = new VIFrame(swidth, sheight, BC_YUV420P); VFrame *img = vifrm->vfrm; memset(img->get_y(),0x00,swidth * sheight); memset(img->get_u(),0x80,swidth/2 * sheight/2); memset(img->get_v(),0x80,swidth/2 * sheight/2); uint8_t *yp = img->get_y(); int sw = -1, sh = -1; mdb->get_image(frame_id, yp, sw, sh); images.append(vifrm); } } int DbWindowVIcon::get_vx() { return lbox->get_item_x(item); } int DbWindowVIcon::get_vy() { return lbox->get_item_y(item); } void DbWindowVIcon:: update_image(DbWindowGUI *gui, int clip_id) { DbWindow::MDb *mdb = gui->dwindow->mdb; if( !mdb->attach_rd() ) { if( !mdb->clip_id(clip_id) ) { this->clip_id = clip_id; this->clip_size = mdb->clip_size();; this->prefix_size = mdb->clip_prefix_size(); this->suffix_offset = mdb->clip_frames() - clip_size; double framerate = mdb->clip_framerate(); this->frame_rate = framerate > 0 ? framerate : VICON_RATE; gui->vicon_thread->add_vicon(this); } mdb->detach(); } } int DbWindowList::update_images() { DbWindowVIconThread *thread = gui->vicon_thread; thread->t_heap.remove_all(); int i = get_first_visible(); int k = sizeof_col; while( --k >= 0 && gui->search_columns[k] != col_vicon ); if( k >= 0 && i >= 0 ) { int sz = gui->search_results.size(); int last = get_last_visible(); if( last < sz ) sz = last+1; for( int n=0; isearch_items[k][i]; DbWindowVIcon *vicon = thread->get_vicon(n, item); vicon->update_image(gui, gui->search_results[i]->id); } } return 0; } int DbWindowList:: update() { BC_ListBox::update((ArrayList*)gui->search_items, &gui->search_column_titles[0], &gui->search_column_widths[0], sizeof_col); return 0; } int DbWindowList:: selection_changed() { gui->stop_drawing(); set_view_popup(0); int idx = get_selection_number(0, 0); if( idx >= 0 && get_selection_number(0, 1) < 0 ) { DbSearchItem *item = gui->search_items[0][idx]; set_view_popup(item->vicon); } gui->start_drawing(0); return 0; } void DbWindowGUI:: create_objects() { int xs10 = xS(10), xs15 = xS(15); int ys5 = yS(5), ys10 = yS(10); int pady = BC_TextBox::calculate_h(this, MEDIUMFONT, 0, 1) + ys5; int padx = BC_Title::calculate_w(this, (char*)"X", MEDIUMFONT); int x = padx/2, y = pady/4; text_x = x; text_y = y; BC_Title *title = new BC_Title(text_x, text_y, _("Text:"), MEDIUMFONT, YELLOW); add_subwindow(title); x += title->get_w(); search_text = new DbWindowText(this, x, y, get_w()-x-xs10); add_subwindow(search_text); x = padx; y += pady + ys5; title_text = new DbWindowTitleText(this, x, y); add_subwindow(title_text); x += title_text->get_w() + padx; info_text = new DbWindowInfoText(this, x, y); add_subwindow(info_text); x += title_text->get_w() + padx; match_case = new DbWindowMatchCase(this, x, y); add_subwindow(match_case); x += match_case->get_w() + padx; x = padx; y += pady + ys5; search_x = xs10; search_y = get_h() - DbWindowStart::calculate_h() - ys10; search_start = new DbWindowStart(this, search_x, search_y); add_subwindow(search_start); del_items_x = search_x + DbWindowStart::calculate_w(this, search_start->get_text()) + xs15; del_items_y = search_y; del_items = new DbWindowDeleteItems(this, del_items_x, del_items_y); add_subwindow(del_items); cancel_w = DbWindowCancel::calculate_w(); cancel_h = DbWindowCancel::calculate_h(); cancel_x = get_w() - cancel_w - xs10; cancel_y = get_h() - cancel_h - ys10; cancel = new DbWindowCancel(this, cancel_x, cancel_y); add_subwindow(cancel); list_x = x; list_y = y; int list_w = get_w()-xs10 - list_x; int list_h = min(search_y, cancel_y)-ys10 - list_y; search_list = new DbWindowList(this, list_x, list_y, list_w, list_h); add_subwindow(search_list); vicon_thread = new DbWindowVIconThread(this); vicon_thread->start(); search_list->show_window(); canvas_x = 0; canvas_y = search_list->get_title_h(); canvas_w = search_list->get_w(); canvas_h = search_list->get_h() - canvas_y; canvas = new DbWindowCanvas(this, canvas_x, canvas_y, canvas_w, canvas_h); canvas->use_auxwindow(search_list); canvas->create_objects(0); set_icon(dwindow->mwindow->theme->get_image("record_icon")); } #define DBW_W xS(900) #define DBW_H yS(600) DbWindowGUI:: DbWindowGUI(DbWindow *dwindow) : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": DbWindow"), dwindow->mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_x(1) - DBW_W / 2, dwindow->mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_y(1) - DBW_H / 2, DBW_W, DBW_H, xS(400), yS(400)) { this->dwindow = dwindow; search_start = 0; search_list = 0; cancel = 0; search_x = search_y = 0; cancel_x = cancel_y = cancel_w = cancel_h = 0; del_items_x = del_items_y = 0; list_x = list_y = list_w = list_h = 0; sort_column = 1; sort_order = 0; title_text_enable = 1; info_text_enable = 1; match_case_enable = 1; search_columns[col_vicon] = col_vicon; search_columns[col_id] = col_id; search_columns[col_length] = col_length; search_columns[col_source] = col_source; search_columns[col_title] = col_title; search_columns[col_start_time] = col_start_time; search_columns[col_access_time] = col_access_time; search_columns[col_access_count] = col_access_count; search_column_titles[col_vicon] = _("vicon"); search_column_titles[col_id] = _("Id"); search_column_titles[col_length] = _("length"); search_column_titles[col_source] = _("Source"); search_column_titles[col_title] = C_("Title"); search_column_titles[col_start_time] = _("Start time"); search_column_titles[col_access_time] = _("Access time"); search_column_titles[col_access_count] = _("count"); search_column_widths[col_vicon] = xS(90); search_column_widths[col_id] = xS(60); search_column_widths[col_length] = xS(80); search_column_widths[col_source] = xS(50); search_column_widths[col_title] = xS(160); search_column_widths[col_start_time] = xS(140); search_column_widths[col_access_time] = xS(140); search_column_widths[col_access_count] = xS(60); int wd = 0; for( int i=0; ireposition_window(cancel_x, cancel_y); search_x = xs10; search_y = h - BC_GenericButton::calculate_h() - ys10; search_start->reposition_window(search_x, search_y); del_items_x = search_x + DbWindowStart::calculate_w(this, search_start->get_text()) + xs15; del_items_y = search_y; del_items->reposition_window(del_items_x,del_items_y); int list_w = w-xs10 - list_x; int list_h = min(search_y, cancel_y)-ys10 - list_y; canvas_w = SWIDTH; canvas_h = SHEIGHT; canvas_x = cancel_x - canvas_w - xs15; canvas_y = get_h() - canvas_h - ys10; canvas->reposition_window(0, canvas_x, canvas_y, canvas_w, canvas_h); // int wd = 0; // for( int i=0; ireposition_window(list_x, list_y, list_w, list_h); start_drawing(); return 1; } int DbWindowGUI:: close_event() { set_done(1); return 1; } int DbWindowGUI:: stop_drawing() { vicon_thread->stop_drawing(); return 0; } int DbWindowGUI:: start_drawing(int update) { if( update ) vicon_thread->list_update = 1; vicon_thread->start_drawing(); return 0; } int DbWindowGUI::search_string(const char *text, const char *sp) { if( sp ) { int n = strlen(text); for( const char *cp=sp; *cp!=0; ++cp ) { if( match_case_enable ? !strncmp(text, cp, n) : !strncasecmp(text, cp, n) ) return 1; } } return 0; } void DbWindowGUI::search_clips(MediaDb *mdb, int n, const char *text) { //Db::write_blocked by(mdb->db.Clip_set); if( !mdb->clips_first_id() ) do { if( (title_text_enable && search_string(text, mdb->clip_title())) || (info_text_enable && search_string(text, mdb->clip_path())) ) { int id = mdb->clip_id(); double system_time = mdb->clip_system_time(); double start_time = 0; if( system_time > 0 ) start_time = system_time + mdb->clip_position(); double access_time = 0; int access_count = 0; if( !mdb->views_clip_id(id) ) { access_time = mdb->views_access_time(); access_count = mdb->views_access_count(); } double length = mdb->clip_frames() / mdb->clip_framerate(); search_results.append(new DbWindowItem(id, mdb->clip_title(), mdb->clip_path(), length, start_time, access_time, access_count)); } } while( --n >= 0 && !mdb->clips_next_id() ); } void DbWindowGUI::search(int n, const char *text) { stop_drawing(); search_results.remove_all(); DbWindow::MDb *mdb = dwindow->mdb; if( !mdb->attach_rd() ) { search_clips(mdb, n, text); mdb->detach(); } start_drawing(); } int DbWindowGUI::delete_selection(MediaDb *mdb) { int n = 0; for( int k=0; kget_selected() ) continue; int id = search_results[k]->id; if( mdb->del_clip_set(id) ) { printf(_("failed delete clip id %d\n"),id); continue; } search_results.remove_object_number(k); for( int i=0; i 0 ) mdb->commitDb(); return 0; } void DbWindowGUI::delete_items() { stop_drawing(); DbWindow::MDb *mdb = dwindow->mdb; if( !mdb->attach_wr() ) { delete_selection(mdb); mdb->detach(); } start_drawing(); } void DbWindowGUI:: update() { for( int i=0; iid); cp = text; break; } case col_length: { sprintf(text, "%8.3f", item->length); cp = text; break; } case col_source: cp = item->source; break; case col_title: cp = item->title; break; case col_start_time: { time_t st = item->start_time; if( st > 0 ) { struct tm stm; localtime_r(&st,&stm); sprintf(text,"%02d:%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%02d", stm.tm_hour, stm.tm_min, stm.tm_sec, stm.tm_year%100, stm.tm_mon, stm.tm_mday); } cp = text; break; } case col_access_time: { time_t at = item->access_time; if( at > 0 ) { struct tm atm; localtime_r(&at,&atm); sprintf(text,"%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", atm.tm_year%100, atm.tm_mon, atm.tm_mday, atm.tm_hour, atm.tm_min, atm.tm_sec); } cp = text; break; } case col_access_count: { sprintf(text,"%4d", item->access_count); cp = text; break; } } if( !cp ) continue; DbSearchItem *item = new DbSearchItem(cp, LTYELLOW); if( search_columns[k] == col_vicon ) { item->set_text_w(SWIDTH+xS(10)); item->set_text_h(SHEIGHT+yS(5)); item->set_searchable(0); } search_items[k].append(item); } } search_list->update(); } DbWindowItem:: DbWindowItem(int id, const char *source, const char *title, double length, double start_time, double access_time, int access_count) { this->id = id; if( !source ) source = ""; this->source = new char[strlen(source)+1]; strcpy(this->source,source); if( !title ) title = ""; this->title = new char[strlen(title)+1]; strcpy(this->title,title); this->length = length; this->start_time = start_time; this->access_time = access_time; this->access_count = access_count; } DbWindowItem:: ~DbWindowItem() { delete [] source; delete [] title; } #define CmprFn(nm,key) int DbWindowGUI:: \ cmpr_##nm(const void *a, const void *b) { \ DbWindowItem *&ap = *(DbWindowItem **)a; \ DbWindowItem *&bp = *(DbWindowItem **)b; \ int n = key; if( !n ) n = ap->no-bp->no; \ return n; \ } extern long cin_timezone; CmprFn(id_dn, ap->id - bp->id) CmprFn(id_up, bp->id - ap->id) CmprFn(length_dn, ap->length - bp->length) CmprFn(length_up, bp->length - ap->length) CmprFn(Source_dn, strcasecmp(ap->source, bp->source)) CmprFn(source_dn, strcmp(ap->source, bp->source)) CmprFn(Source_up, strcasecmp(bp->source, ap->source)) CmprFn(source_up, strcmp(bp->source, ap->source)) CmprFn(Title_dn, strcasecmp(ap->title, bp->title)) CmprFn(title_dn, strcmp(ap->title, bp->title)) CmprFn(Title_up, strcasecmp(bp->title, ap->title)) CmprFn(title_up, strcmp(bp->title, ap->title)) CmprFn(start_time_dn, fmod(ap->start_time-cin_timezone,24*3600) - fmod(bp->start_time-cin_timezone,24*3600)) CmprFn(start_time_up, fmod(bp->start_time-cin_timezone,24*3600) - fmod(ap->start_time-cin_timezone,24*3600)) CmprFn(access_time_dn, ap->access_time - bp->access_time) CmprFn(access_time_up, bp->access_time - ap->access_time) CmprFn(access_count_dn, ap->access_count - bp->access_count) CmprFn(access_count_up, bp->access_count - ap->access_count) void DbWindowGUI:: sort_events(int column, int order) { sort_column = column; sort_order = order; if( search_columns[sort_column] == col_vicon ) return; int n = search_results.size(); if( !n ) return; DbWindowItem **items = &search_results[0]; for( int i=0; ino = i; int(*cmpr)(const void *, const void *) = 0; switch( search_columns[sort_column] ) { case col_id: cmpr = sort_order ? cmpr_id_up : cmpr_id_dn; break; case col_length: cmpr = sort_order ? cmpr_length_up : cmpr_length_dn; break; case col_source: cmpr = match_case_enable ? (sort_order ? cmpr_Source_up : cmpr_Source_dn) : (sort_order ? cmpr_source_up : cmpr_source_dn) ; break; case col_title: cmpr = match_case_enable ? (sort_order ? cmpr_Title_up : cmpr_Title_dn) : (sort_order ? cmpr_title_up : cmpr_title_dn) ; break; case col_start_time: cmpr = sort_order ? cmpr_start_time_up : cmpr_start_time_dn; break; case col_access_time: cmpr = sort_order ? cmpr_access_time_up : cmpr_access_time_dn; break; case col_access_count: cmpr = sort_order ? cmpr_access_count_up : cmpr_access_count_dn; break; } if( cmpr ) qsort(items, n, sizeof(*items), cmpr); } void DbWindowGUI:: move_column(int src, int dst) { if( src == dst ) return; int src_column = search_columns[src]; const char *src_column_title = search_column_titles[src]; int src_column_width = search_column_widths[src]; if( src < dst ) { for( int i=src; idst; --i ) { search_columns[i] = search_columns[i-1]; search_column_titles[i] = search_column_titles[i-1]; search_column_widths[i] = search_column_widths[i-1]; } } search_columns[dst] = src_column; search_column_titles[dst] = src_column_title; search_column_widths[dst] = src_column_width; int k = sizeof_col; while( --k >= 0 && search_columns[k] != col_vicon ); if( k >= 0 ) search_list->set_master_column(k,0); } DbWindowCanvas:: DbWindowCanvas(DbWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y, int w, int h) : Canvas(gui->dwindow->mwindow, gui, x, y, w, h, w, h, 0) { this->gui = gui; } DbWindowCanvas:: ~DbWindowCanvas() { } void DbWindowCanvas:: flash_canvas() { BC_WindowBase* wdw = get_canvas(); wdw->lock_window("DbWindowCanvas::flash_canvas"); wdw->flash(); wdw->unlock_window(); } void DbWindowCanvas:: draw_frame(VFrame *frame, int x, int y, int w, int h) { BC_WindowBase* wdw = get_canvas(); int min_y = gui->search_list->get_title_h(); int max_y = gui->search_list->get_view_h()+min_y; min_y += 2; max_y -= 2; int sx = 0, sy = 0, sw = frame->get_w(), sh = frame->get_h(); int dy = min_y - y; if( dy > 0 ) { sy += dy; y = min_y; sh -= dy; h -= dy; } dy = y+h - max_y; if( dy > 0 ) { sh -= dy; h -= dy; } sh &= ~1; if( sh > 0 ) { //wdw->lock_window("DbWindowCanvas::draw_frame"); wdw->draw_vframe(frame, x,y,w,(h&~1), sx,sy,sw,sh, 0); //wdw->unlock_window(); } }