/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "asset.h" #include "assets.h" #include "awindow.h" #include "awindowgui.h" #include "edit.h" #include "edits.h" #include "editpopup.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "file.h" #include "keys.h" #include "language.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "mainerror.h" #include "mainsession.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "plugindialog.h" #include "resizetrackthread.h" #include "theme.h" #include "track.h" #include "tracks.h" #include "trackcanvas.h" #include EditPopup::EditPopup(MWindow *mwindow, MWindowGUI *gui) : BC_PopupMenu(0, 0, 0, "", 0) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->gui = gui; track = 0; edit = 0; plugin = 0; pluginset = 0; position = 0; } EditPopup::~EditPopup() { } void EditPopup::create_objects() { add_item(new EditPopupClearSelect(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupCopy(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupCut(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupMute(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupCopyPack(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupCutPack(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupMutePack(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupPaste(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupOverwrite(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupFindAsset(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupShow(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupUserTitle(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupTitleColor(mwindow, this)); } int EditPopup::activate_menu(Track *track, Edit *edit, PluginSet *pluginset, Plugin *plugin, double position) { this->track = track; this->edit = edit; this->pluginset = pluginset; this->plugin = plugin; this->position = position; return BC_PopupMenu::activate_menu(); } EditPopupClearSelect::EditPopupClearSelect(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Clear Select"),_("Ctrl-Shift-A"),'A') { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; set_ctrl(1); set_shift(1); } int EditPopupClearSelect::handle_event() { mwindow->edl->tracks->clear_selected_edits(); popup->gui->draw_overlays(1); return 1; } EditPopupCopy::EditPopupCopy(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Copy"),_("Ctrl-c"),'c') { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; set_ctrl(1); } int EditPopupCopy::handle_event() { mwindow->selected_edits_to_clipboard(0); return 1; } EditPopupCopyPack::EditPopupCopyPack(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Copy pack"),_("Ctrl-Shift-C"),'C') { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; set_ctrl(1); set_shift(1); } int EditPopupCopyPack::handle_event() { mwindow->selected_edits_to_clipboard(1); return 1; } EditPopupCut::EditPopupCut(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Cut"),_("Ctrl-x"),'x') { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; set_ctrl(1); } int EditPopupCut::handle_event() { mwindow->cut_selected_edits(1, 0); return 1; } EditPopupCutPack::EditPopupCutPack(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Cut pack"),_("Ctrl-z"),'z') { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; set_ctrl(1); } int EditPopupCutPack::handle_event() { mwindow->cut_selected_edits(1, 1); return 1; } EditPopupMute::EditPopupMute(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Mute"),_("Ctrl-m"),'m') { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; set_ctrl(1); } int EditPopupMute::handle_event() { mwindow->cut_selected_edits(0, 0); return 1; } EditPopupMutePack::EditPopupMutePack(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Mute pack"),_("Ctrl-Shift-M"),'M') { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; set_ctrl(1); set_shift(1); } int EditPopupMutePack::handle_event() { mwindow->cut_selected_edits(0, 1); return 1; } EditPopupPaste::EditPopupPaste(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Paste"),_("Ctrl-v"),'v') { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; set_ctrl(1); } int EditPopupPaste::handle_event() { mwindow->paste(popup->position, popup->track, 0, 0); mwindow->edl->tracks->clear_selected_edits(); popup->gui->draw_overlays(1); if( mwindow->session->current_operation == DROP_TARGETING ) { mwindow->session->current_operation = NO_OPERATION; popup->gui->update_cursor(); } return 1; } EditPopupOverwrite::EditPopupOverwrite(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Overwrite"),_("Ctrl-b"),'b') { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; set_ctrl(1); } int EditPopupOverwrite::handle_event() { mwindow->paste(popup->position, popup->track, 0, -1); mwindow->edl->tracks->clear_selected_edits(); popup->gui->draw_overlays(1); if( mwindow->session->current_operation == DROP_TARGETING ) { mwindow->session->current_operation = NO_OPERATION; popup->gui->update_cursor(); } return 1; } EditPopupFindAsset::EditPopupFindAsset(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Find in Resources")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; } int EditPopupFindAsset::handle_event() { Edit *edit = popup->edit; if( edit ) { Indexable *idxbl = (Indexable *)edit->asset; if( !idxbl ) idxbl = (Indexable *)edit->nested_edl; if( idxbl ) { AWindowGUI *agui = mwindow->awindow->gui; agui->lock_window("EditPopupFindAsset::handle_event"); AssetPicon *picon = 0; for( int i=0, n=agui->assets.size(); iassets[i]; int found = ap->indexable && ( idxbl == ap->indexable || !strcmp(idxbl->path, ap->indexable->path) ); if( found && !picon ) picon = ap; ap->set_selected(found); } if( picon ) { int selected_folder = picon->indexable->folder_no; mwindow->edl->session->awindow_folder = selected_folder; for( int i=0,n=agui->folders.size(); ifolders[i]; int selected = folder_item->foldernum == selected_folder ? 1 : 0; folder_item->set_selected(selected); } } agui->unlock_window(); agui->async_update_assets(); } } return 1; } EditPopupUserTitle::EditPopupUserTitle(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("User title...")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; dialog_thread = new EditUserTitleDialogThread(this); } EditPopupUserTitle::~EditPopupUserTitle() { delete dialog_thread; } int EditPopupUserTitle::handle_event() { if( popup->edit ) { dialog_thread->close_window(); int wx = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_x(0) - 400 / 2; int wy = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_y(0) - 500 / 2; dialog_thread->start(wx, wy); } return 1; } void EditUserTitleDialogThread::start(int wx, int wy) { this->wx = wx; this->wy = wy; BC_DialogThread::start(); } EditUserTitleDialogThread::EditUserTitleDialogThread(EditPopupUserTitle *edit_title) { this->edit_title = edit_title; window = 0; } EditUserTitleDialogThread::~EditUserTitleDialogThread() { close_window(); } BC_Window* EditUserTitleDialogThread::new_gui() { MWindow *mwindow = edit_title->mwindow; EditPopup *popup = edit_title->popup; window = new EditPopupUserTitleWindow(mwindow, popup, wx, wy); window->create_objects(); return window; } void EditUserTitleDialogThread::handle_close_event(int result) { window = 0; } void EditUserTitleDialogThread::handle_done_event(int result) { if( result ) return; MWindow *mwindow = edit_title->mwindow; EditPopup *popup = edit_title->popup; EDL *edl = mwindow->edl; const char *text = window->title_text->get_text(); int count = 0; for( Track *track=edl->tracks->first; track; track=track->next ) { if( !track->record ) continue; for( Edit *edit=track->edits->first; edit; edit=edit->next ) { if( !edit->is_selected ) continue; strcpy(edit->user_title, text); ++count; } } if( count ) edl->tracks->clear_selected_edits(); else if( popup->edit ) { strcpy(popup->edit->user_title, text); } mwindow->gui->lock_window("EditUserTitleDialogThread::handle_done_event"); mwindow->gui->draw_canvas(1, 0); mwindow->gui->flash_canvas(1); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); } EditPopupUserTitleWindow::EditPopupUserTitleWindow(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup, int wx, int wy) : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Set edit title"), wx, wy, 300, 130, 300, 130, 0, 0, 1) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; strcpy(new_text, !popup->edit ? "" : popup->edit->user_title); } EditPopupUserTitleWindow::~EditPopupUserTitleWindow() { } void EditPopupUserTitleWindow::create_objects() { lock_window("EditPopupUserTitleWindow::create_objects"); int x = 10, y = 10, x1; BC_Title *title = new BC_Title(x1=x, y, _("User title:")); add_subwindow(title); x1 += title->get_w() + 10; title_text = new EditPopupUserTitleText(this, mwindow, x1, y, new_text); add_subwindow(title_text); add_tool(new BC_OKButton(this)); add_tool(new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); flush(); unlock_window(); } EditPopupUserTitleText::EditPopupUserTitleText(EditPopupUserTitleWindow *window, MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y, const char *text) : BC_TextBox(x, y, window->get_w()-x-15, 1, text) { this->window = window; this->mwindow = mwindow; } EditPopupUserTitleText::~EditPopupUserTitleText() { } int EditPopupUserTitleText::handle_event() { if( get_keypress() == RETURN ) window->set_done(0); return 1; } EditPopupTitleColor::EditPopupTitleColor(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Bar Color...")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; color_picker = 0; } EditPopupTitleColor::~EditPopupTitleColor() { delete color_picker; } int EditPopupTitleColor::handle_event() { if( popup->edit ) { int color = popup->mwindow->get_title_color(popup->edit); if( !color ) color = popup->mwindow->theme->get_color_title_bg(); delete color_picker; color_picker = new EditTitleColorPicker(popup, color); int alpha = (~color>>24) & 0xff; color_picker->start_window(color & 0xffffff, alpha, 1); } return 1; } EditTitleColorDefault::EditTitleColorDefault( EditTitleColorPicker *color_picker, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("default")) { this->color_picker = color_picker; } int EditTitleColorDefault::handle_event() { const int color = 0, alpha = 0xff; color_picker->color = color | (~alpha << 24); color_picker->update_gui(color, alpha); return 1; } EditTitleColorPicker::EditTitleColorPicker(EditPopup *popup, int color) : ColorPicker(1, _("Bar Color")) { this->popup = popup; this->color = color; } EditTitleColorPicker::~EditTitleColorPicker() { } void EditTitleColorPicker::create_objects(ColorWindow *gui) { int y = gui->get_h() - BC_CancelButton::calculate_h() + 10; int x = gui->get_w() - BC_CancelButton::calculate_w() - 10; x -= BC_GenericButton::calculate_w(gui, _("default")) + 15; gui->add_subwindow(new EditTitleColorDefault(this, x, y)); } int EditTitleColorPicker::handle_new_color(int color, int alpha) { this->color = color | (~alpha << 24); return 1; } void EditTitleColorPicker::handle_done_event(int result) { if( !result ) { EDL *edl = popup->mwindow->edl; int count = 0; for( Track *track=edl->tracks->first; track; track=track->next ) { if( !track->record ) continue; for( Edit *edit=track->edits->first; edit; edit=edit->next ) { if( !edit->is_selected ) continue; edit->color = color; ++count; } } if( count ) edl->tracks->clear_selected_edits(); else popup->edit->color = color; } MWindowGUI *mwindow_gui = popup->mwindow->gui; mwindow_gui->lock_window("GWindowColorUpdate::run"); mwindow_gui->draw_trackmovement(); mwindow_gui->unlock_window(); } EditPopupShow::EditPopupShow(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Show edit")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; dialog_thread = new EditShowDialogThread(this); } EditPopupShow::~EditPopupShow() { delete dialog_thread; } int EditPopupShow::handle_event() { if( popup->edit ) { dialog_thread->close_window(); int wx = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_x(0) - 400 / 2; int wy = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_y(0) - 500 / 2; dialog_thread->start(wx, wy); } return 1; } void EditShowDialogThread::start(int wx, int wy) { this->wx = wx; this->wy = wy; BC_DialogThread::start(); } EditShowDialogThread::EditShowDialogThread(EditPopupShow *edit_show) { this->edit_show = edit_show; window = 0; } EditShowDialogThread::~EditShowDialogThread() { close_window(); } BC_Window* EditShowDialogThread::new_gui() { MWindow *mwindow = edit_show->mwindow; EditPopup *popup = edit_show->popup; window = new EditPopupShowWindow(mwindow, popup, wx, wy); window->create_objects(); return window; } void EditShowDialogThread::handle_close_event(int result) { window = 0; } EditPopupShowWindow::EditPopupShowWindow(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup, int wx, int wy) : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Show edit"), wx, wy, 300, 220, 300, 220, 0, 0, 1) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; } EditPopupShowWindow::~EditPopupShowWindow() { } void EditPopupShowWindow::create_objects() { lock_window("EditPopupShowWindow::create_objects"); int x = 10, y = 10; BC_Title *title; char text[BCTEXTLEN]; Edit *edit = popup->edit; Track *track = edit->track; sprintf(text, _("Track %d:"), mwindow->edl->tracks->number_of(track)+1); add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, text)); int x1 = x + title->get_w() + 10; int tw = get_w() - x1 - 20; truncate_text(text, track->title, tw); add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, text)); y += title->get_h() + 5; sprintf(text, _("Edit %d:"), track->edits->number_of(edit)+1); add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, text)); char edit_title[BCTEXTLEN]; edit->get_title(edit_title); truncate_text(text, edit_title, tw); add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, text)); y += title->get_h() + 5; EDLSession *session = mwindow->edl->session; int time_format = session->time_format; int sample_rate = session->sample_rate; double frame_rate = session->frame_rate; double frames_per_foot = session->frames_per_foot; double startsource = track->from_units(edit->startsource); double startproject = track->from_units(edit->startproject); double length = track->from_units(edit->length); char text_startsource[BCSTRLEN]; char text_startproject[BCSTRLEN]; char text_length[BCSTRLEN]; sprintf(text, _("StartSource: %s\nStartProject: %s\nLength: %s\n"), Units::totext(text_startsource, startsource, time_format, sample_rate, frame_rate, frames_per_foot), Units::totext(text_startproject, startproject, time_format, sample_rate, frame_rate, frames_per_foot), Units::totext(text_length, length, time_format, sample_rate, frame_rate, frames_per_foot)); show_text = new EditPopupShowText(this, mwindow, x+15, y+10, text); add_subwindow(show_text); add_tool(new BC_OKButton(this)); show_window(); flush(); unlock_window(); } EditPopupShowText::EditPopupShowText(EditPopupShowWindow *window, MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y, const char *text) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 250, 4, text) { this->window = window; this->mwindow = mwindow; } EditPopupShowText::~EditPopupShowText() { }