/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2014 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_GIFLIB #include "asset.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "file.h" #include "filegif.h" #include "gif_lib.h" #include "mainerror.h" #include "vframe.h" #include #include #include #include #include //from "getarg.h" extern "C" int GifQuantizeBuffer(unsigned int Width, unsigned int Height, int *ColorMapSize, GifByteType * RedInput, GifByteType * GreenInput, GifByteType * BlueInput, GifByteType * OutputBuffer, GifColorType * OutputColorMap); FileGIF::FileGIF(Asset *asset, File *file) : FileBase(asset, file) { offset = 0; err = 0; gif_file = 0; eof = 1; row_size = 0; rows = 0; depth = 8; fp = 0; fd = -1; writes = -1; buffer = 0; bg = 0; output = 0; } FileGIF::~FileGIF() { close_file(); } int FileGIF::check_sig(Asset *asset) { FILE *stream = fopen(asset->path, "rb"); if( stream ) { char test[8]; int ret = fread(test, 1, 6, stream); fclose(stream); if( ret >= 6 && test[0] == 'G' && test[1] == 'I' && test[2] == 'F' && test[3] == '8' && (test[4] == '7' || test[4] == '9') && test[5] == 'a' ) return 1; } return 0; } int FileGIF::colormodel_supported(int colormodel) { return BC_RGB888; } int FileGIF::get_best_colormodel(Asset *asset, int driver) { return BC_RGB888; } int FileGIF::read_frame_header(char *path) { FILE *stream = fopen(path, "rb"); if( stream ) { unsigned char test[16]; int ret = fread(test, 16, 1, stream); fclose(stream); if( ret < 1 ) return 1; asset->format = FILE_GIF; asset->width = test[6] | (test[7] << 8); asset->height = test[8] | (test[9] << 8); return 0; } perror(path); return 1; } static int input_file(GifFileType *gif_file, GifByteType *buffer, int bytes) { FileGIF *file = (FileGIF*)gif_file->UserData; fseek(file->fp, file->offset, SEEK_SET); bytes = fread(buffer, 1, bytes, file->fp); file->offset += bytes; return bytes; } int FileGIF::open_file(int rd, int wr) { return rd ? ropen_path(asset->path) : wr ? wopen_path(asset->path) : 0 ; } int FileGIF::ropen_path(const char *path) { fp = fopen(path, "r"); int result = !fp ? 1 : 0; if( !result ) { offset = 0; eof = 0; gif_file = DGifOpen(this, input_file, &err); if( !gif_file ) { eprintf("FileGIF::ropen_path %d: %s\n", __LINE__, GifErrorString(err)); result = 1; } } if( !result ) result = open_gif(); return result; } int FileGIF::wopen_path(const char *path) { fd = open(path, O_CREAT+O_TRUNC+O_WRONLY, 0777); int result = fd < 0 ? 1 : 0; if( !result ) { gif_file = EGifOpenFileHandle(fd, &err); if( !gif_file ) { eprintf("FileGIF::wopen_path %d: %s\n", __LINE__, GifErrorString(err)); result = 1; } } if( !result ) { writes = 0; } return result; } int FileGIF::write_frames(VFrame ***frames, int len) { int result = !gif_file ? 1 : 0; for( int i=0; iwidth; int height = asset->height; int result = read_frame_header(asset->path); if( !result ) { asset->actual_width = asset->width; if( width ) asset->width = width; asset->actual_height = asset->height; if( height ) asset->height = height; asset->layers = 1; if( !asset->frame_rate ) asset->frame_rate = 10; asset->video_data = 1; row_size = gif_file->SWidth * sizeof(GifPixelType); bg = (GifRowType)malloc(row_size); for( int i=0; iSWidth; ++i ) bg[i] = gif_file->SBackGroundColor; rows = gif_file->SHeight; buffer = (GifRowType*)malloc(sizeof(GifRowType) * rows); for( int i=0; iSHeight; ++i ) { buffer[i] = (GifRowType)malloc(row_size); memcpy(buffer[i], bg, row_size); } result = scan_gif(); asset->video_length = file_pos.size(); } return result; } int FileGIF::close_file() { if( gif_file ) { EGifCloseFile(gif_file, &err); gif_file = 0; } if( fp ) { fclose(fp); fp = 0; } if( fd >= 0 ) { close(fd); fd = -1; } if( bg ) { free(bg); bg = 0; } if( buffer ) { for( int k=0; k 0 ) { file_pos.append(image_pos); image_pos = offset; } eof = file_eof; offset = file_offset; return ret; } int FileGIF::set_video_position(int64_t pos) { if( !gif_file || !asset->video_length ) return 1; int64_t sz = file_pos.size(); eof = pos < 0 || pos >= sz ? 1 : 0; offset = !eof ? file_pos[pos] : 0; return 0; } int FileGIF::read_frame(VFrame *output) { if( !gif_file ) return 1; for( int i=0; iSHeight; ++i ) memcpy(buffer[i], bg, row_size); int ret = read_next_image(output) > 0 ? 0 : 1; return ret; } // ret = -1:err, 0:eof, 1:frame int FileGIF::read_next_image(VFrame *output) { int ret = 0; GifRecordType record_type; while( !ret && !eof ) { if( DGifGetRecordType(gif_file, &record_type) == GIF_ERROR ) { err = gif_file->Error; eprintf("FileGIF::read_frame %d: %s\n", __LINE__, GifErrorString(err)); ret = -1; break; } switch( record_type ) { case IMAGE_DESC_RECORD_TYPE: { if( DGifGetImageDesc(gif_file) == GIF_ERROR ) { err = gif_file->Error; eprintf("FileGIF::read_frame %d: %s\n", __LINE__, GifErrorString(err)); break; } int row = gif_file->Image.Top; int col = gif_file->Image.Left; int width = gif_file->Image.Width; int height = gif_file->Image.Height; if( gif_file->Image.Left + gif_file->Image.Width > gif_file->SWidth || gif_file->Image.Top + gif_file->Image.Height > gif_file->SHeight ) ret = -1; if( !ret && gif_file->Image.Interlace ) { static int InterlacedOffset[] = { 0, 4, 2, 1 }; static int InterlacedJumps[] = { 8, 8, 4, 2 }; /* Need to perform 4 passes on the images: */ for( int i=0; i<4; ++i ) { int j = row + InterlacedOffset[i]; for( ; !ret && j 0 ) { color_map = gif_file->Image.ColorMap; if( !color_map ) color_map = gif_file->SColorMap; if( !color_map ) ret = -1; } if( ret > 0 && output ) { int screen_width = gif_file->SWidth; int screen_height = gif_file->SHeight; for( int i=0; iget_rows()[i]; for( int j=0; jColors[row[j]]; *out_ptr++ = color_map_entry->Red; *out_ptr++ = color_map_entry->Green; *out_ptr++ = color_map_entry->Blue; } } } return ret; } int FileGIF::write_frame(VFrame *frame) { int w = frame->get_w(), h = frame->get_h(); ColorMapObject *cmap = 0; int cmap_sz = depth >= 0 ? 1 << depth : 0; int64_t len = w * h * sizeof(GifByteType); GifByteType *bfr = (GifByteType *) malloc(len); int result = !bfr ? 1 : 0; if( !result ) { VFrame gbrp(w, h, BC_GBRP); gbrp.transfer_from(frame); if( !(cmap = GifMakeMapObject(cmap_sz, 0)) ) result = 1; if( !result ) { GifByteType *gp = (GifByteType *)gbrp.get_r(); GifByteType *bp = (GifByteType *)gbrp.get_g(); GifByteType *rp = (GifByteType *)gbrp.get_b(); if( GifQuantizeBuffer(w, h, &cmap_sz, rp, gp, bp, bfr, cmap->Colors) == GIF_ERROR ) result = 1; } } if( !result && !writes && EGifPutScreenDesc(gif_file, w, h, depth, 0, 0) == GIF_ERROR ) result = 1; if( !result && EGifPutImageDesc(gif_file, 0, 0, w, h, 0, cmap) == GIF_ERROR ) result = 1; GifByteType *bp = bfr; for( int y=0; !result && yUserData; VFrame *output = file->output; long size = output->get_compressed_size(); long alloc = output->get_compressed_allocated(); long len = size + bytes; if( len > alloc ) output->allocate_compressed_data(2*size + bytes); unsigned char *data = output->get_data() + size; memcpy(data, bfr, bytes); output->set_compressed_size(len); return bytes; } int FileGIF::wopen_data(VFrame *output) { int result = 0; gif_file = EGifOpen(this, write_data, &err); if( !gif_file ) { eprintf("FileGIF::wopen_data %d: %s\n", __LINE__, GifErrorString(err)); result = 1; } if( !result ) { output->set_compressed_size(0); this->output = output; writes = 0; } return result; } FileGIFList::FileGIFList(Asset *asset, File *file) : FileList(asset, file, "GIFLIST", ".gif", FILE_UNKNOWN, FILE_GIF_LIST) { } FileGIFList::~FileGIFList() { } int FileGIFList::check_sig(Asset *asset) { FILE *stream = fopen(asset->path, "rb"); if( stream ) { unsigned char test[16]; int ret = fread(test, 16, 1, stream); fclose(stream); if( ret < 1 ) return 1; if( test[0] == 'G' && test[1] == 'I' && test[2] == 'F' && test[3] == 'L' && test[4] == 'I' && test[5] == 'S' && test[6] == 'T') return 1; } return 0; } int FileGIFList::colormodel_supported(int colormodel) { return BC_RGB888; } int FileGIFList::get_best_colormodel(Asset *asset, int driver) { return BC_RGB888; } int FileGIFList::read_frame_header(char *path) { FILE *stream = fopen(path, "rb"); if( stream ) { unsigned char test[16]; int ret = fread(test, 16, 1, stream); fclose(stream); if( ret < 1 ) return 1; asset->format = FILE_GIF_LIST; asset->width = test[6] | (test[7] << 8); asset->height = test[8] | (test[9] << 8); return 0; } perror(path); return 1; } int FileGIFList::read_frame(VFrame *output, char *path) { Asset *asset = new Asset(path); FileGIF gif(asset, file); int ret = gif.ropen_path(path); if( !ret ) ret = gif.read_frame(output); asset->remove_user(); return ret; } int FileGIFList::write_frame(VFrame *frame, VFrame *data, FrameWriterUnit *unit) { int native_cmodel = BC_RGB888; if( frame->get_color_model() != native_cmodel ) { GIFUnit *gif_unit = (GIFUnit *)unit; if( !gif_unit->temp_frame ) gif_unit->temp_frame = new VFrame(frame->get_w(), frame->get_h(), native_cmodel); gif_unit->temp_frame->transfer_from(frame); frame = gif_unit->temp_frame; } FileGIF gif(asset, file); int ret = gif.wopen_data(data); if( !ret ) ret = gif.write_frame(frame); return ret; } FrameWriterUnit* FileGIFList::new_writer_unit(FrameWriter *writer) { return new GIFUnit(this, writer); } int FileGIFList::verify_file_list() { // go through all .gif files in the list and // verify their sizes match or not. //printf("\nAsset Path: %s\n", asset->path); FILE *stream = fopen(asset->path, "rb"); if (stream) { char string[BCTEXTLEN]; int width, height, prev_width=-1, prev_height=-1; // build the path prefix char prefix[BCTEXTLEN], *bp = prefix, *cp = strrchr(asset->path, '/'); for( int i=0, n=!cp ? 0 : cp-asset->path; ipath[i]; *bp = 0; // read entire input file while( !feof(stream) && fgets(string, BCTEXTLEN, stream) ) { int len = strlen(string); if(!len || string[0] == '#' || string[0] == ' ' || isalnum(string[0])) continue; if( string[len-1] == '\n' ) string[len-1] = 0; // a possible .gif file path? fetch it char path[BCTEXTLEN], *pp = path, *ep = pp + sizeof(path)-1; if( string[0] == '.' && string[1] == '/' && prefix[0] ) pp += snprintf(pp, ep-pp, "%s/", prefix); snprintf(pp, ep-pp, "%s", string); // check if a valid file exists if(!access(path, R_OK)) { // check file header for size FILE *gif_file_temp = fopen(path, "rb"); if (gif_file_temp) { unsigned char test[16]; int ret = fread(test, 16, 1, gif_file_temp); fclose(gif_file_temp); if( ret < 1 ) continue; // get height and width of gif file width = test[6] | (test[7] << 8); height = test[8] | (test[9] << 8); // test with previous if ( (prev_width == -1) && (prev_height == -1) ) { prev_width = width; prev_height = height; continue; } else if ( (prev_width != width) || (prev_height != height) ) { // this is the error case we are trying to avoid fclose(stream); return 0; } } } } fclose(stream); return 1; } // not sure if our function should be the one to raise not found error perror(asset->path); return 0; } GIFUnit::GIFUnit(FileGIFList *file, FrameWriter *writer) : FrameWriterUnit(writer) { this->file = file; temp_frame = 0; } GIFUnit::~GIFUnit() { delete temp_frame; } #endif