/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "autos.h" #include "clip.h" #include "edl.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "floatauto.h" #include "floatautos.h" #include "language.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "transportque.inc" #include "automation.inc" FloatAuto::FloatAuto(EDL *edl, FloatAutos *autos) : Auto(edl, (Autos*)autos) { value = 0; value1 = 0; control_in_value = 0; control_out_value = 0; control_in_position = 0; control_out_position = 0; pos_valid = -1; //"dirty" curve_mode = FREE; // note: in most cases the curve_mode value is set // by the method interpolate_from() rsp. copy_from() } FloatAuto::~FloatAuto() { // as we are going away, the neighbouring float auto nodes // need to re-adjust their ctrl point positions and curves if (next) ((FloatAuto*)next)->curve_dirty(); if (previous) ((FloatAuto*)previous)->curve_dirty(); } int FloatAuto::operator==(Auto &that) { return identical((FloatAuto*)&that); } int FloatAuto::operator==(FloatAuto &that) { return identical((FloatAuto*)&that); } int FloatAuto::identical(FloatAuto *src) { return EQUIV(value, src->value) && (curve_mode != BUMP || EQUIV(value1, src->value1)) && EQUIV(control_in_value, src->control_in_value) && EQUIV(control_out_value, src->control_out_value); // ctrl positions ignored, as they may depend on neighbours // curve_mode is ignored, no recalculations } // exactly equals int FloatAuto::equals(FloatAuto *that) { return this->value == that->value && (this->curve_mode != BUMP || this->value1 == that->value1) && this->control_in_value == that->control_in_value && this->control_out_value == that->control_out_value && this->control_in_position == that->control_in_position && this->control_out_position == that->control_out_position && this->curve_mode == that->curve_mode; } void FloatAuto::copy_from(Auto *that) { copy_from((FloatAuto*)that); } void FloatAuto::copy_from(FloatAuto *that) { Auto::copy_from(that); this->value = that->value; this->value1 = that->value1; this->control_in_value = that->control_in_value; this->control_out_value = that->control_out_value; this->control_in_position = that->control_in_position; this->control_out_position = that->control_out_position; this->curve_mode = that->curve_mode; // note: literate copy, no recalculations } inline void FloatAuto::handle_automatic_curve_after_copy() // in most cases, we don't want to use the manual curve modes // of the left neighbour used as a template for interpolation. // Rather, we (re)set to automatically smoothed curves. Note // auto generated nodes (while tweaking values) indeed are // inserted by using this "interpolation" approach, thus making // this defaulting to auto-smooth curves very important. { if(curve_mode == FREE || curve_mode == TFREE) { this->curve_mode = SMOOTH; } } int FloatAuto::interpolate_from(Auto *a1, Auto *a2, int64_t pos, Auto *templ) // bézier interpolates this->value and curves for the given position // between the positions of a1 and a2. If a1 or a2 are omitted, they default // to this->previous and this->next. If this FloatAuto has automatic curves, // this may trigger re-adjusting of this and its neighbours in this->autos. // Note while a1 and a2 need not be members of this->autos, automatic // readjustments are always done to the neighbours in this->autos. // If the template is given, it will be used to fill out this // objects fields prior to interpolating. { if(!a1) a1 = previous; if(!a2) a2 = next; Auto::interpolate_from(a1, a2, pos, templ); if( !templ ) handle_automatic_curve_after_copy(); if( curve_mode == SMOOTH && a1 && a2 && a1->is_floatauto() && a2->is_floatauto() && a1->position <= pos && pos <= a2->position ) { // set this->value using bézier interpolation if possible FloatAuto *left = (FloatAuto*)a1; FloatAuto *right = (FloatAuto*)a2; if( pos != position ) { // this may trigger smoothing this->adjust_to_new_coordinates(pos, FloatAutos::calculate_bezier(left, right, pos)); } float new_slope = FloatAutos::calculate_bezier_derivation(left, right, pos); this->set_control_in_value(new_slope * control_in_position); this->set_control_out_value(new_slope * control_out_position); return 1; //return true: interpolated indeed... } adjust_ctrl_positions(); // implies adjust_curves() return 0; // unable to interpolate } void FloatAuto::change_curve_mode(t_mode new_mode, int adjust) { if(new_mode == TFREE && !(control_in_position && control_out_position)) new_mode = FREE; // only if curves on both sides... else if(new_mode == BUMP ) value1 = value; // continuous curve_mode = new_mode; if( adjust ) adjust_curves(); } void FloatAuto::toggle_curve_mode() { switch (curve_mode) { case SMOOTH: change_curve_mode(LINEAR); break; case LINEAR: change_curve_mode(TFREE); break; case TFREE : change_curve_mode(FREE); break; case FREE : change_curve_mode(BUMP); break; case BUMP : change_curve_mode(SMOOTH); break; } } // edge=0:left edge, 1:right edge, -1:both edges void FloatAuto::set_value(float value, int edge) { float float_min = ((FloatAutos*)autos)->float_min; float float_max = ((FloatAutos*)autos)->float_max; bclamp(value, float_min, float_max); if( curve_mode != BUMP || edge <= 0 ) this->value = value; if( curve_mode == BUMP && edge != 0 ) this->value1 = value; this->adjust_curves(); if(previous) ((FloatAuto*)previous)->adjust_curves(); if(next) ((FloatAuto*)next)->adjust_curves(); } void FloatAuto::set_control_in_value(float newvalue) { switch(curve_mode) { case TFREE: control_out_value = control_out_position*newvalue / control_in_position; case FREE: case BUMP: control_in_value = newvalue; default: return; // otherwise calculated automatically... } } void FloatAuto::set_control_out_value(float newvalue) { switch(curve_mode) { case TFREE: control_in_value = control_in_position*newvalue / control_out_position; case FREE: case BUMP: control_out_value = newvalue; default: return; } } inline int sgn(float value) { return (value == 0)? 0 : (value < 0) ? -1 : 1; } inline float weighted_mean(float v1, float v2, float w1, float w2){ if(0.000001 > fabs(w1 + w2)) return 0; else return (w1 * v1 + w2 * v2) / (w1 + w2); } void FloatAuto::adjust_curves() // recalculates curves if current mode // implies automatic adjustment of curves { if(!autos) return; if(curve_mode == SMOOTH) { // normally, one would use the slope of chord between the neighbours. // but this could cause the curve to overshot extremal automation nodes. // (e.g when setting a fade node at zero, the curve could go negative) // we can interpret the slope of chord as a weighted mean value, where // the length of the interval is used as weight; we just use other // weights: intervall length /and/ reciprocal of slope. So, if the // connection to one of the neighbours has very low slope this will // dominate the calculated curve slope at this automation node. // if the slope goes beyond the zero line, e.g if left connection // has positive and right connection has negative slope, then // we force the calculated curve to be horizontal. float s, dxl, dxr, sl, sr; calculate_slope((FloatAuto*) previous, this, sl, dxl); calculate_slope(this, (FloatAuto*) next, sr, dxr); if(0 < sgn(sl) * sgn(sr)) { float wl = fabs(dxl) * (fabs(1.0/sl) + 1); float wr = fabs(dxr) * (fabs(1.0/sr) + 1); s = weighted_mean(sl, sr, wl, wr); } else s = 0; // fixed hoizontal curve control_in_value = s * control_in_position; control_out_value = s * control_out_position; } else if(curve_mode == LINEAR) { float g, dx; if(previous) { calculate_slope(this, (FloatAuto*)previous, g, dx); control_in_value = g * dx / 3; } if(next) { calculate_slope(this, (FloatAuto*)next, g, dx); control_out_value = g * dx / 3; } } else if(curve_mode == TFREE && control_in_position && control_out_position) { float gl = control_in_value / control_in_position; float gr = control_out_value / control_out_position; float wl = fabs(control_in_value); float wr = fabs(control_out_value); float g = weighted_mean(gl, gr, wl, wr); control_in_value = g * control_in_position; control_out_value = g * control_out_position; } } inline void FloatAuto::calculate_slope(FloatAuto *left, FloatAuto *right, float &dvdx, float &dx) { dvdx=0; dx=0; if(!left || !right) return; dx = right->position - left->position; float lval = left->get_value(0); float rval = right->get_value(1); float dv = rval - lval; dvdx = (dx == 0) ? 0 : dv/dx; } void FloatAuto::adjust_ctrl_positions(FloatAuto *prev, FloatAuto *next) // recalculates location of ctrl points to be // always 1/3 and 2/3 of the distance to the // next neighbours. The reason is: for this special // distance the bézier function yields x(t) = t, i.e. // we can use the y(t) as if it was a simple function y(x). // This adjustment is done only on demand and involves // updating neighbours and adjust_curves() as well. { if(!prev && !next) { // use current siblings prev = (FloatAuto*)this->previous; next = (FloatAuto*)this->next; } if(prev) { set_ctrl_positions(prev, this); prev->adjust_curves(); } else // disable curve on left side control_in_position = 0; if(next) { set_ctrl_positions(this, next); next->adjust_curves(); } else // disable right curve control_out_position = 0; this->adjust_curves(); pos_valid = position; // curves up-to-date } inline void redefine_curve(int64_t &old_pos, int64_t new_pos, float &ctrl_val) { if(old_pos != 0) ctrl_val *= (float)new_pos / old_pos; old_pos = new_pos; } inline void FloatAuto::set_ctrl_positions(FloatAuto *prev, FloatAuto* next) { int64_t distance = next->position - prev->position; redefine_curve(prev->control_out_position, +distance / 3, prev->control_out_value); redefine_curve(next->control_in_position, -distance / 3, next->control_in_value); } void FloatAuto::adjust_to_new_coordinates(int64_t position, float value) // define new position and value in one step, do necessary re-adjustments { float float_min = ((FloatAutos*)autos)->float_min; float float_max = ((FloatAutos*)autos)->float_max; bclamp(value, float_min, float_max); this->value = value; this->position = position; adjust_ctrl_positions(); } int FloatAuto::value_to_str(char *string, float value) { int j = 0, i = 0; if(value > 0) sprintf(string, "+%.2f", value); else sprintf(string, "%.2f", value); // fix number if(value == 0) { j = 0; string[1] = 0; } else if(value < 1 && value > -1) { j = 1; string[j] = string[0]; } else { j = 0; string[3] = 0; } while(string[j] != 0) string[i++] = string[j++]; string[i] = 0; return 0; } void FloatAuto::copy(int64_t start, int64_t end, FileXML *file, int default_auto) { file->tag.set_title("AUTO"); if(default_auto) file->tag.set_property("POSITION", 0); else file->tag.set_property("POSITION", position - start); file->tag.set_property("VALUE", value); file->tag.set_property("VALUE1", value1); file->tag.set_property("CONTROL_IN_VALUE", control_in_value / 2.0); // compatibility, see below file->tag.set_property("CONTROL_OUT_VALUE", control_out_value / 2.0); file->tag.set_property("TANGENT_MODE", (int)curve_mode); file->append_tag(); file->tag.set_title("/AUTO"); file->append_tag(); file->append_newline(); } void FloatAuto::load(FileXML *file) { float float_min = ((FloatAutos*)autos)->float_min; float float_max = ((FloatAutos*)autos)->float_max; value = file->tag.get_property("VALUE", value); bclamp(value, float_min, float_max); value1 = file->tag.get_property("VALUE1", value1); bclamp(value, float_min, float_max); control_in_value = file->tag.get_property("CONTROL_IN_VALUE", control_in_value); control_out_value = file->tag.get_property("CONTROL_OUT_VALUE", control_out_value); curve_mode = (t_mode)file->tag.get_property("TANGENT_MODE", (int)FREE); // Compatibility to old session data format: // Versions previous to the bezier auto patch (Jun 2006) applied a factor 2 // to the y-coordinates of ctrl points while calculating the bezier function. // To retain compatibility, we now apply this factor while loading control_in_value *= 2.0; control_out_value *= 2.0; // restore ctrl positions and adjust curves if necessary adjust_ctrl_positions(); } const char *FloatAuto::curve_name(int curve_mode) { switch( curve_mode ) { case FloatAuto::SMOOTH: return _("Smooth"); case FloatAuto::LINEAR: return _("Linear"); case FloatAuto::TFREE: return _("Tangent"); case FloatAuto::FREE: return _("Disjoint"); case FloatAuto::BUMP: return _("Bump"); } return _("Error"); } void FloatAuto::bump_update(int64_t pos, float dv, int edge, int span) { float *mins = autos->edl->local_session->automation_mins; float *maxs = autos->edl->local_session->automation_maxs; int group = autos->autogrouptype; float min = mins[group], max = maxs[group]; int last_edge = edge; FloatAuto *fauto = this; fauto->position = pos; if( fauto->is_bump() && span ) { do { float v = fauto->get_value(edge) + dv; bclamp(v, min, max); fauto->set_value(v, edge); fauto = (FloatAuto*)(!edge ? fauto->next : fauto->previous); } while( fauto && !fauto->is_bump() ); last_edge = !edge ? 1 : 0; } if( fauto ) { float v = fauto->get_value(last_edge) + dv; bclamp(v, min, max); fauto->set_value(v, last_edge); } } void FloatAuto::bump_value(float v, int edge, int span) { float dv = v - get_value(edge); bump_update(position, dv, edge, span); }