/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "autoconf.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "clip.h" #include "condition.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "gwindowgui.h" #include "keys.h" #include "language.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "mainmenu.h" #include "mainsession.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "theme.h" #include "tracks.h" #include "trackcanvas.h" #include "zoombar.h" #include GWindowGUI::GWindowGUI(MWindow *mwindow, int w, int h) : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Overlays"), mwindow->session->gwindow_x, mwindow->session->gwindow_y, w, h, w, h, 0, 0, 1) { this->mwindow = mwindow; camera_xyz = 0; projector_xyz = 0; // *** CONTEXT_HELP *** context_help_set_keyword("Show Overlays"); } GWindowGUI::~GWindowGUI() { } const char *GWindowGUI::non_auto_text[NON_AUTOMATION_TOTAL] = { N_("Assets"), N_("Titles"), N_("Transitions"), N_("Plugin Keyframes"), N_("Hard Edges") }; const char *GWindowGUI::auto_text[AUTOMATION_TOTAL] = { N_("Mute"), N_("Camera X"), N_("Camera Y"), N_("Camera Z"), N_("Projector X"), N_("Projector Y"), N_("Projector Z"), N_("Fade"), N_("Pan"), N_("Mode"), N_("Mask"), N_("Speed") }; const char *GWindowGUI::non_auto_help[NON_AUTOMATION_TOTAL] = { "Video and Audio Tracks and Navigation", "Video and Audio Tracks and Navigation", "Transition Plugins", "Edit Params", "Cut and Paste Editing" }; const char *GWindowGUI::auto_help[AUTOMATION_TOTAL] = { "The Patchbay", "Camera and Projector", "Camera and Projector", "Camera and Projector", "Camera and Projector", "Camera and Projector", "Camera and Projector", "The Patchbay", "The Patchbay", "Overlays", "Masks", "Fade Automation Usage and Auto Gang" }; int GWindowGUI::auto_colors[AUTOMATION_TOTAL] = { PINK, RED, GREEN, BLUE, LTPINK, LTGREEN, LTBLUE, LTPURPLE, -1, -1, -1, ORANGE, }; void GWindowGUI::load_defaults() { BC_Hash *defaults = mwindow->defaults; auto_colors[AUTOMATION_MUTE] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_MUTE", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_MUTE]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_CAMERA_X", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Y] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_CAMERA_Y", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Y]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Z] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_CAMERA_Z", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Z]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_PROJECTOR_X", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Y] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_PROJECTOR_Y", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Y]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Z] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_PROJECTOR_Z", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Z]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_FADE] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_FADE", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_FADE]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_SPEED] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_SPEED", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_SPEED]); } void GWindowGUI::save_defaults() { BC_Hash *defaults = mwindow->defaults; defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_MUTE", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_MUTE]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_CAMERA_X", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_CAMERA_Y", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Y]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_CAMERA_Z", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Z]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_PROJECTOR_X", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_PROJECTOR_Y", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Y]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_PROJECTOR_Z", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Z]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_FADE", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_FADE]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_SPEED", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_SPEED]); } static toggleinfo toggle_order[] = { {0, NON_AUTOMATION_ASSETS}, {0, NON_AUTOMATION_TITLES}, {0, NON_AUTOMATION_TRANSITIONS}, {0, NON_AUTOMATION_PLUGIN_AUTOS}, {0, -1}, // bar {1, AUTOMATION_FADE}, {1, AUTOMATION_MUTE}, {1, AUTOMATION_SPEED}, {1, AUTOMATION_MODE}, {1, AUTOMATION_PAN}, {1, AUTOMATION_MASK}, {-1, NON_AUTOMATION_HARD_EDGES}, {0, -1}, // bar {1, AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X}, {1, AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Y}, {1, AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Z}, {-1, NONAUTOTOGGLES_CAMERA_XYZ}, {0, -1}, // bar {1, AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X}, {1, AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Y}, {1, AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Z}, {-1, NONAUTOTOGGLES_PROJECTOR_XYZ}, }; const char *GWindowGUI::toggle_text(toggleinfo *tp) { if( tp->isauto > 0 ) return _(auto_text[tp->ref]); if( !tp->isauto ) return _(non_auto_text[tp->ref]); switch( tp->ref ) { case NONAUTOTOGGLES_CAMERA_XYZ: case NONAUTOTOGGLES_PROJECTOR_XYZ: return _("XYZ"); case NON_AUTOMATION_HARD_EDGES: return _("Hard Edges"); } return "()"; } const char *GWindowGUI::toggle_help(toggleinfo *tp) { if( tp->isauto > 0 ) return auto_help[tp->ref]; if( !tp->isauto ) return non_auto_help[tp->ref]; switch( tp->ref ) { case NONAUTOTOGGLES_CAMERA_XYZ: case NONAUTOTOGGLES_PROJECTOR_XYZ: return "Camera and Projector"; case NON_AUTOMATION_HARD_EDGES: return "Cut and Paste Editing"; } return "Show Overlays"; } void GWindowGUI::calculate_extents(BC_WindowBase *gui, int *w, int *h) { int temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7; int current_w, current_h; int ys5 = yS(5), ys10 = yS(10); *w = xS(10); *h = ys10; for( int i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(toggle_order)/sizeof(toggle_order[0])); ++i ) { toggleinfo *tp = &toggle_order[i]; int ref = tp->ref; if( ref < 0 ) { *h += get_resources()->bar_data->get_h() + ys5; continue; } BC_Toggle::calculate_extents(gui, BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->checkbox_images, 0, &temp1, ¤t_w, ¤t_h, &temp2, &temp3, &temp4, &temp5, &temp6, &temp7, toggle_text(tp), MEDIUMFONT); current_w += current_h; *w = MAX(current_w, *w); *h += current_h + ys5; } *h += ys10; *w += xS(20); } GWindowColorButton::GWindowColorButton(GWindowToggle *auto_toggle, int x, int y, int w, int color) : ColorCircleButton(auto_toggle->caption, x, y, w, w, color, -1, 1) { this->auto_toggle = auto_toggle; this->color = color; } GWindowColorButton::~GWindowColorButton() { } int GWindowColorButton::handle_new_color(int color, int alpha) { this->color = color; return 1; } void GWindowColorButton::handle_done_event(int result) { ColorCircleButton::handle_done_event(result); int ref = auto_toggle->info->ref; GWindowGUI *gui = auto_toggle->gui; gui->lock_window("GWindowColorThread::handle_done_event"); if( !result ) { GWindowGUI::auto_colors[ref] = color; auto_toggle->update_gui(color); gui->save_defaults(); } else { color = GWindowGUI::auto_colors[ref]; update_gui(color); } gui->unlock_window(); MWindowGUI *mwindow_gui = gui->mwindow->gui; mwindow_gui->lock_window("GWindowColorUpdate::run"); mwindow_gui->draw_overlays(1); mwindow_gui->unlock_window(); } void GWindowGUI::create_objects() { int xs10 = xS(10); int ys5 = yS(5), ys10 = yS(10); int x = xs10, y = ys10; lock_window("GWindowGUI::create_objects"); for( int i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(toggle_order)/sizeof(toggle_order[0])); ++i ) { toggleinfo *tp = &toggle_order[i]; int ref = tp->ref; if( ref < 0 ) { BC_Bar *bar = new BC_Bar(x,y,get_w()-x-xs10); add_tool(bar); toggles[i] = 0; y += bar->get_h() + ys5; continue; } const char *label = toggle_text(tp); int color = tp->isauto > 0 ? auto_colors[tp->ref] : get_resources()->text_default ; GWindowToggle *toggle = new GWindowToggle(this, x, y, label, color, tp); add_tool(toggles[i] = toggle); if( tp->isauto > 0 ) { VFrame *vframe = 0; switch( ref ) { case AUTOMATION_MODE: vframe = mwindow->theme->modekeyframe_data; break; case AUTOMATION_PAN: vframe = mwindow->theme->pankeyframe_data; break; case AUTOMATION_MASK: vframe = mwindow->theme->maskkeyframe_data; break; } if( !vframe ) { int wh = toggle->get_h() - yS(4); if( wh < 1 ) wh = 1; GWindowColorButton *color_button = new GWindowColorButton(toggle, get_w()-wh-ys10, y+yS(2), wh, color); add_tool(color_button); color_button->create_objects(); color_button->context_help_set_keyword(toggle_help(tp)); } else draw_vframe(vframe, get_w()-vframe->get_w()-xs10, y); } else { const char *accel = 0; switch( ref ) { case NONAUTOTOGGLES_CAMERA_XYZ: camera_xyz = toggle; accel = _("Shift-F1"); break; case NONAUTOTOGGLES_PROJECTOR_XYZ: projector_xyz = toggle; accel = _("Shift-F2"); break; case NON_AUTOMATION_HARD_EDGES: VFrame *vframe = mwindow->theme->hardedge_data; draw_vframe(vframe, get_w()-vframe->get_w()-xs10, y); hard_edges = toggle; break; } if( accel ) { int x1 = get_w() - BC_Title::calculate_w(this, accel) - xs10; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, accel)); } } toggle->context_help_set_keyword(toggle_help(tp)); y += toggles[i]->get_h() + ys5; } update_toggles(0); unlock_window(); } void GWindowGUI::update_mwindow(int toggles, int overlays) { unlock_window(); mwindow->gui->lock_window("GWindowGUI::update_mwindow"); if( toggles ) mwindow->gui->mainmenu->update_toggles(0); if( overlays ) mwindow->gui->draw_overlays(1); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); lock_window("GWindowGUI::update_mwindow"); } void GWindowGUI::update_toggles(int use_lock) { if(use_lock) { lock_window("GWindowGUI::update_toggles"); set_cool(0); } for( int i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(toggle_order)/sizeof(toggle_order[0])); ++i ) { if( toggles[i] ) toggles[i]->update(); } camera_xyz->set_value(check_xyz(AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X) > 0 ? 1 : 0); projector_xyz->set_value(check_xyz(AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X) > 0 ? 1 : 0); if(use_lock) unlock_window(); } void GWindowGUI::toggle_camera_xyz() { int v = camera_xyz->get_value() ? 0 : 1; camera_xyz->set_value(v); xyz_check(AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X, v); update_toggles(0); update_mwindow(1, 1); } void GWindowGUI::toggle_projector_xyz() { int v = projector_xyz->get_value() ? 0 : 1; projector_xyz->set_value(v); xyz_check(AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X, v); update_toggles(0); update_mwindow(1, 1); } int GWindowGUI::translation_event() { mwindow->session->gwindow_x = get_x(); mwindow->session->gwindow_y = get_y(); return 0; } int GWindowGUI::close_event() { hide_window(); mwindow->session->show_gwindow = 0; unlock_window(); mwindow->gui->lock_window("GWindowGUI::close_event"); mwindow->gui->mainmenu->show_gwindow->set_checked(0); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); lock_window("GWindowGUI::close_event"); mwindow->save_defaults(); return 1; } int GWindowGUI::keypress_event() { if( ctrl_down() && shift_down() ) { switch(get_keypress()) { case KEY_F1: case KEY_F2: case KEY_F3: case KEY_F4: if( ctrl_down() && shift_down() ) { resend_event(mwindow->gui); return 1; } } } else if( !ctrl_down() && shift_down() ) { switch(get_keypress()) { case KEY_F1: toggle_camera_xyz(); return 1; case KEY_F2: toggle_projector_xyz(); return 1; } } switch(get_keypress()) { case 'w': case 'W': case '0': if( ctrl_down() ) { close_event(); return 1; } break; } return context_help_check_and_show(); } int GWindowGUI::check_xyz(int group) { // returns 1=all set, -1=all clear, 0=mixed int *autos = mwindow->edl->session->auto_conf->autos; int v = autos[group], ret = v ? 1 : -1; if( autos[group+1] != v || autos[group+2] != v ) ret = 0; return ret; } void GWindowGUI::xyz_check(int group, int v) { int *autos = mwindow->edl->session->auto_conf->autos; autos[group+0] = v; autos[group+1] = v; autos[group+2] = v; } int* GWindowGUI::get_main_value(toggleinfo *info) { if( info->isauto > 0 ) return &mwindow->edl->session->auto_conf->autos[info->ref]; switch( info->ref ) { case NON_AUTOMATION_ASSETS: return &mwindow->edl->session->show_assets; case NON_AUTOMATION_TITLES: return &mwindow->edl->session->show_titles; case NON_AUTOMATION_TRANSITIONS: return &mwindow->edl->session->auto_conf->transitions; case NON_AUTOMATION_PLUGIN_AUTOS: return &mwindow->edl->session->auto_conf->plugins; case NON_AUTOMATION_HARD_EDGES: return &mwindow->edl->session->auto_conf->hard_edges; } return 0; } GWindowToggle::GWindowToggle(GWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y, const char *text, int color, toggleinfo *info) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, 0, text, MEDIUMFONT, color) { this->gui = gui; this->info = info; this->color = color; this->color_button = 0; hot = hot_value = 0; } GWindowToggle::~GWindowToggle() { delete color_button; } int GWindowToggle::handle_event() { int value = get_value(); if( shift_down() ) { if( !hot ) { gui->set_hot(this); value = 1; } else { gui->set_cool(1); value = hot_value; } } else gui->set_cool(0); if( info->isauto >= 0 ) { *gui->get_main_value(info) = value; switch( info->ref ) { case AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X: case AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Y: case AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Z: { int v = gui->check_xyz(AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X); gui->camera_xyz->set_value(v > 0 ? 1 : 0); break; } case AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X: case AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Y: case AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Z: { int v = gui->check_xyz(AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X); gui->projector_xyz->set_value(v > 0 ? 1 : 0); break; } } } else { int group = -1; switch( info->ref ) { case NONAUTOTOGGLES_CAMERA_XYZ: group = AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X; break; case NONAUTOTOGGLES_PROJECTOR_XYZ: group = AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X; break; case NON_AUTOMATION_HARD_EDGES: *gui->get_main_value(info) = value; break; } if( group >= 0 ) { gui->xyz_check(group, value); gui->update_toggles(0); } } gui->update_mwindow(1, 0); // Update stuff in MWindow unlock_window(); MWindow *mwindow = gui->mwindow; mwindow->gui->lock_window("GWindowToggle::handle_event"); mwindow->gui->update(1, NORMAL_DRAW, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); mwindow->gui->draw_overlays(1); if( value && info->isauto > 0 ) { int autogroup_type = -1; switch( info->ref ) { case AUTOMATION_FADE: autogroup_type = mwindow->edl->tracks->recordable_video_tracks() ? AUTOGROUPTYPE_VIDEO_FADE : AUTOGROUPTYPE_AUDIO_FADE ; break; case AUTOMATION_SPEED: autogroup_type = AUTOGROUPTYPE_SPEED; break; case AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X: case AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X: autogroup_type = AUTOGROUPTYPE_X; break; case AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Y: case AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Y: autogroup_type = AUTOGROUPTYPE_Y; break; case AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Z: case AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Z: autogroup_type = AUTOGROUPTYPE_ZOOM; break; } if( autogroup_type >= 0 ) { mwindow->edl->local_session->zoombar_showautotype = autogroup_type; mwindow->gui->zoombar->update_autozoom(); } } mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); lock_window("GWindowToggle::handle_event"); return 1; } void GWindowToggle::update() { int *vp = gui->get_main_value(info); if( vp ) set_value(*vp); } void GWindowToggle::update_gui(int color) { BC_Toggle::color = color; draw_face(1,0); } int GWindowToggle::draw_face(int flash, int flush) { int ret = BC_Toggle::draw_face(flash, flush); if( hot ) { set_color(color); set_opaque(); draw_rectangle(text_x-1, text_y-1, text_w+1, text_h+1); if( flash ) this->flash(0); if( flush ) this->flush(); } return ret; } void GWindowGUI::set_cool(int reset, int all) { for( int i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(toggles)/sizeof(toggles[0])); ++i ) { GWindowToggle* toggle = toggles[i]; if( !toggle ) continue; int *vp = get_main_value(toggle->info); if( !vp ) continue; if( toggle->hot ) { toggle->hot = 0; toggle->draw_face(1, 0); } if( reset > 0 ) *vp = toggle->hot_value; else { toggle->hot_value = *vp; if( reset < 0 ) { if ( all || toggle->info->isauto > 0 ) *vp = 0; } } } if( reset ) update_toggles(0); } void GWindowGUI::set_hot(GWindowToggle *toggle) { int *vp = get_main_value(toggle->info); if( !vp ) return; set_cool(-1, !toggle->info->isauto ? 1 : 0); toggle->hot = 1; toggle->set_value(*vp = 1); }