/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "autoconf.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "clip.h" #include "condition.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "gwindowgui.h" #include "keys.h" #include "language.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "mainmenu.h" #include "mainsession.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "theme.h" #include "tracks.h" #include "trackcanvas.h" #include "zoombar.h" #include GWindowGUI::GWindowGUI(MWindow *mwindow, int w, int h) : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Overlays"), mwindow->session->gwindow_x, mwindow->session->gwindow_y, w, h, w, h, 0, 0, 1) { this->mwindow = mwindow; camera_xyz = 0; projector_xyz = 0; } GWindowGUI::~GWindowGUI() { } const char *GWindowGUI::non_auto_text[NON_AUTOMATION_TOTAL] = { N_("Assets"), N_("Titles"), N_("Transitions"), N_("Plugin Keyframes"), N_("Hard Edges"), }; const char *GWindowGUI::auto_text[AUTOMATION_TOTAL] = { N_("Mute"), N_("Camera X"), N_("Camera Y"), N_("Camera Z"), N_("Projector X"), N_("Projector Y"), N_("Projector Z"), N_("Fade"), N_("Pan"), N_("Mode"), N_("Mask"), N_("Speed") }; int GWindowGUI::auto_colors[AUTOMATION_TOTAL] = { PINK, RED, GREEN, BLUE, LTPINK, LTGREEN, LTBLUE, LTPURPLE, 0, 0, 0, ORANGE, }; void GWindowGUI::load_defaults() { BC_Hash *defaults = mwindow->defaults; auto_colors[AUTOMATION_MUTE] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_MUTE", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_MUTE]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_CAMERA_X", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Y] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_CAMERA_Y", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Y]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Z] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_CAMERA_Z", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Z]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_PROJECTOR_X", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Y] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_PROJECTOR_Y", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Y]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Z] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_PROJECTOR_Z", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Z]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_FADE] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_FADE", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_FADE]); auto_colors[AUTOMATION_SPEED] = defaults->get("AUTO_COLOR_SPEED", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_SPEED]); } void GWindowGUI::save_defaults() { BC_Hash *defaults = mwindow->defaults; defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_MUTE", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_MUTE]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_CAMERA_X", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_CAMERA_Y", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Y]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_CAMERA_Z", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Z]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_PROJECTOR_X", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_PROJECTOR_Y", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Y]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_PROJECTOR_Z", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Z]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_FADE", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_FADE]); defaults->update("AUTO_COLOR_SPEED", auto_colors[AUTOMATION_SPEED]); } static toggleinfo toggle_order[] = { {0, NON_AUTOMATION_ASSETS}, {0, NON_AUTOMATION_TITLES}, {0, NON_AUTOMATION_TRANSITIONS}, {0, NON_AUTOMATION_PLUGIN_AUTOS}, {0, -1}, // bar {1, AUTOMATION_FADE}, {1, AUTOMATION_MUTE}, {1, AUTOMATION_SPEED}, {1, AUTOMATION_MODE}, {1, AUTOMATION_PAN}, {1, AUTOMATION_MASK}, {-1, NON_AUTOMATION_HARD_EDGES}, {0, -1}, // bar {1, AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X}, {1, AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Y}, {1, AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Z}, {-1, NONAUTOTOGGLES_CAMERA_XYZ}, {0, -1}, // bar {1, AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X}, {1, AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Y}, {1, AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Z}, {-1, NONAUTOTOGGLES_PROJECTOR_XYZ}, }; const char *GWindowGUI::toggle_text(toggleinfo *tp) { if( tp->isauto > 0 ) return _(auto_text[tp->ref]); if( !tp->isauto ) return _(non_auto_text[tp->ref]); switch( tp->ref ) { case NONAUTOTOGGLES_CAMERA_XYZ: case NONAUTOTOGGLES_PROJECTOR_XYZ: return _("XYZ"); case NON_AUTOMATION_HARD_EDGES: return _("Hard Edges"); } return "()"; } void GWindowGUI::calculate_extents(BC_WindowBase *gui, int *w, int *h) { int temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7; int current_w, current_h; *w = 10; *h = 10; for( int i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(toggle_order)/sizeof(toggle_order[0])); ++i ) { toggleinfo *tp = &toggle_order[i]; int ref = tp->ref; if( ref < 0 ) { *h += get_resources()->bar_data->get_h() + 5; continue; } BC_Toggle::calculate_extents(gui, BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->checkbox_images, 0, &temp1, ¤t_w, ¤t_h, &temp2, &temp3, &temp4, &temp5, &temp6, &temp7, toggle_text(tp), MEDIUMFONT); current_w += current_h; *w = MAX(current_w, *w); *h += current_h + 5; } *h += 10; *w += 20; } GWindowColorButton::GWindowColorButton(GWindowToggle *auto_toggle, int x, int y, int w, int color) : ColorCircleButton(auto_toggle->caption, x, y, w, w, color, -1, 1) { this->auto_toggle = auto_toggle; this->color = color; } GWindowColorButton::~GWindowColorButton() { } int GWindowColorButton::handle_new_color(int color, int alpha) { this->color = color; return 1; } void GWindowColorButton::handle_done_event(int result) { ColorCircleButton::handle_done_event(result); int ref = auto_toggle->info->ref; GWindowGUI *gui = auto_toggle->gui; gui->lock_window("GWindowColorThread::handle_done_event"); if( !result ) { GWindowGUI::auto_colors[ref] = color; auto_toggle->update_gui(color); gui->save_defaults(); } else { color = GWindowGUI::auto_colors[ref]; update_gui(color); } gui->unlock_window(); MWindowGUI *mwindow_gui = gui->mwindow->gui; mwindow_gui->lock_window("GWindowColorUpdate::run"); mwindow_gui->draw_overlays(1); mwindow_gui->unlock_window(); } void GWindowGUI::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; lock_window("GWindowGUI::create_objects"); for( int i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(toggle_order)/sizeof(toggle_order[0])); ++i ) { toggleinfo *tp = &toggle_order[i]; int ref = tp->ref; if( ref < 0 ) { BC_Bar *bar = new BC_Bar(x,y,get_w()-x-10); add_tool(bar); toggles[i] = 0; y += bar->get_h() + 5; continue; } const char *label = toggle_text(tp); int color = tp->isauto > 0 ? auto_colors[tp->ref] : WHITE; GWindowToggle *toggle = new GWindowToggle(this, x, y, label, color, tp); add_tool(toggles[i] = toggle); if( tp->isauto > 0 ) { VFrame *vframe = 0; switch( ref ) { case AUTOMATION_MODE: vframe = mwindow->theme->modekeyframe_data; break; case AUTOMATION_PAN: vframe = mwindow->theme->pankeyframe_data; break; case AUTOMATION_MASK: vframe = mwindow->theme->maskkeyframe_data; break; } if( !vframe ) { int wh = toggle->get_h() - 4; GWindowColorButton *color_button = new GWindowColorButton(toggle, get_w()-wh-10, y+2, wh, color); add_tool(color_button); color_button->create_objects(); } else draw_vframe(vframe, get_w()-vframe->get_w()-10, y); } else { const char *accel = 0; switch( ref ) { case NONAUTOTOGGLES_CAMERA_XYZ: camera_xyz = toggle; accel = _("Shift-F1"); break; case NONAUTOTOGGLES_PROJECTOR_XYZ: projector_xyz = toggle; accel = _("Shift-F2"); break; case NON_AUTOMATION_HARD_EDGES: VFrame *vframe = mwindow->theme->hardedge_data; draw_vframe(vframe, get_w()-vframe->get_w()-10, y); hard_edges = toggle; break; } if( accel ) { int x1 = get_w() - BC_Title::calculate_w(this, accel) - 10; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y, accel)); } } y += toggles[i]->get_h() + 5; } update_toggles(0); unlock_window(); } void GWindowGUI::update_mwindow(int toggles, int overlays) { unlock_window(); mwindow->gui->lock_window("GWindowGUI::update_mwindow"); if( toggles ) mwindow->gui->mainmenu->update_toggles(0); if( overlays ) mwindow->gui->draw_overlays(1); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); lock_window("GWindowGUI::update_mwindow"); } void GWindowGUI::update_toggles(int use_lock) { if(use_lock) { lock_window("GWindowGUI::update_toggles"); set_cool(0); } for( int i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(toggle_order)/sizeof(toggle_order[0])); ++i ) { if( toggles[i] ) toggles[i]->update(); } camera_xyz->set_value(check_xyz(AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X) > 0 ? 1 : 0); projector_xyz->set_value(check_xyz(AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X) > 0 ? 1 : 0); if(use_lock) unlock_window(); } void GWindowGUI::toggle_camera_xyz() { int v = camera_xyz->get_value() ? 0 : 1; camera_xyz->set_value(v); xyz_check(AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X, v); update_toggles(0); update_mwindow(1, 1); } void GWindowGUI::toggle_projector_xyz() { int v = projector_xyz->get_value() ? 0 : 1; projector_xyz->set_value(v); xyz_check(AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X, v); update_toggles(0); update_mwindow(1, 1); } int GWindowGUI::translation_event() { mwindow->session->gwindow_x = get_x(); mwindow->session->gwindow_y = get_y(); return 0; } int GWindowGUI::close_event() { hide_window(); mwindow->session->show_gwindow = 0; unlock_window(); mwindow->gui->lock_window("GWindowGUI::close_event"); mwindow->gui->mainmenu->show_gwindow->set_checked(0); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); lock_window("GWindowGUI::close_event"); mwindow->save_defaults(); return 1; } int GWindowGUI::keypress_event() { if( ctrl_down() && shift_down() ) { switch(get_keypress()) { case KEY_F1: case KEY_F2: case KEY_F3: case KEY_F4: if( ctrl_down() && shift_down() ) { resend_event(mwindow->gui); return 1; } } } else if( !ctrl_down() && shift_down() ) { switch(get_keypress()) { case KEY_F1: toggle_camera_xyz(); return 1; case KEY_F2: toggle_projector_xyz(); return 1; } } switch(get_keypress()) { case 'w': case 'W': case '0': if( ctrl_down() ) { close_event(); return 1; } break; } return 0; } int GWindowGUI::check_xyz(int group) { // returns 1=all set, -1=all clear, 0=mixed int *autos = mwindow->edl->session->auto_conf->autos; int v = autos[group], ret = v ? 1 : -1; if( autos[group+1] != v || autos[group+2] != v ) ret = 0; return ret; } void GWindowGUI::xyz_check(int group, int v) { int *autos = mwindow->edl->session->auto_conf->autos; autos[group+0] = v; autos[group+1] = v; autos[group+2] = v; } int* GWindowGUI::get_main_value(toggleinfo *info) { if( info->isauto > 0 ) return &mwindow->edl->session->auto_conf->autos[info->ref]; switch( info->ref ) { case NON_AUTOMATION_ASSETS: return &mwindow->edl->session->show_assets; case NON_AUTOMATION_TITLES: return &mwindow->edl->session->show_titles; case NON_AUTOMATION_TRANSITIONS: return &mwindow->edl->session->auto_conf->transitions; case NON_AUTOMATION_PLUGIN_AUTOS: return &mwindow->edl->session->auto_conf->plugins; case NON_AUTOMATION_HARD_EDGES: return &mwindow->edl->session->auto_conf->hard_edges; } return 0; } GWindowToggle::GWindowToggle(GWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y, const char *text, int color, toggleinfo *info) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, 0, text, MEDIUMFONT, color) { this->gui = gui; this->info = info; this->color = color; this->color_button = 0; hot = hot_value = 0; } GWindowToggle::~GWindowToggle() { delete color_button; } int GWindowToggle::handle_event() { int value = get_value(); if( shift_down() ) { if( !hot ) { gui->set_hot(this); value = 1; } else { gui->set_cool(1); value = hot_value; } } else gui->set_cool(0); if( info->isauto >= 0 ) { *gui->get_main_value(info) = value; switch( info->ref ) { case AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X: case AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Y: case AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Z: { int v = gui->check_xyz(AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X); gui->camera_xyz->set_value(v > 0 ? 1 : 0); break; } case AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X: case AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Y: case AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Z: { int v = gui->check_xyz(AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X); gui->projector_xyz->set_value(v > 0 ? 1 : 0); break; } } } else { int group = -1; switch( info->ref ) { case NONAUTOTOGGLES_CAMERA_XYZ: group = AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X; break; case NONAUTOTOGGLES_PROJECTOR_XYZ: group = AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X; break; case NON_AUTOMATION_HARD_EDGES: *gui->get_main_value(info) = value; break; } if( group >= 0 ) { gui->xyz_check(group, value); gui->update_toggles(0); } } gui->update_mwindow(1, 0); // Update stuff in MWindow unlock_window(); MWindow *mwindow = gui->mwindow; mwindow->gui->lock_window("GWindowToggle::handle_event"); mwindow->gui->update(1, NORMAL_DRAW, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); mwindow->gui->draw_overlays(1); if( value && info->isauto > 0 ) { int autogroup_type = -1; switch( info->ref ) { case AUTOMATION_FADE: autogroup_type = mwindow->edl->tracks->recordable_video_tracks() ? AUTOGROUPTYPE_VIDEO_FADE : AUTOGROUPTYPE_AUDIO_FADE ; break; case AUTOMATION_SPEED: autogroup_type = AUTOGROUPTYPE_SPEED; break; case AUTOMATION_CAMERA_X: case AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_X: autogroup_type = AUTOGROUPTYPE_X; break; case AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Y: case AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Y: autogroup_type = AUTOGROUPTYPE_Y; break; case AUTOMATION_CAMERA_Z: case AUTOMATION_PROJECTOR_Z: autogroup_type = AUTOGROUPTYPE_ZOOM; break; } if( autogroup_type >= 0 ) { mwindow->edl->local_session->zoombar_showautotype = autogroup_type; mwindow->gui->zoombar->update_autozoom(); } } mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); lock_window("GWindowToggle::handle_event"); return 1; } void GWindowToggle::update() { int *vp = gui->get_main_value(info); if( vp ) set_value(*vp); } void GWindowToggle::update_gui(int color) { BC_Toggle::color = color; draw_face(1,0); } int GWindowToggle::draw_face(int flash, int flush) { int ret = BC_Toggle::draw_face(flash, flush); if( hot ) { set_color(color); set_opaque(); draw_rectangle(text_x-1, text_y-1, text_w+1, text_h+1); if( flash ) this->flash(0); if( flush ) this->flush(); } return ret; } void GWindowGUI::set_cool(int reset, int all) { for( int i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(toggles)/sizeof(toggles[0])); ++i ) { GWindowToggle* toggle = toggles[i]; if( !toggle ) continue; int *vp = get_main_value(toggle->info); if( !vp ) continue; if( toggle->hot ) { toggle->hot = 0; toggle->draw_face(1, 0); } if( reset > 0 ) *vp = toggle->hot_value; else { toggle->hot_value = *vp; if( reset < 0 ) { if ( all || toggle->info->isauto > 0 ) *vp = 0; } } } if( reset ) update_toggles(0); } void GWindowGUI::set_hot(GWindowToggle *toggle) { int *vp = get_main_value(toggle->info); if( !vp ) return; set_cool(-1, !toggle->info->isauto ? 1 : 0); toggle->hot = 1; toggle->set_value(*vp = 1); }