/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2009 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef INDEXSTATE_H #define INDEXSTATE_H #include "arraylist.h" #include "asset.inc" #include "filexml.inc" #include "garbage.h" #include "indexstate.inc" #include "mutex.inc" #include #include class IndexItem { public: float max, min; }; class IndexMark { public: int64_t no, pos; IndexMark() {} IndexMark(int64_t n, int64_t p) { no = n; pos = p; } bool operator==(IndexMark &v) { return v.no == no; } bool operator >(IndexMark &v) { return v.no > no; } }; class IndexChannel : public IndexItem { public: IndexChannel(IndexState *state, int64_t length); ~IndexChannel(); IndexState *state; IndexItem *bfr, *inp; int64_t length, size; int zidx; void alloc(int64_t sz) { bfr = inp = new IndexItem[(size=sz)+1]; } int64_t used() { return inp - bfr; } int64_t avail() { return size - used(); } int64_t pos(); void put_sample(float v, int zoom) { if( v > max ) max = v; if( v < min ) min = v; if( ++zidx >= zoom ) put_entry(); } void put_entry(); void pad_data(int64_t pos); }; class IndexChannels : public ArrayList { public: IndexChannels() {} ~IndexChannels() { remove_all_objects(); } }; class IndexEntry { public: float *bfr; // offsets / sizes of channels in index buffer in floats int64_t offset, size; IndexEntry(float *bp, int64_t ofs, int64_t sz) { bfr = bp; offset = ofs; size = sz; } }; class IndexEntries : public ArrayList { public: IndexEntries() {} ~IndexEntries() { remove_all_objects(); } }; class IndexMarks : public ArrayList { public: IndexMarks() {} ~IndexMarks() {} void add_mark(int64_t no, int64_t pos) { append(IndexMark(no, pos)); } int find(int64_t no); }; class IndexMarkers : public ArrayList { public: IndexMarkers() {} ~IndexMarkers() { remove_all_objects(); } }; // Assets & nested EDLs store this information to have their indexes built class IndexState : public Garbage { public: IndexState(); ~IndexState(); void reset_index(); void reset_markers(); void init_scan(int64_t index_length); // Supply asset to include encoding information in index file. void write_xml(FileXML *file); void read_xml(FileXML *file, int channels); int write_index(const char *index_path, Asset *asset, int64_t zoom, int64_t file_bytes); int create_index(const char *index_path, Asset *asset); int read_markers(char *index_dir, char *file_path); int read_marks(FILE *fp); int write_markers(const char *index_path); int64_t get_index_offset(int channel); int64_t get_index_size(int channel); float *get_channel_buffer(int channel); int64_t get_channel_used(int channel); void dump(); // index info int index_status; // Macro from assets.inc int marker_status; int64_t index_zoom; // zoom factor of index data int64_t index_start; // byte start of index data in the index file // Total bytes in the source file when the index was buillt int64_t index_bytes; IndexChannels index_channels; IndexEntries index_entries; Mutex *marker_lock; IndexMarkers video_markers; IndexMarkers audio_markers; void add_audio_channel(int64_t length) { index_channels.append(new IndexChannel(this, length)); } void add_audio_stream(int nch, int64_t length) { for( int ch=0; ch= 0 ) video_markers.append(new IndexMarks()); } void add_audio_markers(int n) { while( --n >= 0 ) audio_markers.append(new IndexMarks()); } void add_index_entry(float *bfr, int64_t offset, int64_t size) { index_entries.append(new IndexEntry(bfr, offset, size)); } void put_data(int ch, int nch, float *data, int64_t len) { IndexChannel *chn = index_channels[ch]; int64_t avl = chn->avail() * index_zoom - chn->zidx; if( len > avl ) len = avl; for( int64_t i=len; --i>=0; data+=nch ) chn->put_sample(*data, index_zoom); } void put_data(int ch, double *data, int64_t len) { IndexChannel *chn = index_channels[ch]; int64_t avl = chn->avail() * index_zoom - chn->zidx; if( len > avl ) len = avl; for( int64_t i=len; --i>=0; ) chn->put_sample(*data++, index_zoom); } int64_t pos(int ch) { return index_channels[ch]->pos(); } void pad_data(int ch, int nch, int64_t pos) { while( --nch >= 0 ) index_channels[ch++]->pad_data(pos); } void put_video_mark(int vidx, int64_t frm, int64_t pos) { if( vidx >= video_markers.size() ) return; IndexMarks &marks = *video_markers[vidx]; if( marks.size()>0 && marks.last().no >= frm ) return; marks.add_mark(frm, pos); } void put_audio_mark(int aidx, int64_t smpl, int64_t pos) { if( aidx >= audio_markers.size() ) return; IndexMarks &marks = *audio_markers[aidx]; if( marks.size()>0 && marks.last().no >= smpl ) return; marks.add_mark(smpl, pos); } }; #endif