/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 William Morrow * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../db/tdb.h" #include "../db/s.C" #include "linklist.h" #include "mediadb.h" #include "filexml.h" void write_pgm(uint8_t *tp, int w, int h, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); char fn[256]; vsnprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); FILE *fp = !strcmp(fn,"-") ? stdout : fopen(fn,"w"); if( fp ) { fprintf(fp,"P5\n%d %d\n255\n",w,h); fwrite(tp,w,h,fp); fclose(fp); } } void write_ppm(uint8_t *tp, int w, int h, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); char fn[256]; vsnprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); FILE *fp = !strcmp(fn,"-") ? stdout : fopen(fn,"w"); if( fp ) { fprintf(fp,"P6\n%d %d\n255\n",w,h); fwrite(tp,3*w,h,fp); fclose(fp); } } static inline int clip(int v, int mn, int mx) { return vmx ? mx : v; } void pbm_diff(uint8_t *ap, uint8_t *bp, int w, int h, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); char fn[256]; vsnprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), fmt, va); va_end(va); FILE *fp = !strcmp(fn,"-") ? stdout : fopen(fn,"w"); if( fp ) { int sz = w*h; uint8_t dat[sz], *dp = dat; for( int i=sz; --i>=0; ++dp,++ap,++bp ) *dp = clip(*ap-*bp+128, 0 ,255); fprintf(fp,"P5\n%d %d\n255\n",w,h); fwrite(dat,w,h,fp); fclose(fp); } } void Scale:: scale(uint8_t *odata, int ow, int oh, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh) { pw = (double)(ow * oh) / (rw * rh); odat = odata + sy*ow + sx; iy1 = 0; yf1 = 0; double r = 0.5; for( int dy=1; dy<=sh; ++dy, odat+=ow ) { iy0 = iy1; yf0 = 1.0 - yf1; double ny = (double)(dy * rh) / oh; iy1 = (int) ny; yf1 = ny-iy1; uint8_t *bp = odat; ix1 = 0; xf1 = 0; for( int dx=1; dx<=sw; ++dx ) { ix0 = ix1; xf0 = 1.0 - xf1; double nx = (double)(dx*rw) / ow; ix1 = (int)nx; xf1 = nx-ix1; double px = scalexy(); int ipx = px + r; r += px - ipx; *bp++ = ipx; } } } Deletions:: Deletions(int pid, const char *fn) { this->pid = pid; strcpy(this->filepath,fn); } Deletions:: ~Deletions() { } int Deletions:: load(FileXML &xml) { for(;;) { if( xml.read_tag() != 0 ) return 1; if( !xml.tag.title_is("DEL") ) break; double time = xml.tag.get_property("TIME", (double)0.0); int action = xml.tag.get_property("ACTION", (int)0); append(new Dele(time, action)); } return 0; } Deletions *Deletions:: read_dels(const char *filename) { FileXML xml; if( xml.read_from_file(filename, 1) ) return 0; do { if( xml.read_tag() ) return 0; } while( !xml.tag.title_is("DELS") ); int pid = xml.tag.get_property("PID", (int)-1); const char *file = xml.tag.get_property("FILE"); Deletions *dels = new Deletions(pid, file); if( dels->load(xml) || !xml.tag.title_is("/DELS") ) { delete dels; dels = 0; } return dels; } int Deletions:: save(FileXML &xml) { xml.tag.set_title("DELS"); xml.tag.set_property("PID", pid); xml.tag.set_property("FILE", filepath); xml.append_tag(); xml.append_newline(); for( Dele *del=first; del; del=del->next ) { xml.tag.set_title("DEL"); xml.tag.set_property("TIME", del->time); xml.tag.set_property("ACTION", del->action); xml.append_tag(); xml.tag.set_title("/DEL"); xml.append_tag(); xml.append_newline(); } xml.tag.set_title("/DELS"); xml.append_tag(); xml.append_newline(); return 0; } int Deletions:: write_dels(const char *filename) { FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if( !fp != 0 ) return 1; FileXML xml; save(xml); xml.terminate_string(); xml.write_to_file(fp); fclose(fp); return 0; } Clip:: Clip(int clip_id, double start, double end, int index) { this->clip_id = clip_id; this->start = start; this->end = end; this->index = index; this->votes = 0; this->groups = 0; this->cycle = 0; this->muted = 0; this->best = 1.e99; } Clip:: ~Clip() { Clips *clips = (Clips *)list; if( clips && clips->current == this ) clips->current = 0; } Clip *Clips::locate(int id, double start, double end) { if( current && current->clip_id == id && end >= current->start && start < current->end ) return current; for( current=first; current!=0; current=current->next ) { if( current->clip_id != id ) continue; if( current->start <= end && current->end > start ) break; } return current; } Clips:: Clips(int pid) { this->pid = pid; this->current = 0; this->count = 0; this->cycle = 0; } Clips:: ~Clips() { } Clip *Clips:: new_clip(int clip_id, double start, double end, int index) { return append(new Clip(clip_id, start, end, index)); } int Clips:: get_clip(int idx, int &id, double &start, double &end) { int votes = -1, cid = -1; double st = 0, et = 0; for( Clip *clip=first; clip!=0; clip=clip->next ) { if( clip->index != idx ) continue; // must have prefix+suffix frames if( clip->groups != 3 ) continue; if( clip->votes < votes ) continue; if( clip->votes > votes ) { // first/better match votes = clip->votes; cid = clip->clip_id; st = clip->start; et = clip->end; continue; } // reject if not overlapping if( clip->start > et ) continue; if( clip->end < st ) continue; // expand range on overlap if( clip->start < st ) st = clip->start; if( clip->end > et ) et = clip->end; } if( votes > 2 ) { start = st; end = et; id = cid; return 1; } return 0; } int Clips:: check(int clip_id, double start, double end, int group, double err) { Clip *clip = locate(clip_id, start, end); if( clip ) { if( err < clip->best ) { clip->best = err; if( start < clip->start ) clip->start = start; if( end > clip->end ) clip->end = end; } } else clip = new_clip(clip_id, start, end, count++); clip->groups |= group; if( cycle != clip->cycle ) { clip->cycle = cycle; ++clip->votes; //printf("clip %d votes %d\n",clip_id,clip->votes); } return 0; } int Clips:: save(FileXML &xml) { xml.tag.set_title("CLIPS"); xml.tag.set_property("PID", pid); xml.append_tag(); xml.append_newline(); for( int idx=0; idx 0 ? opened : 0; } int MediaDb::transaction() { return db->transaction(); } // clip_set accessors int MediaDb::clip_id(int id) { return db->clip_set.FindId(id); } int MediaDb::clip_id() { return db->clip_set.id(); } int MediaDb::clips_first_id() { return db->clip_set.FirstId(clip_id_loc); } int MediaDb::clips_next_id() { return db->clip_set.NextId(clip_id_loc); } const char *MediaDb::clip_title() { return db->clip_set.Title(); } const char *MediaDb::clip_path() { return db->clip_set.Asset_path(); } double MediaDb::clip_position() { return db->clip_set.Position(); } double MediaDb::clip_framerate() { return db->clip_set.Framerate(); } double MediaDb::clip_average_weight() { return db->clip_set.Average_weight(); } void MediaDb::clip_average_weight(double avg_wt) { return db->clip_set.Average_weight(avg_wt); } int MediaDb::clip_frames() { return db->clip_set.Frames(); } double MediaDb::clip_length() { return clip_framerate()>0 ? clip_frames() / clip_framerate() : 0; } int MediaDb::clip_prefix_size() { return db->clip_set.Prefix_size(); } int MediaDb::clip_suffix_size() { return db->clip_set.Suffix_size(); } int MediaDb::clip_size() { return clip_prefix_size()+clip_suffix_size(); } double *MediaDb::clip_weights() { return (double *)db->clip_set._Weights(); } int64_t MediaDb::clip_creation_time() { return db->clip_set.Creation_time(); } int64_t MediaDb::clip_system_time() { return db->clip_set.System_time(); } // MediaDb::timeline accessors int MediaDb::timeline_id(int id) { return db->timeline.FindId(id); } int MediaDb::timeline_id() { return db->timeline.id(); } int MediaDb::timeline_clip_id() { return db->timeline.Clip_id(); } int MediaDb::timeline_sequence_no() { return db->timeline.Sequence_no(); } int MediaDb::timeline_frame_id() { return db->timeline.Frame_id(); } int MediaDb::timeline_group() { return db->timeline.Group(); } double MediaDb::timeline_offset() { return db->timeline.Time_offset(); } // MediaDb::clip_view accessors int MediaDb::views_id(int id) { return db->clip_views.FindId(id); } int MediaDb::views_id() { return db->clip_views.id(); } int MediaDb::views_clip_id(int id) { return Clip_viewsLoc::ikey_Clip_access(db->clip_views,id).Find(); } int MediaDb::views_clip_id() { return db->clip_views.Access_clip_id(); } int64_t MediaDb::views_access_time() { return db->clip_views.Access_time(); } int MediaDb::views_access_count() { return db->clip_views.Access_count(); } double MediaDb:: mean(uint8_t *dat, int n, int stride) { int s = 0; for( int i=0; i 0 ? (double)ss / s : n / 2.; } void MediaDb:: centroid(uint8_t *dat, int w, int h, double &xx, double &yy) { double x = 0, y = 0; uint8_t *dp = dat; for( int i=h; --i>=0; dp+=w ) x += centroid(dp, w); for( int i=w; --i>=0; ) y += centroid(dat+i, h, w); xx = x / h; yy = y / w; } void MediaDb:: deviation(uint8_t *a, uint8_t *b, int sz, int margin, double &dev, int &ofs, int stride) { double best = 1e100; int ii = -1; for( int i=-margin; i<=margin; ++i ) { int aofs = i < 0 ? 0 : i*stride; int bofs = i < 0 ? -i*stride : 0; uint8_t *ap = a + aofs, *bp = b + bofs; int ierr = 0; int n = sz - abs(i); for( int j=n; --j>=0; ap+=stride,bp+=stride ) ierr += abs(*ap - *bp); double err = (double)ierr / n; if( err < best ) { best = err; ii = i; } } dev = best; ofs = ii; } int64_t MediaDb:: cmpr(uint8_t *ap, uint8_t *bp, int sz) { int64_t v = 0; for( int i=sz; --i>=0; ++ap,++bp ) v += abs(*ap-*bp); return v; } int64_t MediaDb:: diff(uint8_t *a, uint8_t *b, int w, int h, int dx, int dy, int bias) { int axofs = dx < 0 ? 0 : dx; int ayofs = w * (dy < 0 ? 0 : dy); int aofs = ayofs + axofs; int bxofs = dx < 0 ? -dx : 0; int byofs = w * (dy < 0 ? -dy : 0); int bofs = byofs + bxofs; uint8_t *ap = a + aofs, *bp = b + bofs; int ierr = 0, ww = w-abs(dx), hh = h-abs(dy); for( int y=hh; --y>=0; ap+=w, bp+=w ) { a = ap; b = bp; for( int x=ww; --x>=0; ++a, ++b ) { ierr += abs(*a-bias - *b); } } return ierr; } void MediaDb:: fit(int *dat, int n, double &a, double &b) { double st2 = 0, sb = 0; int64_t sy = 0; for( int i=0; i=0; ++bp ) ++hist[*bp]; int t = 0; for( int i=0; i<256; ++i ) { t += hist[i]; wts[i] = t; } int lmn = len/20, lmx = len-lmn; int mn = 0; while( mn < 256 && wts[mn] < lmn ) ++mn; int mx = 255; while( mx > mn && wts[mx] > lmx ) --mx; double a, b; fit(&wts[mn], mx-mn, a, b); double r = 256./len; double a1 = (a - b*mn) * r, b1 = b * r; for( int i=0 ; i<256; ++i ) map[i] = clip(a1 + i*b1, 0, 255); for( int i=len; --i>=0; ++sp,++dp ) *dp = map[*sp]; #else if( sp != dp ) memcpy(dp,sp,len); #endif } // record constructors int MediaDb:: new_frame(int clip_id, uint8_t *dat, int no, int group, double offset) { //printf("add %d at %f\n",no,tm); int fid, ret = get_media_key(dat, fid, MEDIA_FRAME_DIST, MEDIA_FRAME_ERRLMT); if( ret < 0 ) return -1; if( ret > 0 ) { db->video_frame.Allocate(); uint8_t *fp = db->video_frame._Frame_data(SFRM_SZ); eq(dat, fp, SFRM_SZ); double mn = mean(dat, SFRM_SZ); db->video_frame.Frame_mean(mn); double sd = std_dev(dat, mn, SFRM_SZ); db->video_frame.Frame_std_dev(sd); double cx, cy; centroid(dat, SWIDTH, SHEIGHT, cx, cy); db->video_frame.Frame_cx(cx); db->video_frame.Frame_cy(cy); double moment = cx + cy; db->video_frame.Frame_moment(moment); db->video_frame.Construct(); fid = db->video_frame.id(); } db->timeline.Allocate(); db->timeline.Clip_id(clip_id); db->timeline.Sequence_no(no); db->timeline.Frame_id(fid); db->timeline.Group(group); db->timeline.Time_offset(offset); db->timeline.Construct(); return 0; } int MediaDb:: new_clip_set(const char *title, const char *asset_path, double position, double framerate, int frames, int prefix_size, int suffix_size, int64_t creation_time, int64_t system_time) { db->clip_set.Allocate(); db->clip_set.Title(title); db->clip_set.Asset_path(asset_path); db->clip_set.Position(position); db->clip_set.Framerate(framerate); db->clip_set.Frames(frames); db->clip_set.Prefix_size(prefix_size); db->clip_set.Suffix_size(suffix_size); db->clip_set._Weights(frames*sizeof(double)); db->clip_set.Creation_time(creation_time); db->clip_set.System_time(system_time); db->clip_set.Construct(); return new_clip_view(db->clip_set.id(), creation_time); } int MediaDb:: new_clip_view(int clip_id, int64_t access_time) { db->clip_views.Allocate(); db->clip_views.Access_clip_id(clip_id); db->clip_views.Access_time(access_time); db->clip_views.Access_count(1); db->clip_views.Construct(); return 0; } int MediaDb:: access_clip(int clip_id, int64_t access_time) { if( Clip_viewsLoc::ikey_Clip_access(db->clip_views,clip_id).Find() ) return 1; db->clip_views.Destruct(); if( !access_time ) { time_t at; ::time(&at); access_time = (int64_t)at; } db->clip_views.Access_time(access_time); int access_count = db->clip_views.Access_count(); db->clip_views.Access_count(access_count+1); db->clip_views.Construct(); return 0; } int MediaDb:: del_clip_set(int clip_id) { if( db->clip_set.FindId(clip_id) ) return 1; // delete clip_set db->clip_set.Destruct(); db->clip_set.Deallocate(); // delete clip_views if( Clip_viewsLoc::ikey_Clip_access(db->clip_views,clip_id).Find() ) return 1; db->clip_views.Destruct(); db->clip_views.Deallocate(); // delete timeline while( !TimelineLoc::ikey_Sequences(db->timeline,clip_id,0).Locate() ) { if( clip_id != (int)db->timeline.Clip_id() ) break; int frame_id = db->timeline.Frame_id(); db->timeline.Destruct(); db->timeline.Deallocate(); // check for more timeline refs if( !TimelineLoc::ikey_Timelines(db->timeline, frame_id).Locate() && frame_id == (int)db->timeline.Frame_id() ) continue; if( db->video_frame.FindId(frame_id) ) continue; // delete frame db->video_frame.Destruct(); db->video_frame.Deallocate(); } return 0; } // db file operations int MediaDb:: newDb() { if( opened > 0 || db->create(MEDIA_DB) ) { printf("MediaDb::newDb failed\n"); return opened = -1; } return opened = 0; } int MediaDb:: openDb(int rw) { if( opened > 0 ) return 0; if( db->access(MEDIA_DB, MEDIA_SHM_KEY, rw) ) { printf("MediaDb::openDb failed\n"); return opened = -1; } opened = 1; return 0; } int MediaDb:: resetDb(int rw) { int result = 0; if( access(MEDIA_DB, F_OK) ) result = newDb(); if( !result ) result = openDb(rw); return result; } void MediaDb:: closeDb() { if( opened > 0 ) { detachDb(); db->close(); } opened = 0; } void MediaDb:: commitDb() { if( opened > 0 ) db->commit(); } void MediaDb:: undoDb() { if( opened > 0 ) db->undo(); } int MediaDb:: attachDb(int rw) { return opened > 0 ? db->attach(rw) : -1; } int MediaDb:: detachDb() { return opened > 0 ? db->detach() : -1; } int MediaDb:: get_timelines(int frame_id) { return TimelineLoc::ikey_Timelines(db->timeline, frame_id).Locate(); } int MediaDb:: next_timelines() { return TimelineLoc::rkey_Timelines(db->timeline).Next(); } int MediaDb:: get_sequences(int clip_id, int seq_no) { int ret = TimelineLoc::ikey_Sequences(db->timeline,clip_id,seq_no).Locate(); if( !ret && clip_id != (int)db->timeline.Clip_id() ) ret = 1; return ret; } int MediaDb:: next_sequences() { return TimelineLoc::rkey_Sequences(db->timeline).Next(); } // frame accessors int MediaDb:: get_image(int id, uint8_t *dat, int &w, int &h) { int result = 1; if( !db->video_frame.FindId(id) ) { memcpy(dat, db->video_frame.Frame_data(), SFRM_SZ); w = SWIDTH; h = SHEIGHT; result = 0; } return result; } int MediaDb:: get_frame_key(uint8_t *dat, int &fid, Clips *clips, double pos, int mask) { return get_media_key(dat, fid, MEDIA_SEARCH_DIST, MEDIA_SEARCH_ERRLMT, clips, pos, mask); } int MediaDb:: get_media_key(uint8_t *dat, int &fid, int dist, double errlmt, Clips *clips, double pos, int mask) { fmean = mean(dat, SFRM_SZ); if( fmean < 17 ) return -1; // black, forbidden if( fmean > 239 ) return -1; // white, forbidden distance = dist; pixlmt = SFRM_SZ*errlmt; position = pos; group_mask = mask; fsd = std_dev(dat, fmean, SFRM_SZ); centroid(dat, SWIDTH, SHEIGHT, fcx, fcy); fmoment = fcx + fcy; eq(dat, frm, SFRM_SZ); if( clips ) ++clips->cycle; lid = nid = -1; lerr = LONG_MAX; int result = 1; if( !Video_frameLoc::ikey_Frame_center(db->video_frame, fmoment).Locate() ) { Video_frameLoc prev(db->video_frame), next(db->video_frame); Video_frameLoc::rkey_Frame_center prev_ctr(prev), next_ctr(next); if( !get_key(clips, prev_ctr, next_ctr) ) result = 0; } if( !Video_frameLoc::ikey_Frame_weight(db->video_frame, fmean).Locate() ) { Video_frameLoc prev(db->video_frame), next(db->video_frame); Video_frameLoc::rkey_Frame_weight prev_wt(prev), next_wt(next); if( !get_key(clips, prev_wt, next_wt) ) result = 0; } fid = lid; return result; } int MediaDb:: get_key(Clips *clips, Db::rKey &prev_rkey, Db::rKey &next_rkey) { key_compare(clips, next_rkey.loc); // search outward from search target for frame with least error Db::pgRef next_loc; next_rkey.NextLoc(next_loc); for( int i=1; i<=distance; ++i ) { if( !prev_rkey.Locate(Db::keyLT) ) key_compare(clips,prev_rkey.loc); if( !next_rkey.Next(next_loc) ) key_compare(clips,next_rkey.loc); } return lerr < pixlmt ? 0 : 1; } int64_t MediaDb:: key_compare(Clips *clips, Db::ObjectLoc &loc) { int id = loc.id(); if( nid == id ) return 1; nid = id; Video_frameLoc &frame = *(Video_frameLoc*)&loc; double dm = frame.Frame_mean()-fmean; if( fabs(dm) > MEDIA_MEAN_ERRLMT ) return 1; double ds = frame.Frame_std_dev()-fsd; if( fabs(ds) > MEDIA_STDDEV_ERRLMT ) return 1; double dx = frame.Frame_cx()-fcx; if( fabs(dx) > MEDIA_XCENTER_ERRLMT ) return 1; double dy = frame.Frame_cy()-fcy; if( fabs(dy) > MEDIA_YCENTER_ERRLMT ) return 1; uint8_t *dat = frame._Frame_data(); //int64_t err = cmpr(frm, dat, SFRM_SZ); int64_t err = diff(frm, dat, SWIDTH, SHEIGHT, lround(dx), lround(dy), lround(dm)); if( lerr > err ) { lerr = err; lid = id; } if( clips && err < pixlmt ) add_timelines(clips, id, err); return 0; } int MediaDb:: add_timelines(Clips *clips, int fid, double err) { // found frame, find timelines if( get_timelines(fid) ) { printf(_(" find timeline frame_id(%d) failed\n"), fid); return 1; } // process Timelines which contain Frame_id int cid = -1; for( int ret=0; !ret && timeline_frame_id()==fid; ret=next_timelines() ) { int tid = timeline_clip_id(); if( tid != cid && clip_id(cid=tid) ) break; double start_time = position - timeline_offset(); if( start_time < 0 ) continue; int group = timeline_group(); if( (group & group_mask) == 0 ) continue; double length = clip_length(); double end_time = start_time + length; //printf("clip=%d, pos=%f, time=%f-%f, %s\n", // cid, position, start_time, end_time, clip_title()); clips->check(cid, start_time, end_time, group, err); } return 0; }