/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef MAINWINDOWGUI_H #define MAINWINDOWGUI_H #include "androidcontrol.inc" #include "channelinfo.inc" #include "cwindow.inc" #include "editpopup.inc" #include "guicast.h" #include "indexable.inc" #include "keyframepopup.inc" #include "mainclock.inc" #include "maincursor.inc" #include "mainmenu.inc" #include "mbuttons.inc" #include "dbwindow.inc" #include "mtimebar.inc" #include "mwindow.inc" #include "mwindowgui.inc" #include "panedividers.inc" #include "patchbay.inc" #include "pluginpopup.inc" #include "record.inc" #include "remotecontrol.h" #include "record.inc" #include "renderengine.inc" #include "resourcepixmap.h" #include "resourcethread.inc" #include "samplescroll.inc" #include "shbtnprefs.inc" #include "statusbar.inc" #include "swindow.inc" #include "timelinepane.inc" #include "track.inc" #include "trackcanvas.inc" #include "trackpopup.inc" #include "trackscroll.inc" #include "transitionpopup.inc" #include "zoombar.inc" class PaneButton : public BC_Button { public: PaneButton(MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y); int cursor_motion_event(); int button_release_event(); MWindow *mwindow; }; class FFMpegToggle : public BC_Toggle { public: FFMpegToggle(MWindow *mwindow, MButtons *mbuttons, int x, int y); ~FFMpegToggle(); int handle_event(); MWindow *mwindow; MButtons *mbuttons; }; class StackButton : public BC_GenericButton { public: StackButton(MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y); int handle_event(); void update(); MWindow *mwindow; }; class ProxyToggle : public BC_Toggle { public: ProxyToggle(MWindow *mwindow, MButtons *mbuttons, int x, int y); ~ProxyToggle(); int handle_event(); int keypress_event(); void show(); void hide(); MWindow *mwindow; MButtons *mbuttons; int scaler_images; }; class MWindowGUI : public BC_Window { public: MWindowGUI(MWindow *mwindow); ~MWindowGUI(); void create_objects(); // void get_scrollbars(int flush); // ======================== event handlers // Replace with update void redraw_time_dependancies(); int focus_in_event(); int focus_out_event(); // do_canvas - // NO_DRAW disable canvas draw // IGNORE_THREAD to ignore picon thread // NORMAL_DRAW for incremental drawing of resources // FORCE_REDRAW for delete and redraw of resources void update(int scrollbars, int do_canvas, int timebar, int zoombar, int patchbay, int clock, int buttonbar); void draw_overlays(int flash_it); void draw_indexes(Indexable *indexable); void update_title(char *path); void update_timebar(int flush_it); void update_timebar_highlights(); void update_patchbay(); void update_proxy_toggle(); void update_plugintoggles(); void update_scrollbars(int flush); void draw_canvas(int redraw, int hide_cursor); void flash_canvas(int flush); int show_window(int flush=1); void deactivate_timeline(); void activate_timeline(); void reset_meters(); void stop_meters(); void update_meters(ArrayList *module_levels); void draw_cursor(int do_plugintoggles); void show_cursor(int do_plugintoggles /* = 1 */); void hide_cursor(int do_plugintoggles /* = 1 */); void update_cursor(); void set_playing_back(int value); void set_editing_mode(int flush); void set_meter_format(int mode, int min, int max); void update_mixers(Track *track, int v); void stop_transport(const char *lock_msg); int translation_event(); int resize_event(int w, int h); // handle a resize event int keypress_event(); int keyboard_listener(BC_WindowBase *wp); int key_listener(int key); void use_android_remote(int on); int close_event(); int quit(); void stop_drawing(); int save_defaults(BC_Hash *defaults); int menu_w(); int menu_h(); // Draw on the status bar only. void show_message(const char *message, int msg_color=-1, int box_color=-1); void update_default_message(); void reset_default_message(); void default_message(); void show_error(char *message, int color = BLACK); int repeat_event(int64_t duration); // Entry point for drag events in all windows int drag_motion(); int drag_stop(); void default_positions(); int total_panes(); // 1 if there are 2 panes vertically int vertical_panes(); // 1 if there are 2 panes horizontally int horizontal_panes(); // get pane number where cursor updates should be drawn in, // whether active or not TimelinePane* get_focused_pane(); void start_x_pane_drag(); void start_y_pane_drag(); void handle_pane_drag(); void stop_pane_drag(); void delete_x_pane(int cursor_x); void create_x_pane(int cursor_x); void create_y_pane(int cursor_y); void delete_y_pane(int cursor_y); void update_pane_dividers(); // load panes from EDL void load_panes(); void draw_samplemovement(); void draw_trackmovement(); // Return if the area bounded by x1 and x2 is visible between view_x1 and view_x2 static int visible(int64_t x1, int64_t x2, int64_t view_x1, int64_t view_x2); MWindow *mwindow; // For drawing nested EDL's RenderEngine *render_engine; // ID of nested EDL last drawn. int render_engine_id; // sideshow apps Record *record; ChannelInfo *channel_info; DbWindow *db_window; SWindow *swindow; // Popup menus TrackPopup *track_menu; EditPopup *edit_menu; PluginPopup *plugin_menu; KeyframePopup *keyframe_menu; KeyframeHidePopup *keyframe_hide; BC_SubWindow *keyvalue_popup; TransitionPopup *transition_menu; MainClock *mainclock; MButtons *mbuttons; FFMpegToggle *ffmpeg_toggle; ProxyToggle *proxy_toggle; StackButton *stack_button; PaneDivider *x_divider; PaneDivider *y_divider; TimelinePane *pane[TOTAL_PANES]; ResourceThread *resource_thread; ArrayList resource_pixmaps; MainMenu *mainmenu; MainShBtns *mainshbtns; ZoomBar *zoombar; StatusBar *statusbar; PaneButton *pane_button; BC_Popup *x_pane_drag; BC_Popup *y_pane_drag; int dragging_pane; // Cursor used to select a region in all panes // MainCursor *cursor; // Dimensions of canvas minus scrollbars // int view_w, view_h; // pane number where cursor updates should be drawn in, whether active or not int focused_pane; BC_DragWindow *drag_popup; // PatchBay *patchbay; // MTimeBar *timebar; // SampleScroll *samplescroll; // TrackScroll *trackscroll; // TrackCanvas *canvas; // remote control AndroidControl *android_control; RemoteControl *remote_control; CWindowRemoteHandler *cwindow_remote_handler; RecordRemoteHandler *record_remote_handler; }; #endif