/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 1997-2011 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcdisplayinfo.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "attachmentpoint.h" #include "clip.h" #include "condition.h" #include "edits.h" #include "edit.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "file.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "indexable.h" #include "language.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "mainundo.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "pluginclient.h" #include "pluginserver.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "renderengine.h" #include "track.h" #include "tracks.h" #include "transportque.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PluginClientFrame::PluginClientFrame() { position = -1; } PluginClientFrame::~PluginClientFrame() { } PluginClientThread::PluginClientThread(PluginClient *client) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->client = client; window = 0; init_complete = new Condition(0, "PluginClientThread::init_complete"); } PluginClientThread::~PluginClientThread() { delete window; delete init_complete; } void PluginClientThread::run() { BC_DisplayInfo info; int result = 0; if(client->window_x < 0) client->window_x = info.get_abs_cursor_x(); if(client->window_y < 0) client->window_y = info.get_abs_cursor_y(); if(!window) window = (PluginClientWindow*)client->new_window(); if(window) { window->lock_window("PluginClientThread::run"); window->create_objects(); VFrame *picon = client->server->get_picon(); if( picon ) window->set_icon(picon); window->unlock_window(); /* Only set it here so tracking doesn't update it until everything is created. */ client->thread = this; init_complete->unlock(); result = window->run_window(); window->lock_window("PluginClientThread::run"); //printf("PluginClientThread::run %p %d\n", this, __LINE__); window->hide_window(1); client->save_defaults_xml(); // needs window lock window->unlock_window(); window->done_event(result); /* This is needed when the GUI is closed from itself */ if(result) client->client_side_close(); } else // No window { client->thread = this; init_complete->unlock(); } } BC_WindowBase* PluginClientThread::get_window() { return window; } PluginClient* PluginClientThread::get_client() { return client; } PluginClientWindow::PluginClientWindow(PluginClient *client, int w, int h, int min_w, int min_h, int allow_resize) : BC_Window(client->gui_string, client->window_x /* - w / 2 */, client->window_y /* - h / 2 */, w, h, min_w, min_h, allow_resize, 0, 1) { this->client = client; } PluginClientWindow::PluginClientWindow(const char *title, int x, int y, int w, int h, int min_w, int min_h, int allow_resize) : BC_Window(title, x, y, w, h, min_w, min_h, allow_resize, 0, 1) { this->client = 0; } PluginClientWindow::~PluginClientWindow() { } int PluginClientWindow::translation_event() { if(client) { client->window_x = get_x(); client->window_y = get_y(); } return 1; } int PluginClientWindow::close_event() { /* Set result to 1 to indicate a client side close */ set_done(1); return 1; } void PluginClientWindow::param_updated() { printf("PluginClientWindow::param_updated %d undefined\n", __LINE__); } //phyllis PluginParam::PluginParam(PluginClient *plugin, PluginClientWindow *gui, int x1, int x2, int x3, int y, int text_w, int *output_i, float *output_f, int *output_q, const char *title, float min, float max) { this->output_i = output_i; this->output_f = output_f; this->output_q = output_q; this->title = cstrdup(title); this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; this->x1 = x1; this->x2 = x2; this->x3 = x3; this->text_w = text_w; this->y = y; this->min = min; this->max = max; fpot = 0; ipot = 0; qpot = 0; text = 0; precision = 2; } PluginParam::~PluginParam() { delete fpot; delete ipot; delete qpot; delete text; delete title; } void PluginParam::initialize() { BC_Title *title_; int y2 = y + (BC_Pot::calculate_h() - BC_Title::calculate_h(gui, _(title), MEDIUMFONT)) / 2; gui->add_tool(title_ = new BC_Title(x1, y2, _(title))); if(output_f) { gui->add_tool(fpot = new PluginFPot(this, x2, y)); } if(output_i) { gui->add_tool(ipot = new PluginIPot(this, x2, y)); } if(output_q) { gui->add_tool(qpot = new PluginQPot(this, x2, y)); } int y3 = y + (BC_Pot::calculate_h() - BC_TextBox::calculate_h(gui, MEDIUMFONT, 1, 1)) / 2; if(output_i) { gui->add_tool(text = new PluginText(this, x3, y3, *output_i)); } if(output_f) { gui->add_tool(text = new PluginText(this, x3, y3, *output_f)); } if(output_q) { gui->add_tool(text = new PluginText(this, x3, y3, *output_q)); } set_precision(precision); } void PluginParam::update(int skip_text, int skip_pot) { if(!skip_text) { if(output_i) { text->update((int64_t)*output_i); } if(output_q) { text->update((int64_t)*output_q); } if(output_f) { text->update((float)*output_f); } } if(!skip_pot) { if(ipot) { ipot->update((int64_t)*output_i); } if(qpot) { qpot->update((int64_t)*output_q); } if(fpot) { fpot->update((float)*output_f); } } } void PluginParam::set_precision(int digits) { this->precision = digits; if(fpot) { if(text) { text->set_precision(digits); } fpot->set_precision(1.0f / pow(10, digits)); } } PluginFPot::PluginFPot(PluginParam *param, int x, int y) : BC_FPot(x, y, *param->output_f, param->min, param->max) { this->param = param; set_use_caption(0); } int PluginFPot::handle_event() { *param->output_f = get_value(); param->update(0, 1); param->plugin->send_configure_change(); param->gui->param_updated(); return 1; } PluginIPot::PluginIPot(PluginParam *param, int x, int y) : BC_IPot(x, y, *param->output_i, (int)param->min, (int)param->max) { this->param = param; set_use_caption(0); } int PluginIPot::handle_event() { *param->output_i = get_value(); param->update(0, 1); param->plugin->send_configure_change(); param->gui->param_updated(); return 1; } PluginQPot::PluginQPot(PluginParam *param, int x, int y) : BC_QPot(x, y, *param->output_q) { this->param = param; set_use_caption(0); } int PluginQPot::handle_event() { *param->output_q = get_value(); param->update(0, 1); param->plugin->send_configure_change(); param->gui->param_updated(); return 1; } PluginText::PluginText(PluginParam *param, int x, int y, int value) : BC_TextBox(x, y, param->text_w, 1, (int64_t)value, 1, MEDIUMFONT) { this->param = param; } PluginText::PluginText(PluginParam *param, int x, int y, float value) : BC_TextBox(x, y, param->text_w, 1, (float)value, 1, MEDIUMFONT, param->precision) { this->param = param; } int PluginText::handle_event() { if(param->output_i) { *param->output_i = atoi(get_text()); } if(param->output_f) { *param->output_f = atof(get_text()); } if(param->output_q) { *param->output_q = atoi(get_text()); } param->update(1, 0); param->plugin->send_configure_change(); param->gui->param_updated(); return 1; } PluginClient::PluginClient(PluginServer *server) { reset(); this->server = server; smp = server->preferences->project_smp; defaults = 0; update_timer = new Timer; // Virtual functions don't work here. } PluginClient::~PluginClient() { if( thread ) { hide_gui(); thread->join(); delete thread; } // Virtual functions don't work here. if(defaults) delete defaults; delete update_timer; } int PluginClient::reset() { window_x = -1; window_y = -1; interactive = 0; show_initially = 0; wr = rd = 0; master_gui_on = 0; client_gui_on = 0; realtime_priority = 0; gui_string[0] = 0; total_in_buffers = 0; total_out_buffers = 0; source_position = 0; source_start = 0; total_len = 0; direction = PLAY_FORWARD; thread = 0; using_defaults = 0; return 0; } void PluginClient::hide_gui() { if(thread && thread->window) { thread->window->lock_window("PluginClient::hide_gui"); thread->window->set_done(0); thread->window->unlock_window(); } } // For realtime plugins initialize buffers int PluginClient::plugin_init_realtime(int realtime_priority, int total_in_buffers, int buffer_size) { // Get parameters for all master_gui_on = get_gui_status(); // get parameters depending on video or audio init_realtime_parameters(); this->realtime_priority = realtime_priority; this->total_in_buffers = this->total_out_buffers = total_in_buffers; this->out_buffer_size = this->in_buffer_size = buffer_size; return 0; } int PluginClient::plugin_start_loop(int64_t start, int64_t end, int64_t buffer_size, int total_buffers) { //printf("PluginClient::plugin_start_loop %d %ld %ld %ld %d\n", // __LINE__, start, end, buffer_size, total_buffers); this->source_start = start; this->total_len = end - start; this->start = start; this->end = end; this->in_buffer_size = this->out_buffer_size = buffer_size; this->total_in_buffers = this->total_out_buffers = total_buffers; start_loop(); return 0; } int PluginClient::plugin_process_loop() { return process_loop(); } int PluginClient::plugin_stop_loop() { return stop_loop(); } MainProgressBar* PluginClient::start_progress(char *string, int64_t length) { return server->start_progress(string, length); } // Non realtime parameters int PluginClient::plugin_get_parameters() { int result = get_parameters(); if(defaults) save_defaults(); return result; } // ========================= main loop int PluginClient::is_multichannel() { return 0; } int PluginClient::is_synthesis() { return 0; } int PluginClient::is_realtime() { return 0; } int PluginClient::is_fileio() { return 0; } const char* PluginClient::plugin_title() { return _("Untitled"); } Theme* PluginClient::new_theme() { return 0; } int PluginClient::load_configuration() { return 0; } Theme* PluginClient::get_theme() { return server->get_theme(); } int PluginClient::show_gui() { load_configuration(); thread = new PluginClientThread(this); thread->start(); thread->init_complete->lock("PluginClient::show_gui"); // Must wait before sending any hide_gui if( !thread->window ) return 1; thread->window->init_wait(); return 0; } void PluginClient::raise_window() { if(thread && thread->window) { thread->window->lock_window("PluginClient::raise_window"); thread->window->raise_window(); thread->window->flush(); thread->window->unlock_window(); } } int PluginClient::set_string() { if(thread) { thread->window->lock_window("PluginClient::set_string"); thread->window->put_title(gui_string); thread->window->unlock_window(); } return 0; } PluginClientFrames::PluginClientFrames() { count = 0; } PluginClientFrames::~PluginClientFrames() { } int PluginClientFrames::fwd_cmpr(PluginClientFrame *a, PluginClientFrame *b) { double d = a->position - b->position; return d < 0 ? -1 : !d ? 0 : 1; } int PluginClientFrames::rev_cmpr(PluginClientFrame *a, PluginClientFrame *b) { double d = b->position - a->position; return d < 0 ? -1 : !d ? 0 : 1; } void PluginClientFrames::reset() { destroy(); count = 0; } void PluginClientFrames::add_gui_frame(PluginClientFrame *frame) { append(frame); ++count; } void PluginClientFrames::concatenate(PluginClientFrames *frames) { concat(*frames); count += frames->count; frames->count = 0; } void PluginClientFrames::sort_position(int dir) { // enforce order if( dir == PLAY_REVERSE ) rev_sort(); else fwd_sort(); } // pop frames until buffer passes position=pos in direction=dir // dir==0, pop frame; pos<0, pop all frames // delete past frames, return last popped frame PluginClientFrame* PluginClientFrames::get_gui_frame(double pos, int dir) { if( dir ) { while( first != last ) { if( pos >= 0 && dir*(first->next->position - pos) > 0 ) break; delete first; --count; } } PluginClientFrame *frame = first; if( frame ) { remove_pointer(frame); --count; } return frame; } PluginClientFrame* PluginClient::get_gui_frame(double pos, int dir) { return client_frames.get_gui_frame(pos, dir); } PluginClientFrame* PluginClient::next_gui_frame() { return client_frames.first; } void PluginClient::plugin_update_gui() { update_gui(); } void PluginClient::update_gui() { } int PluginClient::pending_gui_frame() { PluginClientFrame *frame = client_frames.first; if( !frame ) return 0; double tracking_position = get_tracking_position(); int direction = get_tracking_direction(); int ret = !(direction == PLAY_REVERSE ? frame->position < tracking_position : frame->position > tracking_position); return ret; } int PluginClient::pending_gui_frames() { PluginClientFrame *frame = client_frames.first; if( !frame ) return 0; double tracking_position = get_tracking_position(); int direction = get_tracking_direction(); int count = 0; while( frame && !(direction == PLAY_REVERSE ? frame->position < tracking_position : frame->position > tracking_position) ) { ++count; frame=frame->next; } return count; } void PluginClient::add_gui_frame(PluginClientFrame *frame) { client_frames.add_gui_frame(frame); } int PluginClient::get_gui_frames() { return client_frames.total(); } double PluginClient::get_tracking_position() { return server->mwindow->get_tracking_position(); } int PluginClient::get_tracking_direction() { return server->mwindow->get_tracking_direction(); } void PluginClient::send_render_gui() { server->send_render_gui(&client_frames); } void PluginClient::send_render_gui(void *data) { server->send_render_gui(data); } void PluginClient::send_render_gui(void *data, int size) { server->send_render_gui(data, size); } void PluginClient::plugin_reset_gui_frames() { if( !thread ) return; BC_WindowBase *window = thread->get_window(); if( !window ) return; window->lock_window("PluginClient::plugin_reset_gui_frames"); client_frames.reset(); window->unlock_window(); } void PluginClient::plugin_render_gui_frames(PluginClientFrames *frames) { if( !thread ) return; BC_WindowBase *window = thread->get_window(); if( !window ) return; window->lock_window("PluginClient::render_gui"); while( client_frames.count > MAX_FRAME_BUFFER ) delete get_gui_frame(0, 0); // append client frames to gui client_frames, consumes frames client_frames.concatenate(frames); client_frames.sort_position(get_tracking_direction()); update_timer->update(); window->unlock_window(); } void PluginClient::plugin_render_gui(void *data) { render_gui(data); } void PluginClient::plugin_render_gui(void *data, int size) { render_gui(data, size); } void PluginClient::render_gui(void *data) { printf("PluginClient::render_gui %d\n", __LINE__); } void PluginClient::render_gui(void *data, int size) { printf("PluginClient::render_gui %d\n", __LINE__); } void PluginClient::reset_gui_frames() { server->reset_gui_frames(); } int PluginClient::is_audio() { return 0; } int PluginClient::is_video() { return 0; } int PluginClient::is_theme() { return 0; } int PluginClient::uses_gui() { return 1; } int PluginClient::is_transition() { return 0; } int PluginClient::load_defaults() { // printf("PluginClient::load_defaults undefined in %s.\n", plugin_title()); return 0; } int PluginClient::save_defaults() { save_defaults_xml(); // printf("PluginClient::save_defaults undefined in %s.\n", plugin_title()); return 0; } void PluginClient::load_defaults_xml() { char path[BCTEXTLEN]; server->get_defaults_path(path); FileSystem fs; fs.complete_path(path); using_defaults = 1; //printf("PluginClient::load_defaults_xml %d %s\n", __LINE__, path); char *data = 0; int64_t len = -1; struct stat st; int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if( fd >= 0 && !fstat(fd, &st) ) { int64_t sz = st.st_size; data = new char[sz+1]; len = read(fd, data, sz); close(fd); } if( data && len >= 0 ) { data[len] = 0; // Get window extents int i = 0; for( int state=0; i=0; ++i ) { if( !data[i] || data[i] == '<' ) break; if( !isdigit(data[i]) ) continue; if( !state ) { window_x = atoi(data+i); state = 1; } else { window_y = atoi(data+i); state = -1; } while( iget_defaults_path(path); FileSystem fs; fs.complete_path(path); using_defaults = 1; KeyFrame temp_keyframe; save_data(&temp_keyframe); const char *data = temp_keyframe.get_data(); int len = strlen(data); FILE *fp = fopen(path, "w"); if( fp ) { fprintf(fp, "%d\n%d\n", window_x, window_y); if( len > 0 && !fwrite(data, len, 1, fp) ) { fprintf(stderr, "PluginClient::save_defaults_xml %d \"%s\" %d bytes: %s\n", __LINE__, path, len, strerror(errno)); } fclose(fp); } using_defaults = 0; } int PluginClient::is_defaults() { return using_defaults; } BC_Hash* PluginClient::get_defaults() { return defaults; } PluginClientThread* PluginClient::get_thread() { return thread; } BC_WindowBase* PluginClient::new_window() { printf("PluginClient::new_window undefined in %s.\n", plugin_title()); return 0; } int PluginClient::get_parameters() { return 0; } int PluginClient::get_samplerate() { return get_project_samplerate(); } double PluginClient::get_framerate() { return get_project_framerate(); } int PluginClient::init_realtime_parameters() { return 0; } int PluginClient::delete_nonrealtime_parameters() { return 0; } int PluginClient::start_loop() { return 0; }; int PluginClient::process_loop() { return 0; }; int PluginClient::stop_loop() { return 0; }; void PluginClient::set_interactive() { interactive = 1; } int64_t PluginClient::get_in_buffers(int64_t recommended_size) { return recommended_size; } int64_t PluginClient::get_out_buffers(int64_t recommended_size) { return recommended_size; } int PluginClient::get_gui_status() { return server->get_gui_status(); } // close event from client side void PluginClient::client_side_close() { // Last command executed server->client_side_close(); } int PluginClient::stop_gui_client() { if(!client_gui_on) return 0; client_gui_on = 0; return 0; } int PluginClient::get_project_samplerate() { return server->get_project_samplerate(); } double PluginClient::get_project_framerate() { return server->get_project_framerate(); } const char *PluginClient::get_source_path() { EDL *edl = get_edl(); Plugin *plugin = edl->tracks->plugin_exists(server->plugin_id); int64_t source_position = plugin->startproject; Edit *edit = plugin->track->edits->editof(source_position,PLAY_FORWARD,0); Indexable *indexable = edit ? edit->get_source() : 0; return indexable ? indexable->path : 0; } void PluginClient::update_display_title() { server->generate_display_title(gui_string); set_string(); } char* PluginClient::get_gui_string() { return gui_string; } char* PluginClient::get_path() { return server->path; } char* PluginClient::get_plugin_dir() { return server->preferences->plugin_dir; } int PluginClient::set_string_client(char *string) { strcpy(gui_string, string); set_string(); return 0; } int PluginClient::get_interpolation_type() { return server->get_interpolation_type(); } float PluginClient::get_red() { EDL *edl = get_edl(); return edl->local_session->use_max ? edl->local_session->red_max : edl->local_session->red; } float PluginClient::get_green() { EDL *edl = get_edl(); return edl->local_session->use_max ? edl->local_session->green_max : edl->local_session->green; } float PluginClient::get_blue() { EDL *edl = get_edl(); return edl->local_session->use_max ? edl->local_session->blue_max : edl->local_session->blue; } int64_t PluginClient::get_source_position() { return source_position; } int64_t PluginClient::get_source_start() { return source_start; } int64_t PluginClient::get_total_len() { return total_len; } int PluginClient::get_direction() { return direction; } int64_t PluginClient::local_to_edl(int64_t position) { return position; } int64_t PluginClient::edl_to_local(int64_t position) { return position; } int PluginClient::get_use_opengl() { return server->get_use_opengl(); } int PluginClient::get_total_buffers() { return total_in_buffers; } int PluginClient::get_buffer_size() { return in_buffer_size; } int PluginClient::get_project_smp() { //printf("PluginClient::get_project_smp %d %d\n", __LINE__, smp); return smp; } const char* PluginClient::get_defaultdir() { return File::get_plugin_path(); } int PluginClient::send_hide_gui() { // Stop the GUI server and delete GUI messages client_gui_on = 0; return 0; } int PluginClient::send_configure_change() { if(server->mwindow) server->mwindow->undo->update_undo_before(_("tweek"), this); #ifdef USE_KEYFRAME_SPANNING KeyFrame keyframe; save_data(&keyframe); server->apply_keyframe(&keyframe); #else KeyFrame* keyframe = server->get_keyframe(); // Call save routine in plugin save_data(keyframe); #endif if(server->mwindow) server->mwindow->undo->update_undo_after(_("tweek"), LOAD_AUTOMATION); server->sync_parameters(); return 0; } KeyFrame* PluginClient::get_prev_keyframe(int64_t position, int is_local) { if(is_local) position = local_to_edl(position); return server->get_prev_keyframe(position); } KeyFrame* PluginClient::get_next_keyframe(int64_t position, int is_local) { if(is_local) position = local_to_edl(position); return server->get_next_keyframe(position); } void PluginClient::get_camera(float *x, float *y, float *z, int64_t position) { server->get_camera(x, y, z, position, direction); } void PluginClient::get_projector(float *x, float *y, float *z, int64_t position) { server->get_projector(x, y, z, position, direction); } void PluginClient::output_to_track(float ox, float oy, float &tx, float &ty) { float projector_x, projector_y, projector_z; int64_t position = get_source_position(); get_projector(&projector_x, &projector_y, &projector_z, position); EDL *edl = get_edl(); projector_x += edl->session->output_w / 2; projector_y += edl->session->output_h / 2; Plugin *plugin = edl->tracks->plugin_exists(server->plugin_id); Track *track = plugin ? plugin->track : 0; int track_w = track ? track->track_w : edl->session->output_w; int track_h = track ? track->track_h : edl->session->output_h; tx = (ox - projector_x) / projector_z + track_w / 2; ty = (oy - projector_y) / projector_z + track_h / 2; } void PluginClient::track_to_output(float tx, float ty, float &ox, float &oy) { float projector_x, projector_y, projector_z; int64_t position = get_source_position(); get_projector(&projector_x, &projector_y, &projector_z, position); EDL *edl = get_edl(); projector_x += edl->session->output_w / 2; projector_y += edl->session->output_h / 2; Plugin *plugin = edl->tracks->plugin_exists(server->plugin_id); Track *track = plugin ? plugin->track : 0; int track_w = track ? track->track_w : edl->session->output_w; int track_h = track ? track->track_h : edl->session->output_h; ox = (tx - track_w / 2) * projector_z + projector_x; oy = (ty - track_h / 2) * projector_z + projector_y; } EDL *PluginClient::get_edl() { return server->mwindow ? server->mwindow->edl : server->edl; } int PluginClient::gui_open() { return server->gui_open(); }