/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "condition.h" #include "cstrdup.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "language.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "mainsession.h" #include "mainundo.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "module.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "plugindialog.h" #include "pluginserver.h" #include "theme.h" #include "track.h" #include "tracks.h" #include "transition.h" PluginDialogThread::PluginDialogThread(MWindow *mwindow) : BC_DialogThread() { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->plugin_id = -1; this->plugin_type = PLUGIN_NONE; } PluginDialogThread::~PluginDialogThread() { close_window(); } void PluginDialogThread::start_window(Track *track, Plugin *plugin, const char *title, int is_mainmenu, int data_type) { if(!BC_DialogThread::is_running()) { // At this point, the caller should hold the main window mutex. // mwindow->gui->lock_window("PluginDialogThread::start_window"); this->track = track; this->data_type = data_type; this->is_mainmenu = is_mainmenu; single_standalone = mwindow->edl->session->single_standalone; if(plugin) { plugin->calculate_title(plugin_title, 0); this->shared_location = plugin->shared_location; this->plugin_type = plugin->plugin_type; this->plugin_id = plugin->orig_id; } else { this->plugin_title[0] = 0; this->shared_location.plugin = -1; this->shared_location.module = -1; this->plugin_type = PLUGIN_NONE; this->plugin_id = -1; } strcpy(this->window_title, title); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); BC_DialogThread::start(); mwindow->gui->lock_window("PluginDialogThread::start_window"); } } BC_Window* PluginDialogThread::new_gui() { mwindow->gui->lock_window("PluginDialogThread::new_gui"); int x = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_x(0) - mwindow->session->plugindialog_w / 2; int y = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_y(0) - mwindow->session->plugindialog_h / 2; plugin_type = PLUGIN_NONE; PluginDialog *window = new PluginDialog(mwindow, this, window_title, x, y); window->create_objects(); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); return window; } void PluginDialogThread::handle_done_event(int result) { if( !result ) { PluginDialog *dialog = (PluginDialog *)get_gui(); dialog->apply(); } } void PluginDialogThread::handle_close_event(int result) { } PluginDialog::PluginDialog(MWindow *mwindow, PluginDialogThread *thread, const char *window_title, int x, int y) : BC_Window(window_title, x, y, mwindow->session->plugindialog_w, mwindow->session->plugindialog_h, xS(510), yS(415), 1, 0, 1) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->thread = thread; single_standalone = 0; // *** CONTEXT_HELP *** switch( thread->data_type ) { case TRACK_AUDIO: context_help_set_keyword("Audio Effects"); break; case TRACK_VIDEO: context_help_set_keyword("Video Effects"); break; default: context_help_set_keyword("How to Use Plugins"); break; } } PluginDialog::~PluginDialog() { lock_window("PluginDialog::~PluginDialog"); standalone_data.remove_all_objects(); shared_data.remove_all_objects(); module_data.remove_all_objects(); plugin_locations.remove_all_objects(); module_locations.remove_all_objects(); delete standalone_list; delete shared_list; delete module_list; unlock_window(); } void PluginDialog::create_objects() { int xs10 = xS(10); int ys10 = yS(10), ys20 = yS(20); // int use_default = 1; mwindow->theme->get_plugindialog_sizes(); lock_window("PluginDialog::create_objects"); // GET A LIST OF ALL THE PLUGINS AVAILABLE mwindow->search_plugindb(thread->data_type == TRACK_AUDIO, thread->data_type == TRACK_VIDEO, 1, 0, 0, plugindb); mwindow->edl->get_shared_plugins(thread->track, &plugin_locations, thread->is_mainmenu, thread->data_type); mwindow->edl->get_shared_tracks(thread->track, &module_locations, thread->is_mainmenu, thread->data_type); // Construct listbox items for(int i = 0; i < plugin_locations.total; ) { Track *track = mwindow->edl->tracks->number(plugin_locations.values[i]->module); char *track_title = track->title; int number = plugin_locations.values[i]->plugin; double start = mwindow->edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1); Plugin *plugin = track->get_current_plugin(start, number, PLAY_FORWARD, 1, 0); if( !plugin ) { plugin_locations.remove_object_number(i); continue; } char string[BCTEXTLEN]; const char *plugin_title = _(plugin->title); snprintf(string, sizeof(string), "%s: %s", track_title, plugin_title); shared_data.append(new BC_ListBoxItem(string)); ++i; } for(int i = 0; i < module_locations.total; i++) { Track *track = mwindow->edl->tracks->number(module_locations.values[i]->module); module_data.append(new BC_ListBoxItem(track->title)); } // Create widgets add_subwindow(standalone_title = new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_x, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_y - ys20, _("Plugins:"))); int x1 = mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_x, y1 = mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_y; int w1 = mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_w, h1 = mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_h; add_subwindow(search_text = new PluginDialogSearchText(this, x1, y1, w1)); int dy = search_text->get_h() + ys10; y1 += dy; h1 -= dy; load_plugin_list(0); add_subwindow(standalone_list = new PluginDialogNew(this, &standalone_data, x1, y1, w1, h1)); // // if(thread->plugin) // add_subwindow(standalone_change = new PluginDialogChangeNew(mwindow, // this, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_newattach_x, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_newattach_y)); // else // add_subwindow(standalone_attach = new PluginDialogAttachNew(mwindow, // this, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_newattach_x, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_newattach_y)); // add_subwindow(shared_title = new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_shared_x, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_shared_y - ys20, _("Shared effects:"))); add_subwindow(shared_list = new PluginDialogShared(this, &shared_data, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_shared_x, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_shared_y, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_shared_w, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_shared_h)); // if(thread->plugin) // add_subwindow(shared_change = new PluginDialogChangeShared(mwindow, // this, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_sharedattach_x, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_sharedattach_y)); // else // add_subwindow(shared_attach = new PluginDialogAttachShared(mwindow, // this, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_sharedattach_x, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_sharedattach_y)); // add_subwindow(module_title = new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_module_x, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_module_y - ys20, _("Shared tracks:"))); add_subwindow(module_list = new PluginDialogModules(this, &module_data, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_module_x, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_module_y, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_module_w, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_module_h)); // if(thread->plugin) // add_subwindow(module_change = new PluginDialogChangeModule(mwindow, // this, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_moduleattach_x, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_moduleattach_y)); // else // add_subwindow(module_attach = new PluginDialogAttachModule(mwindow, // this, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_moduleattach_x, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_moduleattach_y)); // // Add option for the menu invocation // add_subwindow(file_title = new BC_Title( // mwindow->theme->menueffect_file_x, // mwindow->theme->menueffect_file_y, // _("One standalone effect is attached to the first track.\n" // "Shared effects are attached to the remaining tracks."))); if(thread->is_mainmenu) add_subwindow(single_standalone = new PluginDialogSingle(this, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_x + BC_OKButton::calculate_w() + xs10, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_y + mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_h + get_text_height(MEDIUMFONT))); add_subwindow(ok_btn = new BC_OKButton(this)); add_subwindow(can_btn = new BC_CancelButton(this)); int aw = PluginDialogApply::calculate_w(this, _("Apply")); int ax = (ok_btn->get_x()+can_btn->get_x()-aw) / 2; int ay = ok_btn->get_y() + ok_btn->get_h() - PluginDialogApply::calculate_h(); add_subwindow(apy_btn = new PluginDialogApply(this, ax, ay)); selected_available = -1; selected_shared = -1; selected_modules = -1; show_window(); flush(); unlock_window(); } int PluginDialog::resize_event(int w, int h) { int ys10 = yS(10), ys20 = yS(20); mwindow->session->plugindialog_w = w; mwindow->session->plugindialog_h = h; mwindow->theme->get_plugindialog_sizes(); standalone_title->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_x, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_y - ys20); int x1 = mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_x, y1 = mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_y; int w1 = mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_w, h1 = mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_h; search_text->reposition_window(x1, y1, w1); int dy = search_text->get_h() + ys10; y1 += dy; h1 -= dy; standalone_list->reposition_window(x1, y1, w1, h1); // if(standalone_attach) // standalone_attach->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_newattach_x, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_newattach_y); // else // standalone_change->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_newattach_x, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_newattach_y); shared_title->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_shared_x, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_shared_y - ys20); shared_list->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_shared_x, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_shared_y, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_shared_w, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_shared_h); // if(shared_attach) // shared_attach->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_sharedattach_x, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_sharedattach_y); // else // shared_change->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_sharedattach_x, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_sharedattach_y); // module_title->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_module_x, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_module_y - ys20); module_list->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_module_x, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_module_y, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_module_w, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_module_h); // if(module_attach) // module_attach->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_moduleattach_x, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_moduleattach_y); // else // module_change->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->plugindialog_moduleattach_x, // mwindow->theme->plugindialog_moduleattach_y); if(single_standalone) single_standalone->reposition_window( mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_x + BC_OKButton::calculate_w() + ys10, mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_y + mwindow->theme->plugindialog_new_h + get_text_height(MEDIUMFONT)); int aw = PluginDialogApply::calculate_w(this, _("Apply")); int ax = (ok_btn->get_x()+can_btn->get_x()-aw) / 2; int ay = ok_btn->get_y() + ok_btn->get_h() - PluginDialogApply::calculate_h(); apy_btn->reposition_window(ax, ay); flush(); return 0; } int PluginDialog::attach_new(int number) { if(number >= 0 && number < plugindb.size()) { strcpy(thread->plugin_title, plugindb.values[number]->title); thread->plugin_type = PLUGIN_STANDALONE; // type is plugin } return 0; } int PluginDialog::attach_shared(int number) { if(number >= 0 && number < plugin_locations.size()) { thread->plugin_type = PLUGIN_SHAREDPLUGIN; // type is shared plugin thread->shared_location = *(plugin_locations.values[number]); // copy location } return 0; } int PluginDialog::attach_module(int number) { if(number >= 0 && number < module_locations.size()) { // title->update(module_data.values[number]->get_text()); thread->plugin_type = PLUGIN_SHAREDMODULE; // type is module thread->shared_location = *(module_locations.values[number]); // copy location } return 0; } void PluginDialog::save_settings() { } void PluginDialog::clear_selection() { standalone_list->set_all_selected(&standalone_data, 0); standalone_list->draw_items(1); shared_list->set_all_selected(&shared_data, 0); shared_list->draw_items(1); module_list->set_all_selected(&module_data, 0); module_list->draw_items(1); selected_available = -1; selected_shared = -1; selected_modules = -1; thread->plugin_id = -1; thread->plugin_type = PLUGIN_NONE; } void PluginDialog::apply() { if( selected_available >= 0 ) { attach_new(selected_available); } else if( selected_shared >= 0 ) { attach_shared(selected_shared); } else if( selected_modules >= 0 ) { attach_module(selected_modules); } thread->apply(); } void PluginDialogThread::apply() { Plugin *plugin = 0; EDL *edl = mwindow->edl; if( edl ) edl->session->single_standalone = single_standalone; if(plugin_type) { mwindow->gui->lock_window("PluginDialogThread::run 3"); mwindow->undo->update_undo_before(); if( is_mainmenu ) { mwindow->insert_effect(plugin_title, &shared_location, data_type, plugin_type, single_standalone); } else if( (plugin=edl->tracks->plugin_exists(plugin_id)) != 0 ) { plugin->change_plugin(plugin_title, &shared_location, plugin_type); } else if( edl->tracks->track_exists(track) ) { double start = edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(); double end = edl->local_session->get_selectionend(); if( start >= end ) { start = 0; end = track->get_length(); } double length = end - start; mwindow->insert_effect(plugin_title, &shared_location, track, 0, start, length, plugin_type); } mwindow->save_backup(); mwindow->undo->update_undo_after(_("attach effect"), LOAD_EDITS | LOAD_PATCHES); mwindow->restart_brender(); mwindow->update_plugin_states(); mwindow->sync_parameters(CHANGE_EDL); mwindow->gui->update(1, NORMAL_DRAW, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); } plugin_id = -1; } PluginDialogApply::PluginDialogApply(PluginDialog *dialog, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Apply")) { this->dialog = dialog; } int PluginDialogApply::handle_event() { dialog->apply(); dialog->clear_selection(); return 1; } // // PluginDialogTextBox::PluginDialogTextBox(PluginDialog *dialog, char *text, int x, int y) // : BC_TextBox(x, y, xS(200), 1, text) // { // this->dialog = dialog; // } // PluginDialogTextBox::~PluginDialogTextBox() // { } // int PluginDialogTextBox::handle_event() // { } // // PluginDialogDetach::PluginDialogDetach(MWindow *mwindow, PluginDialog *dialog, int x, int y) // : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Detach")) // { // this->dialog = dialog; // } // PluginDialogDetach::~PluginDialogDetach() // { } // int PluginDialogDetach::handle_event() // { // // dialog->title->update(_("None")); // dialog->thread->plugin_type = 0; // type is none // dialog->thread->plugin_title[0] = 0; // return 1; // } // PluginDialogNew::PluginDialogNew(PluginDialog *dialog, ArrayList *standalone_data, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_ListBox(x, y, w, h, LISTBOX_TEXT, standalone_data) { this->dialog = dialog; } PluginDialogNew::~PluginDialogNew() { } int PluginDialogNew::handle_event() { // dialog->attach_new(get_selection_number(0, 0)); // deactivate(); set_done(0); return 1; } int PluginDialogNew::selection_changed() { int no = get_selection_number(0, 0); dialog->selected_available = no >= 0 && no < dialog->standalone_data.size() ? ((PluginDialogListItem *)dialog->standalone_data[no])->item_no : -1; dialog->shared_list->set_all_selected(&dialog->shared_data, 0); dialog->shared_list->draw_items(1); dialog->selected_shared = -1; dialog->module_list->set_all_selected(&dialog->module_data, 0); dialog->module_list->draw_items(1); dialog->selected_modules = -1; return 1; } // *** CONTEXT_HELP *** int PluginDialogNew::keypress_event() { int item, plugin_no; char title[BCTEXTLEN]; PluginServer *plugin = 0; // printf("PluginDialogNew::keypress_event: %d\n", get_keypress()); // If not our context help keystroke, redispatch it // to the event handler of the base class if (get_keypress() != 'h' || ! alt_down() || ! is_tooltip_event_win() || ! cursor_inside()) return BC_ListBox::keypress_event(); // Try to show help for the plugin currently under mouse item = get_highlighted_item(); if (item >= 0 && item < dialog->standalone_data.size()) { plugin_no = ((PluginDialogListItem *)dialog->standalone_data[item])->item_no; if (plugin_no >= 0 && plugin_no < dialog->plugindb.total) plugin = dialog->plugindb.values[plugin_no]; } // If some plugin is highlighted, show its help // Otherwise show more general help if (plugin) { strcpy(title, plugin->title); if (! strcmp(title, "Overlay")) { // "Overlay" plugin title is ambiguous if (plugin->audio) strcat(title, " \\(Audio\\)"); if (plugin->video) strcat(title, " \\(Video\\)"); } if (plugin->is_ffmpeg()) { // FFmpeg plugins can be audio or video if (plugin->audio) strcpy(title, "FFmpeg Audio Plugins"); if (plugin->video) strcpy(title, "FFmpeg Video Plugins"); } context_help_show(title); return 1; } else { switch (dialog->thread->data_type) { case TRACK_AUDIO: context_help_show("Audio Effects"); return 1; case TRACK_VIDEO: context_help_show("Video Effects"); return 1; default: context_help_show("How to Use Plugins"); return 1; } context_help_show("How to Use Plugins"); return 1; } context_help_show("How to Use Plugins"); return 1; } // PluginDialogAttachNew::PluginDialogAttachNew(MWindow *mwindow, PluginDialog *dialog, int x, int y) // : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Attach")) // { // this->dialog = dialog; // } // PluginDialogAttachNew::~PluginDialogAttachNew() // { // } // int PluginDialogAttachNew::handle_event() // { // dialog->attach_new(dialog->selected_available); // set_done(0); // return 1; // } // // PluginDialogChangeNew::PluginDialogChangeNew(MWindow *mwindow, PluginDialog *dialog, int x, int y) // : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Change")) // { // this->dialog = dialog; // } // PluginDialogChangeNew::~PluginDialogChangeNew() // { // } // int PluginDialogChangeNew::handle_event() // { // dialog->attach_new(dialog->selected_available); // set_done(0); // return 1; // } PluginDialogShared::PluginDialogShared(PluginDialog *dialog, ArrayList *shared_data, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_ListBox(x, y, w, h, LISTBOX_TEXT, shared_data) { this->dialog = dialog; context_help_set_keyword("Shared Effects and Shared Tracks"); } PluginDialogShared::~PluginDialogShared() { } int PluginDialogShared::handle_event() { // dialog->attach_shared(get_selection_number(0, 0)); // deactivate(); set_done(0); return 1; } int PluginDialogShared::selection_changed() { dialog->selected_shared = get_selection_number(0, 0); dialog->standalone_list->set_all_selected(&dialog->standalone_data, 0); dialog->standalone_list->draw_items(1); dialog->module_list->set_all_selected(&dialog->module_data, 0); dialog->module_list->draw_items(1); dialog->selected_available = -1; dialog->selected_modules = -1; return 1; } // PluginDialogAttachShared::PluginDialogAttachShared(MWindow *mwindow, // PluginDialog *dialog, // int x, // int y) // : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Attach")) // { // this->dialog = dialog; // } // PluginDialogAttachShared::~PluginDialogAttachShared() { } // int PluginDialogAttachShared::handle_event() // { // dialog->attach_shared(dialog->selected_shared); // set_done(0); // return 1; // } // // PluginDialogChangeShared::PluginDialogChangeShared(MWindow *mwindow, // PluginDialog *dialog, // int x, // int y) // : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Change")) // { // this->dialog = dialog; // } // PluginDialogChangeShared::~PluginDialogChangeShared() { } // int PluginDialogChangeShared::handle_event() // { // dialog->attach_shared(dialog->selected_shared); // set_done(0); // return 1; // } // PluginDialogModules::PluginDialogModules(PluginDialog *dialog, ArrayList *module_data, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_ListBox(x, y, w, h, LISTBOX_TEXT, module_data) { this->dialog = dialog; context_help_set_keyword("Shared Effects and Shared Tracks"); } PluginDialogModules::~PluginDialogModules() { } int PluginDialogModules::handle_event() { // dialog->attach_module(get_selection_number(0, 0)); // deactivate(); set_done(0); return 1; } int PluginDialogModules::selection_changed() { dialog->selected_modules = get_selection_number(0, 0); dialog->standalone_list->set_all_selected(&dialog->standalone_data, 0); dialog->standalone_list->draw_items(1); dialog->shared_list->set_all_selected(&dialog->shared_data, 0); dialog->shared_list->draw_items(1); dialog->selected_available = -1; dialog->selected_shared = -1; return 1; } void PluginDialog::load_plugin_list(int redraw) { standalone_data.remove_all_objects(); const char *text = search_text->get_text(); for( int i=0; ititle); if( text && text[0] && !bstrcasestr(title, text) ) continue; standalone_data.append(new PluginDialogListItem(title, i)); } if( redraw ) standalone_list->draw_items(1); } PluginDialogSearchText::PluginDialogSearchText(PluginDialog *dialog, int x, int y, int w) : BC_TextBox(x, y, w, 1, "") { this->dialog = dialog; } int PluginDialogSearchText::handle_event() { dialog->load_plugin_list(1); return 1; } PluginDialogSingle::PluginDialogSingle(PluginDialog *dialog, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, dialog->thread->single_standalone, _("Attach single standalone and share others")) { this->dialog = dialog; context_help_set_keyword("Shared Effects and Shared Tracks"); } int PluginDialogSingle::handle_event() { dialog->thread->single_standalone = get_value(); return 1; } // PluginDialogAttachModule::PluginDialogAttachModule(MWindow *mwindow, // PluginDialog *dialog, // int x, // int y) // : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Attach")) // { // this->dialog = dialog; // } // PluginDialogAttachModule::~PluginDialogAttachModule() { } // int PluginDialogAttachModule::handle_event() // { // dialog->attach_module(dialog->selected_modules); // set_done(0); // return 1; // } // // PluginDialogChangeModule::PluginDialogChangeModule(MWindow *mwindow, // PluginDialog *dialog, // int x, // int y) // : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Change")) // { // this->dialog = dialog; // } // PluginDialogChangeModule::~PluginDialogChangeModule() { } // int PluginDialogChangeModule::handle_event() // { // dialog->attach_module(dialog->selected_modules); // set_done(0); // return 1; // } //