/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2009 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcsignals.h" #include "clip.h" #include "resample.h" #include "samples.h" #include "transportque.inc" #include #include #include #include // Resampling from Lame Resample::Resample() { old.allocate(BLACKSIZE, 0); double *old_data = old.get_data(); memset(old_data, 0, BLACKSIZE*sizeof(*old_data)); resample_init = 0; last_ratio = 0; output_temp = 0; output_size = 0; output_allocation = 0; input_size = RESAMPLE_CHUNKSIZE; input_position = 0; input = new Samples(input_size + 1); output_position = 0; itime = 0; direction = PLAY_FORWARD; } Resample::~Resample() { delete [] output_temp; delete input; } int Resample::read_samples(Samples *buffer, int64_t start, int64_t len, int direction) { return 0; } void Resample::reset() { resample_init = 0; output_size = 0; output_position = 0; input_position = 0; } void Resample::blackman(double fcn, int filter_l) { double wcn = M_PI * fcn; double ctr = filter_l / 2.0; double cir = 2*M_PI/filter_l; for( int j=0; j<=2*BPC; ++j ) { double offset = (j-BPC) / (2.*BPC); // -0.5 ... 0.5 for( int i=0; i<=filter_l; ++i ) { double x = i - offset; bclamp(x, 0,filter_l); double v, dx = x - ctr; if( fabs(dx) >= 1e-9 ) { double curve = sin(wcn * dx) / (M_PI * dx); double th = x * cir; double blkmn = 0.42 - 0.5 * cos(th) + 0.08 * cos(2*th); v = blkmn * curve; } else v = fcn; blackfilt[j][i] = v; } } } int Resample::get_output_size() { return output_size; } // void Resample::read_output(double *output, int size) // { // memcpy(output, output_temp, size * sizeof(double)); // // Shift leftover forward // for( int i = size; i < output_size; i++ ) // output_temp[i - size] = output_temp[i]; // output_size -= size; // } // starts odd = (even-1) #define FILTER_N (BLACKSIZE-6) #define FILTER_L (FILTER_N - (~FILTER_N & 1)); void Resample::resample_chunk(Samples *input_buffer, int64_t in_len, int in_rate, int out_rate) { //printf("Resample::resample_chunk %d in_len=%jd input_size=%d\n", // __LINE__, in_len, input_size); double *input = input_buffer->get_data(); double resample_ratio = (double)in_rate / out_rate; double fcn = .90 / resample_ratio; if( fcn > .90 ) fcn = .90; int filter_l = FILTER_L; // if resample_ratio = int, filter_l should include right edge if( fabs(resample_ratio - floor(.5 + resample_ratio)) < .0001 ) ++filter_l; // Blackman filter initialization must be called whenever there is a // sampling ratio change if( !resample_init || last_ratio != resample_ratio ) { resample_init = 1; last_ratio = resample_ratio; blackman(fcn, filter_l); itime = 0; } double filter_l2 = filter_l/2.; int l2 = filter_l2; int64_t end_time = itime + in_len + l2; int64_t out_time = end_time / resample_ratio + 1; int64_t demand = out_time - output_position; if( demand >= output_allocation ) { // demand 2**n buffer int64_t new_allocation = output_allocation ? output_allocation : 16384; while( new_allocation < demand ) new_allocation <<= 1; double *new_output = new double[new_allocation]; if( output_temp ) { memmove(new_output, output_temp, output_allocation*sizeof(double)); delete [] output_temp; } output_temp = new_output; output_allocation = new_allocation; } // Main loop double *old_data = old.get_data(); double ctr_pos = 0; int otime = 0, last_used = 0; while( output_size < output_allocation ) { double in_pos = otime * resample_ratio; // window centered at ctr_pos ctr_pos = in_pos + itime; double pos = ctr_pos - filter_l2; int ipos = floor(pos); last_used = ipos + filter_l; if( last_used >= in_len ) break; double fraction = pos - ipos; int phase = floor(fraction * 2*BPC + .5); int i = ipos, j = filter_l; // fir filter double xvalue = 0, *filt = blackfilt[phase]; for( ; j>=0 && i<0; ++i,--j ) xvalue += *filt++ * old_data[BLACKSIZE + i]; for( ; j>=0; ++i,--j ) xvalue += *filt++ * input[i]; output_temp[output_size++] = xvalue; ++otime; } // move ctr_pos backward by in_len as new itime offset // the next read will be in the history, itime is negative itime = ctr_pos - in_len; memmove(old_data, input+in_len-BLACKSIZE, BLACKSIZE*sizeof(double)); } void Resample::reverse_buffer(double *buffer, int64_t len) { double *ap = buffer; double *bp = ap + len; while( ap < --bp ) { double t = *ap; *ap++ = *bp; *bp = t; } } int Resample::set_input_position(int64_t in_pos, int in_dir) { reset(); input_position = in_pos; direction = in_dir; // update old, just before/after input going fwd/rev; int dir = direction == PLAY_FORWARD ? -1 : 1; in_pos += dir * BLACKSIZE; return read_samples(&old, in_pos, BLACKSIZE, in_dir); } int Resample::resample(Samples *output, int64_t out_len, int in_rate, int out_rate, int64_t out_position, int direction) { int result = 0; if( this->output_position != out_position || this->direction != direction ) { //printf("missed %jd!=%jd\n", output_position, out_position); // starting point in input rate. int64_t in_pos = out_position * in_rate / out_rate; set_input_position(in_pos, direction); } //else //printf("matched %jd==%jd\n", output_position, out_position); int dir = direction == PLAY_REVERSE ? -1 : 1; int remaining_len = out_len; double *output_ptr = output->get_data(); while( remaining_len > 0 && !result ) { if( output_size ) { int len = bmin(output_size, remaining_len); memmove(output_ptr, output_temp, len*sizeof(double)); memmove(output_temp, output_temp+len, (output_size-=len)*sizeof(double)); output_ptr += len; remaining_len -= len; } if( remaining_len > 0 ) { result = read_samples(input, input_position, input_size, direction); if( result ) break; resample_chunk(input, input_size, in_rate, out_rate); input_position += dir * input_size; } } if( !result ) this->output_position = out_position + dir * out_len; return result; }