#ifdef HAVE_SHUTTLE // Copyright 2013 Eric Messick (FixedImagePhoto.com/Contact) // reworked 2019 for cinelerra-gg by William Morrow #include "arraylist.h" #include "cstrdup.h" #include "file.h" #include "guicast.h" #include "keys.h" #include "linklist.h" #include "loadfile.h" #include "mainmenu.h" #include "shuttle.h" #include "thread.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "awindow.h" #include "awindowgui.h" #include "cwindow.h" #include "cwindowgui.h" #include "vwindow.h" #include "vwindowgui.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static Time milliTimeClock() { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); return (tv.tv_sec * 1000) + (tv.tv_usec / 1000); } KeySymMapping KeySymMapping::key_sym_mapping[] = { // button keycodes { "XK_Button_1", XK_Button_1 }, { "XK_Button_2", XK_Button_2 }, { "XK_Button_3", XK_Button_3 }, { "XK_Scroll_Up", XK_Scroll_Up }, { "XK_Scroll_Down", XK_Scroll_Down }, #include "shuttle_keys.h" { NULL, 0 } }; int KeySymMapping::get_mask(const char *&str) { int mask = 0; while( *str ) { if( !strncmp("Shift-",str,6) ) { mask |= ShiftMask; str += 6; continue; } if( !strncmp("Ctrl-",str,5) ) { mask |= ControlMask; str += 5; continue; } else if( !strncmp("Alt-",str,4) ) { mask |= Mod1Mask; str += 4; continue; } break; } return mask; } SKeySym KeySymMapping::to_keysym(const char *str) { if( !strncmp("FWD_",str, 4) ) { float speed = atof(str+4) / SHUTTLE_MAX_SPEED; if( speed > SHUTTLE_MAX_SPEED ) return 0; int key_code = (SKEY_MAX+SKEY_MIN)/2. + (SKEY_MAX-SKEY_MIN)/2. * speed; if( key_code > SKEY_MAX ) key_code = SKEY_MAX; return key_code; } if( !strncmp("REV_",str, 4) ) { float speed = atof(str+4) / SHUTTLE_MAX_SPEED; if( speed > SHUTTLE_MAX_SPEED ) return 0; int key_code = (SKEY_MAX+SKEY_MIN)/2. - (SKEY_MAX-SKEY_MIN)/2. * speed; if( key_code < SKEY_MIN ) key_code = SKEY_MIN; return key_code; } int mask = get_mask(str); for( KeySymMapping *ksp = &key_sym_mapping[0]; ksp->str; ++ksp ) if( !strcmp(str, ksp->str) ) return SKeySym(ksp->sym, mask); return 0; } const char *KeySymMapping::to_string(SKeySym ks) { for( KeySymMapping *ksp = &key_sym_mapping[0]; ksp->sym.key; ++ksp ) { if( ksp->sym.key == ks.key ) { static char string[BCSTRLEN]; char *sp = string, *ep = sp+sizeof(string); if( ks.msk & Mod1Mask ) sp += snprintf(sp, ep-sp, "Alt-"); if( ks.msk & ControlMask ) sp += snprintf(sp, ep-sp, "Ctrl-"); if( ks.msk & ShiftMask ) sp += snprintf(sp, ep-sp, "Shift-"); snprintf(sp, ep-sp, "%s", ksp->str); return string; } } if( ks >= SKEY_MIN && ks <= SKEY_MAX ) { double speed = SHUTTLE_MAX_SPEED * (ks-(SKEY_MAX+SKEY_MIN)/2.) / ((SKEY_MAX-SKEY_MIN)/2.); static char text[BCSTRLEN]; sprintf(text, "%s_%0.3f", speed>=0 ? "FWD" : "REV", fabs(speed)); char *bp = strchr(text,'.'); if( bp ) { char *cp = bp+strlen(bp); while( --cp>bp && *cp=='0' ) *cp=0; if( cp == bp ) *cp = 0; } return text; } return 0; } TransName::TransName(int cin, const char *nm, const char *re) { this->cin = cin; this->name = cstrdup(nm); } TransName::~TransName() { delete [] name; } void Translation::init(int def) { is_default = def; is_key = 0; first_release_stroke = 0; pressed = 0; released = 0; keysym_down = 0; } Translation::Translation(Shuttle *shuttle) : modifiers(this) { // initial default translation init(1); this->shuttle = shuttle; this->name = cstrdup("Default"); names.append(new TransName(FOCUS_DEFAULT, name, "")); key_down[K6].add_stroke(XK_Button_1, 1); key_up[K6].add_stroke(XK_Button_1, 0); key_down[K7].add_stroke(XK_Button_2, 1); key_up[K7].add_stroke(XK_Button_2, 0); key_down[K8].add_stroke(XK_Button_3, 1); key_up[K8].add_stroke(XK_Button_3, 0); jog[JL].add_stroke(XK_Scroll_Up, 1); jog[JL].add_stroke(XK_Scroll_Up, 0); jog[JR].add_stroke(XK_Scroll_Down, 0); jog[JR].add_stroke(XK_Scroll_Down, 1); } Translation::Translation(Shuttle *shuttle, const char *name) : modifiers(this) { init(0); this->shuttle = shuttle; this->name = cstrdup(name); } Translation::~Translation() { delete [] name; } void Translation::clear() { names.remove_all_objects(); init(0); for( int i=0; iappend(); s->keysym = sym; s->press = press; } void Translation::add_keysym(SKeySym sym, int press_release) { //printf("add_keysym(0x%x, %d)\n", (int)sym, press_release); switch( press_release ) { case PRESS: append_stroke(sym, 1); modifiers.mark_as_down(sym, 0); break; case RELEASE: append_stroke(sym, 0); modifiers.mark_as_up(sym); break; case HOLD: append_stroke(sym, 1); modifiers.mark_as_down(sym, 1); break; case PRESS_RELEASE: default: if( first_release_stroke ) { modifiers.re_press(); first_release_stroke = 0; } if( keysym_down ) { append_stroke(keysym_down, 0); } append_stroke(sym, 1); keysym_down = sym; break; } } void Translation::add_release(int all_keys) { //printf("add_release(%d)\n", all_keys); modifiers.release(all_keys); if( !all_keys ) pressed_strokes = released_strokes; if( keysym_down ) { append_stroke(keysym_down, 0); keysym_down = 0; } first_release_stroke = 1; } void Translation::add_keystroke(const char *keySymName, int press_release) { SKeySym sym; if( is_key && !strncmp(keySymName, "RELEASE", 8) ) { add_release(0); return; } sym = KeySymMapping::to_keysym(keySymName); if( sym != 0 ) { add_keysym(sym, press_release); } else fprintf(stderr, "unrecognized KeySym: %s\n", keySymName); } void Translation::add_string(char *&str) { int delim = *str++; if( !delim ) return; while( str && *str && *str!=delim ) { if( *str < ' ' || *str > '~' ) continue; int mask = KeySymMapping::get_mask((const char *&)str); if( str[0] == '\\' && str[1] ) ++str; add_keysym(SKeySym(*str++, mask), PRESS_RELEASE); mask = 0; } if( *str == delim ) ++str; } int Translation::start_line(const char *key) { pressed_strokes = 0; released_strokes = 0; pressed = released = 0; is_key = 0; if( !strcasecmp("JL", key) ) { pressed = &jog[0]; } else if( !strcasecmp("JR", key) ) { pressed = &jog[1]; } else { char c = 0; int k = -1, n = 0; if( sscanf(key, "%c%d%n", &c, &k, &n) != 2 ) return 1; switch( c ) { case 'K': case 'k': --k; if( k >= K1 && k <= K15 ) { pressed = &key_down[k]; released = &key_up[k]; is_key = 1; } break; case 'S': case 's': if( k >= S_7 && k <= S7 ) { pressed = &shuttles[k-S_7]; } break; } if( !pressed ) { fprintf(stderr, "bad key name: [%s]%s\n", name, key); return 1; } if( pressed->first ) { fprintf(stderr, "dupl key name: [%s]%s\n", name, key); return 1; } } pressed_strokes = pressed; released_strokes = released; return 0; } void Translation::print_stroke(Stroke *s) { if( !s ) return; const char *cp = KeySymMapping::to_string(s->keysym); if( !cp ) { printf("0x%x", (int)s->keysym); cp = "???"; } printf("%s/%c ", cp, s->press ? 'D' : 'U'); } void Translation::print_strokes(const char *name, const char *up_dn, Strokes *strokes) { printf("%s[%s]: ", name, up_dn); for( Stroke *s=strokes->first; s; s=s->next ) print_stroke(s); printf("\n"); } void Translation::finish_line() { //printf("finish_line()\n"); if( is_key ) { add_release(0); } add_release(1); } void Translation::print_line(const char *key) { if( is_key ) { print_strokes(key, "D", pressed); print_strokes(key, "U", released); } else { print_strokes(key, "", pressed); } printf("\n"); } // press values in Modifiers: // PRESS -> down // HOLD -> held // PRESS_RELEASE -> released, but to be re-pressed if necessary // RELEASE -> up void Modifiers::mark_as_down(SKeySym sym, int hold) { Modifiers &modifiers = *this; for( int i=0; iappend_stroke(s.keysym, 0); s.press = PRESS_RELEASE; } else if( allkeys && s.press == HOLD ) { trans->append_stroke(s.keysym, 0); s.press = RELEASE; } } } void Modifiers::re_press() { Modifiers &modifiers = *this; for( int i=0; iappend_stroke(s.keysym, 1); s.press = PRESS; } } } Shuttle::Shuttle(MWindow *mwindow) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->mwindow = mwindow; fd = -1; wdw = 0; win = 0; msk = 0; rx = ry = 0; wx = wy = 0; jogvalue = 0xffff; shuttlevalue = 0xffff; dev_index = -1; done = -1; failed = 0; first_time = 1; tr = 0; debug = 0; usb_direct = 0; last_translation = 0; last_focused = 0; #ifdef HAVE_SHUTTLE_USB devsh = 0; claimed = -1; last_jog = 0; last_shuttle = 0; last_btns = 0; #endif default_translation = new Translation(this); config_path = 0; config_mtime = 0; ev.type = ~0; } Shuttle::~Shuttle() { stop(); delete default_translation; delete [] config_path; } int Shuttle::send_button(unsigned int button, int press) { if( debug ) printf("btn: %u %d\n", button, press); XButtonEvent *b = new XButtonEvent(); memset(b, 0, sizeof(*b)); b->type = press ? ButtonPress : ButtonRelease; b->time = milliTimeClock(); b->send_event = 1; b->display = wdw->top_level->display; b->root = wdw->top_level->rootwin; b->window = win; b->x_root = rx; b->y_root = ry; b->x = wx; b->y = wy; b->state = msk; b->button = button; b->same_screen = 1; wdw->top_level->put_event((XEvent *) b); return 0; } int Shuttle::send_keycode(unsigned key, unsigned msk, int press, int send) { if( debug ) { const char *cp = !send ? 0 : KeySymMapping::to_string(SKeySym(key, msk)); if( cp ) printf("key: %s %d\n", cp, press); else printf("key: %04x/%04x %d\n", key, msk, press); } XKeyEvent *k = new XKeyEvent(); memset(k, 0, sizeof(*k)); k->type = press ? KeyPress : KeyRelease; k->time = milliTimeClock(); k->send_event = send; k->display = wdw->top_level->display; k->root = wdw->top_level->rootwin; k->window = win; k->x_root = rx; k->y_root = ry; k->x = wx; k->y = wy; k->state = msk; k->keycode = key; k->same_screen = 1; wdw->top_level->put_event((XEvent *) k); return 0; } int Shuttle::send_keysym(SKeySym keysym, int press) { return keysym >= XK_Button_1 && keysym <= XK_Scroll_Down ? send_button((unsigned int)keysym - XK_Button_0, press) : send_keycode(keysym.key, keysym.msk, press, 1); // unsigned int keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(wdw->top_level->display, keysym); // return send_keycode(keycode, press, 0); } static Stroke *fetch_stroke(Translation *translation, int kjs, int index) { Stroke *ret = 0; if( translation ) { switch( kjs ) { default: case KJS_KEY_DOWN: ret = translation->key_down[index].first; break; case KJS_KEY_UP: ret = translation->key_up[index].first; break; case KJS_JOG: ret = translation->jog[index].first; break; case KJS_SHUTTLE: ret = translation->shuttles[index-S_7].first; break; } } return ret; } void Shuttle::send_stroke_sequence(int kjs, int index) { if( !wdw ) return; Stroke *s = fetch_stroke(tr, kjs, index); if( !s ) s = fetch_stroke(default_translation, kjs, index); while( s ) { send_keysym(s->keysym, s->press); s = s->next; } } void Shuttle::key(unsigned short code, unsigned int value) { code -= EVENT_CODE_KEY1; if( code >= NUM_KEYS ) { fprintf(stderr, "key(%d, %d) out of range\n", code + EVENT_CODE_KEY1, value); return; } send_stroke_sequence(value ? KJS_KEY_DOWN : KJS_KEY_UP, code); } void Shuttle::shuttle(int value) { if( value < S_7 || value > S7 ) { fprintf(stderr, "shuttle(%d) out of range\n", value); return; } if( value != (int)shuttlevalue ) { shuttlevalue = value; send_stroke_sequence(KJS_SHUTTLE, value); } } // Due to a bug (?) in the way Linux HID handles the ShuttlePro, the // center position is not reported for the shuttle wheel. Instead, // a jog event is generated immediately when it returns. We check to // see if the time since the last shuttle was more than a few ms ago // and generate a shuttle of 0 if so. // // Note, this fails if jogvalue happens to be 0, as we don't see that // event either! void Shuttle::jog(unsigned int value) { if( jogvalue != 0xffff ) { value = value & 0xff; int direction = ((value - jogvalue) & 0x80) ? -1 : 1; int index = direction > 0 ? 1 : 0; while( jogvalue != value ) { // driver fails to send an event when jogvalue == 0 if( jogvalue != 0 ) { send_stroke_sequence(KJS_JOG, index); } jogvalue = (jogvalue + direction) & 0xff; } } jogvalue = value; } void Shuttle::jogshuttle(unsigned short code, unsigned int value) { switch( code ) { case EVENT_CODE_JOG: jog(value); break; case EVENT_CODE_SHUTTLE: shuttle(value); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "jogshuttle(%d, %d) invalid code\n", code, value); break; } } static const struct shuttle_dev { const char *path; unsigned vendor, product; } shuttle_devs[] = { { "/dev/input/by-id/usb-Contour_Design_ShuttleXpress-event-if00", 0x0b33, 0x0020 }, { "/dev/input/by-id/usb-Contour_Design_ShuttlePRO_v2-event-if00", 0x0b33, 0x0030 }, { "/dev/input/by-id/usb-Contour_Design_ShuttlePro-event-if00", 0x0b33, 0x0030 }, }; #ifdef HAVE_SHUTTLE_USB void Shuttle::usb_probe(int idx) { int ret = libusb_init(0); if( ret < 0 ) return; claimed = 0; const struct shuttle_dev *s = &shuttle_devs[idx]; devsh = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(0, s->vendor, s->product); if( devsh ) { int sh_iface = SHUTTLE_INTERFACE; libusb_detach_kernel_driver(devsh, sh_iface); ret = libusb_claim_interface(devsh, sh_iface); if( ret >= 0 ) claimed = 1; } if( !claimed ) usb_done(); } void Shuttle::usb_done() { if( devsh ) { if( claimed > 0 ) { int sh_iface = SHUTTLE_INTERFACE; libusb_release_interface(devsh, sh_iface); libusb_attach_kernel_driver(devsh, sh_iface); claimed = 0; } libusb_close(devsh); devsh = 0; } if( claimed >= 0 ) { libusb_exit(0); claimed = -1; } } #endif int Shuttle::probe() { struct stat st; int ret = sizeof(shuttle_devs) / sizeof(shuttle_devs[0]); while( --ret >= 0 && stat(shuttle_devs[ret].path , &st) ); return ret; } void Shuttle::start(int idx) { this->dev_index = idx; first_time = 1; done = 0; Thread::start(); } void Shuttle::stop() { if( running() && !done ) { done = 1; cancel(); join(); } } BC_WindowBase *Shuttle::owns(BC_WindowBase *wdw, Window win) { if( wdw->win == win ) return wdw; if( (wdw=wdw->top_level)->win == win ) return wdw; for( int i=wdw->popups.size(); --i>=0; ) if( wdw->popups[i]->win == win ) return wdw; return 0; } int Shuttle::get_focused_window_translation() { MWindowGUI *gui = mwindow->gui; Display *dpy = gui->display; Window focus = 0; int ret = 0, revert = 0; char win_title[BCTEXTLEN]; win_title[0] = 0; gui->lock_window("Shuttle::get_focused_window_translation"); XGetInputFocus(dpy, &focus, &revert); if( last_focused != focus ) { last_focused = focus; Atom prop = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_NAME", False); Atom type; int form; unsigned long remain, len; unsigned char *list; if( XGetWindowProperty(dpy, focus, prop, 0, sizeof(win_title)-1, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &form, &len, &remain, &list) == Success ) { len = len*(form/8) - remain; memcpy(win_title, list, len); win_title[len] = 0; XFree(list); if( debug ) printf("new focus: %08x %s\n", (unsigned)focus, win_title); } else { last_focused = 0; fprintf(stderr, "XGetWindowProperty failed for window 0x%x\n", (int)focus); ret = 1; } } gui->unlock_window(); if( ret ) return -1; this->wdw = 0; this->win = 0; this->wx = 0; this->wy = 0; this->rx = 0; this->ry = 0; this->msk = 0; BC_WindowBase *wdw = 0; int cin = -1; if( (wdw=owns(mwindow->gui, focus)) != 0 ) cin = FOCUS_MWINDOW; else if( (wdw=owns(mwindow->awindow->gui, focus)) != 0 ) cin = FOCUS_AWINDOW; else if( (wdw=owns(mwindow->cwindow->gui, focus)) != 0 ) { if( mwindow->cwindow->gui->canvas->get_fullscreen() ) wdw = mwindow->cwindow->gui->canvas->get_canvas(); cin = FOCUS_CWINDOW; } else if( mwindow->gui->mainmenu->load_file->thread->running() && (wdw=mwindow->gui->mainmenu->load_file->thread->window) != 0 && wdw->win == focus ) cin = FOCUS_LOAD; else { int i = mwindow->vwindows.size(); while( --i >= 0 ) { VWindow *vwdw = mwindow->vwindows[i]; if( !vwdw->is_running() ) continue; if( (wdw=owns(vwdw->gui, focus)) != 0 ) { if( vwdw->gui->canvas->get_fullscreen() ) wdw = vwdw->gui->canvas->get_canvas(); cin = FOCUS_VIEWER; break; } } } if( cin < 0 ) return -1; Window root = 0, child = 0; int root_x = 0, root_y = 0, win_x = 0, win_y = 0, x = 0, y = 0; unsigned int mask = 0, width = 0, height = 0, border_width = 0, depth = 0; wdw->lock_window("Shuttle::get_focused_window_translation 1"); if( XQueryPointer(wdw->top_level->display, focus, &root, &child, &root_x, &root_y, &win_x, &win_y, &mask) ) { if( !child ) { if( wdw->active_menubar ) child = wdw->active_menubar->win; else if( wdw->active_popup_menu ) child = wdw->active_popup_menu->win; else if( wdw->active_subwindow ) child = wdw->active_subwindow->win; else child = wdw->win; } else XGetGeometry(wdw->top_level->display, child, &root, &x, &y, &width, &height, &border_width, &depth); } wdw->unlock_window(); if( !child || !wdw->match_window(child) ) return -1; // success this->wdw = wdw; this->win = child; this->msk = mask; this->rx = root_x; this->ry = root_y; this->wx = win_x - x; this->wy = win_y - y; for( tr=translations.first; tr; tr=tr->next ) { if( tr->is_default ) return 1; for( int i=0; inames.size(); ++i ) { TransName *name = tr->names[i]; if( name->cin == cin ) return 1; } } tr = default_translation; return 0; } int Shuttle::load_translation() { if( read_config_file() > 0 ) return done = 1; if( get_focused_window_translation() < 0 ) return 0; if( last_translation != tr ) { last_translation = tr; if( debug ) printf("new translation: %s\n", tr->name); } return 0; } void Shuttle::handle_event() { if( load_translation() ) return; // if( debug ) // printf("event: (%d, %d, 0x%x)\n", ev.type, ev.code, ev.value); switch( ev.type ) { case EVENT_TYPE_DONE: case EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVE_KEY: break; case EVENT_TYPE_KEY: key(ev.code, ev.value); break; case EVENT_TYPE_JOGSHUTTLE: jogshuttle(ev.code, ev.value); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "handle_event() invalid type code\n"); break; } } void Shuttle::run() { if( dev_index < 0 ) return; const char *dev_name = shuttle_devs[dev_index].path; #ifdef HAVE_SHUTTLE_USB if( usb_direct ) usb_probe(dev_index); disable_cancel(); while( devsh && !done ) { int len = 0; static const int IN_ENDPOINT = 0x81; unsigned char dat[5]; int ret = libusb_interrupt_transfer(devsh, IN_ENDPOINT, dat, sizeof(dat), &len, 100); if( ret != 0 ) { if( ret == LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT ) continue; printf("shuttle: %s\n %s\n", dev_name, libusb_strerror((libusb_error)ret)); sleep(1); continue; } if( load_translation() ) break; if( debug ) { printf("shuttle: "); for( int i=0; i 0 && config_mtime == st.st_mtime ) return 0; FILE *fp = fopen(config_path, "r"); if( !fp ) { perror(config_path); return 1; } config_mtime = st.st_mtime; translations.clear(); debug = 0; usb_direct = 0; #define ws(ch) (ch==' ' || ch=='\t') char line[BCTEXTLEN], *cp; Translation *trans = 0; int no = 0; int ret = fgets(cp=line,sizeof(line),fp) ? 0 : -1; if( !ret ) ++no; // lines while( !ret ) { // translation names while( !ret && *cp == '[' ) { char *name = ++cp; while( *cp && *cp != ']' ) ++cp; *cp++ = 0; if( !name || !*name ) { ret = 1; break; } int cin = -1; if( !strcasecmp("default", name) ) cin = FOCUS_DEFAULT; else if( !strcasecmp("cinelerra", name) ) cin = FOCUS_MWINDOW; else if( !strcasecmp("resources", name) ) cin = FOCUS_AWINDOW; else if( !strcasecmp("composer", name) ) cin = FOCUS_CWINDOW; else if( !strcasecmp("viewer", name) ) cin = FOCUS_VIEWER; else if( !strcasecmp("load", name) ) cin = FOCUS_LOAD; else { fprintf(stderr, "unknown focus target window: %s\n", name); ret = 1; break; } if( !trans ) { if( cin == FOCUS_DEFAULT ) { trans = default_translation; trans->clear(); } else { trans = new Translation(this, name); } } while( ws(*cp) ) ++cp; trans->names.append(new TransName(cin, name, cp)); ret = fgets(cp=line,sizeof(line),fp) ? 0 : 1; if( ret ) { fprintf(stderr, "hit eof, no translation def for: %s\n", trans->names.last()->name); ret = 1; break; } ++no; } if( ret ) break; if( debug && trans ) { printf("------------------------\n"); TransNames &names = trans->names; for( int i=0; iname, tp->cin); } } // rules lines: "tok \n" while( !ret && *cp != '[' ) { const char *key = 0, *tok = 0; while( ws(*cp) ) ++cp; if( !*cp || *cp == '\n' || *cp == '#' ) goto skip; tok = cp; while( *cp && !ws(*cp) && *cp != '\n' ) ++cp; *cp++ = 0; if( !strcmp(tok, "DEBUG") ) { debug = 1; goto skip; } if( !strcmp(tok, "USB_DIRECT") ) { usb_direct = 1; goto skip; } key = tok; if( !trans ) { fprintf(stderr, "no translation section defining key: %s\n", key); ret = 1; break; } ret = trans->start_line(key); while( !ret && *cp && *cp != '\n' ) { while( ws(*cp) ) ++cp; if( !*cp || *cp == '#' || *cp == '\n' ) break; if( *cp == '"' ) { while( *cp ) { if( *cp == '"' ) trans->add_string(cp); while( ws(*cp) ) ++cp; if( !*cp || *cp == '#' || *cp == '\n' ) break; tok = cp; while( *cp && !ws(*cp) && *cp != '\n' ) ++cp; *cp = 0; SKeySym sym = KeySymMapping::to_keysym(tok); if( !sym ) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown keysym: %s\n", tok); ret = 1; break; } trans->add_keysym(sym, PRESS_RELEASE); } continue; } tok = cp; while( *cp && !ws(*cp) && *cp!='/' && *cp != '\n' ) ++cp; int dhu = PRESS_RELEASE; if( *cp == '/' ) { *cp++ = 0; switch( *cp ) { case 'D': dhu = PRESS; break; case 'H': dhu = HOLD; break; case 'U': dhu = RELEASE; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "invalid up/down modifier [%s]%s: '%c'\n", trans->name, tok, *cp); ret = 1; break; } ++cp; } else *cp++ = 0; trans->add_keystroke(tok, dhu); } if( ret ) break; trans->finish_line(); if( debug ) trans->print_line(key); skip: ret = fgets(cp=line,sizeof(line),fp) ? 0 : -1; if( !ret ) ++no; } if( trans ) { if( trans != default_translation ) translations.append(trans); trans = 0; } } if( ret > 0 ) fprintf(stderr, "shuttle config err file: %s, line:%d\n", config_path, no); fclose(fp); return ret; } #endif