/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 1997-2011 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "arender.h" #include "asset.h" #include "assets.h" #include "awindowgui.h" #include "awindow.h" #include "cache.h" #include "canvas.h" #include "clip.h" #include "clipedit.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "file.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "fonts.h" #include "keys.h" #include "labels.h" #include "language.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "mainclock.h" #include "mainmenu.h" #include "mainsession.h" #include "mainundo.h" #include "meterpanel.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "playtransport.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "renderengine.h" #include "samples.h" #include "theme.h" #include "timebar.h" #include "tracks.h" #include "transportque.h" #include "vframe.h" #include "vplayback.h" #include "vtimebar.h" #include "vwindowgui.h" #include "vwindow.h" VWindowGUI::VWindowGUI(MWindow *mwindow, VWindow *vwindow) : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Viewer"), mwindow->session->vwindow_x, mwindow->session->vwindow_y, mwindow->session->vwindow_w, mwindow->session->vwindow_h, xS(100), yS(100), 1, 1, 0) // Hide it { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->vwindow = vwindow; canvas = 0; transport = 0; edit_panel = 0; meters = 0; // source = 0; strcpy(loaded_title, ""); highlighted = 0; } VWindowGUI::~VWindowGUI() { vwindow->stop_playback(1); sources.remove_all_objects(); labels.remove_all_objects(); delete canvas; delete transport; delete edit_panel; delete meters; // delete source; } void VWindowGUI::draw_wave() { TransportCommand command; command.command = NORMAL_FWD; command.get_edl()->copy_all(vwindow->get_edl()); command.change_type = CHANGE_ALL; command.realtime = 0; RenderEngine *render_engine = new RenderEngine(0, mwindow->preferences, 0, 0); CICache *cache = new CICache(mwindow->preferences); render_engine->set_acache(cache); render_engine->arm_command(&command); double duration = 1.; int w = mwindow->edl->session->output_w; int h = mwindow->edl->session->output_h; VFrame *vframe = new VFrame(w, h, BC_RGB888); vframe->clear_frame(); int sample_rate = mwindow->edl->get_sample_rate(); int channels = mwindow->edl->session->audio_channels; if( channels > 2 ) channels = 2; int64_t bfrsz = sample_rate * duration; Samples *samples[MAXCHANNELS]; int ch = 0; while( ch < channels ) samples[ch++] = new Samples(bfrsz); while( ch < MAXCHANNELS ) samples[ch++] = 0; render_engine->arender->process_buffer(samples, bfrsz, 0); static int line_colors[2] = { GREEN, YELLOW }; static int base_colors[2] = { RED, PINK }; for( int i=channels; --i>=0; ) { AssetPicon::draw_wave(vframe, samples[i]->get_data(), bfrsz, base_colors[i], line_colors[i]); } for( int i=channels; --i>=0; ) delete samples[i]; delete render_engine; delete cache; delete canvas->refresh_frame; canvas->refresh_frame = vframe; canvas->refresh(1); } void VWindowGUI::change_source(EDL *edl, const char *title) { //printf("VWindowGUI::change_source %d\n", __LINE__); update_sources(title); strcpy(loaded_title, title); char string[BCTEXTLEN]; if(title[0]) sprintf(string, _(PROGRAM_NAME ": %s"), title); else sprintf(string, _(PROGRAM_NAME ": Viewer")); lock_window("VWindowGUI::change_source"); canvas->clear(); if( edl && !edl->tracks->playable_video_tracks() && edl->tracks->playable_audio_tracks() ) draw_wave(); timebar->update(0); set_title(string); unlock_window(); } // Get source list from master EDL void VWindowGUI::update_sources(const char *title) { lock_window("VWindowGUI::update_sources"); sources.remove_all_objects(); for( int i=0; iedl->clips.size(); ++i ) { char *clip_title = mwindow->edl->clips.values[i]->local_session->clip_title; int exists = 0; for( int j=0; !exists && jget_text(), clip_title) ) exists = 1; } if( !exists ) sources.append(new BC_ListBoxItem(clip_title)); } FileSystem fs; for( Asset *current=mwindow->edl->assets->first; current; current=NEXT ) { char clip_title[BCTEXTLEN]; fs.extract_name(clip_title, current->path); int exists = 0; for( int j=0; !exists && jget_text(), clip_title) ) exists = 1; } if( !exists ) sources.append(new BC_ListBoxItem(clip_title)); } unlock_window(); } void VWindowGUI::create_objects() { lock_window("VWindowGUI::create_objects"); in_point = 0; out_point = 0; set_icon(mwindow->theme->get_image("vwindow_icon")); //printf("VWindowGUI::create_objects 1\n"); mwindow->theme->get_vwindow_sizes(this); mwindow->theme->draw_vwindow_bg(this); flash(0); meters = new VWindowMeters(mwindow, this, mwindow->theme->vmeter_x, mwindow->theme->vmeter_y, mwindow->theme->vmeter_h); meters->create_objects(); //printf("VWindowGUI::create_objects 1\n"); // Requires meters to build edit_panel = new VWindowEditing(mwindow, vwindow); edit_panel->set_meters(meters); edit_panel->create_objects(); //printf("VWindowGUI::create_objects 1\n"); transport = new VWindowTransport(mwindow, this, mwindow->theme->vtransport_x, mwindow->theme->vtransport_y); transport->create_objects(); //printf("VWindowGUI::create_objects 1\n"); // add_subwindow(fps_title = new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->vedit_x, y, "")); add_subwindow(clock = new MainClock(mwindow, mwindow->theme->vtime_x, mwindow->theme->vtime_y, mwindow->theme->vtime_w)); canvas = new VWindowCanvas(mwindow, this); canvas->create_objects(mwindow->edl); char vsplash_path[BCTEXTLEN]; int vsplash_len = sizeof(vsplash_path)-1; snprintf(vsplash_path, vsplash_len, "%s/vsplash.png", File::get_cindat_path()); VFrame *vsplash = VFramePng::vframe_png(vsplash_path); if( vsplash ) { BC_WindowBase *vcanvas = canvas->get_canvas(); vcanvas->draw_vframe(vsplash, 0,0, vcanvas->get_w(), vcanvas->get_h(), 0,0, vsplash->get_w(), vsplash->get_h(), 0); vcanvas->flash(1); delete vsplash; } //printf("VWindowGUI::create_objects 1\n"); add_subwindow(timebar = new VTimeBar(mwindow, this, mwindow->theme->vtimebar_x, mwindow->theme->vtimebar_y, mwindow->theme->vtimebar_w, mwindow->theme->vtimebar_h)); timebar->create_objects(); //printf("VWindowGUI::create_objects 2\n"); //printf("VWindowGUI::create_objects 1\n"); // source = new VWindowSource(mwindow, // this, // mwindow->theme->vsource_x, // mwindow->theme->vsource_y); // source->create_objects(); update_sources(_("None")); //printf("VWindowGUI::create_objects 2\n"); deactivate(); show_window(); unlock_window(); } int VWindowGUI::resize_event(int w, int h) { mwindow->session->vwindow_x = get_x(); mwindow->session->vwindow_y = get_y(); mwindow->session->vwindow_w = w; mwindow->session->vwindow_h = h; mwindow->theme->get_vwindow_sizes(this); mwindow->theme->draw_vwindow_bg(this); flash(0); //printf("VWindowGUI::resize_event %d %d\n", __LINE__, mwindow->theme->vedit_y); edit_panel->reposition_buttons(mwindow->theme->vedit_x, mwindow->theme->vedit_y); timebar->resize_event(); transport->reposition_buttons(mwindow->theme->vtransport_x, mwindow->theme->vtransport_y); clock->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->vtime_x, mwindow->theme->vtime_y, mwindow->theme->vtime_w, clock->get_h()); canvas->reposition_window(0, mwindow->theme->vcanvas_x, mwindow->theme->vcanvas_y, mwindow->theme->vcanvas_w, mwindow->theme->vcanvas_h); //printf("VWindowGUI::resize_event %d %d\n", __LINE__, mwindow->theme->vcanvas_x); // source->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->vsource_x, // mwindow->theme->vsource_y); meters->reposition_window(mwindow->theme->vmeter_x, mwindow->theme->vmeter_y, -1, mwindow->theme->vmeter_h); BC_WindowBase::resize_event(w, h); return 1; } int VWindowGUI::translation_event() { mwindow->session->vwindow_x = get_x(); mwindow->session->vwindow_y = get_y(); return 0; } int VWindowGUI::close_event() { hide_window(); int i = mwindow->vwindows.size(); while( --i >= 0 && mwindow->vwindows.get(i)->gui != this ); if( i > 0 ) { set_done(0); return 1; } mwindow->session->show_vwindow = 0; unlock_window(); mwindow->gui->lock_window("VWindowGUI::close_event"); mwindow->gui->mainmenu->show_vwindow->set_checked(0); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); lock_window("VWindowGUI::close_event"); mwindow->save_defaults(); return 1; } int VWindowGUI::keypress_event() { int result = 0; switch( get_keypress() ) { case 'w': case 'W': close_event(); result = 1; break; case 'z': mwindow->undo_entry(this); break; case 'Z': mwindow->redo_entry(this); break; case 'f': { int on = canvas->get_fullscreen() ? 0 : 1; canvas->set_fullscreen(on, 1); break; } case ESC: canvas->set_fullscreen(0, 1); break; case KEY_F1: case KEY_F2: case KEY_F3: case KEY_F4: if( ctrl_down() && shift_down() ) { resend_event(mwindow->gui); result = 1; break; } } if( !result ) result = transport->keypress_event(); return result; } int VWindowGUI::button_press_event() { if( vwindow->get_edl() != 0 && canvas->get_canvas() && mwindow->edl->session->vwindow_click2play && canvas->get_canvas()->get_cursor_over_window() ) { switch( get_buttonpress() ) { case LEFT_BUTTON: if( !vwindow->playback_engine->is_playing_back ) { double length = vwindow->get_edl()->tracks->total_playable_length(); double position = vwindow->playback_engine->get_tracking_position(); if( position >= length ) transport->goto_start(); } return transport->forward_play->handle_event(); case MIDDLE_BUTTON: if( !vwindow->playback_engine->is_playing_back ) { double position = vwindow->playback_engine->get_tracking_position(); if( position <= 0 ) transport->goto_end(); } return transport->reverse_play->handle_event(); case RIGHT_BUTTON: // activates popup break; case WHEEL_UP: return transport->frame_forward_play->handle_event(); case WHEEL_DOWN: return transport->frame_reverse_play->handle_event(); } } if(canvas->get_canvas()) return canvas->button_press_event_base(canvas->get_canvas()); return 0; } int VWindowGUI::cursor_leave_event() { if(canvas->get_canvas()) return canvas->cursor_leave_event_base(canvas->get_canvas()); return 0; } int VWindowGUI::cursor_enter_event() { if(canvas->get_canvas()) return canvas->cursor_enter_event_base(canvas->get_canvas()); return 0; } int VWindowGUI::button_release_event() { if(canvas->get_canvas()) return canvas->button_release_event(); return 0; } int VWindowGUI::cursor_motion_event() { if(canvas->get_canvas()) { canvas->get_canvas()->unhide_cursor(); return canvas->cursor_motion_event(); } return 0; } void VWindowGUI::drag_motion() { // Window hidden if(get_hidden()) return; if(mwindow->session->current_operation != DRAG_ASSET) return; int need_highlight = cursor_above() && get_cursor_over_window() ? 1 : 0; if( highlighted == need_highlight ) return; highlighted = need_highlight; canvas->refresh(1); } int VWindowGUI::drag_stop() { if( get_hidden() ) return 0; if( highlighted && mwindow->session->current_operation == DRAG_ASSET ) { highlighted = 0; canvas->refresh(1); unlock_window(); Indexable *indexable = mwindow->session->drag_assets->size() > 0 ? (Indexable *)mwindow->session->drag_assets->get(0) : mwindow->session->drag_clips->size() > 0 ? (Indexable *)mwindow->session->drag_clips->get(0) : 0; if( indexable ) vwindow->change_source(indexable); lock_window("VWindowGUI::drag_stop"); return 1; } return 0; } void VWindowGUI::stop_transport() { if( !transport->is_stopped() ) { unlock_window(); transport->handle_transport(STOP, 1); lock_window("VWindowGUI::panel_stop_transport"); } } void VWindowGUI::update_meters() { if(mwindow->edl->session->vwindow_meter != meters->visible) { meters->set_meters(meters->meter_count, mwindow->edl->session->vwindow_meter); mwindow->theme->get_vwindow_sizes(this); resize_event(get_w(), get_h()); } } VWindowMeters::VWindowMeters(MWindow *mwindow, VWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y, int h) : MeterPanel(mwindow, gui, x, y, -1, h, mwindow->edl->session->audio_channels, mwindow->edl->session->vwindow_meter, 0, 0) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->gui = gui; } VWindowMeters::~VWindowMeters() { } int VWindowMeters::change_status_event(int new_status) { mwindow->edl->session->vwindow_meter = new_status; gui->update_meters(); return 1; } VWindowEditing::VWindowEditing(MWindow *mwindow, VWindow *vwindow) : EditPanel(mwindow, vwindow->gui, VWINDOW_ID, mwindow->theme->vedit_x, mwindow->theme->vedit_y, EDITING_ARROW, 0, // use_editing_mode 0, // use_keyframe 1, // use_splice 1, // use_overwrite 1, // use_copy 0, // use_paste 0, // use_undo 0, // use_fit 0, // locklabels 1, // use_labels 1, // use_toclip 1, // use_meters 0, // use_cut 0, // use_commerical 0, // use_goto 1, // use_clk2play 1) // use_scope { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->vwindow = vwindow; } VWindowEditing::~VWindowEditing() { } #define relock_vm(s) \ vwindow->gui->unlock_window(); \ mwindow->gui->lock_window("VWindowEditing::" s) #define relock_mv(s) \ mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); \ vwindow->gui->lock_window("VWindowEditing::" s) double VWindowEditing::get_position() { EDL *edl = vwindow->get_edl(); double position = !edl ? 0 : edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1); return position; } void VWindowEditing::set_position(double position) { EDL *edl = vwindow->get_edl(); if( !edl ) return; if( get_position() != position ) { if( position < 0 ) position = 0; edl->local_session->set_selectionstart(position); edl->local_session->set_selectionend(position); vwindow->update_position(); } } void VWindowEditing::set_click_to_play(int v) { click2play->update(v); relock_vm("set_click_to_play"); mwindow->edl->session->vwindow_click2play = v; mwindow->update_vwindow(); relock_mv("set_click_to_play"); } void VWindowEditing::panel_stop_transport() { vwindow->gui->stop_transport(); } void VWindowEditing::panel_toggle_label() { if( !vwindow->get_edl() ) return; EDL *edl = vwindow->get_edl(); edl->labels->toggle_label(edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1), edl->local_session->get_selectionend(1)); vwindow->gui->timebar->update(1); } void VWindowEditing::panel_next_label(int cut) { if( !vwindow->get_edl() ) return; vwindow->interrupt_playback(1); EDL *edl = vwindow->get_edl(); Label *current = edl->labels->next_label( edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1)); double position = current ? current->position : edl->tracks->total_length(); edl->local_session->set_selectionstart(position); edl->local_session->set_selectionend(position); vwindow->update_position(); vwindow->gui->timebar->update(1); } void VWindowEditing::panel_prev_label(int cut) { if( !vwindow->get_edl() ) return; vwindow->interrupt_playback(1); EDL *edl = vwindow->get_edl(); Label *current = edl->labels->prev_label( edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1)); double position = !current ? 0 : current->position; edl->local_session->set_selectionstart(position); edl->local_session->set_selectionend(position); vwindow->update_position(); vwindow->gui->timebar->update(1); } void VWindowEditing::panel_prev_edit(int cut) {} // not used void VWindowEditing::panel_next_edit(int cut) {} // not used void VWindowEditing::panel_copy_selection() { vwindow->copy(vwindow->gui->shift_down()); } void VWindowEditing::panel_overwrite_selection() { if( !vwindow->get_edl() ) return; relock_vm("overwrite_selection"); mwindow->overwrite(vwindow->get_edl(), vwindow->gui->shift_down()); relock_mv("overwrite_selection"); } void VWindowEditing::panel_splice_selection() { if( !vwindow->get_edl() ) return; relock_vm("splice_selection"); mwindow->splice(vwindow->get_edl(), vwindow->gui->shift_down()); relock_mv("splice_selection"); } void VWindowEditing::panel_set_inpoint() { vwindow->set_inpoint(); } void VWindowEditing::panel_set_outpoint() { vwindow->set_outpoint(); } void VWindowEditing::panel_unset_inoutpoint() { vwindow->unset_inoutpoint(); } void VWindowEditing::panel_to_clip() { EDL *edl = vwindow->get_edl(); if( !edl ) return; mwindow->to_clip(edl, _("viewer window: "), subwindow->shift_down()); } // not used void VWindowEditing::panel_cut() {} void VWindowEditing::panel_paste() {} void VWindowEditing::panel_fit_selection() {} void VWindowEditing::panel_fit_autos(int all) {} void VWindowEditing::panel_set_editing_mode(int mode) {} void VWindowEditing::panel_set_auto_keyframes(int v) {} void VWindowEditing::panel_set_span_keyframes(int v) {} void VWindowEditing::panel_set_labels_follow_edits(int v) {} VWindowSource::VWindowSource(MWindow *mwindow, VWindowGUI *vwindow, int x, int y) : BC_PopupTextBox(vwindow, &vwindow->sources, "", x, y, xS(200), yS(200)) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->vwindow = vwindow; } VWindowSource::~VWindowSource() { } int VWindowSource::handle_event() { return 1; } VWindowTransport::VWindowTransport(MWindow *mwindow, VWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y) : PlayTransport(mwindow, gui, x, y) { this->gui = gui; } EDL* VWindowTransport::get_edl() { return gui->vwindow->get_edl(); } void VWindowTransport::goto_start() { gui->unlock_window(); handle_transport(REWIND, 1); gui->lock_window("VWindowTransport::goto_start"); gui->vwindow->goto_start(); } void VWindowTransport::goto_end() { gui->unlock_window(); handle_transport(GOTO_END, 1); gui->lock_window("VWindowTransport::goto_end"); gui->vwindow->goto_end(); } VWindowCanvas::VWindowCanvas(MWindow *mwindow, VWindowGUI *gui) : Canvas(mwindow, gui, mwindow->theme->vcanvas_x, mwindow->theme->vcanvas_y, mwindow->theme->vcanvas_w, mwindow->theme->vcanvas_h, 0, 0, 0) { //printf("VWindowCanvas::VWindowCanvas %d %d\n", __LINE__, mwindow->theme->vcanvas_x); this->mwindow = mwindow; this->gui = gui; } void VWindowCanvas::create_objects(EDL *edl) { Canvas::create_objects(edl); canvas_menu->add_item(new CanvasPopupRemoveSource(this)); } void VWindowCanvas::zoom_resize_window(float percentage) { EDL *edl = gui->vwindow->get_edl(); if(!edl) edl = mwindow->edl; int canvas_w, canvas_h; int new_w, new_h; // Get required canvas size calculate_sizes(edl->get_aspect_ratio(), edl->session->output_w, edl->session->output_h, percentage, canvas_w, canvas_h); // Estimate window size from current borders new_w = canvas_w + (gui->get_w() - mwindow->theme->vcanvas_w); new_h = canvas_h + (gui->get_h() - mwindow->theme->vcanvas_h); mwindow->session->vwindow_w = new_w; mwindow->session->vwindow_h = new_h; mwindow->theme->get_vwindow_sizes(gui); // Estimate again from new borders new_w = canvas_w + (mwindow->session->vwindow_w - mwindow->theme->vcanvas_w); new_h = canvas_h + (mwindow->session->vwindow_h - mwindow->theme->vcanvas_h); gui->resize_window(new_w, new_h); gui->resize_event(new_w, new_h); } void VWindowCanvas::zoom_auto() { EDL *edl = gui->vwindow->get_edl(); if(!edl) edl = mwindow->edl; set_zoom(edl, 0); } void VWindowCanvas::close_source() { gui->vwindow->interrupt_playback(1); gui->vwindow->delete_source(1, 1); } int VWindowCanvas::scope_on() { EditPanelScopeDialog *scope_dialog = gui->edit_panel->scope_dialog; if( !scope_dialog || !scope_dialog->scope_gui ) return 0; if( scope_dialog->scope_gui->use_refresh ) return 0; return scope_dialog->running(); } void VWindowCanvas::draw_scope(VFrame *output, int refresh) { if( !output ) return; EditPanelScopeDialog *scope_dialog = gui->edit_panel->scope_dialog; if( !scope_dialog || !scope_dialog->scope_gui ) return; if( scope_dialog->scope_gui->use_refresh && !refresh ) return; scope_dialog->process(output); } void VWindowCanvas::draw_refresh(int flush) { if( !get_canvas()->get_video_on() ) { int cw = get_canvas()->get_w(), ch = get_canvas()->get_h(); get_canvas()->clear_box(0, 0, cw, ch); } EDL *edl = gui->vwindow->get_edl(); if( refresh_frame && edl ) { int ow = get_output_w(edl), oh = get_output_h(edl); if( ow > 0 && oh > 0 ) { float in_x1, in_y1, in_x2, in_y2; float out_x1, out_y1, out_x2, out_y2; get_transfers(edl, in_x1, in_y1, in_x2, in_y2, out_x1, out_y1, out_x2, out_y2); // input scaled from session to refresh frame coordinates int rw = refresh_frame->get_w(); int rh = refresh_frame->get_h(); float xs = (float)rw / ow; float ys = (float)rh / oh; in_x1 *= xs; in_x2 *= xs; in_y1 *= ys; in_y2 *= ys; get_canvas()->draw_vframe(refresh_frame, (int)out_x1, (int)out_y1, (int)(out_x2 - out_x1), (int)(out_y2 - out_y1), (int)in_x1, (int)in_y1, (int)(in_x2 - in_x1), (int)(in_y2 - in_y1), 0); } } if( !get_canvas()->get_video_on() ) { draw_overlays(); get_canvas()->flash(flush); } } int VWindowCanvas::need_overlays() { if( gui->highlighted ) return 1; return 0; } void VWindowCanvas::draw_overlays() { if( gui->highlighted ) { get_canvas()->set_color(WHITE); get_canvas()->set_inverse(); get_canvas()->draw_rectangle(0, 0, get_canvas()->get_w(), get_canvas()->get_h()); get_canvas()->draw_rectangle(1, 1, get_canvas()->get_w() - 2, get_canvas()->get_h() - 2); get_canvas()->set_opaque(); } }