/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 1997-2011 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcwindow.h" #include "canvas.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "keys.h" #include "language.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "mainmenu.h" #include "mainsession.h" #include "mbuttons.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "playbackengine.h" #include "theme.h" #include "tracks.h" #include "zwindow.h" #include "zwindowgui.h" ZWindowGUI::ZWindowGUI(MWindow *mwindow, ZWindow *zwindow, Mixer *mixer) : BC_Window(zwindow->title, mixer->x, mixer->y, mixer->w, mixer->h, xS(100), yS(75), 1, 1, 0) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->zwindow = zwindow; canvas = 0; playback_engine = 0; highlighted = 0; } ZWindowGUI::~ZWindowGUI() { delete playback_engine; delete canvas; } void ZWindowGUI::create_objects() { lock_window("ZWindowGUI::create_objects"); canvas = new ZWindowCanvas(mwindow, this, xS(10),yS(10), get_w()-xS(20),get_h()-yS(20)); canvas->create_objects(mwindow->edl); playback_engine = new PlaybackEngine(mwindow, canvas); playback_engine->create_objects(); deactivate(); show_window(); unlock_window(); } int ZWindowGUI::resize_event(int w, int h) { canvas->reposition_window(0, xS(10),yS(10), w-xS(20),h-yS(20)); zwindow->reposition(get_x(), get_y(), w, h); BC_WindowBase::resize_event(w, h); return 1; } int ZWindowGUI::translation_event() { return resize_event(get_w(),get_h()); } int ZWindowGUI::close_event() { set_done(0); return 1; } int ZWindowGUI::keypress_event() { int key = get_keypress(); if( key == 'w' || key == 'W' ) { close_event(); return 1; } unlock_window(); int result = 1; switch( key ) { case 'f': if( canvas->get_fullscreen() ) canvas->stop_fullscreen(); else canvas->start_fullscreen(); break; case ESC: if( canvas->get_fullscreen() ) canvas->stop_fullscreen(); break; default: mwindow->gui->lock_window("ZWindowGUI::keypress_event"); result = mwindow->gui->mbuttons->transport->do_keypress(key); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); } lock_window("ZWindowGUI::keypress_event 1"); return result; } int ZWindowGUI::button_press_event() { mwindow->select_zwindow(zwindow); if( get_double_click() ) { unlock_window(); mwindow->gui->lock_window("ZWindowGUI::button_press_event 0"); LocalSession *local_session = mwindow->edl->local_session; double start = local_session->get_selectionstart(1); double end = local_session->get_selectionend(1); if( EQUIV(start, end) ) { start = mwindow->edl->tracks->total_recordable_length(); if( start < 0 ) start = end; } if( (end-start) > 1e-4 ) { LocalSession *zlocal_session = zwindow->edl->local_session; zlocal_session->set_selectionstart(end); zlocal_session->set_selectionend(end); zlocal_session->set_inpoint(start); zlocal_session->set_outpoint(end); double orig_inpoint = local_session->get_inpoint(); double orig_outpoint = local_session->get_outpoint(); local_session->set_selectionstart(end); local_session->set_selectionend(end); local_session->set_inpoint(start); local_session->set_outpoint(end); mwindow->overwrite(zwindow->edl, 0); local_session->set_inpoint(orig_inpoint); local_session->set_outpoint(orig_outpoint); mwindow->gui->update_timebar(1); } mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); lock_window("ZWindowGUI::button_press_event 1"); } if( !canvas->get_canvas() ) return 0; return canvas->button_press_event_base(canvas->get_canvas()); } int ZWindowGUI::cursor_leave_event() { if( !canvas->get_canvas() ) return 0; return canvas->cursor_leave_event_base(canvas->get_canvas()); } int ZWindowGUI::cursor_enter_event() { if( !canvas->get_canvas() ) return 0; return canvas->cursor_enter_event_base(canvas->get_canvas()); } int ZWindowGUI::button_release_event() { if( !canvas->get_canvas() ) return 0; return canvas->button_release_event(); } int ZWindowGUI::cursor_motion_event() { BC_WindowBase *cvs = canvas->get_canvas(); if( !cvs ) return 0; cvs->unhide_cursor(); return canvas->cursor_motion_event(); } int ZWindowGUI::draw_overlays() { BC_WindowBase *cvs = canvas->get_canvas(); if( !cvs || cvs->get_video_on() ) return 0; if( highlighted != zwindow->highlighted ) { highlighted = zwindow->highlighted; cvs->set_color(WHITE); cvs->set_inverse(); cvs->draw_rectangle(0, 0, cvs->get_w(), cvs->get_h()); cvs->draw_rectangle(1, 1, cvs->get_w() - 2, cvs->get_h() - 2); cvs->set_opaque(); } return 1; } ZWindowCanvas::ZWindowCanvas(MWindow *mwindow, ZWindowGUI *gui, int x, int y, int w, int h) : Canvas(mwindow, gui, x,y, w,h, 0,0,0) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->gui = gui; } void ZWindowCanvas::close_source() { gui->unlock_window(); gui->zwindow->zgui->playback_engine->interrupt_playback(1); gui->lock_window("ZWindowCanvas::close_source"); EDL *edl = gui->zwindow->edl; if( edl ) { gui->zwindow->edl = 0; edl->remove_user(); } } void ZWindowCanvas::draw_refresh(int flush) { EDL *edl = gui->zwindow->edl; BC_WindowBase *cvs = get_canvas(); int dirty = 0; if( !cvs->get_video_on() ) { cvs->clear_box(0, 0, cvs->get_w(), cvs->get_h()); gui->highlighted = 0; dirty = 1; } if( !cvs->get_video_on() && refresh_frame && edl ) { float in_x1, in_y1, in_x2, in_y2; float out_x1, out_y1, out_x2, out_y2; get_transfers(edl, in_x1, in_y1, in_x2, in_y2, out_x1, out_y1, out_x2, out_y2); cvs->draw_vframe(refresh_frame, (int)out_x1, (int)out_y1, (int)(out_x2 - out_x1), (int)(out_y2 - out_y1), (int)in_x1, (int)in_y1, (int)(in_x2 - in_x1), (int)(in_y2 - in_y1), 0); dirty = 1; } if( gui->draw_overlays() ) dirty = 1; if( dirty ) cvs->flash(flush); }