/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcclipboard.h" #include "bcdisplay.h" #include "bcresources.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "bcwindowbase.h" #include "bcwindowbase.inc" #include #include BC_Clipboard::BC_Clipboard(BC_WindowBase *window) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->window = window; const char *display_name = window->display_name; #ifdef SINGLE_THREAD in_display = out_display = BC_Display::get_display(display_name); #else in_display = BC_WindowBase::init_display(display_name); out_display = BC_WindowBase::init_display(display_name); #endif completion_atom = XInternAtom(out_display, "BC_CLOSE_EVENT", False); xa_primary = XA_PRIMARY; clipboard = XInternAtom(out_display, "CLIPBOARD", False); targets = XInternAtom(out_display, "TARGETS", False); string_type = !BC_Resources::locale_utf8 ? XA_STRING : XInternAtom(out_display, "UTF8_STRING", False); in_win = XCreateSimpleWindow(in_display, DefaultRootWindow(in_display), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); out_win = XCreateSimpleWindow(out_display, DefaultRootWindow(out_display), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); for( int i=0; idisplay_name; Display *display = BC_WindowBase::init_display(display_name); XEvent event; memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event)); XClientMessageEvent *ptr = (XClientMessageEvent*)&event; event.type = ClientMessage; ptr->message_type = completion_atom; ptr->format = 32; XSendEvent(display, out_win, 0, 0, &event); XFlush(display); XCloseDisplay(display); Thread::join(); return 0; } void BC_Clipboard::run() { XEvent event; int done = 0; #ifndef SINGLE_THREAD #ifndef NO_XSELECT int x_fd = ConnectionNumber(out_display); #endif #endif while(!done) { #ifndef SINGLE_THREAD // see bcwindowevents.C regarding XNextEvent #ifndef NO_XSELECT fd_set x_fds; FD_ZERO(&x_fds); FD_SET(x_fd, &x_fds); struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 200000; select(x_fd + 1, &x_fds, 0, 0, &tv); #else usleep(100000); #endif XLockDisplay(out_display); while( XPending(out_display) ) { #endif XNextEvent(out_display, &event); #ifdef SINGLE_THREAD BC_Display::lock_display("BC_Clipboard::run"); #endif switch( event.type ) { case ClientMessage: if( event.xclient.message_type == completion_atom ) done = 1; break; case SelectionRequest: handle_selectionrequest(&event.xselectionrequest); break; case SelectionClear: { Atom selection = event.xselectionclear.selection; int idx = selection == xa_primary ? CLIP_PRIMARY : selection == clipboard ? CLIP_CLIPBOARD : -1 ; if( idx < 0 ) break; delete [] data_buffer[idx]; data_buffer[idx] = 0; data_length[idx] = 0; Window win = event.xselectionclear.window; #ifndef SINGLE_THREAD XUnlockDisplay(out_display); #endif window->lock_window("BC_Clipboard::run"); window->do_selection_clear(win); window->unlock_window(); #ifndef SINGLE_THREAD XLockDisplay(out_display); #endif break; } } #ifdef SINGLE_THREAD BC_Display::unlock_display(); #else } XUnlockDisplay(out_display); #endif } } long BC_Clipboard::from_clipboard(char *data, long maxlen, int clipboard_num) { if( !data || maxlen <= 0 ) return -1; data[0] = 0; char *bfr; long len = from_clipboard(clipboard_num, bfr, maxlen); if( len >= maxlen ) len = maxlen-1; if( bfr && len >= 0 ) { strncpy(data, bfr, len); data[len] = 0; } if( bfr ) XFree(bfr); return len; } long BC_Clipboard::clipboard_len(int clipboard_num) { char *bfr; long len = from_clipboard(clipboard_num, bfr, 0); if( bfr ) XFree(bfr); return len < 0 ? 0 : len+1; } long BC_Clipboard::from_clipboard(int clipboard_num, char *&bfr, long maxlen) { #ifdef SINGLE_THREAD BC_Display::lock_display("BC_Clipboard::from_clipboard"); #else XLockDisplay(in_display); #endif bfr = 0; long len = 0; if( clipboard_num < CLIP_BUFFER0 ) { Atom selection = clipboard_num == CLIP_PRIMARY ? xa_primary : clipboard; Atom target = string_type, property = selection; XConvertSelection(in_display, selection, target, property, in_win, CurrentTime); XEvent event; do { XNextEvent(in_display, &event); } while( event.type != SelectionNotify && event.type != None ); if( event.type == SelectionNotify && property == event.xselection.property ) { unsigned long size = 0, items = 0; Atom prop_type = 0; int bits_per_item = 0; XGetWindowProperty(in_display, in_win, property, 0, (maxlen+3)/4, False, AnyPropertyType, &prop_type, &bits_per_item, &items, &size, (unsigned char**)&bfr); len = !prop_type ? -1 : !maxlen ? size : (items*bits_per_item + 7)/8; } else clipboard_num = CLIP_BUFFER0; } if( clipboard_num >= CLIP_BUFFER0 ) { int idx = clipboard_num - CLIP_BUFFER0, size = 0; bfr = XFetchBuffer(in_display, &size, idx); len = size; } #ifdef SINGLE_THREAD BC_Display::unlock_display(); #else XUnlockDisplay(in_display); #endif return len; } int BC_Clipboard::to_clipboard(BC_WindowBase *owner, const char *data, long len, int clipboard_num) { if( !data || len < 0 ) return -1; #ifdef SINGLE_THREAD BC_Display::lock_display("BC_Clipboard::to_clipboard"); #else XLockDisplay(out_display); #endif if( clipboard_num < CLIP_BUFFER0 ) { char *bfr = data_buffer[clipboard_num]; if( data_length[clipboard_num] != len ) { delete [] bfr; bfr = new char[len]; data_buffer[clipboard_num] = bfr; data_length[clipboard_num] = len; } memcpy(bfr, data, len); Atom selection = clipboard_num == CLIP_PRIMARY ? xa_primary : clipboard; // this is not supposed to be necessary according to the man page Window cur = XGetSelectionOwner(out_display, selection); if( cur != owner->win && cur != None ) XSetSelectionOwner(out_display, selection, None, CurrentTime); XSetSelectionOwner(out_display, selection, owner->win, CurrentTime); XFlush(out_display); } else { int idx = clipboard_num - CLIP_BUFFER0; XStoreBuffer(out_display, data, len, idx); } #ifdef SINGLE_THREAD BC_Display::unlock_display(); #else XUnlockDisplay(out_display); #endif return 0; } int BC_Clipboard::handle_request_string(XSelectionRequestEvent *xev) { int idx = xev->selection == xa_primary ? CLIP_PRIMARY : xev->selection == clipboard ? CLIP_CLIPBOARD : -1 ; if( idx < 0 ) return 0; char *data = data_buffer[idx]; if( !data ) return 0; int len = data_length[idx]; XChangeProperty(out_display, xev->requestor, xev->property, string_type, 8, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)data, len); return 1; } int BC_Clipboard::handle_request_targets(XSelectionRequestEvent *xev) { Atom target_atoms[] = { targets, string_type }; int ntarget_atoms = sizeof(target_atoms)/sizeof(target_atoms[0]); XChangeProperty(out_display, xev->requestor, xev->property, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)target_atoms, ntarget_atoms); return 1; } void BC_Clipboard::handle_selectionrequest(XSelectionRequestEvent *xev) { XEvent reply; memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(reply)); // 'None' tells the client that the request was denied reply.xselection.property = (xev->target == string_type && handle_request_string(xev)) || (xev->target == targets && handle_request_targets(xev)) ? xev->property : None; reply.xselection.type = SelectionNotify; reply.xselection.display = xev->display; reply.xselection.requestor = xev->requestor; reply.xselection.selection = xev->selection; reply.xselection.target = xev->target; reply.xselection.time = xev->time; XSendEvent(out_display, xev->requestor, 0, 0, &reply); XFlush(out_display); }