/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcbutton.h" #include "bcmeter.h" #include "bcpixmap.h" #include "bcresources.h" #include "bcwindow.h" #include "bccolors.h" #include "fonts.h" #include "vframe.h" #include // Which source image to replicate #define METER_NORMAL 0 #define METER_GREEN 1 #define METER_RED 2 #define METER_YELLOW 3 #define METER_WHITE 4 #define METER_OVER 5 #define METER_DOWNMIX 6 // Region of source image to replicate #define METER_LEFT 0 #define METER_MID 1 #define METER_RIGHT 3 BC_Meter::BC_Meter(int x, int y, int orientation, int pixels, int min, int max, int mode, int use_titles, int span, int downmix) : BC_SubWindow(x, y, -1, -1) { this->over_delay = 150; this->peak_delay = 15; this->use_titles = use_titles; this->min = min; this->max = max; this->mode = mode; this->orientation = orientation; this->pixels = pixels; this->span = span; this->downmix = downmix; //printf("BC_Meter::draw_face %d w=%d pixels=%d\n", __LINE__, w, pixels); for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_METER_IMAGES; i++) images[i] = 0; db_titles.set_array_delete(); } BC_Meter::~BC_Meter() { db_titles.remove_all_objects(); title_pixels.remove_all(); tick_pixels.remove_all(); for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_METER_IMAGES; i++) delete images[i]; } int BC_Meter::get_title_w() { return get_resources()->meter_title_w; } int BC_Meter::get_meter_w() { return get_resources()->ymeter_images[0]->get_w(); } int BC_Meter::set_delays(int over_delay, int peak_delay) { this->over_delay = over_delay; this->peak_delay = peak_delay; return 0; } int BC_Meter::initialize() { peak_timer = 0; level_pixel = peak_pixel = 0; over_timer = 0; over_count = 0; peak = level = -100; if(orientation == METER_VERT) { set_images(get_resources()->ymeter_images); h = pixels; if(span < 0) { w = images[0]->get_w(); if(use_titles) w += get_title_w(); } else w = span; } else { set_images(get_resources()->xmeter_images); h = images[0]->get_h(); w = pixels; if(use_titles) h += get_title_w(); } // calibrate the db titles get_divisions(); BC_SubWindow::initialize(); draw_titles(0); draw_face(0); show_window(0); return 0; } void BC_Meter::set_images(VFrame **data) { for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_METER_IMAGES; i++) delete images[i]; for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_METER_IMAGES; i++) images[i] = new BC_Pixmap(parent_window, data[i], PIXMAP_ALPHA); } int BC_Meter::reposition_window(int x, int y, int span, int pixels) { if(pixels < 0) pixels = this->pixels; this->span = span; this->pixels = pixels; if(orientation == METER_VERT) BC_SubWindow::reposition_window(x, y, this->span < 0 ? w : span, pixels); else BC_SubWindow::reposition_window(x, y, pixels, get_h()); //printf("BC_Meter::reposition_window 1 %d %d %d %d\n", x, y, w, h); get_divisions(); //set_color(WHITE); //draw_box(0, 0, w, h); //flash(); //return 0; draw_titles(0); draw_face(0); return 0; } int BC_Meter::reset(int dmix) { level = min; peak = min; level_pixel = peak_pixel = 0; peak_timer = 0; over_timer = 0; over_count = 0; if(dmix >= 0) downmix = dmix; draw_face(1); return 0; } int BC_Meter::button_press_event() { if(cursor_inside() && is_event_win()) { reset_over(); return 1; } return 0; } int BC_Meter::reset_over() { over_timer = 0; return 0; } int BC_Meter::change_format(int mode, int min, int max) { this->mode = mode; this->min = min; this->max = max; reposition_window(get_x(), get_y(), w, pixels); return 0; } int BC_Meter::level_to_pixel(float level) { int result; if(mode == METER_DB) { result = (int)(pixels * (level - min) / (max - min)); if(level <= min) result = 0; } else { // Not implemented anymore result = 0; } return result; } void BC_Meter::get_divisions() { char string[BCTEXTLEN]; char *new_string; db_titles.remove_all_objects(); title_pixels.remove_all(); tick_pixels.remove_all(); low_division = 0; medium_division = 0; high_division = pixels; int current_pixel; // Create tick marks and titles in one pass for(int current = min; current <= max; current++) { if(orientation == METER_VERT) { // Create tick mark current_pixel = (pixels - METER_MARGIN * 2 - 2) * (current - min) / (max - min) + 2; tick_pixels.append(current_pixel); // Create titles in selected positions if(current == min || current == max || current == 0 || (current - min > 4 && max - current > 4 && !(current % 5))) { int title_pixel = (pixels - METER_MARGIN * 2) * (current - min) / (max - min); sprintf(string, "%ld", labs(current)); new_string = new char[strlen(string) + 1]; strcpy(new_string, string); db_titles.append(new_string); title_pixels.append(title_pixel); } } else { current_pixel = (pixels - METER_MARGIN * 2) * (current - min) / (max - min); tick_pixels.append(current_pixel); // Titles not supported for horizontal } // Create color divisions if(current == -20) { low_division = current_pixel; } else if(current == -5) { medium_division = current_pixel; } else if(current == 0) { high_division = current_pixel; } } // if(orientation == METER_VERT) // printf("BC_Meter::get_divisions %d %d %d %d\n", // low_division, medium_division, high_division, pixels); } void BC_Meter::draw_titles(int flush) { if(!use_titles) return; set_font(get_resources()->meter_font); if(orientation == METER_HORIZ) { draw_top_background(parent_window, 0, 0, get_w(), get_title_w()); for(int i = 0; i < db_titles.total; i++) { draw_text(0, title_pixels.values[i], db_titles.values[i]); } flash(0, 0, get_w(), get_title_w(), flush); } else if(orientation == METER_VERT) { draw_top_background(parent_window, 0, 0, get_title_w(), get_h()); // Titles for(int i = 0; i < db_titles.total; i++) { int title_y = pixels - title_pixels.values[i]; if(i == 0) title_y -= get_text_descent(SMALLFONT_3D); else if(i == db_titles.total - 1) title_y += get_text_ascent(SMALLFONT_3D); else title_y += get_text_ascent(SMALLFONT_3D) / 2; set_color(get_resources()->meter_font_color); draw_text(0, title_y, db_titles.values[i]); } for(int i = 0; i < tick_pixels.total; i++) { // Tick marks int tick_y = pixels - tick_pixels.values[i] - METER_MARGIN; set_color(get_resources()->meter_font_color); draw_line(get_title_w() - xS(10) - 1, tick_y, get_title_w() - 1, tick_y); if(get_resources()->meter_3d) { set_color(BLACK); draw_line(get_title_w() - xS(10), tick_y + 1, get_title_w(), tick_y + 1); } } flash(0, 0, get_title_w(), get_h(), flush); } } int BC_Meter::region_pixel(int region) { VFrame **reference_images = get_resources()->xmeter_images; int result; if(region == METER_RIGHT) result = region * reference_images[0]->get_w() / 4; else result = region * reference_images[0]->get_w() / 4; return result; } int BC_Meter::region_pixels(int region) { int x1; int x2; int result; VFrame **reference_images = get_resources()->xmeter_images; x1 = region * reference_images[0]->get_w() / 4; x2 = (region + 1) * reference_images[0]->get_w() / 4; if(region == METER_MID) result = (x2 - x1) * 2; else result = x2 - x1; return result; } void BC_Meter::draw_face(int flush) { int level_pixel = level_to_pixel(level); int peak_pixel2 = level_to_pixel(peak); int peak_pixel1 = peak_pixel2 - 2; int left_pixel = region_pixel(METER_MID); int right_pixel = pixels - region_pixels(METER_RIGHT); int pixel = 0; int image_number = 0, region = 0; int in_span, in_start; int x = use_titles ? get_title_w() : 0; int w = use_titles ? (this->w - get_title_w()) : this->w; draw_top_background(parent_window, x, 0, w, h); // printf("BC_Meter::draw_face %d span=%d this->w=%d get_title_w()=%d %d %d\n", // __LINE__, // span, // this->w, // get_title_w(), // w, // h); while(pixel < pixels) { // Select image to draw if(pixel < level_pixel || (pixel >= peak_pixel1 && pixel < peak_pixel2)) { if(pixel < low_division) image_number = METER_GREEN; else if(pixel < medium_division) image_number = METER_YELLOW; else if(pixel < high_division) image_number = METER_RED; else image_number = METER_WHITE; } else { image_number = METER_NORMAL; } // Select region of image to duplicate if(pixel < left_pixel) { region = METER_LEFT; in_start = pixel + region_pixel(region); in_span = region_pixels(region) - (in_start - region_pixel(region)); } else if(pixel < right_pixel) { region = METER_MID; in_start = region_pixel(region); in_span = region_pixels(region); } else { region = METER_RIGHT; in_start = (pixel - right_pixel) + region_pixel(region); in_span = region_pixels(region) - (in_start - region_pixel(region));; } //printf("BC_Meter::draw_face region %d pixel %d pixels %d in_start %d in_span %d\n", region, pixel, pixels, in_start, in_span); if(in_span > 0) { // Clip length to peaks if(pixel < level_pixel && pixel + in_span > level_pixel) in_span = level_pixel - pixel; else if(pixel < peak_pixel1 && pixel + in_span > peak_pixel1) in_span = peak_pixel1 - pixel; else if(pixel < peak_pixel2 && pixel + in_span > peak_pixel2) in_span = peak_pixel2 - pixel; // Clip length to color changes if(image_number == METER_GREEN && pixel + in_span > low_division) in_span = low_division - pixel; else if(image_number == METER_YELLOW && pixel + in_span > medium_division) in_span = medium_division - pixel; else if(image_number == METER_RED && pixel + in_span > high_division) in_span = high_division - pixel; // Clip length to regions if(pixel < left_pixel && pixel + in_span > left_pixel) in_span = left_pixel - pixel; else if(pixel < right_pixel && pixel + in_span > right_pixel) in_span = right_pixel - pixel; //printf("BC_Meter::draw_face image_number %d pixel %d pixels %d in_start %d in_span %d\n", image_number, pixel, pixels, in_start, in_span); //printf("BC_Meter::draw_face %d %d %d %d\n", orientation, region, images[image_number]->get_h() - in_start - in_span); if(orientation == METER_HORIZ) { draw_pixmap(images[image_number], pixel, x, in_span + 1, get_h(), in_start, 0); } else { //printf("BC_Meter::draw_face %d %d\n", __LINE__, span); if(span < 0) { draw_pixmap(images[image_number], x, get_h() - pixel - in_span, get_w(), in_span + 1, 0, images[image_number]->get_h() - in_start - in_span); } else { int total_w = get_w() - x; int third = images[image_number]->get_w() / 3 + 1; for(int x1 = 0; x1 < total_w; x1 += third) { int in_x = 0; int in_w = third; if(x1 >= third) in_x = third; if(x1 >= total_w - third) { in_x = images[image_number]->get_w() - (total_w - x1); in_w = total_w - x1; } int in_y = images[image_number]->get_h() - in_start - in_span; //printf("BC_Meter::draw_face %d %d %d\n", __LINE__, get_w(), x + x1 + in_w, in_x, in_y, in_w, span); draw_pixmap(images[image_number], x + x1, get_h() - pixel - in_span, in_w, in_span + 1, in_x, in_y); } } } pixel += in_span; } else { // Sanity check break; } } if(downmix) { if(orientation == METER_HORIZ) draw_pixmap(images[METER_DOWNMIX], 0, 0); else draw_pixmap(images[METER_DOWNMIX], x, get_h() - images[METER_DOWNMIX]->get_h()-1); } if(over_timer) { if(orientation == METER_HORIZ) draw_pixmap(images[METER_OVER], xS(20), yS(2)); else draw_pixmap(images[METER_OVER], x, get_h() - yS(100)); over_timer--; } if(orientation == METER_HORIZ) flash(0, 0, pixels, get_h(), flush); else flash(x, 0, w, pixels, flush); } int BC_Meter::update(float new_value, int over, int dmix) { peak_timer++; if(mode == METER_DB) { if(new_value == 0) level = min; else level = db.todb(new_value); // db value } if(level > peak || peak_timer > peak_delay) { peak = level; peak_timer = 0; } // if(orientation == METER_HORIZ) // printf("BC_Meter::update %f\n", level); if(over) over_timer = over_delay; // only draw if window is visible if(dmix >= 0) downmix = dmix; draw_face(1); return 0; }