/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef LINKLIST_H #define LINKLIST_H template class List; template class ListItem { public: TYPE *previous, *next; List *list; int get_item_number() { return !list ? -1 : list->number_of((TYPE*)this); } ListItem() { list = 0; previous = next = 0; } ListItem(List *me) { list = me; previous = next = 0; } virtual ~ListItem() { if( list ) list->remove_pointer(this); } }; template class List { TYPE *split(int (*cmpr)(TYPE *a, TYPE *b),TYPE *l, TYPE *r); static int cmpr(TYPE *a, TYPE *b) { if( *a == *b ) return 0; return *a > *b ? 1 : -1; } public: TYPE *first, *last; void remove(TYPE *item) { if(item) delete item; } void remove_pointer(ListItem *item); TYPE *append(TYPE *new_item); TYPE *append() { return append(new TYPE()); } void destroy() { while(last) delete last; } TYPE *insert_before(TYPE *here, TYPE *item); TYPE *insert_before(TYPE *here) { return insert_before(here, new TYPE()); } TYPE *insert_after(TYPE *here, TYPE *item); TYPE *insert_after(TYPE *here) { return insert_after(here, new TYPE()); } int total() { TYPE *p=first; int n=0; while(p) { p=p->next; ++n; } return n; } TYPE *get_item_number(int i) { TYPE *p=first; while(p && i>0) { --i; p=p->next; } return p; } TYPE &operator[](int i) { return *get_item_number(i); } int number_of(TYPE *item) { TYPE *p=first; int i=0; while(p && p!=item) { ++i; p=p->next; } return p ? i : -1; } void swap(TYPE *item1, TYPE *item2); void sort(TYPE *ap=0, TYPE *bp=0) { return sort(cmpr,ap,bp); } void sort(int (*cmp)(TYPE *a, TYPE *b), TYPE *ap=0, TYPE *bp=0); void concat(List &b); List() { first = last = 0; } virtual ~List() { destroy(); } }; // convenience macros #define PREVIOUS current->previous #define NEXT current->next template TYPE* List::append(TYPE *item) { item->list = this; item->next = 0; if( !last ) { item->previous = 0; first = item; } else { item->previous = last; last->next = item; } return last = item; } template TYPE* List::insert_before(TYPE *here, TYPE *item) { if( !here || !last ) return append(item); item->list = this; item->next = here; *( !(item->previous=here->previous) ? &first : &here->previous->next ) = item; return here->previous = item; } template TYPE* List::insert_after(TYPE *here, TYPE *item) { if( !here || !last ) return append(item); item->list = this; item->previous = here; *( !(item->next=here->next) ? &last : &here->next->previous ) = item; return here->next = item; } template void List::remove_pointer(ListItem *item) { if( !item ) return; TYPE *previous = item->previous, *next = item->next; *( previous ? &previous->next : &first ) = next; *( next ? &next->previous : &last ) = previous; item->list = 0; } template void List::swap(TYPE *item1, TYPE *item2) { if( item1 == item2 ) return; TYPE *item1_previous = item1->previous, *item1_next = item1->next; TYPE *item2_previous = item2->previous, *item2_next = item2->next; *( item1_previous ? &item1_previous->next : &first ) = item2; *( item1_next ? &item1_next->previous : &last ) = item2; *( item2_previous ? &item2_previous->next : &first ) = item1; *( item2_next ? &item2_next->previous : &last ) = item1; item1->previous = item2_previous == item1 ? item2 : item2_previous; item1->next = item2_next == item1 ? item2 : item2_next; item2->previous = item1_previous == item2 ? item1 : item1_previous; item2->next = item1_next == item2 ? item1 : item1_next; } template TYPE *List::split(int (*cmpr)(TYPE *a, TYPE *b), TYPE *l, TYPE *r) { for(;;) { while( cmpr(r,l) >= 0 ) if( (l=l->next) == r ) return r; swap(l, r); while( cmpr(l,r) >= 0 ) if( r == (l=l->previous) ) return r; swap(l, r); } } template void List::sort(int (*cmpr)(TYPE *a, TYPE *b), TYPE *ll, TYPE *rr) { for(;;) { TYPE *l = !ll ? first : ll->next; if( l == rr ) return; TYPE *r = !rr ? last : rr->previous; if( l == r ) return; TYPE *m = split(cmpr, l, r); sort(cmpr, ll, m); ll = m; } } template void List::concat(List &b) { if( !b.first ) return; *(last ? &last->next : &first) = b.first; b.first->previous = last; last = b.last; TYPE *bp = b.first; b.first = b.last = 0; while( bp ) { bp->list = this; bp = bp->next; } } #endif