/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef UNITS_H #define UNITS_H #include "sizes.h" #include #include #include #define INFINITYGAIN -96 #define MAXGAIN 50 #define TOTALFREQS 1024 // slots per octave #define OCTAVE 105 #define TOTAL_TIMEFORMATS 8 // h:mm:ss.sss #define TIME_HMS 0 #define TIME_HMS_TEXT _("Hours:Minutes:Seconds.xxx") // h:mm:ss:ff #define TIME_HMSF 1 #define TIME_HMSF_TEXT _("Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames") #define TIME_SAMPLES 2 #define TIME_SAMPLES_TEXT _("Samples") #define TIME_SAMPLES_HEX 3 #define TIME_SAMPLES_HEX_TEXT _("Hex Samples") #define TIME_FRAMES 4 #define TIME_FRAMES_TEXT _("Frames") // fffff-ff #define TIME_FEET_FRAMES 5 #define TIME_SECONDS__STR "ssss.sss" #define TIME_HMS__STR "h:mm:ss.sss" #define TIME_HMS2__STR "h:mm:ss" #define TIME_HMS3__STR "hh:mm:ss" #define TIME_HMSF__STR "h:mm:ss:ff" #define TIME_MS1__STR "m:ss" #define TIME_MS2__STR "+m:ss" #define TIME_TIMECODE__STR "timecode" #define TIME_SAMPLES__STR "audio samples" #define TIME_SAMPLES_HEX__STR "audio samples (hex)" #define TIME_FRAMES__STR "video frames" #define TIME_FEET_FRAMES__STR "video frames (feet)" #define TIME_FEET_FRAMES_TEXT _("Feet-frames") // h:mm:ss #define TIME_HMS2 6 #define TIME_HMS2_TEXT _("Hours:Minutes:Seconds") // hh:mm:ss #define TIME_HMS3 7 #define TIME_HMS3_TEXT _("Hours:Minutes:Seconds") #define TIME_SECONDS 8 #define TIME_SECONDS_TEXT _("Seconds") // m:ss #define TIME_MS1 9 // +m:ss #define TIME_MS2 10 #define TIME_MS2_TEXT _("Minutes:Seconds") #define TIME_TIMECODE 11 #define TIME_TIMECODE_TEXT _("Timecode") class Units; class DB { friend class Units; public: DB(float infinitygain = INFINITYGAIN); virtual ~DB() {}; // return power of db using a table float fromdb_table(); float fromdb_table(float db); // return power from db using log10 float fromdb(); static float fromdb(float db); // convert db to power using a formula static float todb(float power); inline DB& operator++() { if(db < MAXGAIN) db += 0.1; return *this; }; inline DB& operator--() { if(db > INFINITYGAIN) db -= 0.1; return *this; }; inline DB& operator=(DB &newdb) { db = newdb.db; return *this; }; inline DB& operator=(int newdb) { db = newdb; return *this; }; inline int operator==(DB &newdb) { return db == newdb.db; }; inline int operator==(int newdb) { return db == newdb; }; float *topower; float db; float infinitygain; private: static float *topower_base; }; // Third octave frequency table class Freq { friend class Units; public: Freq(); Freq(const Freq& oldfreq); virtual ~Freq() {}; static void init_table(); // set freq to index given static int tofreq(int index); // return index of frequency int fromfreq(); static int fromfreq(int index); static double tofreq_f(double index); static double fromfreq_f(double freq); // increment frequency by one Freq& operator++(); Freq& operator--(); int operator>(Freq &newfreq); int operator<(Freq &newfreq); Freq& operator=(const Freq &newfreq); int operator=(const int newfreq); int operator!=(Freq &newfreq); int operator==(Freq &newfreq); int operator==(int newfreq); static int *freqtable; int freq; }; class Units { public: Units() {}; static void init(); static void finit(); static int timeformat_totype(const char *tcf); static const char *timetype_toformat(int type); // No rounding. static float toframes(int64_t samples, int sample_rate, float framerate); // Round up if > .5 static int64_t toframes_round(int64_t samples, int sample_rate, float framerate); static double fix_framerate(double value); static double atoframerate(const char *text); static int64_t get_int64(const char*&cp); static double get_double(const char*&cp); static void skip_seperators(const char*&cp); // Punctuate with commas static void punctuate(char *string); // separator strings for BC_TextBox::set_separators // Returns 0 if the format has no separators. static const char* format_to_separators(int time_format); static int text_to_format(const char *string); static const char* print_time_format(int time_format, char *string); static int64_t tosamples(double frames, int sample_rate, float framerate); // give text representation as time static char* totext(char *text, int64_t samples, int time_format, int samplerate, float frame_rate = 0, float frames_per_foot = 0, double timecode_offset = 0); // give text representation as time static char* totext(char *text, double seconds, int time_format, int sample_rate = 0, float frame_rate = 0, float frames_per_foot = 0, double timecode_offset = 0); // convert time to samples static int64_t fromtext(const char *text, int samplerate, int time_format, float frame_rate, float frames_per_foot, double timecode_offset); // Convert text to seconds static double text_to_seconds(const char *text, int samplerate, int time_format, float frame_rate = 0, float frames_per_foot = 0, double timecode_offset = 0); static char* size_totext(int64_t bytes, char *text); static float xy_to_polar(int x, int y); static void polar_to_xy(float angle, int radius, int &x, int &y); // Numbers < 0 round down if next digit is < 5 // Numbers > 0 round up if next digit is > 5 static int64_t round(double result); // Flooring type converter rounded to nearest .001 static int64_t to_int64(double result); static float quantize10(float value); static float quantize(float value, float precision); static void* int64_to_ptr(uint64_t value); static uint64_t ptr_to_int64(void *ptr); // Comparisons between double seem to work more often when this is called // on the comparison values. static void fix_double(double *x); }; #endif