#include #include #include "colormodels.h" #include "libmpeg3.h" #include "quicktime.h" #define OUTPUT_PATH "movie.mov" //#define VIDEO_CODEC QUICKTIME_DIVX #define VIDEO_CODEC QUICKTIME_JPEG //#define VIDEO_CODEC QUICKTIME_YUV420 #define AUDIO_CODEC QUICKTIME_TWOS //#define AUDIO_CODEC QUICKTIME_VORBIS // Hack for libdv to remove glib dependancy void g_log (const char *log_domain, int log_level, const char *format, ...) { } void g_logv (const char *log_domain, int log_level, const char *format, ...) { } // Hack for XFree86 4.1.0 int atexit(void (*function)(void)) { return 0; } // Dump mpeg video to a quicktime movie quicktime_t *output; mpeg3_t *input; pthread_mutex_t mutex; int predicate = 0; void* trap_interrupt() { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if(!predicate) { predicate = 1; printf("interrupt trapped 1\n"); quicktime_close(output); printf("interrupt trapped 2\n"); exit(0); // Can't join any threads in the mpeg library which may have been interrupted // before unblocking. // mpeg3_close(input); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int frame_count = -1; char *row_pointers[3]; int do_audio = 0; int do_video = 0; int channels = 0; long afragment = 65536; float **audio_output; int layer = 0; int astream = 0; char input_path[1024]; char output_path[1024]; int i; long current_frame = 0; long current_sample = 0; pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); signal(SIGINT, trap_interrupt); input_path[0] = 0; output_path[0] = 0; if(argc < 3) { printf("Usage: %s [-a] [-v] [frame count]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-a")) { do_audio = 1; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-v")) { do_video = 1; } else if(!input_path[0]) { strcpy(input_path, argv[i]); } else if(!output_path[0]) { strcpy(output_path, argv[i]); } else frame_count = atol(argv[i]); } //printf("main 1\n"); if(!(input = mpeg3_open(input_path))) { exit(1); } //printf("main 1\n"); if(!(output = quicktime_open(output_path, 0, 1))) { exit(1); } //printf("main 1\n"); if(do_video) { if(!mpeg3_total_vstreams(input)) { do_video = 0; } else { quicktime_set_video(output, 1, mpeg3_video_width(input, layer), mpeg3_video_height(input, layer), mpeg3_frame_rate(input, layer), VIDEO_CODEC); quicktime_set_jpeg(output, 80, 0); } } //printf("main 1\n"); if(do_audio) { if(!mpeg3_total_astreams(input)) { do_audio = 0; } else { int i; channels = mpeg3_audio_channels(input, astream); quicktime_set_audio(output, channels, mpeg3_sample_rate(input, 0), 24, AUDIO_CODEC); audio_output = malloc(sizeof(float*) * channels); for(i = 0; i < channels; i++) audio_output[i] = malloc(sizeof(float) * afragment); } } //printf("main 1\n"); // quicktime_set_jpeg(output, 100, 0); mpeg3_set_mmx(input, 0); while((!(do_video && mpeg3_end_of_video(input, layer)) || !(do_audio && mpeg3_end_of_audio(input, astream))) && (current_frame < frame_count || frame_count < 0)) { //printf("%d %d\n", mpeg3_end_of_video(input, layer), mpeg3_end_of_audio(input, astream)); if(do_audio) { if(!mpeg3_end_of_audio(input, astream)) { int fragment = afragment; int i, j, k; i = astream; k = 0; for(j = 0; j < mpeg3_audio_channels(input, i); j++, k++) { if(j == 0) mpeg3_read_audio(input, audio_output[k], /* Pointer to pre-allocated buffer of floats */ 0, /* Pointer to pre-allocated buffer of int16's */ j, /* Channel to decode */ fragment, /* Number of samples to decode */ i); else mpeg3_reread_audio(input, audio_output[k], /* Pointer to pre-allocated buffer of floats */ 0, /* Pointer to pre-allocated buffer of int16's */ j, /* Channel to decode */ fragment, /* Number of samples to decode */ i); } quicktime_encode_audio(output, 0, audio_output, fragment); current_sample += fragment; if(!do_video) { printf(" %d samples written\r", current_sample); fflush(stdout); } } else current_sample += afragment; } if(do_video) { if(!mpeg3_end_of_video(input, layer)) { int fragment; if(do_audio) fragment = (long)((double)current_sample / mpeg3_sample_rate(input, 0) * mpeg3_frame_rate(input, layer) - current_frame); else fragment = 1; for(i = 0; i < fragment && !mpeg3_end_of_video(input, layer); i++) { mpeg3_read_yuvframe_ptr(input, &row_pointers[0], &row_pointers[1], &row_pointers[2], layer); switch(mpeg3_colormodel(input, layer)) { case MPEG3_YUV420P: quicktime_set_cmodel(output, BC_YUV420P); break; case MPEG3_YUV422P: quicktime_set_cmodel(output, BC_YUV422P); break; } quicktime_encode_video(output, (unsigned char **)row_pointers, 0); current_frame++; printf(" %d frames written\r", current_frame); fflush(stdout); } } } } printf("main 2\n"); printf("\n"); quicktime_close(output); mpeg3_close(input); }