/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "bcdisplayinfo.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "clip.h" #include "comprmulti.h" #include "comprmultigui.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "eqcanvas.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "language.h" #include "samples.h" #include "transportque.inc" #include "units.h" #include "vframe.h" #include #include REGISTER_PLUGIN(ComprMultiEffect) // More potential compressor algorithms: // Use single reaction time parameter. Negative reaction time uses // readahead. Positive reaction time uses slope. // Smooth input stage if readahead. // Determine slope from current smoothed sample to every sample in readahead area. // Once highest slope is found, count of number of samples remaining until it is // reached. Only search after this count for the next highest slope. // Use highest slope to determine smoothed value. // Smooth input stage if not readahead. // For every sample, calculate slope needed to reach current sample from // current smoothed value in the reaction time. If higher than current slope, // make it the current slope and count number of samples remaining until it is // reached. If this count is met and no higher slopes are found, base slope // on current sample when count is met. // Gain stage. // For every sample, calculate gain from smoothed input value. ComprMultiConfig::ComprMultiConfig() : CompressorConfigBase(TOTAL_BANDS) { q = 1.0; window_size = 4096; } void ComprMultiConfig::copy_from(ComprMultiConfig &that) { CompressorConfigBase::copy_from(that); window_size = that.window_size; q = that.q; } int ComprMultiConfig::equivalent(ComprMultiConfig &that) { if( !CompressorConfigBase::equivalent(that) ) return 0; if( !EQUIV(q, that.q) || window_size != that.window_size ) { return 0; } return 1; } void ComprMultiConfig::interpolate(ComprMultiConfig &prev, ComprMultiConfig &next, int64_t prev_frame, int64_t next_frame, int64_t current_frame) { copy_from(prev); } ComprMultiEffect::ComprMultiEffect(PluginServer *server) : PluginAClient(server) { reset(); for( int i = 0; i < TOTAL_BANDS; i++ ) band_states[i] = new BandState(this, i); } ComprMultiEffect::~ComprMultiEffect() { delete_dsp(); for( int i = 0; i < TOTAL_BANDS; i++ ) { delete band_states[i]; } } void ComprMultiEffect::delete_dsp() { #ifndef DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS if( input_buffer ) { for( int i = 0; i < PluginClient::total_in_buffers; i++ ) delete input_buffer[i]; delete [] input_buffer; } input_buffer = 0; input_size = 0; new_input_size = 0; #endif if( fft ) { for( int i = 0; i < PluginClient::total_in_buffers; i++ ) delete fft[i]; delete [] fft; } for( int i = 0; i < TOTAL_BANDS; i++ ) { band_states[i]->delete_dsp(); } filtered_size = 0; fft = 0; } void ComprMultiEffect::reset() { for( int i = 0; i < TOTAL_BANDS; i++ ) band_states[i] = 0; #ifndef DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS input_buffer = 0; input_size = 0; new_input_size = 0; #endif input_start = 0; filtered_size = 0; last_position = 0; fft = 0; need_reconfigure = 1; config.current_band = 0; } const char* ComprMultiEffect::plugin_title() { return N_("Compressor Multi"); } int ComprMultiEffect::is_realtime() { return 1; } int ComprMultiEffect::is_multichannel() { return 1; } void ComprMultiEffect::read_data(KeyFrame *keyframe) { FileXML input; input.set_shared_input(keyframe->xbuf); int result = 0; for( int i = 0; i < TOTAL_BANDS; i++ ) config.bands[i].levels.remove_all(); while( !(result = input.read_tag()) ) { if( input.tag.title_is("COMPRESSOR_MULTI") ) { config.trigger = input.tag.get_property("TRIGGER", config.trigger); config.smoothing_only = input.tag.get_property("SMOOTHING_ONLY", config.smoothing_only); config.input = input.tag.get_property("INPUT", config.input); config.q = input.tag.get_property("Q", config.q); config.window_size = input.tag.get_property("WINDOW_SIZE", config.window_size); } else if( input.tag.title_is("COMPRESSORBAND") ) { int number = input.tag.get_property("NUMBER", 0); config.bands[number].read_data(&input, 1); } } config.boundaries(); } void ComprMultiEffect::save_data(KeyFrame *keyframe) { FileXML output; output.set_shared_output(keyframe->xbuf); output.tag.set_title("COMPRESSOR_MULTI"); output.tag.set_property("TRIGGER", config.trigger); output.tag.set_property("SMOOTHING_ONLY", config.smoothing_only); output.tag.set_property("INPUT", config.input); output.tag.set_property("Q", config.q); output.tag.set_property("WINDOW_SIZE", config.window_size); output.append_tag(); output.append_newline(); for( int band = 0; band < TOTAL_BANDS; band++ ) { BandConfig *band_config = &config.bands[band]; band_config->save_data(&output, band, 1); } output.tag.set_title("/COMPRESSOR_MULTI"); output.append_tag(); output.append_newline(); output.terminate_string(); } void ComprMultiEffect::dump_frames() { printf("tracking %f, direction %d\n", get_tracking_position(), get_tracking_direction()); CompressorClientFrame *cfp = (CompressorClientFrame *)client_frames.first; for( int n=0; cfp; cfp=(CompressorClientFrame *)cfp->next,++n ) { switch( cfp->type ) { case GAIN_COMPRESSORFRAME: { CompressorGainFrame *gfp = (CompressorGainFrame *)cfp; printf("%3d: band %d, gain pos=%f, gain=%f, level=%f\n", n, cfp->band, gfp->position, gfp->gain, gfp->level); break; } case FREQ_COMPRESSORFRAME: { CompressorFreqFrame *ffp = (CompressorFreqFrame *)cfp; printf("%3d: band %d, freq pos=%f, max=%f/%f, size=%d\n", n, ffp->band, ffp->position, ffp->freq_max, ffp->time_max, ffp->data_size); break; } } } } void ComprMultiEffect::update_gui() { // dump_frames(); if( !thread ) return; ComprMultiWindow *window = (ComprMultiWindow *)thread->window; if( !window ) return; // user can't change levels when loading configuration window->lock_window("ComprMultiEffect::update_gui 1"); int reconfigured = 0; // Can't update points if the user is editing if( window->canvas->is_dragging() ) reconfigured = load_configuration(); //printf("ComprMultiEffect::update_gui %d %d %d\n", __LINE__, reconfigured, total_frames); if( reconfigured ) window->update(); if( pending_gui_frame() ) window->update_eqcanvas(); window->unlock_window(); } void ComprMultiEffect::render_stop() { if( !thread ) return; ComprMultiWindow *window = (ComprMultiWindow*)thread->window; if( !window ) return; window->lock_window("ComprMultiEffect::render_stop"); window->in->reset(); window->gain_change->update(1, 0); delete window->gain_frame; window->gain_frame = 0; delete window->freq_frame; window->freq_frame = 0; window->unlock_window(); } LOAD_CONFIGURATION_MACRO(ComprMultiEffect, ComprMultiConfig) NEW_WINDOW_MACRO(ComprMultiEffect, ComprMultiWindow) int ComprMultiEffect::process_buffer(int64_t size, Samples **buffer, int64_t start_position, int sample_rate) { start_pos = (double)start_position / sample_rate; dir = get_direction() == PLAY_REVERSE ? -1 : 1; need_reconfigure |= load_configuration(); int channels = PluginClient::total_in_buffers; if( need_reconfigure ) { need_reconfigure = 0; // min_x = DB::fromdb(config.min_db); max_x = 1.0; // min_y = DB::fromdb(config.min_db); max_y = 1.0; if( fft && fft[0]->window_size != config.window_size ) { for( int i = 0; i < channels; i++ ) delete fft[i]; delete [] fft; fft = 0; } if( !fft ) { fft = new ComprMultiFFT*[channels]; for( int i = 0; i < channels; i++ ) { fft[i] = new ComprMultiFFT(this, i); fft[i]->initialize(config.window_size, TOTAL_BANDS); } } for( int i = 0; i < TOTAL_BANDS; i++ ) band_states[i]->reconfigure(); } // reset after seeking if( last_position != start_position ) { if( fft ) { for( int i = 0; i < channels; i++ ) if( fft[i] ) fft[i]->delete_fft(); } #ifndef DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS input_size = 0; #endif filtered_size = 0; input_start = start_position; for( int band = 0; band < TOTAL_BANDS; band++ ) { BandState *band_state = band_states[band]; if( band_state->engine ) band_state->engine->reset(); } } // process frequency domain for all bands simultaneously // read enough samples ahead to process all the bands int new_filtered_size = 0; for( int band = 0; band < TOTAL_BANDS; band++ ) { BandState *band_state = band_states[band]; if( !band_state->engine ) band_state->engine = new CompressorEngine(&config, band); int attack_samples, release_samples, preview_samples; band_state->engine->calculate_ranges( &attack_samples, &release_samples, &preview_samples, sample_rate); if( preview_samples > new_filtered_size ) new_filtered_size = preview_samples; } new_filtered_size += size; for( int band = 0; band < TOTAL_BANDS; band++ ) band_states[band]->allocate_filtered(new_filtered_size); // Append data to the buffers to fill the readahead area. int remain = new_filtered_size - filtered_size; if( remain > 0 ) { // printf("ComprMultiEffect::process_buffer %d filtered_size=%ld remain=%d\n", // __LINE__, filtered_size, remain); for( int channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++ ) { #ifndef DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS new_input_size = input_size; #endif // create an array of filtered buffers for the output Samples *filtered_arg[TOTAL_BANDS]; for( int band = 0; band < TOTAL_BANDS; band++ ) { new_spectrogram_frames[band] = 0; filtered_arg[band] = band_states[band]->filtered_buffer[channel]; // temporarily set the output to the end to append data filtered_arg[band]->set_offset(filtered_size); } // starting position of the input reads int64_t start = input_start + dir * filtered_size; // printf("ComprMultiEffect::process_buffer %d start=%ld remain=%d\n", __LINE__, start, remain); fft[channel]->process_buffer(start, remain, filtered_arg, get_direction()); for( int band = 0; band < TOTAL_BANDS; band++ ) { filtered_arg[band]->set_offset(0); } //printf("ComprMultiEffect::process_buffer %d new_input_size=%ld\n", __LINE__, new_input_size); } } #ifndef DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS input_size = new_input_size; #endif filtered_size = new_filtered_size; // process time domain for each band separately for( int band = 0; band < TOTAL_BANDS; band++ ) { BandState *band_state = band_states[band]; CompressorEngine *engine = band_state->engine; engine->process(band_states[band]->filtered_buffer, band_states[band]->filtered_buffer, size, sample_rate, channels, start_position); for( int i = 0; i < engine->gui_gains.size(); i++ ) { CompressorGainFrame *frame = new CompressorGainFrame(); frame->position = start_pos + dir*engine->gui_offsets[i]; frame->gain = engine->gui_gains.get(i); frame->level = engine->gui_levels.get(i); frame->band = band; add_gui_frame(frame); } } // Add together filtered buffers + unfiltered buffer. // Apply the solo here. int have_solo = 0; for( int band = 0; band < TOTAL_BANDS; band++ ) { if( config.bands[band].solo ) { have_solo = 1; break; } } for( int channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++ ) { double *dst = buffer[channel]->get_data(); bzero(dst, size * sizeof(double)); for( int band = 0; band < TOTAL_BANDS; band++ ) { if( !have_solo || config.bands[band].solo ) { double *src = band_states[band]->filtered_buffer[channel]->get_data(); for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { dst[i] += src[i]; } } } } // shift input buffers for( int band = 0; band < TOTAL_BANDS; band++ ) { for( int i = 0; i < channels; i++ ) { memcpy(band_states[band]->filtered_buffer[i]->get_data(), band_states[band]->filtered_buffer[i]->get_data() + size, (filtered_size - size) * sizeof(double)); } } #ifndef DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS for( int i = 0; i < channels; i++ ) { memcpy(input_buffer[i]->get_data(), input_buffer[i]->get_data() + size, (input_size - size) * sizeof(double)); } input_size -= size; #endif // update the counters filtered_size -= size; input_start += dir * size; last_position = start_position + dir * size; return 0; } void ComprMultiEffect::allocate_input(int new_size) { #ifndef DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS if( !input_buffer || new_size > input_buffer[0]->get_allocated() ) { Samples **new_input_buffer = new Samples*[get_total_buffers()]; for( int i = 0; i < get_total_buffers(); i++ ) { new_input_buffer[i] = new Samples(new_size); if( input_buffer ) { memcpy(new_input_buffer[i]->get_data(), input_buffer[i]->get_data(), input_buffer[i]->get_allocated() * sizeof(double)); delete input_buffer[i]; } } if( input_buffer ) delete [] input_buffer; input_buffer = new_input_buffer; } #endif // !DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS } void ComprMultiEffect::calculate_envelope() { for( int i = 0; i < TOTAL_BANDS; i++ ) { band_states[i]->calculate_envelope(); } } BandState::BandState(ComprMultiEffect *plugin, int band) { this->plugin = plugin; this->band = band; reset(); } BandState::~BandState() { delete_dsp(); } void BandState::delete_dsp() { delete [] envelope; levels.remove_all(); if( filtered_buffer ) { for( int i = 0; i < plugin->total_in_buffers; i++ ) { delete filtered_buffer[i]; } delete [] filtered_buffer; } if( engine ) { delete engine; } reset(); } void BandState::reset() { engine = 0; envelope = 0; envelope_allocated = 0; filtered_buffer = 0; next_target = 1.0; previous_target = 1.0; target_samples = 1; target_current_sample = -1; current_value = 1.0; } void BandState::reconfigure() { // Calculate linear transfer from db levels.remove_all(); BandConfig *config = &plugin->config.bands[band]; for( int i = 0; i < config->levels.total; i++ ) { levels.append(); levels.values[i].x = DB::fromdb(config->levels.values[i].x); levels.values[i].y = DB::fromdb(config->levels.values[i].y); } calculate_envelope(); } void BandState::allocate_filtered(int new_size) { if( !filtered_buffer || new_size > filtered_buffer[0]->get_allocated() ) { Samples **new_filtered_buffer = new Samples*[plugin->get_total_buffers()]; for( int i = 0; i < plugin->get_total_buffers(); i++ ) { new_filtered_buffer[i] = new Samples(new_size); if( filtered_buffer ) { memcpy(new_filtered_buffer[i]->get_data(), filtered_buffer[i]->get_data(), filtered_buffer[i]->get_allocated() * sizeof(double)); delete filtered_buffer[i]; } } if( filtered_buffer ) delete [] filtered_buffer; filtered_buffer = new_filtered_buffer; } } void BandState::calculate_envelope() { // the window size changed if( envelope && envelope_allocated < plugin->config.window_size / 2 ) { delete [] envelope; envelope = 0; } if( !envelope ) { envelope_allocated = plugin->config.window_size / 2; envelope = new double[envelope_allocated]; } // number of slots in the edge double edge = (1.0 - plugin->config.q) * TOTALFREQS / 2; int max_freq = Freq::tofreq_f(TOTALFREQS - 1); int nyquist = plugin->project_sample_rate / 2; int freq = plugin->config.bands[band].freq; // max frequency of all previous bands is the low int low = 0; for( int i=0; iconfig.bands[i].freq > low ) low = plugin->config.bands[i].freq; } int high = max_freq; // limit the frequencies if( band < TOTAL_BANDS-1 ) high = freq; if( high >= max_freq ) { high = max_freq; edge = 0; } // hard edges on the lowest & highest if( band == 0 && high <= 0 ) edge = 0; if( low > high ) low = high; // number of slots to arrive at 1/2 power #ifndef LOG_CROSSOVER // linear double edge2 = edge / 2; #else // log double edge2 = edge * 6 / -INFINITYGAIN; #endif double low_slot = Freq::fromfreq_f(low); double high_slot = Freq::fromfreq_f(high); // shift slots to allow crossover if( band < TOTAL_BANDS-1 ) high_slot -= edge2; if( band > 0 ) low_slot += edge2; for( int i = 0; i < plugin->config.window_size / 2; i++ ) { double freq = i * nyquist / (plugin->config.window_size / 2); double slot = Freq::fromfreq_f(freq); // sum of previous bands double prev_sum = 0; for( int prev_band = 0; prev_band < band; prev_band++ ) { double *prev_envelope = plugin->band_states[prev_band]->envelope; prev_sum += prev_envelope[i]; } if( slot < high_slot ) // remain of previous bands envelope[i] = 1.0 - prev_sum; else if( slot < high_slot + edge ) { // next crossover double remain = 1.0 - prev_sum; #ifndef LOG_CROSSOVER // linear envelope[i] = remain - remain * (slot - high_slot) / edge; #else // log TODO envelope[i] = DB::fromdb((slot - high_slot) * INFINITYGAIN / edge); #endif } else envelope[i] = 0.0; } } #if 0 void BandState::process_readbehind(int size, int reaction_samples, int decay_samples, int trigger) { if( target_current_sample < 0 ) target_current_sample = reaction_samples; double current_slope = (next_target - previous_target) / reaction_samples; double *trigger_buffer = filtered_buffer[trigger]->get_data(); int channels = plugin->get_total_buffers(); for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { // Get slope required to reach current sample from smoothed sample over reaction // length. double sample = 0; switch( plugin->config.input ) { case ComprMultiConfig::MAX: { double max = 0; for( int j = 0; j < channels; j++ ) { sample = fabs(filtered_buffer[j]->get_data()[i]); if( sample > max ) max = sample; } sample = max; break; } case ComprMultiConfig::TRIGGER: sample = fabs(trigger_buffer[i]); break; case ComprMultiConfig::SUM: { double max = 0; for( int j = 0; j < channels; j++ ) { sample = fabs(filtered_buffer[j]->get_data()[i]); max += sample; } sample = max; break; } } double new_slope = (sample - current_value) / reaction_samples; // Slope greater than current slope if( new_slope >= current_slope && (current_slope >= 0 || new_slope >= 0) ) { next_target = sample; previous_target = current_value; target_current_sample = 0; target_samples = reaction_samples; current_slope = new_slope; } else if( sample > next_target && current_slope < 0 ) { next_target = sample; previous_target = current_value; target_current_sample = 0; target_samples = decay_samples; current_slope = (sample - current_value) / decay_samples; } // Current smoothed sample came up without finding higher slope if( target_current_sample >= target_samples ) { next_target = sample; previous_target = current_value; target_current_sample = 0; target_samples = decay_samples; current_slope = (sample - current_value) / decay_samples; } // Update current value and store gain current_value = (next_target * target_current_sample + previous_target * (target_samples - target_current_sample)) / target_samples; target_current_sample++; if( plugin->config.smoothing_only ) { for( int j = 0; j < channels; j++ ) { filtered_buffer[j]->get_data()[i] = current_value; } } else if( !plugin->config.bands[band].bypass ) { double gain = plugin->config.calculate_gain(band, current_value); for( int j = 0; j < channels; j++ ) { filtered_buffer[j]->get_data()[i] *= gain; } } } } void BandState::process_readahead(int size, int preview_samples, int reaction_samples, int decay_samples, int trigger) { if( target_current_sample < 0 ) target_current_sample = target_samples; double current_slope = (next_target - previous_target) / target_samples; double *trigger_buffer = filtered_buffer[trigger]->get_data(); int channels = plugin->get_total_buffers(); for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { // Get slope from current sample to every sample in preview_samples. // Take highest one or first one after target_samples are up. // For optimization, calculate the first slope we really need. // Assume every slope up to the end of preview_samples has been calculated and // found <= to current slope. int first_slope = preview_samples - 1; // Need new slope immediately if( target_current_sample >= target_samples ) first_slope = 1; for( int j = first_slope; j < preview_samples; j++ ) { int buffer_offset = i + j; double sample = 0; switch( plugin->config.input ) { case ComprMultiConfig::MAX: { double max = 0; for( int k = 0; k < channels; k++ ) { sample = fabs(filtered_buffer[k]->get_data()[buffer_offset]); if( sample > max ) max = sample; } sample = max; break; } case ComprMultiConfig::TRIGGER: sample = fabs(trigger_buffer[buffer_offset]); break; case ComprMultiConfig::SUM: { double max = 0; for( int k = 0; k < channels; k++ ) { sample = fabs(filtered_buffer[k]->get_data()[buffer_offset]); max += sample; } sample = max; break; } } double new_slope = (sample - current_value) / j; // Got equal or higher slope if( new_slope >= current_slope && (current_slope >= 0 || new_slope >= 0) ) { target_current_sample = 0; target_samples = j; current_slope = new_slope; next_target = sample; previous_target = current_value; } else if( sample > next_target && current_slope < 0 ) { target_current_sample = 0; target_samples = decay_samples; current_slope = (sample - current_value) / decay_samples; next_target = sample; previous_target = current_value; } // Hit end of current slope range without finding higher slope if( target_current_sample >= target_samples ) { target_current_sample = 0; target_samples = decay_samples; current_slope = (sample - current_value) / decay_samples; next_target = sample; previous_target = current_value; } } // Update current value and multiply gain current_value = (next_target * target_current_sample + previous_target * (target_samples - target_current_sample)) / target_samples; target_current_sample++; if( plugin->config.smoothing_only ) { for( int j = 0; j < channels; j++ ) { filtered_buffer[j]->get_data()[i] = current_value; } } else if( !plugin->config.bands[band].bypass ) { double gain = plugin->config.calculate_gain(band, current_value); for( int j = 0; j < channels; j++ ) { filtered_buffer[j]->get_data()[i] *= gain; } } } } #endif ComprMultiFFT::ComprMultiFFT(ComprMultiEffect *plugin, int channel) { this->plugin = plugin; this->channel = channel; } ComprMultiFFT::~ComprMultiFFT() { } int ComprMultiFFT::signal_process(int band) { int sample_rate = plugin->PluginAClient::project_sample_rate; BandState *band_state = plugin->band_states[band]; // Create new spectrogram frame for updating the GUI frame = 0; if( #ifndef DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS band == 0 && #endif ((plugin->config.input != ComprMultiConfig::TRIGGER && channel == 0) || channel == plugin->config.trigger) ) { #ifndef DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS int total_data = window_size / 2; #else int total_data = TOTAL_BANDS * window_size / 2; #endif // store all bands in the same GUI frame frame = new CompressorFreqFrame(); frame->band = band; frame->data_size = total_data; frame->data = new double[total_data]; bzero(frame->data, sizeof(double) * total_data); frame->nyquist = sample_rate / 2; // int attack_samples, release_samples, preview_samples; // band_state->engine->calculate_ranges(&attack_samples, // &release_samples, &preview_samples, sample_rate); // FFT advances 1/2 a window for each spectrogram frame int n = plugin->new_spectrogram_frames[band]++; double sample_pos = (n * window_size / 2) / sample_rate; frame->position = plugin->start_pos + plugin->dir * sample_pos; //if( band == 1 ) { // printf("ComprMultiFFT::signal_process %d top_position=%ld frame->position=%ld\n", // __LINE__, plugin->get_playhead_position(), frame->position); // printf("ComprMultiFFT::signal_process %d band=%d preview_samples=%d frames size=%ld filtered_size=%ld\n", // __LINE__, band, preview_samples, plugin->new_spectrogram_frames[band] * // window_size, plugin->filtered_size); //} } //printf("ComprMultiFFT::signal_process %d channel=%d band=%d frame=%p\n", __LINE__, channel, band, frame); // apply the bandpass filter for( int i = 0; i < window_size / 2; i++ ) { double fr = freq_real[i], fi = freq_imag[i]; double env = band_state->envelope[i]; freq_real[i] *= env; freq_imag[i] *= env; double mag = sqrt(fr*fr + fi*fi); // update the spectrogram with the output // neglect the true average & max spectrograms, but always use the trigger if( frame ) { int offset = band * window_size / 2 + i; #ifndef DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS frame->data[offset] = MAX(frame->data[offset], mag); // get the maximum output in the frequency domain if( mag > frame->freq_max ) frame->freq_max = mag; #else mag *= env; frame->data[offset] = MAX(frame->data[offset], mag); // get the maximum output in the frequency domain if( mag > frame->freq_max ) frame->freq_max = mag; #endif } } symmetry(window_size, freq_real, freq_imag); return 0; } int ComprMultiFFT::post_process(int band) { if( frame ) { // get the maximum output in the time domain double *buffer = output_real; #ifndef DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS buffer = input_buffer->get_data(); #endif double time_max = 0; for( int i = 0; i time_max ) time_max = fabs(buffer[i]); } if( time_max > frame->time_max ) frame->time_max = time_max; plugin->add_gui_frame(frame); } return 0; } int ComprMultiFFT::read_samples(int64_t output_sample, int samples, Samples *buffer) { int result = plugin->read_samples(buffer, channel, plugin->get_samplerate(), output_sample, samples); #ifndef DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS // append unprocessed samples to the input_buffer int new_input_size = plugin->new_input_size + samples; plugin->allocate_input(new_input_size); memcpy(plugin->input_buffer[channel]->get_data() + plugin->new_input_size, buffer->get_data(), samples * sizeof(double)); plugin->new_input_size = new_input_size; #endif // !DRAW_AFTER_BANDPASS return result; }