/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 1997-2011 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcdisplayinfo.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "cursors.h" #include "edl.h" #include "histogram.h" #include "histogramconfig.h" #include "histogramwindow.h" #include "keys.h" #include "language.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "pluginserver.h" #include "theme.h" #include HistogramWindow::HistogramWindow(HistogramMain *plugin) : PluginClientWindow(plugin, plugin->w, plugin->h, xS(440), yS(500), 1) { this->plugin = plugin; active_value = 0; } HistogramWindow::~HistogramWindow() { } void HistogramWindow::create_objects() { int margin = plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; int x = margin, y = margin, x1 = margin; add_subwindow(mode_v = new HistogramMode(plugin, x, y, HISTOGRAM_VALUE, _("Value"))); x += mode_v->get_w() + margin; add_subwindow(mode_r = new HistogramMode(plugin, x, y, HISTOGRAM_RED, _("Red"))); x += mode_r->get_w() + margin; add_subwindow(mode_g = new HistogramMode(plugin, x, y, HISTOGRAM_GREEN, _("Green"))); x += mode_g->get_w() + margin; add_subwindow(mode_b = new HistogramMode(plugin, x, y, HISTOGRAM_BLUE, _("Blue"))); x = get_w() - margin - plugin->get_theme()->get_image_set("histogram_rgb_toggle")[0]->get_w(); add_subwindow(parade_on = new HistogramParade(plugin, this, x, y, 1)); x -= parade_on->get_w() + margin; add_subwindow(parade_off = new HistogramParade(plugin, this, x, y, 0)); x = x1; y += parade_on->get_h() + margin; add_subwindow(canvas_title1 = new BC_Title(margin, y, "-10%")); add_subwindow(canvas_title2 = new BC_Title(get_w() - get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, "110%") - margin, y, "110%")); y += canvas_title2->get_h() + margin; x = x1; canvas_h = get_h() - y - yS(210); add_subwindow(low_input_carrot = new HistogramCarrot(plugin, this, x, y + canvas_h)); x = low_input_carrot->get_w() / 2 + x; canvas_w = get_w() - x - x; title1_x = x; title2_x = x + (int)(canvas_w * -HIST_MIN_INPUT / FLOAT_RANGE); title3_x = x + (int)(canvas_w * (1.0 - HIST_MIN_INPUT) / FLOAT_RANGE); title4_x = x + (int)(canvas_w); add_subwindow(canvas = new HistogramCanvas(plugin, this, x, y, canvas_w, canvas_h)); // Canvas border draw_3d_border(x - 2, y - 2, canvas_w + 4, canvas_h + 4, get_bg_color(), BLACK, MDGREY, get_bg_color()); // Calculate output curve with no value function plugin->tabulate_curve(plugin->mode, 0); y += canvas->get_h(); x = margin; add_subwindow(gamma_carrot = new HistogramCarrot(plugin, this, canvas->get_x() + canvas->get_w() / 2 - low_input_carrot->get_w() / 2 , y)); add_subwindow(high_input_carrot = new HistogramCarrot(plugin, this, canvas->get_x() + canvas->get_w() - low_input_carrot->get_w() / 2, y)); y += low_input_carrot->get_h() + margin; // add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Input:"))); // x += title->get_w() + margin; low_input = new HistogramText(plugin, this, x, y); low_input->create_objects(); x = get_w() / 2 - low_input->get_w() / 2; gamma = new HistogramText(plugin, this, x, y, 0.01, 100.); gamma->create_objects(); x = get_w() - low_input->get_w() - margin; high_input = new HistogramText(plugin, this, x, y); high_input->create_objects(); y += high_input->get_h() + margin; x = x1; add_subwindow(output = new HistogramSlider(plugin, this, canvas->get_x(), y, canvas->get_w(), yS(20), 0)); output->update(); // Output border draw_3d_border(output->get_x() - 2, output->get_y() - 2, output->get_w() + 4, output->get_h() + 4, get_bg_color(), BLACK, MDGREY, get_bg_color()); y += output->get_h(); add_subwindow(low_output_carrot = new HistogramCarrot(plugin, this, margin, y)); add_subwindow(high_output_carrot = new HistogramCarrot(plugin, this, canvas->get_x() + canvas->get_w() - low_output_carrot->get_w() / 2, y)); y += high_output_carrot->get_h() + margin; // add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Output:"))); // x += title->get_w() + margin; low_output = new HistogramText(plugin, this, x, y); low_output->create_objects(); const char *linear_text = _("Linear"); int xs = get_w()/2 - xS(50); x = xs - BC_Title::calculate_w(this, linear_text) - margin; add_subwindow(log_title1 = new BC_Title(x, y, linear_text)); add_subwindow(log_slider = new HistogramLogSlider(plugin, this, xs, y)); xs += log_slider->get_w() + margin; add_subwindow(log_title2 = new BC_Title(xs, y, _("Log"))); high_output = new HistogramText(plugin, this, get_w() - low_output->get_w() - margin, y); high_output->create_objects(); x = x1; y += high_output->get_h() + margin; add_subwindow(bar = new BC_Bar(x, y, get_w() - margin * 2)); y += bar->get_h() + margin; add_subwindow(automatic = new HistogramAuto(plugin, x, y)); int x2 = xS(190); add_subwindow(threshold_title = new BC_Title(x2, y, _("Threshold:"))); int x3 = xS(305); threshold = new HistogramText(plugin, this, x3, y); threshold->create_objects(); y += automatic->get_h() + margin; add_subwindow(plot = new HistogramPlot(plugin, x1, y)); add_subwindow(select = new HistogramSelect(plugin, this, x2, y)); frames = new HistogramFrames(plugin, this, x3, y); frames->create_objects(); x = x3 + frames->get_w() + margin; add_subwindow(clear_frames = new HistogramClearFrames(plugin, this, x, y)); y += plot->get_h() + margin; x = x1; add_subwindow(split = new HistogramSplit(plugin, x, y)); x = xS(340); add_subwindow(reset = new HistogramReset(plugin, x, y + yS(5))); update(1, 1, 1, 1); flash(0); show_window(); } int HistogramWindow::resize_event(int w, int h) { int xdiff = w - get_w(); int ydiff = h - get_h(); parade_on->reposition_window(parade_on->get_x() + xdiff, parade_on->get_y()); parade_off->reposition_window(parade_off->get_x() + xdiff, parade_on->get_y()); canvas_title2->reposition_window(canvas_title2->get_x() + xdiff, canvas_title2->get_y()); // Canvas follows window size canvas_w = canvas_w + xdiff; canvas_h = canvas_h + ydiff; canvas->reposition_window(canvas->get_x(), canvas->get_y(), canvas_w, canvas_h); // Canvas border draw_3d_border(canvas->get_x() - 2, canvas->get_y() - 2, canvas_w + 4, canvas_h + 4, get_bg_color(), BLACK, MDGREY, get_bg_color()); low_input_carrot->reposition_window(low_input_carrot->get_x(), low_input_carrot->get_y() + ydiff); gamma_carrot->reposition_window(gamma_carrot->get_x(), gamma_carrot->get_y() + ydiff); high_input_carrot->reposition_window(high_input_carrot->get_x(), high_input_carrot->get_y() + ydiff); low_input->reposition_window(low_input->get_x(), low_input->get_y() + ydiff); gamma->reposition_window(w / 2 - gamma->get_w() / 2, gamma->get_y() + ydiff); high_input->reposition_window(high_input->get_x() + xdiff, low_input->get_y() + ydiff); output->reposition_window(output->get_x(), output->get_y() + ydiff, output->get_w() + xdiff, output->get_h()); output->update(); // Output border draw_3d_border(output->get_x() - 2, output->get_y() - 2, output->get_w() + 4, output->get_h() + 4, get_bg_color(), BLACK, MDGREY, get_bg_color()); low_output_carrot->reposition_window(low_output_carrot->get_x(), low_output_carrot->get_y() + ydiff); high_output_carrot->reposition_window(high_output_carrot->get_x(), high_output_carrot->get_y() + ydiff); low_output->reposition_window(low_output->get_x(), low_output->get_y() + ydiff); int xs = (w - log_slider->get_w()) / 2; int margin = plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; log_title1->reposition_window(xs - log_title1->get_w() - margin, log_title1->get_y() + ydiff); log_slider->reposition_window(xs, log_slider->get_y() + ydiff); log_title2->reposition_window(xs + log_slider->get_w() + margin, log_title2->get_y() + ydiff); high_output->reposition_window(high_output->get_x() + xdiff, high_output->get_y() + ydiff); bar->reposition_window(bar->get_x(), bar->get_y() + ydiff, bar->get_w() + xdiff); automatic->reposition_window(automatic->get_x(), automatic->get_y() + ydiff); threshold_title->reposition_window(threshold_title->get_x(), threshold_title->get_y() + ydiff); threshold->reposition_window(threshold->get_x(), threshold->get_y() + ydiff); plot->reposition_window(plot->get_x(), plot->get_y() + ydiff); split->reposition_window(split->get_x(), split->get_y() + ydiff); reset->reposition_window(reset->get_x(), reset->get_y() + ydiff); frames->reposition_window(frames->get_x(), frames->get_y() + ydiff); select->reposition_window(select->get_x(), select->get_y() + ydiff); clear_frames->reposition_window(clear_frames->get_x(), clear_frames->get_y() + ydiff); update(1, 1, 1, 1); plugin->w = w; plugin->h = h; flash(); return 1; } int HistogramWindow::keypress_event() { int result = 0; if(active_value) { float sign = 1; for(int i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_MODES; i++) { if(active_value == &plugin->config.gamma[i]) sign = -1; } if(get_keypress() == RIGHT || get_keypress() == UP) { *active_value += sign * PRECISION; plugin->config.boundaries(); update(1, 1, 1, 0); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } else if(get_keypress() == LEFT || get_keypress() == DOWN) { *active_value -= sign * PRECISION; plugin->config.boundaries(); update(1, 1, 1, 0); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } } return result; } void HistogramWindow::update(int do_canvases, int do_carrots, int do_text, int do_toggles) { if(do_toggles) { automatic->update(plugin->config.automatic); mode_v->update(plugin->mode == HISTOGRAM_VALUE ? 1 : 0); mode_r->update(plugin->mode == HISTOGRAM_RED ? 1 : 0); mode_g->update(plugin->mode == HISTOGRAM_GREEN ? 1 : 0); mode_b->update(plugin->mode == HISTOGRAM_BLUE ? 1 : 0); plot->update(plugin->config.plot); split->update(plugin->config.split); frames->update(plugin->config.frames); parade_on->update(plugin->parade ? 1 : 0); parade_off->update(plugin->parade ? 0 : 1); log_slider->update(plugin->config.log_slider); output->update(); } if(do_canvases) { update_canvas(); } if(do_carrots) { low_input_carrot->update(); high_input_carrot->update(); gamma_carrot->update(); low_output_carrot->update(); high_output_carrot->update(); } if(do_text) { low_input->update(); gamma->update(); high_input->update(); low_output->update(); high_output->update(); threshold->update(); } } void HistogramWindow::draw_canvas_mode(int mode, int color, int y, int h) { // Draw histogram int max = 0, *accum = plugin->accum[mode]; if( accum ) { for( int i=0; i 0 ) { double log_slider = plugin->config.log_slider; double lin_slider = 1. - log_slider; double lin_scale = (lin_slider * h) / max; double log_scale = (log_slider * h) / log(max); for( int i=0,x=0; xset_color(BLACK); canvas->draw_line(x, y, x, y+h - m); canvas->set_color(color); canvas->draw_line(x, y+h - m, x, y+h); } } else { canvas->set_color(BLACK); canvas->draw_box(0, y, canvas_w, h); } // Draw overlays canvas->set_color(WHITE); canvas->set_line_width(2); int y1 = 0; // Draw output line for( int x=0; xcalculate_level(input, mode, 0); int y2 = h - (int)(output * h); if( x > 0 ) canvas->draw_line(x-1, y+y1, x, y+y2); y1 = y2; } canvas->set_line_width(1); } void HistogramWindow::update_canvas() { if(plugin->parade) { draw_canvas_mode(HISTOGRAM_RED, RED, 0, canvas_h / 3); draw_canvas_mode(HISTOGRAM_GREEN, GREEN, canvas_h / 3, canvas_h / 3); draw_canvas_mode(HISTOGRAM_BLUE, BLUE, canvas_h * 2 / 3, canvas_h - canvas_h * 2 / 3); } else { draw_canvas_mode(plugin->mode, MEGREY, 0, canvas_h); } // Draw 0 and 100% lines. canvas->set_color(RED); int x = (int)(canvas_w * -HIST_MIN_INPUT / FLOAT_RANGE); canvas->draw_line(x, 0, x, canvas_h); x = (int)(canvas_w * (1.0 - HIST_MIN_INPUT) / FLOAT_RANGE); canvas->draw_line(x, 0, x, canvas_h); canvas->flash(); } HistogramParade::HistogramParade(HistogramMain *plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y, int value) : BC_Toggle(x, y, value ? plugin->get_theme()->get_image_set("histogram_rgb_toggle") : plugin->get_theme()->get_image_set("histogram_toggle"), 0) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; this->value = value; if(value) set_tooltip(_("RGB Parade on")); else set_tooltip(_("RGB Parade off")); } int HistogramParade::handle_event() { update(1); plugin->parade = value; gui->update(1, 0, 0, 1); return 1; } HistogramCanvas::HistogramCanvas(HistogramMain *plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_SubWindow(x, y, w, h, BLACK) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; } int HistogramCanvas::button_press_event() { int result = 0; if(is_event_win() && cursor_inside()) { if(!plugin->dragging_point && (!plugin->config.automatic || plugin->mode == HISTOGRAM_VALUE)) { gui->deactivate(); } } return result; } int HistogramCanvas::cursor_motion_event() { if(is_event_win() && cursor_inside()) { } return 0; } int HistogramCanvas::button_release_event() { return 0; } HistogramReset::HistogramReset(HistogramMain *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Reset")) { this->plugin = plugin; } int HistogramReset::handle_event() { plugin->config.reset(0); ((HistogramWindow*)plugin->thread->window)->update(1, 1, 1, 1); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } HistogramSelect::HistogramSelect(HistogramMain *plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, xS(100), _("Frames")) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; set_tooltip(_("Set frames to selection duration")); } int HistogramSelect::handle_event() { MWindow *mwindow = plugin->server->mwindow; if( mwindow ) { EDL *edl = mwindow->edl; double start = edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(); int64_t start_pos = edl->get_frame_rate() * start; double end = edl->local_session->get_selectionend(); int64_t end_pos = edl->get_frame_rate() * end; int64_t frames = end_pos - start_pos; gui->frames->update(frames); plugin->config.frames = frames; plugin->send_configure_change(); } return 1; } HistogramClearFrames::HistogramClearFrames(HistogramMain *plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y) : BC_Button(x, y, plugin->get_theme()->get_image_set("reset_button")) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; set_tooltip(_("Clear frames")); } int HistogramClearFrames::handle_event() { plugin->config.frames = 0; gui->frames->update(0); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } HistogramLogSlider::HistogramLogSlider(HistogramMain *plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y) : BC_FSlider(x, y, 0, xS(100), xS(100), 0., 1., plugin->config.log_slider) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; } int HistogramLogSlider::handle_event() { plugin->config.log_slider = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } HistogramCarrot::HistogramCarrot(HistogramMain *plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y) : BC_Toggle(x, y, plugin->get_theme()->get_image_set("histogram_carrot"), 0) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; drag_operation = 0; } HistogramCarrot::~HistogramCarrot() { } float* HistogramCarrot::get_value() { if( this == gui->low_input_carrot ) return &plugin->config.low_input[plugin->mode]; if( this == gui->high_input_carrot ) return &plugin->config.high_input[plugin->mode]; if( this == gui->gamma_carrot ) return &plugin->config.gamma[plugin->mode]; if( this == gui->low_output_carrot ) return &plugin->config.low_output[plugin->mode]; if( this == gui->high_output_carrot ) return &plugin->config.high_output[plugin->mode]; return 0; } void HistogramCarrot::update() { int new_x = 0; float *value = get_value(); if(this != gui->gamma_carrot) { new_x = (int)(gui->canvas->get_x() + (*value - HIST_MIN_INPUT) * gui->canvas->get_w() / (HIST_MAX_INPUT - HIST_MIN_INPUT) - get_w() / 2); } else { float min = plugin->config.low_input[plugin->mode]; float max = plugin->config.high_input[plugin->mode]; float delta = (max - min) / 2.0; float mid = min + delta; float tmp = log10(1.0 / *value); tmp = mid + delta * tmp; //printf("HistogramCarrot::update %d %f %f\n", __LINE__, *value, tmp); new_x = gui->canvas->get_x() - get_w() / 2 + (int)(gui->canvas->get_w() * (tmp - HIST_MIN_INPUT) / (HIST_MAX_INPUT - HIST_MIN_INPUT)); } reposition_window(new_x, get_y()); } int HistogramCarrot::button_press_event() { if(is_event_win() && get_buttonpress() == 1) { //int w = get_w(); gui->deactivate(); set_status(BC_Toggle::TOGGLE_DOWN); BC_Toggle::update(0); gui->active_value = get_value(); // Disable the other toggles if(this != gui->low_input_carrot) gui->low_input_carrot->BC_Toggle::update(0); if(this != gui->high_input_carrot) gui->high_input_carrot->BC_Toggle::update(0); if(this != gui->gamma_carrot) gui->gamma_carrot->BC_Toggle::update(0); if(this != gui->low_output_carrot) gui->low_output_carrot->BC_Toggle::update(0); if(this != gui->high_output_carrot) gui->high_output_carrot->BC_Toggle::update(0); starting_x = get_x(); offset_x = gui->get_relative_cursor_x(); offset_y = gui->get_relative_cursor_y(); //printf("HistogramCarrot::button_press_event %d %d %d\n", __LINE__, starting_x, offset_x); drag_operation = 1; draw_face(1, 1); return 1; } return 0; } int HistogramCarrot::button_release_event() { int result = BC_Toggle::button_release_event(); handle_event(); drag_operation = 0; return result; } int HistogramCarrot::cursor_motion_event() { int cursor_x = gui->get_relative_cursor_x(); if(drag_operation) { //printf("HistogramCarrot::cursor_motion_event %d %d\n", __LINE__, cursor_x); int new_x = starting_x + cursor_x - offset_x; // Clamp x // Get level from x float *value = get_value(); if(this == gui->gamma_carrot) { float min = gui->low_input_carrot->get_x(); float max = gui->high_input_carrot->get_x(); float delta = (max - min) / 2.0; if(delta >= 0.5) { float mid = min + delta; float tmp = (float)(new_x - mid) / delta; tmp = 1.0 / pow(10, tmp); CLAMP(tmp, MIN_GAMMA, MAX_GAMMA); *value = tmp; //printf("HistogramCarrot::update %d %f\n", __LINE__, tmp); } } else { int min_x = gui->canvas->get_x() - get_w() / 2; int max_x = gui->canvas->get_x() + gui->canvas->get_w() - get_w() / 2; CLAMP(new_x, min_x, max_x); *value = HIST_MIN_INPUT + (HIST_MAX_INPUT - HIST_MIN_INPUT) * (new_x - min_x) / (max_x - min_x); } reposition_window(new_x, get_y()); flush(); gui->update(1, (this == gui->low_input_carrot || this == gui->high_input_carrot), 1, 0); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } return 0; } HistogramSlider::HistogramSlider(HistogramMain *plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y, int w, int h, int is_input) : BC_SubWindow(x, y, w, h) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; this->is_input = is_input; operation = NONE; } int HistogramSlider::input_to_pixel(float input) { return (int)((input - HIST_MIN_INPUT) / FLOAT_RANGE * get_w()); } void HistogramSlider::update() { int w = get_w(); int h = get_h(); //int half_h = get_h() / 2; //int quarter_h = get_h() / 4; int mode = plugin->mode; int r = 0xff; int g = 0xff; int b = 0xff; clear_box(0, 0, w, h); switch(mode) { case HISTOGRAM_RED: g = b = 0x00; break; case HISTOGRAM_GREEN: r = b = 0x00; break; case HISTOGRAM_BLUE: r = g = 0x00; break; } for(int i = 0; i < w; i++) { int color = (int)(i * 0xff / w); set_color(((r * color / 0xff) << 16) | ((g * color / 0xff) << 8) | (b * color / 0xff)); draw_line(i, 0, i, h); } flash(); } HistogramAuto::HistogramAuto(HistogramMain *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, plugin->config.automatic, _("Automatic")) { this->plugin = plugin; } int HistogramAuto::handle_event() { plugin->config.automatic = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } HistogramPlot::HistogramPlot(HistogramMain *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, plugin->config.plot, _("Plot histogram")) { this->plugin = plugin; } int HistogramPlot::handle_event() { plugin->config.plot = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } HistogramSplit::HistogramSplit(HistogramMain *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, plugin->config.split, _("Split output")) { this->plugin = plugin; } int HistogramSplit::handle_event() { plugin->config.split = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } HistogramMode::HistogramMode(HistogramMain *plugin, int x, int y, int value, char *text) : BC_Radial(x, y, plugin->mode == value, text) { this->plugin = plugin; this->value = value; } int HistogramMode::handle_event() { HistogramWindow *gui = (HistogramWindow*)plugin->thread->window; plugin->mode = value; plugin->current_point= -1; gui->active_value = 0; gui->low_input_carrot->BC_Toggle::update(0); gui->gamma_carrot->BC_Toggle::update(0); gui->high_input_carrot->BC_Toggle::update(0); gui->low_output_carrot->BC_Toggle::update(0); gui->high_output_carrot->BC_Toggle::update(0); gui->update(1, 1, 1, 1); // plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } HistogramFrames::HistogramFrames(HistogramMain *plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y) : BC_TumbleTextBox(gui, 0, 0, 65535, x, y, xS(80)) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; } int HistogramFrames::handle_event() { plugin->config.frames = atoi(get_text()); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } void HistogramFrames::update(int frames) { BC_TumbleTextBox::update((int64_t)frames); } HistogramText::HistogramText(HistogramMain *plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y, float hist_min, float hist_max) : BC_TumbleTextBox(gui, 0.0, hist_min, hist_max, x, y, xS(80)) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; set_precision(DIGITS); set_increment(PRECISION); } float* HistogramText::get_value() { if( this == gui->low_input ) return &plugin->config.low_input[plugin->mode]; if( this == gui->high_input ) return &plugin->config.high_input[plugin->mode]; if( this == gui->gamma ) return &plugin->config.gamma[plugin->mode]; if( this == gui->low_output ) return &plugin->config.low_output[plugin->mode]; if( this == gui->high_output ) return &plugin->config.high_output[plugin->mode]; if( this == gui->threshold ) return &plugin->config.threshold; return 0; } int HistogramText::handle_event() { float *output = get_value(); if( output ) *output = atof(get_text()); gui->update(1, 1, 0, 0); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } void HistogramText::update() { float *output = get_value(); if( output ) BC_TumbleTextBox::update(*output); }