/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcdisplayinfo.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "bistogram.h" #include "bistogramconfig.h" #include "bistogramwindow.h" #include "keys.h" #include "language.h" #include #include HistogramWindow::HistogramWindow(HistogramMain *plugin) : PluginClientWindow(plugin, xS(480), yS(480), xS(480), yS(480), 0) { this->plugin = plugin; max_picon = 0; mid_picon = 0; min_picon = 0; } HistogramWindow::~HistogramWindow() { delete max_picon; delete mid_picon; delete min_picon; } #include "min_picon_png.h" #include "mid_picon_png.h" #include "max_picon_png.h" static VFramePng max_picon_image(max_picon_png); static VFramePng mid_picon_image(mid_picon_png); static VFramePng min_picon_image(min_picon_png); void HistogramWindow::create_objects() { int xs10 = xS(10), xs15 = xS(15), xs20 = xS(20), xs80 = xS(80), xs100 = xS(100), xs120 = xS(120), xs150 = xS(150); int ys6 = yS(6), ys10 = yS(10), ys20 = yS(20), ys30 = yS(30), ys40 = yS(40), ys170 = yS(170); int x = xs10, y = ys10, x1 = xs10; BC_Title *title = 0; max_picon = create_pixmap(&max_picon_image); mid_picon = create_pixmap(&mid_picon_image); min_picon = create_pixmap(&min_picon_image); add_subwindow(mode_v = new HistogramMode(plugin, x, y, HISTOGRAM_VALUE, _("Value"))); x += xs80; add_subwindow(mode_r = new HistogramMode(plugin, x, y, HISTOGRAM_RED, _("Red"))); x += xs80; add_subwindow(mode_g = new HistogramMode(plugin, x, y, HISTOGRAM_GREEN, _("Green"))); x += xs80; add_subwindow(mode_b = new HistogramMode(plugin, x, y, HISTOGRAM_BLUE, _("Blue"))); // x += xs80; // add_subwindow(mode_a = new HistogramMode(plugin, x, y, // HISTOGRAM_ALPHA, _("Alpha"))); x = get_w() - HistogramClear::calculate_w(this, _("Clear")) - xs15; add_subwindow(clear = new HistogramClear(plugin, x, y, _("Clear"))); x = x1; y += ys30; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Input X:"))); x += title->get_w() + xs10; input_x = new HistogramInputText(plugin, this, x, y, 1); input_x->create_objects(); x += input_x->get_w() + xs10; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Input Y:"))); x += title->get_w() + xs10; input_y = new HistogramInputText(plugin, this, x, y, 0); input_y->create_objects(); y += ys30; x = x1; canvas_w = get_w() - x - x; canvas_h = get_h() - y - ys170; title1_x = x; title2_x = x + (int)(canvas_w * -HIST_MIN_INPUT / FLOAT_RANGE); title3_x = x + (int)(canvas_w * (1.0 - HIST_MIN_INPUT) / FLOAT_RANGE); title4_x = x + (int)(canvas_w); add_subwindow(canvas = new HistogramCanvas(plugin, this, x, y, canvas_w, canvas_h)); draw_canvas_overlay(); canvas->flash(); y += canvas->get_h() + 1; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(title1_x, y, "-10%")); add_subwindow(new BC_Title(title2_x, y, "0%")); add_subwindow(new BC_Title(title3_x - get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, "100"), y, "100%")); add_subwindow(new BC_Title(title4_x - get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, "110"), y, "110%")); y += ys20; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Output min:"))); x += title->get_w() + xs10; output_min = new HistogramOutputText(plugin, this, x, y, &plugin->config.output_min[plugin->mode]); output_min->create_objects(); x += output_min->get_w() + xs10; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Output Max:"))); x += title->get_w() + xs10; output_max = new HistogramOutputText(plugin, this, x, y, &plugin->config.output_max[plugin->mode]); output_max->create_objects(); x = x1; y += ys30; add_subwindow(output = new HistogramSlider(plugin, this, x, y, get_w() - xs20, ys30, 0)); output->update(); y += ys40; add_subwindow(automatic = new HistogramAuto(plugin, x, y)); x += xs120; add_subwindow(new HistogramReset(plugin, x, y)); x += xs100; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Threshold:"))); x += xs100; threshold = new HistogramOutputText(plugin, this, x, y, &plugin->config.threshold); threshold->create_objects(); x = x1; y += ys40; add_subwindow(split = new HistogramSplit(plugin, x, y)); y += ys6; x += xs150; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x,y, _("Interpolation:"))); x += xs120; add_subwindow(smoothModeChoser = new HistogramSmoothMode(plugin, this, x, y)); smoothModeChoser->create_objects(); show_window(); } int HistogramWindow::delete_current_point() { if( plugin->current_point < 0 ) return 0; HistogramPoint *current = plugin->config.points[plugin->mode].get_item_number(plugin->current_point); delete current; plugin->current_point = -1; return 1; } int HistogramWindow::keypress_event() { int result = 0; if( get_keypress() == BACKSPACE || get_keypress() == DELETE ) { if( delete_current_point() ) { update_input(); update_canvas(); plugin->send_configure_change(); result = 1; } } return result; } void HistogramWindow::update(int do_input) { automatic->update(plugin->config.automatic); threshold->update(plugin->config.threshold); update_mode(); split->set_value(plugin->config.split); if( do_input ) update_input(); update_output(); if( smoothModeChoser->set_mode(plugin->config.smoothMode) ) update_canvas(); } void HistogramWindow::update_input() { input_x->update(); input_y->update(); } void HistogramWindow::update_output() { output->update(); output_min->update(plugin->config.output_min[plugin->mode]); output_max->update(plugin->config.output_max[plugin->mode]); } void HistogramWindow::update_mode() { mode_v->update(plugin->mode == HISTOGRAM_VALUE ? 1 : 0); mode_r->update(plugin->mode == HISTOGRAM_RED ? 1 : 0); mode_g->update(plugin->mode == HISTOGRAM_GREEN ? 1 : 0); mode_b->update(plugin->mode == HISTOGRAM_BLUE ? 1 : 0); output_min->output = &plugin->config.output_min[plugin->mode]; output_max->output = &plugin->config.output_max[plugin->mode]; } void HistogramWindow::draw_canvas_overlay() { int y1; // Calculate output curve plugin->tabulate_curve(plugin->mode, 0); // Draw output line canvas->set_color(0xffff00); for( int i=0; icalculate_smooth(input, plugin->mode); int y2 = canvas_h - (int)(output * canvas_h); if( i > 0 ) { canvas->draw_line(i - 1, y1, i, y2); } y1 = y2; } int x0 = 0, y0 = 0; // Draw output points HistogramPoint *current = plugin->config.points[plugin->mode].first; int number = 0; while( current ) { canvas->set_color(0x00ff00); int x = (int)((current->x - HIST_MIN_INPUT) * canvas_w / FLOAT_RANGE); int y = (int)(canvas_h - current->y * canvas_h); if(number == plugin->current_point) canvas->draw_box(x - BOX_SIZE / 2, y - BOX_SIZE / 2, BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE); else canvas->draw_rectangle(x - BOX_SIZE / 2, y - BOX_SIZE / 2, BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE); if( number > 0 ) canvas->draw_line(x0, y0, x, y); x0 = x; y0 = y; //Draw gradients if (plugin->config.smoothMode > HISTOGRAM_LINEAR) { int x1,x2,y1,y2; canvas->set_color(0xffffff); x2 = (int)((current->x + current->xoffset_right - HIST_MIN_INPUT) * canvas_w / FLOAT_RANGE); x1 = (int)((current->x + current->xoffset_left - HIST_MIN_INPUT) * canvas_w / FLOAT_RANGE); y2 = (int)(canvas_h - (current->y + current->xoffset_right * current->gradient) * canvas_h); y1 = (int)(canvas_h - (current->y + current->xoffset_left * current->gradient) * canvas_h); /* x2 = x + (title3_x - title2_x)/20; x1 = x - (title3_x - title2_x)/20; y1 = y + (int)(current->gradient * (float)(canvas_h)/20.0); y2 = y - (int)(current->gradient * (float)(canvas_h)/20.0); int y2 = (int)(canvas_h - canvas_h * (current->y + current->gradient /10));*/ canvas->draw_line(x1,y1,x2,y2); canvas->draw_circle(x1 - BOX_SIZE / 4, y1 - BOX_SIZE / 4, BOX_SIZE/2, BOX_SIZE/2); canvas->draw_circle(x2 - BOX_SIZE / 4, y2 - BOX_SIZE / 4, BOX_SIZE/2, BOX_SIZE/2); } current = NEXT; number++; } // Draw 0 and 100% lines. canvas->set_color(0xff0000); canvas->draw_line(title2_x - canvas->get_x(), 0, title2_x - canvas->get_x(), canvas_h); canvas->draw_line(title3_x - canvas->get_x(), 0, title3_x - canvas->get_x(), canvas_h); } void HistogramWindow::update_canvas() { int bins = plugin->slots * (HISTOGRAM_MAX-HISTOGRAM_MIN)/100; int *accum = plugin->accum[plugin->mode]; int normalize = 0; int max = 0; if( accum ) { for( int i=0; i normalize ) normalize = accum[i]; } if( normalize ) { int accum_start = 0; for( int i=0; iset_color(0x333333); canvas->draw_line(i, 0, i, canvas_h - max); canvas->set_color(0x848484); canvas->draw_line(i, canvas_h - max, i, canvas_h); accum_start = accum_end; } } else { canvas->set_color(0x333333); canvas->draw_box(0, 0, canvas_w, canvas_h); } draw_canvas_overlay(); canvas->flash(); } HistogramCanvas::HistogramCanvas(HistogramMain *plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_SubWindow(x, y, w, h, 0x333333) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; } int HistogramCanvas::button_press_event() { int result = 0; if( is_event_win() && cursor_inside() ) { if( !plugin->dragging_point ) { HistogramPoint *new_point = 0; gui->deactivate(); // Search for existing point under cursor HistogramPoint *current = plugin->config.points[plugin->mode].first; plugin->current_point = -1; int dragID = 0; while( current ) { int x = (int)((current->x - HIST_MIN_INPUT) * gui->canvas_w / FLOAT_RANGE); int y = (int)(gui->canvas_h - current->y * gui->canvas_h); /* Check for click on main point */ if( get_cursor_x() >= x - BOX_SIZE / 2 && get_cursor_y() >= y - BOX_SIZE / 2 && get_cursor_x() < x + BOX_SIZE / 2 && get_cursor_y() < y + BOX_SIZE / 2 ) { plugin->current_point = plugin->config.points[plugin->mode].number_of(current); plugin->point_x_offset = get_cursor_x() - x; plugin->point_y_offset = get_cursor_y() - y; dragID = 1; break; } // if (plugin->config.smoothMode == HISTOGRAM_LINEAR) // break; int xright = (int)((current->x + current->xoffset_right - HIST_MIN_INPUT) * gui->canvas_w / FLOAT_RANGE); int yright = (int)(gui->canvas_h - (current->y + current->xoffset_right * current->gradient) * gui->canvas_h); /* Check for click on right handle */ if( get_cursor_x() >= xright - BOX_SIZE / 2 && get_cursor_y() >= yright - BOX_SIZE / 2 && get_cursor_x() < xright + BOX_SIZE / 2 && get_cursor_y() < yright + BOX_SIZE / 2 ) { plugin->current_point = plugin->config.points[plugin->mode].number_of(current); plugin->point_x_offset = get_cursor_x() - xright; plugin->point_y_offset = get_cursor_y() - yright; dragID = 2; break; } /* Check for click on left handle */ int xleft = (int)((current->x + current->xoffset_left - HIST_MIN_INPUT) * gui->canvas_w / FLOAT_RANGE); int yleft = (int)(gui->canvas_h - (current->y + current->xoffset_left * current->gradient) * gui->canvas_h); if( get_cursor_x() >= xleft - BOX_SIZE / 2 && get_cursor_y() >= yleft - BOX_SIZE / 2 && get_cursor_x() < xleft + BOX_SIZE / 2 && get_cursor_y() < yleft + BOX_SIZE / 2 ) { plugin->current_point = plugin->config.points[plugin->mode].number_of(current); plugin->point_x_offset = get_cursor_x() - xleft; plugin->point_y_offset = get_cursor_y() - yleft; dragID = 3; break; } current = NEXT; } if( plugin->current_point < 0 ) { // Create new point under cursor float current_x = (float)get_cursor_x() * FLOAT_RANGE / get_w() + HIST_MIN_INPUT; float current_y = 1.0 - (float)get_cursor_y() / get_h(); new_point = plugin->config.points[plugin->mode].insert(current_x, current_y); plugin->current_point = plugin->config.points[plugin->mode].number_of(new_point); plugin->point_x_offset = 0; plugin->point_y_offset = 0; // Default gradient // Get 2 points surrounding current position float x1 = 0, x2 = 1, y1 = 0, y2 = 1; HistogramPoint *current = plugin->config.points[plugin->mode].first; int done = 0; while( current && !done ) { if( current->x > current_x ) { x2 = current->x; y2 = current->y; done = 1; } else current = NEXT; } current = plugin->config.points[plugin->mode].last; done = 0; while( current && !done ) { if( current->x <= current_x ) { x1 = current->x; y1 = current->y; done = 1; } else current = PREVIOUS; } new_point->gradient = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); dragID = 1; } else if( dragID == 1 && get_buttonpress() == RIGHT_BUTTON ) { if( gui->delete_current_point() ) { plugin->send_configure_change(); dragID = 0; } } plugin->dragging_point = dragID; result = 1; plugin->config.boundaries(); gui->update_input(); gui->update_canvas(); if( new_point ) { plugin->send_configure_change(); } } } return result; } int HistogramCanvas::cursor_motion_event() { if( plugin->dragging_point ) { HistogramPoints *mode_points = &plugin->config.points[plugin->mode]; HistogramPoint *current_point = mode_points->get_item_number(plugin->current_point); float current_x = (float)(get_cursor_x() - plugin->point_x_offset) * FLOAT_RANGE / get_w() + HIST_MIN_INPUT; float current_y = 1.0 - (float)(get_cursor_y() - plugin->point_y_offset) / get_h(); switch( plugin->dragging_point ) { case 1: /* Main point dragged */ current_point->x = current_x; current_point->y = current_y; break; case 2: /* Right control point dragged */ if( current_x - current_point->x > 0 ) { current_point->xoffset_right = current_x - current_point->x; current_point->gradient = (current_y - current_point->y) / (current_x - current_point->x); } break; case 3: /* Left control point dragged */ if( current_x - current_point->x < 0 ) { current_point->xoffset_left = current_x - current_point->x; current_point->gradient = (current_point->y - current_y) / (current_point->x - current_x); } break; } plugin->config.boundaries(); gui->update_input(); gui->update_canvas(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } return 0; } int HistogramCanvas::button_release_event() { if(plugin->dragging_point) { // Test for out of order points to delete. HistogramPoint *current = plugin->config.points[plugin->mode].get_item_number(plugin->current_point); HistogramPoint *prev = PREVIOUS; HistogramPoint *next = NEXT; if( (prev && prev->x >= current->x) || (next && next->x <= current->x) ) { delete current; plugin->current_point = -1; plugin->config.boundaries(); gui->update_input(); gui->update_canvas(); } plugin->send_configure_change(); plugin->dragging_point = 0; } return 0; } HistogramReset::HistogramReset(HistogramMain *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Reset")) { this->plugin = plugin; } int HistogramReset::handle_event() { plugin->config.reset(1); HistogramWindow *window = (HistogramWindow *)plugin->thread->window; window->update(1); window->update_canvas(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } HistogramSlider::HistogramSlider(HistogramMain *plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y, int w, int h, int is_input) : BC_SubWindow(x, y, w, h) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; this->is_input = is_input; operation = NONE; } int HistogramSlider::input_to_pixel(float input) { return (int)((input - HIST_MIN_INPUT) / FLOAT_RANGE * get_w()); } int HistogramSlider::button_press_event() { if( is_event_win() && cursor_inside() ) { // int w = get_w(); int h = get_h(); int half_h = get_h() / 2; gui->deactivate(); if( operation == NONE ) { int x1 = input_to_pixel(plugin->config.output_min[plugin->mode]) - gui->mid_picon->get_w() / 2; int x2 = x1 + gui->mid_picon->get_w(); if( get_cursor_x() >= x1 && get_cursor_x() < x2 && get_cursor_y() >= half_h && get_cursor_y() < h ) { operation = DRAG_MIN_OUTPUT; } } if( operation == NONE ) { int x1 = input_to_pixel(plugin->config.output_max[plugin->mode]) - gui->mid_picon->get_w() / 2; int x2 = x1 + gui->mid_picon->get_w(); if( get_cursor_x() >= x1 && get_cursor_x() < x2 && get_cursor_y() >= half_h && get_cursor_y() < h ) { operation = DRAG_MAX_OUTPUT; } } return 1; } return 0; } int HistogramSlider::button_release_event() { if( operation == NONE ) return 0; operation = NONE; return 1; } int HistogramSlider::cursor_motion_event() { if( operation == NONE ) return 0; float value = (float)get_cursor_x() / get_w() * FLOAT_RANGE + HIST_MIN_INPUT; CLAMP(value, HIST_MIN_INPUT, HIST_MAX_INPUT); switch( operation ) { case DRAG_MIN_OUTPUT: value = MIN(plugin->config.output_max[plugin->mode], value); plugin->config.output_min[plugin->mode] = value; break; case DRAG_MAX_OUTPUT: value = MAX(plugin->config.output_min[plugin->mode], value); plugin->config.output_max[plugin->mode] = value; break; } plugin->config.boundaries(); gui->update_output(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } void HistogramSlider::update() { int w = get_w(), h = get_h(); int half_h = get_h() / 2; // int quarter_h = get_h() / 4; int mode = plugin->mode; int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; clear_box(0, 0, w, h); switch( mode ) { case HISTOGRAM_RED: r = 0xff; break; case HISTOGRAM_GREEN: g = 0xff; break; case HISTOGRAM_BLUE: b = 0xff; break; case HISTOGRAM_VALUE: r = g = b = 0xff; break; } for( int i=0; iconfig.output_min[plugin->mode]; draw_pixmap(gui->min_picon, input_to_pixel(min) - gui->min_picon->get_w() / 2, half_h + 1); float max = plugin->config.output_max[plugin->mode]; draw_pixmap(gui->max_picon, input_to_pixel(max) - gui->max_picon->get_w() / 2, half_h + 1); flash(); flush(); } HistogramAuto::HistogramAuto(HistogramMain *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, plugin->config.automatic, _("Automatic")) { this->plugin = plugin; } int HistogramAuto::handle_event() { plugin->config.automatic = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } HistogramSplit::HistogramSplit(HistogramMain *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, plugin->config.split, _("Split picture")) { this->plugin = plugin; } int HistogramSplit::handle_event() { plugin->config.split = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } HistogramMode::HistogramMode(HistogramMain *plugin, int x, int y, int value, const char *text) : BC_Radial(x, y, plugin->mode == value, text) { this->plugin = plugin; this->value = value; } int HistogramMode::handle_event() { plugin->mode = value; plugin->current_point= -1; HistogramWindow *window = (HistogramWindow *)plugin->thread->window; window->update_mode(); window->update_canvas(); window->update_input(); window->update_output(); window->output->update(); // plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } HistogramClear::HistogramClear(HistogramMain *plugin, int x, int y, const char *text) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, text) { this->plugin = plugin; } int HistogramClear::handle_event() { HistogramPoints *mode_points = &plugin->config.points[plugin->mode]; mode_points->clear(); plugin->config.output_min[plugin->mode] = 0.0; plugin->config.output_max[plugin->mode] = 1.0; HistogramWindow *window = (HistogramWindow *)plugin->thread->window; window->update(1); window->update_canvas(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } HistogramOutputText::HistogramOutputText(HistogramMain *plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y, float *output) : BC_TumbleTextBox(gui, output ? (float)*output : 0.0, (float)HIST_MIN_INPUT, (float)HIST_MAX_INPUT, x, y, xS(60)) { this->plugin = plugin; this->output = output; set_precision(DIGITS); set_increment(PRECISION); } int HistogramOutputText::handle_event() { if( output ) { *output = atof(get_text()); } HistogramWindow *window = (HistogramWindow *)plugin->thread->window; window->output->update(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } HistogramInputText::HistogramInputText(HistogramMain *plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y, int do_x) : BC_TumbleTextBox(gui, 0.0, (float)HIST_MIN_INPUT, (float)HIST_MAX_INPUT, x, y, xS(60)) { this->do_x = do_x; this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; set_precision(DIGITS); set_increment(PRECISION); } int HistogramInputText::handle_event() { if( plugin->current_point >= 0 && plugin->current_point < plugin->config.points[plugin->mode].total() ) { HistogramPoints *mode_points = &plugin->config.points[plugin->mode]; HistogramPoint *point = mode_points->get_item_number(plugin->current_point); if( point ) { if( do_x ) point->x = atof(get_text()); else point->y = atof(get_text()); plugin->config.boundaries(); gui->update_canvas(); HistogramWindow *window = (HistogramWindow *)plugin->thread->window; window->output->update(); plugin->send_configure_change(); } } return 1; } void HistogramInputText::update() { if( plugin->current_point >= 0 && plugin->current_point < plugin->config.points[plugin->mode].total() ) { HistogramPoints *mode_points = &plugin->config.points[plugin->mode]; HistogramPoint *point = mode_points->get_item_number(plugin->current_point); if( point ) { if( do_x ) BC_TumbleTextBox::update(point->x); else BC_TumbleTextBox::update(point->y); } else { BC_TumbleTextBox::update((float)0.0); } } else { BC_TumbleTextBox::update((float)0.0); } } HistogramSmoothMode::HistogramSmoothMode(HistogramMain*plugin, HistogramWindow *gui, int x, int y) : BC_PopupMenu(x, y, xS(180), to_text(plugin->config.smoothMode), 1) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; } void HistogramSmoothMode::create_objects() { add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(HISTOGRAM_LINEAR))); add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(HISTOGRAM_POLYNOMINAL))); add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(HISTOGRAM_BEZIER))); } char* HistogramSmoothMode::to_text(int mode) { switch( mode ) { case HISTOGRAM_LINEAR: return _("Linear"); case HISTOGRAM_POLYNOMINAL: return _("Polynominal"); case HISTOGRAM_BEZIER: return _("Bezier"); } return _("None"); } int HistogramSmoothMode::set_mode(int mode) { const char *tp = to_text(mode); if( strcmp(tp, get_text()) ) { set_text(tp); return 1; } return 0; } int HistogramSmoothMode::from_text(char *text) { if( !strcmp(text, to_text(HISTOGRAM_LINEAR)) ) return HISTOGRAM_LINEAR; if( !strcmp(text, to_text(HISTOGRAM_POLYNOMINAL)) ) return HISTOGRAM_POLYNOMINAL; if( !strcmp(text, to_text(HISTOGRAM_BEZIER)) ) return HISTOGRAM_BEZIER; return HISTOGRAM_LINEAR; } int HistogramSmoothMode::get_mode() { return from_text(get_text()); } int HistogramSmoothMode::handle_event() { plugin->config.smoothMode = get_mode(); gui->update_canvas(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; }