/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "affine.h" #include "clip.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "moveobj.h" #include "moveobjwindow.h" #include "language.h" #include "transportque.inc" REGISTER_PLUGIN(MoveObj) #define MAX_COUNT 250 #define WIN_SIZE 20 MoveObjConfig::MoveObjConfig() { draw_vectors = 0; do_stabilization = 1; block_size = 20; search_radius = 10; settling_speed = 5; } int MoveObjConfig::equivalent(MoveObjConfig &that) { return draw_vectors == that.draw_vectors && do_stabilization == that.do_stabilization && block_size == that.block_size && search_radius == that.search_radius && settling_speed == that.settling_speed; } void MoveObjConfig::copy_from(MoveObjConfig &that) { draw_vectors = that.draw_vectors; do_stabilization = that.do_stabilization; block_size = that.block_size; search_radius = that.search_radius; settling_speed = that.settling_speed; } void MoveObjConfig::interpolate( MoveObjConfig &prev, MoveObjConfig &next, long prev_frame, long next_frame, long current_frame) { copy_from(next); } void MoveObjConfig::limits() { bclamp(block_size, 5, 100); bclamp(search_radius, 1, 100); bclamp(settling_speed, 0, 100); } MoveObj::MoveObj(PluginServer *server) : PluginVClient(server) { affine = 0; prev_position = next_position = -1; x_accum = y_accum = 0; angle_accum = 0; prev_corners = 0; next_corners = 0; } MoveObj::~MoveObj() { delete affine; delete prev_corners; delete next_corners; } const char* MoveObj::plugin_title() { return N_("MoveObj"); } int MoveObj::is_realtime() { return 1; } NEW_WINDOW_MACRO(MoveObj, MoveObjWindow); LOAD_CONFIGURATION_MACRO(MoveObj, MoveObjConfig) void MoveObj::save_data(KeyFrame *keyframe) { FileXML output; // cause data to be stored directly in text output.set_shared_output(keyframe->xbuf); output.tag.set_title("MOVEOBJ"); output.tag.set_property("DRAW_VECTORS", config.draw_vectors); output.tag.set_property("DO_STABILIZATION", config.do_stabilization); output.tag.set_property("BLOCK_SIZE", config.block_size); output.tag.set_property("SEARCH_RADIUS", config.search_radius); output.tag.set_property("SETTLING_SPEED", config.settling_speed); output.append_tag(); output.append_newline(); output.tag.set_title("/MOVEOBJ"); output.append_tag(); output.append_newline(); output.terminate_string(); } void MoveObj::read_data(KeyFrame *keyframe) { FileXML input; input.set_shared_input(keyframe->xbuf); int result = 0; while( !(result = input.read_tag()) ) { if( input.tag.title_is("MOVEOBJ") ) { config.draw_vectors = input.tag.get_property("DRAW_VECTORS", config.draw_vectors); config.do_stabilization = input.tag.get_property("DO_STABILIZATION", config.do_stabilization); config.block_size = input.tag.get_property("BLOCK_SIZE", config.block_size); config.search_radius = input.tag.get_property("SEARCH_RADIUS", config.search_radius); config.settling_speed = input.tag.get_property("SETTLING_SPEED", config.settling_speed); config.limits(); } else if( input.tag.title_is("/MOVEOBJ") ) result = 1; } } void MoveObj::update_gui() { if( !thread ) return; if( !load_configuration() ) return; thread->window->lock_window("MoveObj::update_gui"); MoveObjWindow *window = (MoveObjWindow*)thread->window; window->vectors->update(config.draw_vectors); window->do_stabilization->update(config.do_stabilization); window->block_size->update(config.block_size); window->search_radius->update(config.search_radius); window->settling_speed->update(config.settling_speed); thread->window->unlock_window(); } void MoveObj::to_mat(Mat &mat, int mcols, int mrows, VFrame *inp, int ix,int iy, int mcolor_model) { int mcomp = BC_CModels::components(mcolor_model); int mbpp = BC_CModels::calculate_pixelsize(mcolor_model); int psz = mbpp / mcomp; int mdepth = psz < 2 ? CV_8U : psz < 4 ? CV_16U : CV_32F; if( mat.dims != 2 || mat.depth() != mdepth || mat.channels() != mcomp || mat.cols != mcols || mat.rows != mrows ) { mat.release(); } if( mat.empty() ) { int type = CV_MAKETYPE(mdepth, mcomp); mat.create(mrows, mcols, type); } uint8_t *mat_rows[mrows]; for( int y=0; yget_rows(); int ibpl = inp->get_bytes_per_line(), obpl = mcols * mbpp; int icolor_model = inp->get_color_model(); BC_CModels::transfer(mat_rows, mcolor_model, 0,0, mcols,mrows, obpl, inp_rows, icolor_model, ix,iy, mcols,mrows, ibpl, 0); // VFrame vfrm(mat_rows[0], -1, mcols,mrows, mcolor_model, mat_rows[1]-mat_rows[0]); // static int vfrm_no = 0; char vfn[64]; sprintf(vfn,"/tmp/dat/%06d.png", vfrm_no++); // vfrm.write_png(vfn); } int MoveObj::process_buffer(VFrame *frame, int64_t start_position, double frame_rate) { //int need_reconfigure = load_configuration(); VFrame *input = get_input(0), *output = get_output(0); int w = input->get_w(), h = input->get_h(); int color_model = input->get_color_model(); if( accum_matrix.empty() ) { accum_matrix = Mat::eye(3,3, CV_64F); } if( !affine ) { int cpus1 = PluginClient::get_project_smp() + 1; affine = new AffineEngine(cpus1, cpus1); } if( !prev_corners ) prev_corners = new ptV(); if( !next_corners ) next_corners = new ptV(); // Get the position of previous reference frame. int64_t actual_previous_number = start_position; int skip_current = 0; if( get_direction() == PLAY_REVERSE ) { if( ++actual_previous_number < get_source_start() + get_total_len() ) { KeyFrame *keyframe = get_next_keyframe(start_position, 1); if( keyframe->position > 0 && actual_previous_number >= keyframe->position ) skip_current = 1; } else skip_current = 1; } else { if( --actual_previous_number >= get_source_start() ) { KeyFrame *keyframe = get_prev_keyframe(start_position, 1); if( keyframe->position > 0 && actual_previous_number < keyframe->position) skip_current = 1; } else skip_current = 1; } // move currrent image to previous position if( next_position >= 0 && next_position == actual_previous_number ) { Mat mat = prev_mat; prev_mat = next_mat; next_mat = mat; ptV *pts = prev_corners; prev_corners = next_corners; next_corners = pts; prev_position = next_position; } else // load previous image if( actual_previous_number >= 0 ) { read_frame(input, 0, actual_previous_number, frame_rate, 0); to_mat(prev_mat, w,h, input, 0,0, BC_GREY8); } if( skip_current || prev_position != actual_previous_number ) { skip_current = 1; accum_matrix = Mat::eye(3,3, CV_64F); } // load next image next_position = start_position; VFrame *iframe = !config.do_stabilization ? input : new_temp(w,h, color_model); read_frame(iframe, 0, start_position, frame_rate, 0); to_mat(next_mat, w,h, iframe, 0,0, BC_GREY8); int corner_count = MAX_COUNT; int block_size = config.block_size; int min_distance = config.search_radius; goodFeaturesToTrack(next_mat, *next_corners, corner_count, 0.01, // quality_level min_distance, noArray(), block_size, false, // use_harris 0.04); // k ptV pt1, pt2; if( !next_mat.empty() && next_corners->size() > 3 ) { cornerSubPix(next_mat, *next_corners, Size(WIN_SIZE, WIN_SIZE), Size(-1,-1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03)); } if( !prev_mat.empty() && prev_corners->size() > 3 ) { // optical flow Mat st, err; ptV &prev = *prev_corners, &next = *next_corners; calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev_mat, next_mat, prev, next, st, err, Size(WIN_SIZE, WIN_SIZE), 5, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.3), 0); float fails = 0.5 * w + 1; uint8_t *stp = st.ptr(); float *errp = err.ptr(); for( int i=0,n=next_corners->size(); i fails ) continue; pt1.push_back(next[i]); pt2.push_back(prev[i]); } } int points = pt1.size(); if( points > 0 && !skip_current ) { if( config.draw_vectors ) { int sz = bmin(w,h) / 222 + 2; for( int i = 0; i < points; ++i ) iframe->draw_arrow(pt1[i].x,pt1[i].y, pt2[i].x,pt2[i].y, sz); } #ifdef _RANSAC // ransac int ninliers = 0; Mat_ translationM = estimateGlobalMotionRansac(pt1, pt2, MM_TRANSLATION, RansacParams::default2dMotion(MM_TRANSLATION), 0, &ninliers); Mat_ rotationM = estimateGlobalMotionRansac(pt1, pt2, MM_ROTATION, RansacParams::default2dMotion(MM_ROTATION), 0, &ninliers); double temp[9]; Mat temp_matrix = Mat(3, 3, CV_64F, temp); for( int i=0; i<9; ++i ) temp[i] = i == 2 || i == 5 ? translationM(i / 3, i % 3) : rotationM(i / 3, i % 3); accum_matrix = temp_matrix * accum_matrix; #else // homography Mat M1(1, points, CV_32FC2, &pt1[0].x); Mat M2(1, points, CV_32FC2, &pt2[0].x); //M2 = H*M1 , old = H*current Mat H = findHomography(M1, M2, CV_RANSAC, 2); if( !H.dims || !H.rows || !H.cols ) printf("MoveObj::process_buffer %d: Find Homography Fail!\n", __LINE__); else accum_matrix = H * accum_matrix; #endif } double *amat = accum_matrix.ptr(); // deglitch // if( EQUIV(amat[0], 0) ) { //printf("MoveObj::process_buffer %d\n", __LINE__); // accum_matrix = Mat::eye(3,3, CV_64F); // } if( config.do_stabilization ) { Mat identity = Mat::eye(3,3, CV_64F); double w0 = config.settling_speed/100., w1 = 1.-w0; // interpolate with identity matrix accum_matrix = w0*identity + w1*accum_matrix; AffineMatrix &matrix = affine->matrix; for( int i=0,k=0; i<3; ++i ) for( int j=0; j<3; ++j ) matrix.values[i][j] = amat[k++]; //printf("MoveObj::process_buffer %d %jd matrix=\n", __LINE__, start_position); //matrix.dump(); // iframe is always temp, if we get here output->clear_frame(); affine->process(output, iframe, 0, AffineEngine::TRANSFORM, 0,0, w,0, w,h, 0,h, 1); } return 0; }