/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2010 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef SYNTHESIZER_H #define SYNTHESIZER_H #include "filexml.inc" #include "guicast.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "pluginaclient.h" #include "vframe.inc" class Synth; class SynthWindow; // Frequency table for piano float keyboard_freqs[] = { 65.4064, 69.2957, 73.4162, 77.7817, 82.4069, 87.3071, 92.4986, 97.9989, 103.826, 110.000, 116.541, 123.471, 130.81, 138.59, 146.83, 155.56, 164.81, 174.61, 185.00, 196.00, 207.65, 220.00, 233.08, 246.94, 261.63, 277.18, 293.66, 311.13, 329.63, 349.23, 369.99, 392.00, 415.30, 440.00, 466.16, 493.88, 523.251, 554.365, 587.330, 622.254, 659.255, 698.456, 739.989, 783.991, 830.609, 880.000, 932.328, 987.767, 1046.50, 1108.73, 1174.66, 1244.51, 1318.51, 1396.91, 1479.98, 1567.98, 1661.22, 1760.00, 1864.66, 1975.53, 2093.00 }; #define MAX_FREQS 16 #define MAX_OSCILLATORS 256 #define OSCILLATORHEIGHT yS(40) #define TOTALNOTES ((int)(sizeof(keyboard_freqs) / sizeof(float))) #define MIDDLE_C 24 #define FIRST_TITLE (MIDDLE_C - 12) #define LAST_TITLE (MIDDLE_C + 12) #define YMARGIN yS(10) #define SINE 0 #define SAWTOOTH 1 #define SQUARE 2 #define TRIANGLE 3 #define PULSE 4 #define NOISE 5 #define DC 6 class SynthCanvas; class SynthWaveForm; class SynthBaseFreq; class SynthFreqPot; class SynthOscGUI; class OscScroll; class NoteScroll; class SynthWetness; class SynthNote; class SynthMomentary; class SynthWindow : public PluginClientWindow { public: SynthWindow(Synth *synth); ~SynthWindow(); void create_objects(); int resize_event(int w, int h); void update_gui(); int waveform_to_text(char *text, int waveform); void update_scrollbar(); void update_oscillators(); void update_notes(); void update_note_selection(); int keypress_event(); void update_blackkey(int number, int *current_title, int x, int y); void update_whitekey(int number, int *current_title, int x, int y); Synth *synth; SynthCanvas *canvas; SynthWetness *wetness; SynthWaveForm *waveform; SynthBaseFreq *base_freq; SynthFreqPot *freqpot; BC_SubWindow *osc_subwindow; OscScroll *osc_scroll; BC_SubWindow *note_subwindow; NoteScroll *note_scroll; ArrayList oscillators; SynthNote *notes[TOTALNOTES]; BC_Title *note_titles[TOTALNOTES]; BC_Title *note_instructions; SynthMomentary *momentary; VFrame *white_key[5]; VFrame *black_key[5]; int y1; int y2; int y3; int text_white_margin; int text_black_margin; // Button press currently happening if > -1 int current_note; // If we are stopping or starting notes in a drag int starting_notes; }; class SynthMomentary : public BC_CheckBox { public: SynthMomentary(SynthWindow *window, int x, int y, char *text); int handle_event(); SynthWindow *window; }; class SynthNote : public BC_Toggle { public: SynthNote(SynthWindow *window, VFrame **images, int number, int x, int y); void start_note(); void stop_note(); int keypress_event(); int keyrelease_event(); int button_press_event(); int button_release_event(); int cursor_motion_event(); int draw_face(int flash, int flush); int number; int note_on; SynthWindow *window; }; class SynthOscGUILevel; class SynthOscGUIPhase; class SynthOscGUIFreq; class SynthOscGUI { public: SynthOscGUI(SynthWindow *window, int number); ~SynthOscGUI(); void create_objects(int view_y); SynthOscGUILevel *level; SynthOscGUIPhase *phase; SynthOscGUIFreq *freq; BC_Title *title; int number; SynthWindow *window; }; class SynthOscGUILevel : public BC_FPot { public: SynthOscGUILevel(Synth *synth, SynthOscGUI *gui, int y); ~SynthOscGUILevel(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; SynthOscGUI *gui; }; class SynthOscGUIPhase : public BC_IPot { public: SynthOscGUIPhase(Synth *synth, SynthOscGUI *gui, int y); ~SynthOscGUIPhase(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; SynthOscGUI *gui; }; class SynthOscGUIFreq : public BC_FPot { public: SynthOscGUIFreq(Synth *synth, SynthOscGUI *gui, int y); ~SynthOscGUIFreq(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; SynthOscGUI *gui; }; class OscScroll : public BC_ScrollBar { public: OscScroll(Synth *synth, SynthWindow *window, int x, int y, int h); ~OscScroll(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; SynthWindow *window; }; class NoteScroll : public BC_ScrollBar { public: NoteScroll(Synth *synth, SynthWindow *window, int x, int y, int w); ~NoteScroll(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; SynthWindow *window; }; class SynthAddOsc : public BC_GenericButton { public: SynthAddOsc(Synth *synth, SynthWindow *window, int x, int y); ~SynthAddOsc(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; SynthWindow *window; }; class SynthDelOsc : public BC_GenericButton { public: SynthDelOsc(Synth *synth, SynthWindow *window, int x, int y); ~SynthDelOsc(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; SynthWindow *window; }; class SynthClear : public BC_GenericButton { public: SynthClear(Synth *synth, int x, int y); ~SynthClear(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthWaveForm : public BC_PopupMenu { public: SynthWaveForm(Synth *synth, int x, int y, char *text); ~SynthWaveForm(); void create_objects(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthWaveFormItem : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthWaveFormItem(Synth *synth, char *text, int value); ~SynthWaveFormItem(); int handle_event(); int value; Synth *synth; }; class SynthBaseFreq : public BC_TextBox { public: SynthBaseFreq(Synth *synth, SynthWindow *window, int x, int y); ~SynthBaseFreq(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; SynthFreqPot *freq_pot; SynthWindow *window; }; class SynthFreqPot : public BC_QPot { public: SynthFreqPot(Synth *synth, SynthWindow *window, int x, int y); ~SynthFreqPot(); int handle_event(); SynthWindow *window; Synth *synth; SynthBaseFreq *freq_text; }; class SynthWetness : public BC_FPot { public: SynthWetness(Synth *synth, int x, int y); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthCanvas : public BC_SubWindow { public: SynthCanvas(Synth *synth, SynthWindow *window, int x, int y, int w, int h); ~SynthCanvas(); int update(); Synth *synth; SynthWindow *window; }; // ======================= level calculations class SynthLevelZero : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthLevelZero(Synth *synth); ~SynthLevelZero(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthLevelMax : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthLevelMax(Synth *synth); ~SynthLevelMax(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthLevelNormalize : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthLevelNormalize(Synth *synth); ~SynthLevelNormalize(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthLevelSlope : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthLevelSlope(Synth *synth); ~SynthLevelSlope(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthLevelRandom : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthLevelRandom(Synth *synth); ~SynthLevelRandom(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthLevelInvert : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthLevelInvert(Synth *synth); ~SynthLevelInvert(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthLevelSine : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthLevelSine(Synth *synth); ~SynthLevelSine(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; // ============================ phase calculations class SynthPhaseInvert : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthPhaseInvert(Synth *synth); ~SynthPhaseInvert(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthPhaseZero : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthPhaseZero(Synth *synth); ~SynthPhaseZero(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthPhaseSine : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthPhaseSine(Synth *synth); ~SynthPhaseSine(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthPhaseRandom : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthPhaseRandom(Synth *synth); ~SynthPhaseRandom(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; // ============================ freq calculations class SynthFreqRandom : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthFreqRandom(Synth *synth); ~SynthFreqRandom(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthFreqPow1 : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthFreqPow1(Synth *synth); ~SynthFreqPow1(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthFreqPow2 : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthFreqPow2(Synth *synth); ~SynthFreqPow2(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthFreqEnum : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthFreqEnum(Synth *synth); ~SynthFreqEnum(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthFreqMin : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthFreqMin(Synth *synth); ~SynthFreqMin(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthFreqEven : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthFreqEven(Synth *synth); ~SynthFreqEven(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthFreqOdd : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthFreqOdd(Synth *synth); ~SynthFreqOdd(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthFreqFibonacci : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthFreqFibonacci(Synth *synth); ~SynthFreqFibonacci(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; }; class SynthFreqPrime : public BC_MenuItem { public: SynthFreqPrime(Synth *synth); ~SynthFreqPrime(); int handle_event(); Synth *synth; private: float get_next_prime(float number); }; class SynthOscillatorConfig { public: SynthOscillatorConfig(int number); ~SynthOscillatorConfig(); int equivalent(SynthOscillatorConfig &that); void copy_from(SynthOscillatorConfig& that); void reset(); void read_data(FileXML *file); void save_data(FileXML *file); int is_realtime(); float level; float phase; float freq_factor; int number; }; class SynthConfig { public: SynthConfig(); ~SynthConfig(); int equivalent(SynthConfig &that); void copy_from(SynthConfig &that); void interpolate(SynthConfig &prev, SynthConfig &next, int64_t prev_frame, int64_t next_frame, int64_t current_frame); void reset(); double wetness; // base frequency for oscillators // Freqs of 0 are unused. double base_freq[MAX_FREQS]; int wavefunction; // SINE, SAWTOOTH, etc ArrayList oscillator_config; int momentary_notes; }; class Synth : public PluginAClient { public: Synth(PluginServer *server); ~Synth(); PLUGIN_CLASS_MEMBERS(SynthConfig) int is_realtime(); int is_synthesis(); void read_data(KeyFrame *keyframe); void save_data(KeyFrame *keyframe); int process_realtime(int64_t size, Samples *input_ptr, Samples *output_ptr); // Frequency is in the table of base_freqs int freq_exists(double freq); // Manage frequency table void new_freq(double freq); void delete_freq(double freq); void delete_freqs(); void add_oscillator(); void delete_oscillator(); double get_total_power(); double get_oscillator_point(float x, double normalize_constant, int oscillator); double solve_eqn(double *output, int length, double freq, double normalize_constant, int oscillator); double get_point(float x, double normalize_constant); double function_square(double x); double function_pulse(double x); double function_noise(); double function_sawtooth(double x); double function_triangle(double x); void reconfigure(); int overlay_synth(double freq, int64_t length, double *input, double *output); void update_gui(); void reset(); int window_w, window_h; int need_reconfigure; DB db; // Samples since last reconfiguration int64_t waveform_sample; }; #endif