Shift-click on a curve keyframe to snap it to the neighboring values. When configuring slow effects, disable playback for the track. After configuring it, re-enable playback to process a single frame. Ctrl + any transport command causes playback to only cover the region defined by the in/out points. Shift + clicking a patch causes all other patches except the selected one to toggle. Clicking on a patch and dragging across other tracks causes the other patches to match the first one. Shift + clicking on an effect boundary causes dragging to affect just the one effect. Load multiple files by clicking on one file and shift + clicking on another file. Ctrl + clicking toggles individual files. Ctrl + left clicking on the time bar cycles forward a time format. Ctrl + middle clicking on the time bar cycles backward a time format. Use the +/- keys in the Compositor window to zoom in and out. Pressing Alt while clicking in the cropping window causes translation of all 4 points. Pressing Tab over a track toggles the Record status. Pressing Shift-Tab over a track toggles the Record status of all the other tracks. Audio->Map 1:1 maps each recordable audio track to a different channel. Map 5.1:2 maps 6 recordable AC3 tracks to 2 channels. Alt + left moves to the previous edit handle. Alt + right moves to the next edit handle. Settings->typeless keyframes allows keyframes from any track to be pasted on either audio or video tracks. If colors in Compositor looks wrong, check "Setting/Preferences/Appearance" tab options YUV color space and YUV color range If you mistakingly saved empty backup, you still have $HOME/.bcast5/backup.prev You can have more than one instance of Cinelerra-GG running.