6 “BC_DisplayInfo :: init_window:無法打開顯示\”“\ n”%s的\
7 “BC_DisplayInfo :: init_window:無法連接到X服務器\ n”。
34 “主題:: get_image:%s未找到\ n”。
35 “BC_Theme :: check_used:圖像不使用\ n”。
36 “%S:OpenGL的初始化失敗,失敗\ n”
37 “BC_WindowBase ::〜BC_WindowBase窗口中將其刪除,但刪除的OpenGL不\ nimplemented為BC_Pixmap。\ n”
49 “(C),%d個亞當姆斯\ n \ nheroinewarrior.com”
52 “這個程序是自由軟件,您可以重新分配和/或根據條款\ NOF公佈由自由軟件基金會的GNU通用公共許可證修改;許可證的任一版本\ N2,或(由你選擇)任何更新。版本\ n \ n此程序是分佈在希望這將是有用的,但沒有任何擔保; \ nwithout甚至適銷性的暗示的保證或適用於某一特殊\ nPURPOSE詳情請參照GNU通用公共許可證\ ñ\ N“
66 “AModule :: import_samples無法打開%s。\ n”
187 “布蘭德:: fork_background:無法打開/proc/self/cmdline.\n”
188 “布蘭德:: set_video_map稱為設置NOT_SCANNED \ n”
189 “布蘭德:: set_video_map”
255 “sunmontuewedthufrisat”
300 “切夾%d在編輯@%F%F-%F,夾@%F-%F \ N”
387 “按Ctrl鎖定尺子到\ nnearest 45%C角”。
403 “**%scarrier,dvb_locked%S \ n”
407 “DeviceMPEGInput :: get_channeldb ::單元%d(ID%d中。%D)有%d /%D視頻/音頻流\ n”
410 “DeviceV4L2Base :: v4l2_open試圖格式%4.4s \ n”
411 “DeviceV4L2Base :: v4l2_open JPEG司機和best_format不MJPEG(%4.4s)\ n”
412 “DeviceV4L2Base :: v4l2_open MPEG司機和best_format不是MPEG(%4.4s)\ n”
413 “DeviceV4L2Base :: v4l2_open配置GEOM%DX%d個!=%DX%d個best_geom \ n”
462 “FFMPEG :: get_encoder:錯誤:格式/編解碼器找不到%S \ n”
463 “FFMPEG :: read_options:寧可讀%S:%d行\ n”
464 “VID%D(%D),編號為0x%06X:\ n”
465 “AUD%D(%D),編號為0x%06X:\ n”
471 “原始DV格式不支持以下決議:%IX%我幀率:%F \ nAllowed分辨率720×576是25fps的(PAL)和720×480 29.97(NTSC)\ n”
472 “建議:適當的幀速率NTSC DV是29.97,而不是30 fps的\ n”
473 “:在採樣率%我道:原始DV格式不支持以下音頻配置IHZ%\ n”
474 %s \“的同時打開\錯誤”“寫作。\ n%M \ N”
475 %s \“的同時打開\錯誤”“閱讀。\ n%M \ N”
476 “錯誤:無法分配的內存audio_sample_buffer \ n”
477 “錯誤:無法分配內存audio_sample_buffer頻道%d個\ N”
478 “錯誤:無法重新分配的audio_sample_buffer頻道%d個\ N個存儲”
524 “OGG Theora格式/ Vorbis格式”
566 “當前程序%D =標題%D,角度%D,交織%d個\ n \ n”
572 “無法打開%s:目錄版本無效的表\ nRebuilding表的內容。”
573 “無法打開%s:目錄過時\ nRebuilding表的內容。”
574 “無法打開%s:腐敗目錄\ nRebuilding表的內容。”
578 “在打開錯誤\”%s \“的寫作\ n%M \ N”
579 “編碼:lame_init_params返回%d個\ N”
580 “ampeg_derivative =%d個\ N”
584 “twolame糾錯編碼的音頻數:%d \ n”
618 “FileOGG:服用頁出來nonsynced流\ n”!
619 “FileOGG:有在文件中沒有更多的數據,我們從\ n閱讀”
621 “FileOGG:警告:編碼Theora格式時,寬度和高度都沒有可分16次優的是\ n”
622 “FileOGG:Theora格式編解碼器的初始化失敗\ n”
623 “根據\ n此要求的質量或比特率的Vorbis編碼器不能建立一種模式。\ n \ n”
625 “FileOGG:錯誤解析Theora格式的流頭部;腐敗流\ n”
626 “FileOGG:錯誤解析Vorbis格式的流頭部;腐敗流\ n”
627 “FileOGG:文件結束,而搜索編解碼器的頭\ n”。
628 “FileOGG:在尋找第一個非標頭包\ n不能找到下一個頁面”
629 “FileOGG:破碎的OGG文件 - 破頁:ogg_page_packets == 0和granulepos = -1 \ n”!
630 “FileOGG:非法尋求超越的樣本結束的\ n”
631 “FileOGG:求樣品的頁面失敗\ n”
632 “FileOGG:同時尋求\ n不能找到下一個頁面”
633 “FileOGG:有什麼問題,而試圖尋求\ n”
634 “FileOGG:非法不要僅僅追求幀\ n結束”
635 “FileOGG:ogg_sync_and_get_next_page失敗\ n”
639 “FileOGG ::錯誤同時尋求框架的關鍵幀(幀”
640 “FileOGG ::錯誤而尋求關鍵幀,關鍵幀錯號(框架”
641 “FileOGG:期待關鍵幀,但沒有得到它\ n”
642 “FileOGG:theora_decode_YUVout的代碼失敗%I \ N”
643 “FileOGG:嘗試解碼多個樣本的\ n找不到下一頁”
644 “FileOGG:錯誤在找出從檔案\ n讀什麼”
645 “FileOGG ::歷史沒有對準正確的\ n”
646 “\ tnext_sample_position:”
650 “FileOGG:theora_encode_YUVin的代碼失敗%I \ N”
660 “sf_seek()來樣%JD失敗,原因:%S \ n”
662 “FileSndFile :: read_samples FD =%P = temp_double%P LEN =”
669 “FileVorbis :: OPEN_FILE%S:無效的比特流\ n”
673 “ULAW壓縮只在\ nQuicktime電影和PCM文件可用。”
725 “write_frame:不完整的幀中收到\ n”。
727 “索引文件:: draw_index:指數有0變焦\ n”
728 “IndexState :: write_index無法寫入索引文件%s到磁盤上。\ n”
729 “IndexState :: write_markers無法寫入標記文件%s磁盤。\ n”
730 “IndexState :: read_markers標記文件的版本不匹配\ n%S \ n”
754 “ffmpeg的探頭警告重建indecies”
802 “%S [-f] [-c配置] [-d端口] [-n很好] [-r批處理文件] [文件名] \ n \ n”
803 “-D =運行在後台渲染農場客戶端。端口(400)是可選的。\ n”
804 “-f =在前台運行的渲染農場客戶端。為替-d。\ n”
805 “-n =尼斯值,如果運行的渲染農場客戶端。(20)\ n”
806 “-C =配置文件來使用,而不是%s%S。\ n”
807 “-r =批次沒有圖形用戶界面渲染的批處理文件的內容(%s%S)。批處理文件是可選的。\ n”
808 “文件名=文件加載\ n \ n \ n”
898 “找到時間表frame_id(%D)失敗\ n”
927 “MWindow :: init_plugins:不能創建插件指數:%S \ n”
928 “MWindow :: init_ladspa_index:不能創建插件指數:%S \ n”
929 “MWindow :: init_theme:主題者優先%S沒有找到\ n”。
930 “MWindow :: init_theme:嘗試默認主題%S \ n”
931 “MWindow :: init_theme:theme_plugin沒有找到\ n”。
932 “MWindow :: init_theme:無法加載主題%S \ n”
940 “%s的分辨率是DX%%d個\有奇數維nImages可能無法正確解碼。”
941 “%s的指數是專為程序編號%d個\ nPlayback偏好為%d。\ n使用程序%d個。”
945 “這%s'%s'的文件”%s“不是你的Cinelerra的安裝的一部分。因為它的意思,Cinelerra可能會崩潰\ n該項目將不會被渲染。\ n”
946 “MWindow :: init_shm:的/ proc / SYS /內核/ SHMMAX是0X”
953 “該項目的尺寸不是4這樣\尼特不能由OpenGL的呈現數倍”。
1012 “改變基本的編解碼器,可能需要重建indecies”。
1019 “Cinelerra:ChanSearch”
1026 “Cinelerra:DbWindow”
1045 “Cinelerra:RemoteWindow”
1099 “(如果覆蓋在每個標籤的新文件被選中)”
1110 “打造的ffmpeg標記indecies”
1155 “附加單並且standlone和別人分享”
1298 “RenderFarmServerThread :: start_loop:插座\ N”
1299 “RenderFarmServerThread :: open_client:%S:%S \ n”
1300 “RenderFarmServerThread :: start_loop:插座”
1301 “RenderFarmServerThread :: open_client:未知主機%S \ n”。
1302 “RenderFarmServerThread ::運行:未知的請求%02X \ n”
1303 “RenderFarmClient ::中main_loop:插座”
1304 “RenderFarmClient ::中main_loop:綁定端口%D:%S”
1305 “RenderFarmClient ::中main_loop:綁定路徑%S:%S \ n”
1306 “RenderFarmClient ::中main_loop:聽”
1307 “RenderFarmClient ::中main_loop:接受”
1308 “RenderFarmClientThread ::運行:會話結束\ n”。
1309 “這個軌道的尺寸不是4這樣\尼特不能由OpenGL的呈現數倍”。
1315 “ResourcePixmap :: draw_audio_source:沒有檢查出來%s的繪製\ n”。
1359 “無法打開:\”%s \“的\ N%的”
1363 “在曲線關鍵幀按住Shift鍵單擊它捕捉到鄰近的價值觀。”
1364 “當配置減速效果,為軌道禁止播放。它配置後,\ NRE啟用回放處理一幀”。
1365 “CTRL +任何傳輸命令回放導致的In / Out點定義為僅蓋\ n該地區。”
1366 “按住Shift點擊一個補丁會導致除\其他所有的補丁nselected一個切換。”
1367 “點擊補丁,並與其它軌道拖拽導致\ n此補丁等相匹配的第一個。”
1368 “按住Shift點擊效果邊界上引起拖到影響\ njust的一個效果。”
1369 “加載多個文件通過點擊一個文件和Shift +點擊\ nanother文件。按Ctrl +單擊切換單個文件。”
1370 “在時間欄週期提出了時間格式按Ctrl +左鍵點擊。在時間欄週期落後的時間格式\ NCTRL +鼠標中間。”
1371 “使用+/-鍵在合成器窗口放大和縮小。\ n”
1372 “按Alt鍵,而在裁剪窗口中單擊導致\ n所有4個點的翻譯。\ n”
1373 “按Tab鍵在曲目切換的錄製狀態。\ nPressing Shift-Tab鍵在曲目切換所有其他曲目的錄製狀態。\ n”
1374 “音頻 - >地圖1:6刻錄AC3音軌1映射到2個通道\ N:1的每個記錄的音軌到不同的信道映射\ NMAP 5.1。”
1375 “Alt +左鍵移動到前面的編輯手柄。\ NALT +向右移動到下一個編輯手柄。\ n”
1376 “設置 - >無類型的關鍵幀,可以從任意的軌道關鍵幀中在任\ n音訊或視頻音軌粘貼。\ n”
1387 “VDeviceLML ::的read_buffer:驅動程序崩潰\ n”
1388 “VDeviceLML ::的read_buffer:重新\ n”
1471 “Bluebanana:無法創建滑塊\ N幀”
1475 “未知的ColorModel在BluebananaA2Sel:更新()\ n”
1501 “從EffectTV \ n版權所有BurningTV(C)2001福地太郎”
1513 "negfix values to apply:"
1517 "Can't open cdrom drive."
1518 "Can't get total from table of contents."
1519 "Can't get table of contents entry."
1520 "Can't get table of contents leadout."
1521 "Start track is out of range."
1522 "End track is out of range."
1523 "End position is out of range."
1524 "Select the range to transfer:"
1541 "Saturation Offset:"
1547 "Spill light control:"
1549 "Spill Compensation:"
1553 "Interpolate Pixels"
1565 "Preserve luminosity"
1578 "Input frames per second:"
1579 "Last frame dropped: "
1581 "Select lines to keep"
1588 "Average even lines"
1590 "Changed rows: %d\n"
1592 "Select deinterlacing mode"
1595 "Average top fields"
1596 "Average bottom fields"
1601 "Duplicate one field"
1603 "Average both fields"
1605 "Spatial field swap"
1606 "Temporal field swap"
1613 "Number of samples for reference:"
1614 "The keyframe is the start of the reference"
1626 "Selective Temporal Averaging"
1630 "Selective Temporal Averaging: "
1636 "Standard Deviation"
1637 "First frame in average:"
1639 "Restart marker system:"
1641 "Reprocess frame again"
1642 "Disable subtraction"
1643 "This Frame is a start of a section"
1644 "Average changing pixels"
1645 "Average similar pixels"
1646 "Frames to accumulate:"
1650 "Maximum rate of change:"
1655 "DotTV from EffectTV\nCopyright (C) 2001 FUKUCHI Kentarou"
1682 "Search radius:\n(W/H Percent of image)"
1683 "Object size:\n(W/H Percent of image)"
1687 "Replacement object layer:"
1688 "Output/scene layer:"
1689 "Object blend amount:"
1696 "Draw object border"
1755 "Use keyframes as input"
1757 "Draw motion vectors"
1773 "Rectilinear Stretch"
1774 "Rectilinear Shrink"
1784 "Duration (seconds):"
1785 "Max soundlevel (dB):"
1786 "RMS soundlevel (dB):"
1800 "Translation search radius:\n(W/H Percent of image)"
1801 "Rotation search radius:\n(Degrees)"
1802 "Translation block size:\n(W/H Percent of image)"
1803 "Translation search steps:"
1804 "Rotation search steps:"
1805 "Translation direction:"
1807 "Maximum angle offset:"
1808 "Rotation settling speed:"
1809 "Maximum absolute offset:"
1810 "Motion settling speed:"
1815 "Add (loaded) offset from tracked frame"
1819 "Track single frame"
1820 "Track previous frame"
1821 "Previous frame same block"
1826 "Stabilize Subpixel"
1828 "Save coords to /tmp"
1829 "Load coords from /tmp"
1837 "Translation search offset:\n(X/Y Percent of image)"
1839 "Search directions:"
1843 "Rotation block size:\n(W/H Percent of image)"
1845 "Enter the DB to overload by:"
1846 "Treat tracks independantly"
1870 "Perspective direction:"
1875 "Use alpha/black level"
1911 "Threshold of gap (DB):"
1912 "Max duration of gap (Seconds):"
1925 "Initial signal level:"
1926 "ms before reflections:"
1927 "First reflection level:"
1928 "Last reflection level:"
1929 "Number of reflections:"
1930 "ms of reflections:"
1931 "Start band for lowpass:"
1932 "End band for lowpass:"
1937 "Select the reverb file to save as"
1939 "Select the reverb file to load from"
1942 "RGB -> 601 compression"
1943 "601 -> RGB expansion"
1960 "Preserve shape aspect ratio"
1962 "Shape Wipe: cannot load shape %s\n"
1973 "Amplitude: %.2f dB"
1976 "Running command %s\n"
1977 "Export of %s to %s failed\n"
1978 "The file %s that was generated from %s is not in PNG format. Try to delete all *.png files.\n"
1979 "Access mmap to %s as %s failed.\n"
1983 "Error while creating fifo file"
1984 "Inkscape has exited\n"
1985 "Plugin window has closed\n"
1986 "Running external SVG editor: %s\n"
1987 "External SVG editor finished\n"
1988 "SVG Plugin: Pick SVG file"
1989 "Open an existing SVG file or create a new one"
1995 "Swap 0-1, 2-3, 4-5..."
1996 "Swap 1-2, 3-4, 5-6..."
2000 "Ctrl or Shift to select multiple notes."
2023 "Restart for every frame"
2024 "Don't buffer frames"
2028 "Other track as timefront"
2029 "Alpha as timefront"
2033 "Show grayscale (for tuning"
2035 "ERROR: TimeFront plugin - If you are using another track for timefront, you have to have it under shared effects\n"
2036 "Sizes of master track and timefront track do not match\n"
2037 "TimeFront plugin error: ALPHA used, but project color model does not have alpha\n"
2038 "TimeFront plugin error: ALPHA track used, but project color model does not have alpha\n"
2039 "TimeFront plugin error: unsupported track_usage parameter\n"
2040 "Use fast fourier transform"
2041 "Use overlapping windows"
2043 "Fraction of original speed:"
2047 "GlyphUnit::process_package FT_New_Face failed.\n"
2048 "GlyphUnit::process_package FT_Load_Char failed - char: %li.\n"
2049 "TitleMain::load_freetype_face %s failed.\n"