1 --- ./CMakeLists.txt.orig 2021-11-23 13:07:40.473195486 +0300
2 +++ ./CMakeLists.txt 2021-11-23 13:08:43.225195490 +0300
5 # Options for coder / decoder executables.
6 option(WEBP_ENABLE_SIMD "Enable any SIMD optimization." ON)
7 -option(WEBP_BUILD_ANIM_UTILS "Build animation utilities." ON)
8 -option(WEBP_BUILD_CWEBP "Build the cwebp command line tool." ON)
9 -option(WEBP_BUILD_DWEBP "Build the dwebp command line tool." ON)
10 -option(WEBP_BUILD_GIF2WEBP "Build the gif2webp conversion tool." ON)
11 -option(WEBP_BUILD_IMG2WEBP "Build the img2webp animation tool." ON)
12 -option(WEBP_BUILD_VWEBP "Build the vwebp viewer tool." ON)
13 -option(WEBP_BUILD_WEBPINFO "Build the webpinfo command line tool." ON)
14 -option(WEBP_BUILD_WEBPMUX "Build the webpmux command line tool." ON)
15 -option(WEBP_BUILD_EXTRAS "Build extras." ON)
16 +option(WEBP_BUILD_ANIM_UTILS "Build animation utilities." OFF)
17 +option(WEBP_BUILD_CWEBP "Build the cwebp command line tool." OFF)
18 +option(WEBP_BUILD_DWEBP "Build the dwebp command line tool." OFF)
19 +option(WEBP_BUILD_GIF2WEBP "Build the gif2webp conversion tool." OFF)
20 +option(WEBP_BUILD_IMG2WEBP "Build the img2webp animation tool." OFF)
21 +option(WEBP_BUILD_VWEBP "Build the vwebp viewer tool." OFF)
22 +option(WEBP_BUILD_WEBPINFO "Build the webpinfo command line tool." OFF)
23 +option(WEBP_BUILD_WEBPMUX "Build the webpmux command line tool." OFF)
24 +option(WEBP_BUILD_EXTRAS "Build extras." OFF)
25 option(WEBP_BUILD_WEBP_JS "Emscripten build of webp.js." OFF)
26 option(WEBP_NEAR_LOSSLESS "Enable near-lossless encoding" ON)
27 option(WEBP_ENABLE_SWAP_16BIT_CSP "Enable byte swap for 16 bit colorspaces."