1 # Indicate this is not a GNU project and that missing files
2 # should be automatically created in existing subdir "cfg"
6 ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I cfg --install
8 # PROGRAMS indicate the name of executable(s) to be built.
9 # the prefix "bin" tells the install (if used) where to put it,
10 # bin_PROGRAMS = makeappimage makeappimageplugin
11 bin_PROGRAMS = makeappimage
13 # Define which sources a target is made of. No need to specify
14 # include files, they will be picked up by the dependency check.
15 makeappimage_SOURCES = \
17 appdir_root_setup.cpp \
19 copyright_dpkgquery.cpp \
22 desktopfileentry.cpp \
23 desktopfilereader.cpp \
24 desktopfilewriter.cpp \