\printnomenclature % print glossary
\item [.png] thumbnails of files in Resources so they do not have to be created over and over
%%% Local Variables:
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background color of most of the window, it is disabled. Click on the
toggle to enable/disable the feature.
- \vspace{-2ex}
+ %\vspace{-2ex}
- \begin{tabular}{l l}
+ \begin{tabular}{l m{25em}}
ffmpeg/ffmpeg.opts & global ffmpeg options, always used \\
ffmpeg/decode.opts & global decoder options, used when opening existing files for decoding \\
This creates \texttt{\~{}/cygcin}, a user build installation of
\CGG{} and requires approximately 400MB storage.
-\underline{Running \CGG{}:}
+\paragraph{Running \CGG{}:}
You will need to start a cygwin desktop from the startup menu:
\item \texttt{Start$\rightarrow$ Cygwin-X $\rightarrow$ Openbox}
X11 and the only sound driver is pulseaudio. Almost all
configurable omissions are applied to this build.
-\underline{\CGG{} build on cygwin from source code:}
+\paragraph{\CGG{} build on cygwin from source code:}
\item Download and install ffmpeg into /usr/local :
It may be useful to create a default keyframe which has specific desirable values for later use. To do this, set the timeline to position 0 and be sure to disable \textit{generate keyframes while tweaking}. This will create a default keyframe at the beginning of the timeline which contains global parameters for the entire duration. Or if you have copied a non-default keyframe via Keyframes pulldown \textit{copy default keyframe}, it can be stored as the default keyframe by calling \texttt{keyframes $\rightarrow$ paste default keyframe}. After using paste default keyframe to convert a non-default keyframe into a default keyframe, you will not see the value of the default keyframe reflected until all the non-default keyframes are removed.
-The \texttt{keyframes $\rightarrow$ copy default keyframe} and \texttt{keyframes} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{paste} \texttt{default keyframe} allow conversion of the default keyframe to a non-default keyframe.
+The \texttt{keyframes $\rightarrow$ copy default keyframe} and \\
+\texttt{keyframes $\rightarrow$ paste default keyframe} allow conversion of the default key-frame to a non-default keyframe.
\texttt{Keyframes $\rightarrow$ copy default keyframe} copies the default keyframe to the clipboard, no matter what region of the timeline is selected.
The \texttt{keyframes $\rightarrow$ paste} \texttt{keyframes} function may then be used to paste the clipboard as a non-default keyframe.
\node (img1) [yshift=0cm, xshift=0cm, rotate=0] {\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{plugin-icons.png}};
\node [yshift=-6mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=east] at (img1.north west) (Preferences) {Preferences Window};
\node [yshift=-14mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=east] at (img1.north west) (Tab) {Tab section};
- \node [yshift=-35mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=east] at (img1.north west) (Icon) {Plugin icon choices};
+ \node [yshift=-34mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=east] at (img1.north west) (Icon) {Plugin icon choices};
\draw [->, line width=1mm] (Preferences) edge ([yshift=-6mm] img1.north west);
\draw [->, line width=1mm] (Tab) edge ([yshift=-14mm] img1.north west);
- \draw [->, line width=1mm] (Icon) edge ([yshift=-35mm] img1.north west);
+ \draw [->, line width=1mm] (Icon) edge ([yshift=-34mm] img1.north west);
\caption{Screencast showing the screen to change your plugin icons set}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, transform shape]
\node (img1) [yshift=0cm, xshift=0cm, rotate=0] {\includegraphics[width=0.6\linewidth]{preset02.png}};
\node [yshift=-20mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=east] at (img1.north west) (Green) {A user preset Green};
- \node [yshift=-68mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=south east,text width=10em, inner ysep=-3mm] at (img1.north west) (Textbox) {Textbox to type in the title for the chosen preset or name for a new preset.};
- \node [yshift=-80mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=north east,text width=10em,inner ysep=-3mm] at (img1.north west) (Save) {Use the Delete, Save or Apply button for operation.};
+ \node [yshift=-67mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=south east,text width=10em, inner ysep=-3mm] at (img1.north west) (Textbox) {Textbox to type in the title for the chosen preset or name for a new preset.};
+ \node [yshift=-79mm, xshift=-1cm,anchor=north east,text width=10em,inner ysep=-3mm] at (img1.north west) (Save) {Use the Delete, Save or Apply button for operation.};
\draw [->, line width=1mm] (Green) edge ([yshift=-20mm] img1.north west);
- \draw [->, line width=1mm] (Textbox.south east) -- ([yshift=-68mm] img1.north west);
- \draw [->, line width=1mm] (Save.north east) -- ([yshift=-80mm] img1.north west);
+ \draw [->, line width=1mm] (Textbox.south east) -- ([yshift=-67mm] img1.north west);
+ \draw [->, line width=1mm] (Save.north east) -- ([yshift=-79mm] img1.north west);
\caption{Screencast shows 4 Factory presets as preceded by an *.}
\item[Blur alpha, red, green, blue] specifies which color channels is to be blurred.
+Based on ffmpeg’s. To blur horizontal, vertical, and with power.\rVery fast
- \begin{longtable}{{m{15em}m{13em}m{12em}}}
+ \begin{longtable}{{m{12em}m{13em}m{12em}}}
\caption{Sketcher controls}
\label{tabular:sketcher_controls} \\ % note that double backslash is mandatory here
Produce fractal figures (figure~\ref{fig:mandelbrot}). Use case:
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{mandelbrot.png}
+ \caption{Mandelbrot Cuda plugin}
+ \label{fig:mandelbrot}
\item add the Mandelbrot Cuda video effect to the timeline
\item you must enable Drag in the plugin popup menu
\item so now when you play the video from the beginning because you have keyframes, the fractal will be animated between keyframes.
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth]{mandelbrot.png}
- \caption{Mandelbrot Cuda plugin}
- \label{fig:mandelbrot}
Location for some System installs is:
-\hspace{4em}\texttt{/usr/lib/cin/plugins/} (most ubuntu distros)\newline
+\hspace{4em}\texttt{/usr/lib/cin/plugins/} (most ubuntu distros)\\
\hspace{4em}\texttt{/usr/lib64/cin/plugins/} (Leap distro)
\subsection{How to Build OpenCV Plugins}%
- \begin{tabular}{llllm{10em}} \toprule
+ \begin{tabular}{lllm{10em}m{10em}} \toprule
Enable& Target& Op& Value& meaning\\\midrule
Or &Patterns &Matches &*& all files from the Media folder are included\\
And Not&Filesize&Lt &160000000& no files that are less than 160MB in size \\
checkboxes except for the one you are on. Then this named box will have outline for a \textit{hot} spot.
\item Shift+LMB on this \textit{hot} spot will return to \textit{cool} of the previous settings with all of the previous
checkboxes checked again.
+ \begin{minipage}{.29\linewidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{overlays_list1.png}
+ \caption{Original Settings --- cool spot}
+ \label{fig:overlays_list1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.29\linewidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{overlays_list2.png}
+ \caption{Note Titles box hot spot }
+ \label{fig:overlays_list2}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.29\linewidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{overlays_list3.png}
+ \caption{Cam/Proj XYZ toggle to fine tune}
+ \label{fig:overlays_list3}
+ \end{minipage}
\item Shift+LMB on a non-\textit{hot} spot will simply check or uncheck a box and there is no previous state.
\item This all works in conjunction with the View pulldown menu which, of course, has no hot spots.
\item Caveat \#1 - Shift+LMB on the top 4 choices of Assets, Titles, Transitions, Plugin Keyframes will turn
\item Caveat \#3 - XYZ toggle on/off of Camera and Projector are not affected.
- \begin{minipage}{.29\linewidth}
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{overlays_list1.png}
- \caption{Original Settings --- cool spot}
- \label{fig:overlays_list1}
- \end{minipage}
- \hfill
- \begin{minipage}{.29\linewidth}
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{overlays_list2.png}
- \caption{Note Titles box hot spot }
- \label{fig:overlays_list2}
- \end{minipage}
- \hfill
- \begin{minipage}{.29\linewidth}
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{overlays_list3.png}
- \caption{Cam/Proj XYZ toggle to fine tune}
- \label{fig:overlays_list3}
- \end{minipage}
\subsection{Sound Level Meters Window}%