or shared disks/files. When you are going to be doing other work
simultaneously while rendering a large job, you will want to leave
some of the cpus available for that. Be sure to set “Project SMP
-cpus” in the Settings→Preferences, Performance tab to your CPU
+cpus” in the Settings $\rightarrow$ Preferences, Performance tab to your CPU
\subsection{Troubleshooting Tips and Warnings}%
\item If your computer or the program crashed, you can use the File pulldown choice
of \textit{Load backup} to get back to the last automatically saved session. It will most
likely not include the last few operations that were done though. But if you forgot to
-Load backup when you restarted Cinelerra, you have a second chance to use File → Load and
+Load backup when you restarted Cinelerra, you have a second chance to use File $\rightarrow$ Load and
select \$HOME/.bcast5/backup.prev as long as you only loaded a different file and have
performed no editing operations.
\item If you accidentally destroyed your current project by a Load with
\textit{Replace current project} when you should have changed the Insertion strategy, and
you had not saved a recent backup, this is another time when it is useful to use
-File → Load and select \$HOME/.bcast5/backup.prev as long as you only loaded a different
+File $\rightarrow$ Load and select \$HOME/.bcast5/backup.prev as long as you only loaded a different
file and had performed no editing operations.
\item If you suddenly get errors or hangs on media or strange looking tracks, you might want to rebuild indexes. You can do this in the Resources window with a right mouse click on the media to get a pulldown with the \textit{Rebuild index} option. For an easy way to rebuild for all of your media use \texttt{Settings $\rightarrow$ Preferences, Interface} tab, Index Files section, \textit{Delete existing indexes}. Over time, as you
load media, the indexes will automatically be recreated so each load takes a little longer, but this quite often