% Set up the page layout
% memman.pdf capter 2: Laying out the page (READ IT!)
% example: memsty.sty
% In loose reference to the theme CW.
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% \definecolor{subsubsectioncolour}{RGB}{23,85,142}
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% We use the chapter header style:
% \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{\normalfont\large\scshape Chapter}
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# The value of this variable determines how many words to use in each
-# title that is added to the navigation panel (see below)
+# title that is added to the navigation panel, see below (-1 is no limit).
+# If $SHOW_SECTION_NUMBERS == 1, then one additional word counts
+# for the section number.
+# The value of this variable determines how many words to use in each
+# Index entry (analogous to $WORDS_IN_NAVIGATION_PANEL_TITLES).
+# If not set, it equals to $WORDS_IN_NAVIGATION_PANEL_TITLES by default.
# This number will determine the size of the equations, special characters,
# and anything which will be converted into an inlined image
# *except* "image generating environments" such as "figure", "table"
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AddToShipoutPicture # {}
# clean the future HTML directory
rm -rf CinelerraGG_Manual
-# latex2html does not know documentclass memoir. It does work nevertheless
-# but may produce slightly better results if we temporarily switch to book.
-#mv -f CinelerraGG_Manual.tex CinelerraGG_tmp.tex
-#sed -e 's/{memoir}/{book}/' <CinelerraGG_tmp.tex >CinelerraGG_Manual.tex
+# translate document (GIF images generated via gs, good for debugging)
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-# another alternative options combination
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+# another alternative options combination (PNG images, nicer look)
+#latex2html -html_version 4.0,math -use_pdftex -use_dvipng -image_type png -nofootnode -show_section_numbers -split +3 -link 3 -bottom_navigation -local_icons -t 'Cinelerra-GG Infinity' CinelerraGG_Manual.tex
# Alternative currently used on the cinelerra-gg.org website / created on a Fedora system
-latex2html -html_version 4.0,math -use_pdftex -nouse_dvipng -long_titles 5 -image_type gif -nofootnode -numbered_footnotes -split +3 -link 3 -cut_ref_name -bottom_navigation -local_icons -t 'CinelerraGG_Manual' CinelerraGG_Manual.tex
-# revert back to the original documentclass
-#mv -f CinelerraGG_tmp.tex CinelerraGG_Manual.tex
+latex2html -html_version 4.0,math -use_pdftex -nouse_dvipng -long_titles 5 -image_type gif -nofootnode -show_section_numbers -split +3 -link 3 -bottom_navigation -local_icons -t 'CinelerraGG_Manual' CinelerraGG_Manual.tex
# this single image has to be copied explicitly
cp images/cin-big.png CinelerraGG_Manual