Add back 2 patches for histogram and overlayframe that are working correctly and...
[goodguy/cinelerra.git] / cinelerra-5.1 / plugin_defs
1 export TOPDIR ?= ../..
2 include $(TOPDIR)/global_config
4 # plugin_dirs is translated in awindowgui.C, update if changed.
6 plugin_dirs := themes
7 themes := \
8         theme_blond \
9         theme_blond_cv \
10         theme_blue \
11         theme_blue_dot \
12         theme_bright \
13         theme_hulk \
14         theme_pinklady \
15         theme_suv \
16         theme_neophyte \
17         theme_unflat \
18         theme_cakewalk \
20 plugin_dirs += video
21 video := \
22         1080to480 \
23         1080to540 \
24         720to480 \
25         aging \
26         alpha \
27         bandslide \
28         bandwipe \
29         bluebanana \
30         blur \
31         boxblur \
32         brightness \
33         burn \
34         C41 \
35         chromakey \
36         chromakeyhsv \
37         color3way \
38         colorbalance \
39         colorspace \
40         crikey \
41         cropp \
42         crossfade \
43         decimate \
44         deinterlace \
45         deinterlace-cv \
46         delayvideo \
47         denoisemjpeg \
48         denoisevideo \
49         descratch \
50         diffkey \
51         dissolve \
52         dot \
53         downsample \
54         edge \
55         fieldframe \
56         flash \
57         flip \
58         foreground \
59         framefield \
60         freezeframe \
61         gamma \
62         gradient \
63         greycstoration \
64         histeq \
65         histogram \
66         histogram_bezier \
67         holo \
68         huesaturation \
69         interpolatepixels \
70         interpolatevideo \
71         invertvideo \
72         irissquare \
73         ivtc \
74         lens \
75         linearblur \
76         liveaudio \
77         livevideo \
78         loopvideo \
79         motion \
80         motion2 \
81         motion51 \
82         motionblur \
83         motion-cv \
84         motion-hv \
85         mandelcuda \
86         nbodycuda \
87         oil \
88         overlay \
89         perspective \
90         photoscale \
91         polar \
92         radialblur \
93         reframe \
94         reframert \
95         reroute \
96         reversevideo \
97         rgb601 \
98         rgbshift \
99         rotate \
100         rumbler \
101         scale \
102         scaleratio \
103         sketcher \
104         seltempavg \
105         shapewipe \
106         sharpen \
107         shiftinterlace \
108         slide \
109         spherecam \
110         svg \
111         swapchannels \
112         swapframes \
113         threshold \
114         timeavg \
115         timefront \
116         titler \
117         tracer \
118         translate \
119         unsharp \
120         videoscope \
121         wave \
122         whirl \
123         wipe \
124         yuv \
125         yuv411 \
126         yuvshift \
127         zoom \
128         zoomblur \
130 plugin_dirs += audio
131 audio := \
132         audioscope \
133         cdripper \
134         chorus \
135         compressor \
136         compressormulti \
137         dcoffset \
138         delayaudio \
139         denoise \
140         denoisefft \
141         despike \
142         echo \
143         echocancel \
144         freeverb \
145         flanger \
146         gain \
147         graphic \
148         interpolateaudio \
149         invertaudio \
150         leveleffect \
151         loopaudio \
152         normalize \
153         overlayaudio \
154         parametric \
155         pitch \
156         removegaps \
157         resample \
158         resamplert \
159         reverb \
160         reverseaudio \
161         spectrogram \
162         synthesizer \
163         timestretch \
164         timestretchrt \
165         tremolo \
166         vocoder \
168 plugin_dirs += opencv
169 opencv := \
170         findobj \
171         flowobj \
172         gaborobj \
173         moveobj \
174         puzzleobj \
175         stylizeobj \
177 $(foreach dir,$(plugin_dirs),$(foreach plugin,$($(dir)), $(eval $(plugin):=$(dir))))